
Orc Slayer

May 28th, 2019
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  1. >All i see out of the windows of my mustang is black
  2. >Did i die?
  3. >Did the CIA niggers know what i was doing?
  4. >Guess it doesn't matter now
  5. >i stare out into the inky blackness for a long time until i fall asleep
  6. >can you fall asleep if you're dead?
  8. >Wake up to sunlight streaming through my mustang's wind shield
  9. >My cars surrounded on all sides by forest
  10. >Werenotinkansasanymore.jpg
  11. >Decide to do a quick inventory of everything
  12. >Sawn off SxS, mp40, G3, AKM, zweihander, 1911, shit for living off the grid, a ton of schematics and an AT4
  13. >Wait an AT4? when the fuck did i get an AT4?
  14. >Whatever not like I need it wherever I am now
  15. >Just as im finishing up I hear a woman scream
  16. >Strap zweihander to my back and grab sawn off
  17. >Full on sprint in direction of scream
  18. >See a large figure holding down an aryan woman and groping her breasts
  19. >my blood fucking boils
  20. >"HEY NIGGER" I scream
  21. >Tackle the nigger to the ground
  22. >Wait
  23. >Niggers normally aren't seven feet tall or have green skin
  24. >Push that thought back it doesn't matter
  25. >All that matters is making this green nigger pay for thinking he can touch an aryan and get away with it
  26. >"WHO DA FUK AR YOU?" the nigger yells
  27. >Ignore him and headbutt him to shut him up
  28. >Wearing a stahlhelm so i don't feel it
  29. >Pull out my sawn off
  30. >Push it to his chest and fire both barrels
  31. >The green nigger starts screaming"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
  32. >Holster sawn off and take my zweihander off my back
  33. >Cease the green nigger's screams
  34. >The green nigger's head rolls over to my feet
  35. >punt it like a football
  36. >turn around
  37. >The woman is lying on the ground awestruck
  38. >Reach out my hand to her "Are you okay?" I ask
  39. >She snaps out of her daze and takes my hand
  40. >"Y-yes I-im fine, thank you" she squeaks out
  41. >Her blonde hair parts and i see a long, slender ear
  42. >wut.jpg
  43. >"So what the fuck is that thing?"
  44. >Gesture to the nigger
  45. >"You don't know what an orc is?" she asks me
  46. >Wait
  47. >Orc
  48. >Long ears
  49. >Is this fucking lord of the rings or something?
  50. >Was i pulled into a portal or some shit?
  51. >Suddenly memories start flooding back
  52. >I was driving to a mosque to go brenton tarrant on those invaders when some fucking portal appeared in the middle of the road
  53. >Goddammit
  54. >Well at least there are nigger like creatures here
  56. >Im in fantasy world
  57. >I
  58. >CAN
  59. >GET
  60. >20FT
  61. >GF
  62. >fuckyeah.jpg
  63. >but first things first i gotta help out this aryan qt
  64. >"Follow me miss" I say
  65. >"O-okay"
  66. >We're met with an awkward silence on the trek back
  67. >"Do you have a name miss?" I ask as we head back to my car
  68. >She responds with "It's Brunhilda"
  69. >"Can i call you Bru?"
  70. >"Umm yeah that's okay" she says in a quiet voice
  71. >Must be afraid of me
  72. >I don't blame her
  73. >I'd be pretty intimidated of someone that just fucking decapitated an orc in bulky as fuck body armor
  74. >We reach my car
  75. >To my suprise she doesn't freak out or isn't even confused as to what it is
  76. >Come to think of it she didn't even question what my sawn off was
  77. >Keep it to myself, was never the best in social situations
  78. >Open the door for Bru
  79. >Get in and start the car
  80. >"so is there a town or something nearby?" I ask
  81. >"Uhmm t-there's a town not too far from here, about five miles east"
  82. >"Okay good" is all i say
  83. >There's a long moment of silence
  84. >Decide to break it
  85. >"So are humans and machinery common here or something because you haven't even questioned my car"
  86. >All she responds with is "Ummm yeah"
  87. >Okay still scared of me
  88. >guess it doesn't really help she hasn't even seen my face
  89. >Whatever not gunna take my gasmask off and get air AIDS
  90. >Plus cool factor
  91. >We get to the town
  92. >There are /k/ommandos fucking everywhere
  93. >They look dirt fucking poor though
  94. >As in fucking emaciated
  95. >Feel the urge to p u r g e
  96. >There has to be a bounty board or something around here
  97. >Just ask a bunch of /k/ommandos if there is an orc camp or something here
  98. >They all look at me like im insane
  99. >Apparently these orc niggers have been terrorizing the town for years, stealing crops, gold, you name it
  100. >There isn't even a reward for taking out the camp because nobody will do it
  101. >well nobody WOULD do it
  102. >Until now
  103. >Get in car
  104. >Pop in my Pantera album
  105. >"RRRREPENT" I sing along to the song as i swerve to hit a goblinigger "HOLD YOUR MOUTH FOR THE WAR"
  106. >CRUNCH
  107. >Fuck that sounded nice
  109. >Sit in my car about a mile away from the camp thinking about whether i should go loud or quiet
  110. >Fuck it im going loud as shit
  111. >Get my gear in front with me
  112. >G3, sawn off, 1911, and zweihander
  113. >Start up car
  114. >thisiswherethefunbegins.jpg
  115. >Put car in gear and speed towards the camp
  116. >Ram right through the front gate
  117. >Crush at least five orcniggers eating dinner
  118. >I n f r o n t o f t h e f u c k i n g g a t e
  119. >Fucking orcniggers
  120. >Grab G3 and hop out of car
  121. >Spot a group of orcs rushing me
  122. >Switch on the giggle switch and mow the niggers down
  124. >Brenton Tarrant would be proud of me
  125. >Feel something big hit me in the back
  126. >Fall over
  127. >Orcnigger picks me up by my neck
  128. >Can't fucking breathe
  129. >Grab sawn off out of it's holster
  130. >Splatter the nigger's brains out all over the wall
  131. >Take the moment of silence to reload the sawn off and G3 and move on
  132. >Walk down long hallway
  133. >Pass an open door
  134. >Hear crying
  135. >UhOh
  136. >Go into room
  137. >Fucking filled with cages containing little aryan girls
  138. >Oh these niggers are gonna pay
  139. >Walk out into hallway with a renewed rage coursing through my veins
  140. >Come to a large throne room?
  141. >Well what would be considered a throne room for orcniggers
  142. >Fucking giant of an orcnigger sitting on a throne made of bones and scrap metal
  144. >Okay orcnigger
  145. >Let out a burst from the G3 While the nigger charges me
  146. >Smacks the G3 out of my hands like it's a toy
  147. >Sends me flying into the wall behind me at fucking mach five
  148. >Draw 1911 and magdump into orcnigger's chest
  149. >Nigger just shrugs it off
  150. >Draw sawn off
  151. >Wait for the nigger to charge me
  152. >Put a basketball sized hole in the niggers chest
  153. >He hits the ground with a heavy THUD
  154. >Decapitate the nigger with my zweihander
  155. >Gonna need proof that I killed the nigger
  157. >After im done decapitating the orcnigger I hear soft crying coming from a room behind the throne
  158. >Kick open door G3 at the ready
  159. >My jaw drops
  160. >What I find is a 20ft tall aryan woman dressed in cloth tatters tied up and crying
  161. >YES.ogg
  162. >Call out to the woman
  163. >"Hey are you alright?" I ask
  164. >"W-who's t-there?" she timidly whispers
  165. >"It's okay, I'm here to help." I respond
  166. >Cut the ropes with my zweihander
  167. >As soon as she's free she pulls me into a bearhug sobbing
  168. >"Oh t-thank you, thank you so much" she says between sobs
  169. >Luckily she can't see how red my face is through my gasmask
  170. >Was never very good with women
  171. >Also can't breathe
  172. >After a long while she finally breaks the bearhug
  173. >Finally I can breathe again
  174. >"Hey do you mind if I ask your name?"
  175. >She nods and mumbles something intelligible
  176. >"What did you say? I didn't hear you."
  177. >"Erika" she squeaks
  178. >"Huh?"
  179. >"I-it's Erika, my name"
  180. >Respond with "Oh, I-I-I-I'm Anon"
  181. >Fuck im such a sperg
  182. >"That's a nice name"
  183. >"Y-y-you too"
  184. >Turn around
  185. >"One more thing before we go" I say as we're walking down the hallway
  186. >"we need to get these kids to town"
  187. >We release the little kids
  188. >They thank us
  189. >Before I can ask them anything they just fucking run off into the forest
  190. >wut.jpg
  191. >Loot the place
  192. >Find a fucking carl gustav recoiless rifle being used as a bong
  193. >Only orcniggers
  194. >Wait
  195. >Something chambered in 75mm isn't that useful to me
  196. >but Erika is 20ft tall
  197. >idea.jpg
  198. >"Hey Erika"
  199. >"Yes? What is it?" she says as shes looking through an orcnigger loot pile
  200. >Her jaw drops
  201. >"I-is t-that a-a carl gustav recoiless rifle?"
  202. >Her legs are fucking shaking
  203. >Drip
  204. >I-is she? I-I think she is
  205. >okay.jpg
  206. >"Well I think we should get going" I say slinging my G3 over my shoulder
  207. >Erika doesn't say anything just nods while fingerfucking her rifle
  208. >Get to my car
  209. >That's crashed into the wall
  210. >Fuck
  211. >"Ummm Erika"
  212. >"Yes?"
  213. >"My cars kindof uhh how do I put it, fucked?"
  214. >"Oh I could carry you, do you have anything in there?"
  216. >"Uhhhhh yeah let me grab it." I pause "It would probably be best if you had something to carry it around in" I think aloud
  217. >"Oh I can just make it" Erika says
  218. >Wut
  219. >In fucking five minutes flat she makes a backpack from the deer skin the niggers had lying around fucking everywhere
  220. >Stop staring at how fast she's moving and get to work taking everything out from my car
  221. >Pat the Hood
  222. >"I'll be back soon, don't you worry"
  223. >Erika puts everything in her pack
  224. >"You ready to go hon?"
  225. >"Huh? Oh y-yeah," "i-it's not like im talking to my car or anything" I mumble
  226. >She picks me up
  227. >Sets me on her shoulder
  228. >This is nice
  230. >Wake up in a strange place
  231. >Reach for sawn off
  232. >"Oh you're awake, how was your nap?"
  233. >Sudden realization of where I am
  234. >I'm in Erika's arms
  235. >...
  238. >Fight the urge to spill my spaghetti everywhere
  239. >"Wha-where are we?" I manage to get out
  240. >"You fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb you"
  241. >"Oh ... well let's get going then"
  243. >I'm on her shoulder again
  244. >"So what made you want to slaughter a bunch of orcs anon? Not that im opposed to it at all" She asks me
  245. >"Because they were orcs"
  246. >She turns her head towards me on her shoulder "Reason enough"
  247. >She shrugs
  249. >After a long while of walking Erika stops to take a break and sets me down
  250. >"Let's just rest here for a little bit okay?" she says sitting down and leaning against a tree
  251. >"Alright, I'm gonna go stretch my legs."
  252. >She nods and shuts her eyes
  253. >Walking around after sitting on a giant girls shoulder for three hours feels really nice
  254. >Hear a stick snap
  255. >Whirl around in direction of the sound
  256. >It's an orcnigger
  257. >We stare at each other for a long moment
  258. >I draw my sawn off
  259. >Splatter the orcnigger all over a tree
  260. >Hear running and orcniggers yelling
  261. >Draw 1911
  262. >Level it at the head of the orcnigger closest to me
  263. >click
  264. >fuck.wav
  265. >Holster 1911 and sprint in direction of Erika
  266. >Can hear the orcniggers huffing and puffing behind me
  268. >Hear loud as shit stomping coming towards me
  269. >Almost shit myself until i remember Erika's 20ft tall
  270. >She sees the orcniggers and her eyes go red
  271. >I think i did shit myself
  272. >She runs over and stomps the orcniggers into a fine paste
  273. >what was white is now covered in red and what was green is now red
  274. >Her face changes from an expression of pure primal rage to that of a caring mother when she directs her attention to me
  275. >"Are you okay Anon?"
  276. >"Uhhh I uhhh y-yeah"
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