

Nov 13th, 2014
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text 33.33 KB | None | 0 0
  2. This program must be run under Win32
  3. .idata
  4. .reloc
  5. P.rsrc
  6. Boolean
  7. Integer
  8. Cardinal
  9. String
  10. WideString
  11. Variant
  12. TObject
  13. TObject
  14. System
  15. IInterface
  16. System
  17. TInterfacedObject
  18. TDateTime
  19. YZ]_^[
  20. YZ]_^[
  21. _^[YY]
  22. YZ]_^[
  23. C<"u1S
  24. Q<"u8S
  25. ~KxI[)
  26. SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi\RTL
  27. FPUMaskValue
  28. _^[YY]
  29. YZXtm1
  31. t@h@V@
  32. kernel32.dll
  33. GetLongPathNameA
  34. Software\Borland\Locales
  35. Software\Borland\Delphi\Locales
  36. _^[YY]
  37. TFileName
  38. Exception
  39. EHeapException
  40. EOutOfMemory
  41. EInOutError
  42. EExternal
  43. EExternalException
  44. EIntError
  45. EDivByZero
  46. ERangeError
  47. EIntOverflow
  48. EMathError
  49. EInvalidOp
  50. EZeroDivide
  51. EOverflow
  52. EUnderflow
  53. EInvalidPointer
  54. EInvalidCast
  55. EConvertError
  56. EAccessViolation
  57. EPrivilege
  58. EStackOverflow
  59. EControlC
  60. EVariantError
  61. EAssertionFailed
  62. EAbstractError
  63. EIntfCastError
  64. EOSError
  65. ESafecallException
  66. SysUtils
  67. SysUtils
  68. TThreadLocalCounter
  69. $TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer
  70. <*t"<0r=<9w9i
  71. INFNAN
  72. $*@@@*$@@@$ *@@* $@@($*)@-$*@@$-*@@$*-@@(*$)@-*$@@*-$@@*$-@@-* $@-$ *@* $-@$ *-@$ -*@*- $@($ *)(* $)
  73. _^[YY]
  74. _^[YY]
  75. $YZ_^[
  76. t%HtIHtm
  77. _^[YY]
  78. $Z]_^[
  81. _^[YY]
  82. TErrorRec
  83. TExceptRec
  84. YZ]_^[
  85. m/d/yy
  86. mmmm d, yyyy
  87. :mm:ss
  88. kernel32.dll
  89. GetDiskFreeSpaceExA
  90. (Z]_^[
  91. oleaut32.dll
  92. VariantChangeTypeEx
  93. VarNeg
  94. VarNot
  95. VarAdd
  96. VarSub
  97. VarMul
  98. VarDiv
  99. VarIdiv
  100. VarMod
  101. VarAnd
  102. VarXor
  103. VarCmp
  104. VarI4FromStr
  105. VarR4FromStr
  106. VarR8FromStr
  107. VarDateFromStr
  108. VarCyFromStr
  109. VarBoolFromStr
  110. VarBstrFromCy
  111. VarBstrFromDate
  112. VarBstrFromBool
  113. TCustomVariantType
  114. TCustomVariantType
  115. Variants
  116. TVarDataArray
  117. Variants
  118. TInvokeableVariantType
  119. EVariantInvalidOpError
  120. EVariantTypeCastError
  121. EVariantOverflowError
  122. EVariantInvalidArgErrorx
  123. EVariantBadVarTypeError
  124. EVariantBadIndexError
  125. EVariantArrayLockedError
  126. EVariantArrayCreateError
  127. EVariantNotImplError
  128. EVariantOutOfMemoryError
  129. EVariantUnexpectedError@
  130. EVariantDispatchError
  131. _^[YY]
  132. QQQQSV
  133. QQQQSV
  134. OtOt)
  135. FSVWUQ
  136. Mt0MtU
  137. Smallint
  138. Integer
  139. Single
  140. Double
  141. Currency
  142. OleStr
  143. Dispatch
  144. Boolean
  145. Variant
  146. Unknown
  147. Decimal
  148. ShortInt
  149. LongWord
  150. String
  151. Array
  152. ByRef
  153. Variants
  154. _^[YY]
  155. TStringDesc
  156. Variants
  157. _^[YY]
  158. TNotifyEvent
  159. Sender
  160. TObject
  161. EStreamError
  162. EFileStreamError
  163. EFCreateError
  164. EFOpenError
  165. EFilerError
  166. EReadError
  167. EWriteError
  168. EClassNotFound
  169. EListError
  170. EStringListError
  171. EComponentError0\A
  172. TThreadList
  173. TPersistent
  174. TPersistent
  175. Classes
  176. TCollectionItem
  177. TCollectionItem
  178. Classes
  179. TCollection
  180. TCollection@^A
  181. Classes
  182. TOwnedCollection
  183. TOwnedCollection
  184. Classes
  185. IStringsAdapter
  186. Classes
  187. TStrings
  188. TStrings
  189. Classes
  190. TStringItem
  191. TStringList
  192. TStringList8aA
  193. Classes
  194. TStreamxbA
  195. TStreamPbA
  196. Classes
  197. THandleStream
  198. TFileStream
  199. TCustomMemoryStreamLdA
  200. TMemoryStream
  201. TStringStreamPeA
  202. TFiler
  203. TReader
  204. EThread
  205. TThread
  206. TComponentName
  207. TComponent
  208. TComponent
  209. Classes
  210. TRegGroup
  211. TRegGroups
  212. _^[YY]
  213. %s[%d]
  214. Strings
  215. S$_^[Y]
  216. _^[YY]
  217. SdZ]_^[
  218. $Z]_^[
  219. TPropFixup
  220. TPropIntfFixup
  221. _^[YY]
  222. _^[YY]
  223. Classes
  224. _^[YY]
  225. _^[YY]
  227. ERegistryException
  228. TRegistryS
  229. EConversionError
  230. TConvTypeInfo$
  231. TConvTypeInfo
  232. ConvUtils
  233. TConvTypeList
  234. ConvUtils
  235. TConvFamilyInfo
  236. TConvFamilyInfo
  237. ConvUtils
  238. TConvFamilyList
  239. ConvUtils
  240. TConvertVariantTypeU
  242. FAMILY
  244. EIdException
  245. EIdSilentException
  246. EIdConnClosedGracefully
  247. EIdAlreadyConnected$
  248. EIdClosedSocket
  249. EIdReadTimeout
  250. EIdReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded
  251. EIdInvalidServiceName
  252. EIdProtocolReplyError
  253. EIdSSLProtocolReplyError
  254. EIdConnectTimeout
  255. EIdConnectException@
  256. EIdSocksError
  257. EIdSocksRequestFailed
  258. EIdSocksRequestServerFailedh
  259. EIdSocksRequestIdentFailed
  260. EIdSocksUnknownError
  261. EIdSocksServerRespondError
  262. EIdSocksAuthMethodError
  263. EIdSocksAuthError
  264. EIdSocksServerGeneralError
  265. EIdSocksServerPermissionError
  266. !EIdSocksServerNetUnreachableError
  267. "EIdSocksServerHostUnreachableError
  268. $EIdSocksServerConnectionRefusedError
  269. EIdSocksServerTTLExpiredError
  270. EIdSocksServerCommandError
  271. EIdSocksServerAddressError
  272. EIdInvalidSocket
  273. EIdSocketError
  274. TSynchroObject
  275. TCriticalSection
  276. EIdWS2StubError
  277. WSACleanup
  278. accept
  279. closesocket
  280. connect
  281. ioctlsocket
  282. getpeername
  283. getsockname
  284. getsockopt
  285. inet_addr
  286. inet_ntoa
  287. listen
  288. recvfrom
  289. select
  290. sendto
  291. setsockopt
  292. shutdown
  293. socket
  294. gethostbyaddr
  295. gethostbyname
  296. gethostname
  297. getservbyport
  298. getservbyname
  299. getprotobynumber
  300. getprotobyname
  301. WSASetLastError
  302. WSAGetLastError
  303. WSAIsBlocking
  304. WSAUnhookBlockingHook
  305. WSASetBlockingHook
  306. WSACancelBlockingCall
  307. WSAAsyncGetServByName
  308. WSAAsyncGetServByPort
  309. WSAAsyncGetProtoByName
  310. WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber
  311. WSAAsyncGetHostByName
  312. WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr
  313. WSACancelAsyncRequest
  314. WSAAsyncSelect
  315. __WSAFDIsSet
  316. WSAAccept
  317. WSACloseEvent
  318. WSAConnect
  319. WSACreateEvent
  320. WSADuplicateSocketA
  321. WSADuplicateSocketW
  322. WSAEnumNetworkEvents
  323. WSAEnumProtocolsA
  324. WSAEnumProtocolsW
  325. WSAEventSelect
  326. WSAGetOverlappedResult
  327. WSAGetQosByName
  328. WSAHtonl
  329. WSAHtons
  330. WSAIoctl
  331. WSAJoinLeaf
  332. WSANtohl
  333. WSANtohs
  334. WSARecv
  335. WSARecvDisconnect
  336. WSARecvFrom
  337. WSAResetEvent
  338. WSASend
  339. WSASendDisconnect
  340. WSASendTo
  341. WSASetEvent
  342. WSASocketA
  343. WSASocketW
  344. WSAWaitForMultipleEvents
  345. WSAAddressToStringA
  346. WSAAddressToStringW
  347. WSAStringToAddressA
  348. WSAStringToAddressW
  349. WSALookupServiceBeginA
  350. WSALookupServiceBeginW
  351. WSALookupServiceNextA
  352. WSALookupServiceNextW
  353. WSALookupServiceEnd
  354. WSAInstallServiceClassA
  355. WSAInstallServiceClassW
  356. WSARemoveServiceClass
  357. WSAGetServiceClassInfoA
  358. WSAGetServiceClassInfoW
  359. WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA
  360. WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW
  361. WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA
  362. WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW
  363. WSASetServiceA
  364. WSASetServiceW
  365. WSAProviderConfigChange
  366. TransmitFile
  367. AcceptEx
  368. GetAcceptExSockaddrs
  369. WSARecvEx
  370. WS2_32.DLL
  371. WS2_32.DLL
  372. WSAStartup
  373. TIdSocketList
  374. TIdStack
  375. EIdStackError
  376. EIdStackInitializationFailed
  377. EIdStackSetSizeExceededj
  380. QQQQQS
  381. TIdSocketListWindows
  382. TIdStackWindowsU
  383. S|Z_^[
  384. IdStackWindows
  385. QQQQSVW
  386. TIdURI
  387. EIdURIExceptionSVW
  389. TIdMaxLineAction
  390. maException
  391. maSplit
  392. IdGlobal4DB
  393. TIdReadMemoryStream
  394. EIdFailedToRetreiveTimeZoneInfo
  395. IdGlobal
  396. IdGlobal
  397. HH":"NN":"SS
  398. %s, %d %s %d %s %s
  399. Ht1HtAHt3
  400. %0.2d%0.2d
  401. TIdHeaderListT\B
  402. TIdHeaderList
  403. IdHeaderList
  404. QQQQQS
  405. TIdBaseComponent
  406. TIdBaseComponent
  407. IdBaseComponent
  408. TIdEncoder
  409. TIdEncoder
  410. IdCoder
  411. TIdDecoder
  412. TIdDecoder
  413. IdCoder
  414. TIdEncoder3to4
  415. TIdEncoder3to4xiB
  416. IdCoder3to4
  417. CodingTable(
  418. FillChar
  419. TIdDecoder4to3
  420. TIdDecoder4to3
  421. IdCoder3to4
  422. FillChar
  423. TIdEncoderMIME
  424. TIdEncoderMIME
  425. IdCoderMIME
  426. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  427. TIdAuthentication
  428. TIdAuthentication
  429. IdAuthentication
  430. TIdBasicAuthentication
  431. TIdBasicAuthenticationlrB
  432. IdAuthentication
  433. (EIdAlreadyRegisteredAuthenticationMethod
  434. TAuthListObjectU
  435. password
  436. username
  437. Password
  438. Username
  439. QQQQSV
  440. Basic
  442. TIdEntityHeaderInfo
  443. TIdEntityHeaderInfo
  444. IdHTTPHeaderInfo
  445. CacheControl
  446. Connection
  447. ContentEncoding
  448. ContentLanguage<
  449. ContentLengthh
  450. ContentRangeEndh
  451. ContentRangeStart
  452. ContentType
  453. ContentVersionP\B
  454. CustomHeaders
  455. Expires
  456. LastModified
  457. Pragma
  458. TIdProxyConnectionInfo
  459. TIdProxyConnectionInfo
  460. IdHTTPHeaderInfo
  461. BasicAuthentication
  462. ProxyPassword<
  463. ProxyPort
  464. ProxyServer
  465. ProxyUsername
  466. TIdRequestHeaderInfo
  467. TIdRequestHeaderInfop
  468. IdHTTPHeaderInfo
  469. Accept
  470. AcceptCharSet
  471. AcceptEncoding
  472. AcceptLanguage
  473. BasicAuthentication
  474. Password
  475. Referer
  476. UserAgent
  477. Username
  478. ProxyConnectionL
  479. TIdResponseHeaderInfo
  480. TIdResponseHeaderInfoL
  481. IdHTTPHeaderInfo
  482. Location
  483. ProxyConnectionP\B
  484. ProxyAuthenticate
  485. ServerP\B
  486. WWWAuthenticateSVW
  487. text/html
  488. Connection
  489. Content-Version
  490. Content-Encoding
  491. Content-Language
  492. Content-Type
  493. Content-Length
  494. Last-Modified
  495. Expires
  496. Pragma
  498. Connection
  499. Content-Version
  500. Content-Encoding
  501. Content-Language
  502. Content-Type
  503. Content-Length
  504. Cache-control
  505. Expires
  506. Pragma
  507. Proxy-Authorization
  508. Username
  509. Password
  510. Accept
  511. Accept-Charset
  512. Accept-Encoding
  513. Accept-Language
  514. Referer
  515. User-Agent
  516. text/html, */*
  517. Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
  519. Proxy-Connection
  520. Accept
  521. Accept-Charset
  522. Accept-Encoding
  523. Accept-Language
  524. Referer
  525. User-Agent
  526. If-Modified-Since
  527. bytes=
  528. Authorization
  529. Username
  530. Password
  532. Location
  533. Server
  534. Proxy-Connection
  535. Content-Range
  536. WWW-Authenticate
  537. Proxy-Authenticate
  538. TIdAntiFreezeBase
  539. TIdAntiFreezeBase
  540. IdAntiFreezeBase
  541. Active
  542. ApplicationHasPriority<
  543. IdleTimeOut
  544. OnlyWhenIdle
  545. TIdStatus
  546. hsResolving
  547. hsConnecting
  548. hsConnected
  549. hsDisconnecting
  550. hsDisconnected
  551. hsStatusText
  552. ftpTransfer
  553. ftpReady
  554. ftpAborted
  555. IdComponent
  556. TIdStatusEvent
  557. ASender
  558. TObject
  559. AStatus
  560. TIdStatus
  561. AStatusText
  562. String
  563. TWorkMode
  564. wmRead
  565. wmWrite
  566. IdComponent
  567. TWorkBeginEvent
  568. Sender
  569. TObject
  570. AWorkMode
  571. TWorkMode
  572. AWorkCountMax
  573. Integer
  574. TWorkEndEvent
  575. Sender
  576. TObject
  577. AWorkMode
  578. TWorkMode
  579. TWorkEvent
  580. Sender
  581. TObject
  582. AWorkMode
  583. TWorkMode
  584. AWorkCount
  585. Integer
  586. TIdComponent
  587. TIdComponent
  588. IdComponent
  589. OnStatus
  590. TIdSocketHandle
  591. TIdSocketHandle<
  592. IdSocketHandle
  593. ClientPortMin<
  594. ClientPortMax
  595. EIdSocketHandleError
  596. EIdCouldNotBindSocket
  597. EIdCanNotBindPortInRange
  598. EIdInvalidPortRangeSVW
  599. C$;C(~=
  600. libeay32.dll
  601. ssleay32.dll
  602. SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list
  603. SSL_CTX_new
  604. SSL_CTX_free
  605. SSL_set_fd
  606. SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
  607. SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file
  608. SSL_load_error_strings
  609. SSL_state_string_long
  610. SSL_get_peer_certificate
  611. SSL_CTX_set_verify
  612. SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth
  613. SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth
  614. SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb
  615. SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata
  616. SSL_CTX_check_private_key
  617. SSL_new
  618. SSL_free
  619. SSL_accept
  620. SSL_connect
  621. SSL_read
  622. SSL_peek
  623. SSL_write
  624. SSL_get_error
  625. SSLv2_method
  626. SSLv2_server_method
  627. SSLv2_client_method
  628. SSLv3_method
  629. SSLv3_server_method
  630. SSLv3_client_method
  631. SSLv23_method
  632. SSLv23_server_method
  633. SSLv23_client_method
  634. TLSv1_method
  635. TLSv1_server_method
  636. TLSv1_client_method
  637. SSL_shutdown
  638. SSL_set_connect_state
  639. SSL_set_accept_state
  640. SSL_set_shutdown
  641. SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations
  642. SSL_get_session
  643. SSL_library_init
  644. SSL_CTX_set_info_callback_indy
  645. X509_STORE_CTX_get_app_data_indy
  646. SSL_SESSION_get_id_indy
  647. SSL_SESSION_get_id_ctx_indy
  648. SSL_CTX_get_version_indy
  649. SSL_CTX_set_options_indy
  650. X509_NAME_oneline
  651. X509_NAME_hash
  652. X509_set_issuer_name
  653. X509_get_issuer_name
  654. X509_set_subject_name
  655. X509_get_subject_name
  656. X509_digest
  657. EVP_md5
  658. X509_get_notBefore_indy
  659. X509_get_notAfter_indy
  660. X509_STORE_CTX_get_error
  661. X509_STORE_CTX_set_error
  662. X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth
  663. X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert
  664. RAND_screen
  665. des_set_odd_parity
  666. des_set_key
  667. des_ecb_encrypt
  668. SSL_set_ex_data
  669. SSL_get_ex_data
  670. SSL_load_client_CA_file
  671. SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list
  672. SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths
  673. SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context
  674. SSL_CIPHER_description
  675. SSL_get_current_cipher
  676. SSL_CIPHER_get_name
  677. SSL_CIPHER_get_version
  678. SSL_CIPHER_get_bits
  679. TIdIOHandler
  680. TIdIOHandler
  681. IdIOHandler
  682. TIdInterceptNotifyEvent
  683. ASender
  684. TIdConnectionIntercept
  685. TIdInterceptStreamEvent
  686. ASender
  687. TIdConnectionIntercept
  688. AStream
  689. TStream
  690. TIdConnectionIntercept
  691. TIdConnectionIntercept
  692. IdIntercept
  693. OnConnect
  694. OnDisconnect
  695. OnReceive
  696. OnSendS
  697. TIdRFCReply
  698. TIdRFCReply
  699. IdRFCReply
  700. NumericCode
  701. TextCodeSVW
  703. TSocksVersion
  704. svNoSocks
  705. svSocks4
  706. svSocks4A
  707. svSocks5
  708. IdSocks
  709. TSocksAuthentication
  710. saNoAuthentication
  711. saUsernamePassword
  712. IdSocks
  713. TIdSocksInfo
  714. TIdSocksInfoH
  715. IdSocks
  716. Authentication
  717. Password<
  718. UsernameT
  719. Version
  721. TIdIOHandlerSocket
  722. TIdIOHandlerSocketh
  723. IdIOHandlerSocket
  724. SocksInfo
  725. UseNagle
  726. TIdConnectThread
  727. _^[YY]
  728. TIdSimpleBuffer`
  729. TIdManagedBuffer
  730. TIdTCPConnection
  731. TIdTCPConnection
  732. IdTCPConnection
  733. ASCIIFilter,
  734. Intercept4
  735. IOHandler<
  736. MaxLineLength
  737. MaxLineAction<
  738. ReadTimeout<
  739. RecvBufferSize<
  740. SendBufferSize
  741. OnDisconnected|
  742. OnWork
  743. OnWorkBegin8
  744. OnWorkEnd
  745. EIdTCPConnectionError
  746. EIdNotEnoughDataInBuffer
  747. EIdIOHandlerPropInvalid
  748. EIdNoDataToReadX
  749. EIdNotConnected
  750. EIdFileNotFoundU
  751. _^[YY]
  752. Q$]_^[
  753. IdTCPConnection
  754. Gx;w|u
  755. QQQQQS
  756. C$;C |
  757. +C$_^[
  758. TIdServerIOHandler
  759. TIdServerIOHandler(
  760. IdServerIOHandler
  761. TIdSSLVersion
  762. sslvSSLv2
  763. sslvSSLv23
  764. sslvSSLv3
  765. sslvTLSv1
  766. IdSSLOpenSSL
  767. TIdSSLMode
  768. sslmUnassigned
  769. sslmClient
  770. sslmServer
  771. sslmBoth
  772. IdSSLOpenSSL
  773. TIdSSLVerifyMode
  774. sslvrfPeer
  775. sslvrfFailIfNoPeerCert
  776. sslvrfClientOnce
  777. IdSSLOpenSSL
  778. TIdSSLVerifyModeSet
  779. TCallbackEvent
  780. String
  781. TPasswordEvent
  782. Password
  783. String
  784. TVerifyPeerEvent
  785. Certificate
  786. TIdX509
  787. Boolean
  788. TIdSSLOptionst
  789. TIdSSLOptions$
  790. IdSSLOpenSSL
  791. RootCertFile
  792. CertFile
  793. KeyFile
  794. Methodh
  795. VerifyMode<
  796. VerifyDepth
  797. VerifyDirs
  798. CipherList
  799. TIdSSLContext
  800. TIdSSLSocket
  801. TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket
  802. TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket
  803. IdSSLOpenSSL
  804. SSLOptionsD
  805. OnStatusInfol
  806. OnGetPassword
  807. OnVerifyPeer
  808. TIdServerIOHandlerSSL
  809. TIdServerIOHandlerSSL
  810. IdSSLOpenSSL
  811. SSLOptionsD
  812. OnStatusInfol
  813. OnGetPassword
  814. OnVerifyPeer
  815. TIdX509T
  816. TIdX509D
  817. IdSSLOpenSSL
  818. TIdSSLCipher
  819. EIdOpenSSLError|
  820. EIdOpenSSLLoadError
  821. EIdOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary
  822. EIdOSSLModeNotSet
  823. EIdOSSLGetMethodError
  824. EIdOSSLCreatingContextErrort
  825. EIdOSSLLoadingRootCertError
  826. EIdOSSLLoadingCertError@
  827. EIdOSSLLoadingKeyError
  828. EIdOSSLSettingCipherError
  829. EIdOSSLDataBindingErrorp
  830. EIdOSSLAcceptError
  831. EIdOSSLConnectErrorU
  832. QQQQQSV
  833. _^[YY]
  834. Rt_^[Y]
  837. Cipher: name =
  838. description =
  839. bits =
  840. version =
  841. Cipher: name =
  842. description =
  843. bits =
  844. version =
  845. TIdTCPClient
  846. TIdTCPClient|%C
  847. IdTCPClient
  848. BoundIP<
  849. BoundPort
  850. OnConnected<
  851. TIdCookieList
  852. TIdCookieList
  853. IdCookie
  854. TIdNetscapeCookie
  855. TIdNetscapeCookie8+C
  856. IdCookie
  857. TIdCookieRFC2109
  858. TIdCookieRFC21094,C
  859. IdCookie
  860. IdCookie
  861. TIdCookieRFC2965
  862. TIdCookieRFC29654-C
  863. IdCookie
  864. TIdCookies
  865. TIdCookies
  866. IdCookie
  867. QQQQSV
  868. expires
  869. domain
  870. secure
  871. EXPIRES
  872. DOMAIN
  873. SECURE
  874. QQQQSV
  875. max-age
  876. comment
  877. version
  878. MAX-AGE
  879. VERSION
  880. COMMENT
  882. CommentURL
  883. DISCARD
  884. Index out of range.
  885. _^[YY]
  886. TOnNewCookieEvent
  887. ASender
  888. TObject
  889. ACookie
  890. TIdCookieRFC2109
  891. VAccept
  892. Boolean
  893. TOnManagerEvent
  894. ASender
  895. TObject
  896. ACookieCollection
  897. TIdCookies
  898. TIdCookieManager
  899. TIdCookieManager
  900. IdCookieManager
  901. OnCreate,AC
  902. OnDestroy
  903. OnNewCookie
  904. TIdAuthenticationItem
  905. TIdAuthenticationItemhIC
  906. IdAuthenticationManager
  907. TIdHTTPMethod
  908. hmHead
  909. hmPost
  910. hmOptions
  911. hmTrace
  912. hmDelete
  913. hmConnect
  914. IdHTTP
  915. TIdHTTPOption
  916. hoInProcessAuth
  917. hoKeepOrigProtocol
  918. hoForceEncodeParams
  919. IdHTTP
  920. TIdHTTPOptions
  921. TIdHTTPProtocolVersion
  922. IdHTTP|LC
  923. TIdHTTPOnRedirectEvent
  924. Sender
  925. TObject
  926. String
  927. NumRedirect
  928. Integer
  929. Handled
  930. Boolean
  931. VMethod
  932. TIdHTTPMethod
  933. TIdOnSelectAuthorization
  934. Sender
  935. TObject
  936. AuthenticationClass
  937. TIdAuthenticationClass
  938. AuthInfo
  939. TIdHeaderList
  940. TIdOnAuthorization
  941. Sender
  942. TObject
  943. Authentication
  944. TIdAuthentication
  945. Handled
  946. Boolean
  947. TIdHTTPResponse
  948. TIdHTTPResponseDNC
  949. IdHTTP
  950. TIdHTTPRequest
  951. TIdHTTPRequest
  952. IdHTTP
  953. TIdHTTPProtocol
  954. TIdCustomHTTP
  955. TIdCustomHTTP
  956. IdHTTP
  957. TIdHTTP
  958. TIdHTTP@QC
  959. IdHTTP
  960. AuthRetries
  961. AllowCookies
  962. HandleRedirects<LC
  963. ProtocolVersion<
  964. RedirectMaximum ~B
  965. ProxyParams@OC
  966. Request LC
  967. HTTPOptionsxLC
  968. OnRedirect
  969. OnSelectAuthorization
  970. OnSelectProxyAuthorization
  971. OnAuthorization
  972. OnProxyAuthorization
  973. CookieManager
  974. EIdUnknownProtocol
  975. EIdHTTPProtocolException
  976. _^[YY]
  977. Cookie
  978. _^[YY]
  980. Transfer-Encoding
  981. chunked
  982. QQQQSVW
  983. This request method is supported in HTTP 1.1
  984. keep-alive
  985. no-cache
  986. HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  987. Undefined situation
  988. Set-cookie
  989. Set-cookie2
  990. Authorization
  993. QQQQSV
  994. HTTP/
  995. OPTIONS
  996. TRACE
  997. CONNECT
  998. _^[YY]
  999. exdmhuhla
  1000. 293A0E3358BC89
  1001. dnccsknfe
  1002. ipkllt
  1003. EC361D104D8A8B869BBA2DAA72
  1004. 64C169C31BBC66A373A438998C9B73A8DB
  1005. ffumpbk
  1006. tecrqwrue
  1007. dvpxeo
  1008. cihcxg
  1009. yaaotalpcotyk
  1010. AD86A373F851DA49DB20A1CE47B649CE0640163EF92EBD191931F51DB0*74A167AA11*BC47CB4C85C348C24C1F7ED792C950CEDC75BF4EDD399A3EC682848FC6*AD76B869FF63B056DA33943BED25F112B603*56DB2DE568FE2AEA39EF67E938F33AD476DB30
  1011. 26F45DB81FB74FCB52B5E71EF3121DFF40966CBE4BC30E4DDC3ACF46469874AF*58B578993AAC7CD96FEE61FE0E*D859A167E96CA863C74781C342F109*61C24BCC1348DF33F72F409C6E949A60E6*F132F41BA223ED34FF0154868F*72CF56B93C976FA267B8C90A1DE72ED578*0B38C95C8F37F93CCD4E83DB2AEB4E*
  1012. vtayjys
  1013. ngrtslq
  1014. mvupggobld
  1015. emxelheitxim
  1016. isgbaevv
  1017. ngxoamc
  1018. kcnfptvvwn
  1019. oitrmo
  1020. nhexhtp
  1021. ddvowccwrn
  1022. gguycetf
  1023. frimtompcx
  1024. agxkot
  1025. yykdqsq
  1026. srpkken
  1027. ttclvmj
  1028. wuqctfwhm
  1029. QQQQQQQ
  1030. 66CF7CB134B89C98BE6887C342C251B71548D940F42DA93DC937C955AA13E025E92BAD37F91AEE2BA824E54EA07C
  1031. C84DD14A8F35C283D676E951D385C686CBD89F
  1032. 908F9F7490C95FB0B1A2F75DA56FC286D9
  1033. QQQQSV
  1034. 7C91957BDB72BB98A9A43B9464
  1035. F53BC745B8020213
  1036. 4DC657C8DA39C197
  1037. D180D171
  1038. 7C91957BDB72BB98A9A43B9464
  1039. D955AB70ED56E968DB3D9E31F311E7
  1041. sqbioj
  1042. F73DEF45AB30141036E11DB57C986BAD2FA67EAC67A320B742CF2033B33BF240D63A9E37C043FA13B718E422F323
  1043. 61C759BB12B47D87B66BEA63
  1044. F265F85E4C9D62A077E42073A563A4B7
  1045. 62F44B0E1C4DD33ED2819C8FB95FA0B3
  1046. htmocxbp
  1047. rqadxs
  1048. 819263B4E625F560E62DA420E13DCC82EC73898A9D70EF1027F50B0358B57E8086D5255AFB6AD16E88E6260F3DF077FD5ADA43EC0842C045D73895C858C2
  1049. qwvodt
  1050. C3511CF55488
  1051. 0C4CD535AE
  1052. pcvipnc
  1053. oswqesc
  1054. CE41D6389AE772D76AD23855E96CF958B8D96DD367E568FE17FD3CDA3F4713
  1055. 40C2947A
  1056. 80D822E561FE
  1057. FF1FEE26ACE8391D2FE163E232E57794CE0C2EE733E76CE245D122FD6DA0739363D3
  1058. 83D560F3
  1059. 4117E137
  1060. DC42C8449A39D53FF84FF65AA979848BD30A19FA070541AE9B7D8A80D108080D0A2E953ACB47D78481C481B07CAE23BC47E558EA395BAABC6CC238A48D9282A7D9CA9C77F4564440C3
  1061. 160F1FF02361A9BF50CB73D45CBD56B7E520F76EF81E0C0F4A0104
  1062. B55EA07BDC60B79CADBEDF60E57E
  1063. Runtime error at 00000000
  1064. 0123456789ABCDEF
  1065. kernel32.dll
  1066. DeleteCriticalSection
  1067. LeaveCriticalSection
  1068. EnterCriticalSection
  1069. InitializeCriticalSection
  1070. VirtualFree
  1071. VirtualAlloc
  1072. LocalFree
  1073. LocalAlloc
  1074. GetTickCount
  1075. QueryPerformanceCounter
  1076. GetVersion
  1077. GetCurrentThreadId
  1078. InterlockedDecrement
  1079. InterlockedIncrement
  1080. VirtualQuery
  1081. WideCharToMultiByte
  1082. MultiByteToWideChar
  1083. lstrlenA
  1084. lstrcpynA
  1085. LoadLibraryExA
  1086. GetThreadLocale
  1087. GetStartupInfoA
  1088. GetProcAddress
  1089. GetModuleHandleA
  1090. GetModuleFileNameA
  1091. GetLocaleInfoA
  1092. GetCommandLineA
  1093. FreeLibrary
  1094. FindFirstFileA
  1095. FindClose
  1096. ExitProcess
  1097. ExitThread
  1098. CreateThread
  1099. WriteFile
  1100. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  1101. RtlUnwind
  1102. RaiseException
  1103. GetStdHandle
  1104. user32.dll
  1105. GetKeyboardType
  1106. LoadStringA
  1107. MessageBoxA
  1108. CharNextA
  1109. advapi32.dll
  1110. RegQueryValueExA
  1111. RegOpenKeyExA
  1112. RegCloseKey
  1113. oleaut32.dll
  1114. SysFreeString
  1115. SysReAllocStringLen
  1116. SysAllocStringLen
  1117. kernel32.dll
  1118. TlsSetValue
  1119. TlsGetValue
  1120. TlsFree
  1121. TlsAlloc
  1122. LocalFree
  1123. LocalAlloc
  1124. advapi32.dll
  1125. RegSetValueExA
  1126. RegQueryValueExA
  1127. RegOpenKeyExA
  1128. RegFlushKey
  1129. RegCreateKeyExA
  1130. RegCloseKey
  1131. kernel32.dll
  1132. WriteFile
  1133. WaitForSingleObject
  1134. VirtualQuery
  1135. SetFilePointer
  1136. SetEvent
  1137. SetEndOfFile
  1138. ResumeThread
  1139. ResetEvent
  1140. ReadFile
  1141. LoadLibraryA
  1142. LeaveCriticalSection
  1143. InitializeCriticalSection
  1144. GlobalUnlock
  1145. GlobalReAlloc
  1146. GlobalHandle
  1147. GlobalLock
  1148. GlobalFree
  1149. GlobalAlloc
  1150. GetVersionExA
  1151. GetTimeZoneInformation
  1152. GetThreadLocale
  1153. GetTempPathA
  1154. GetStringTypeExA
  1155. GetStdHandle
  1156. GetProcAddress
  1157. GetModuleHandleA
  1158. GetModuleFileNameA
  1159. GetLocaleInfoA
  1160. GetLocalTime
  1161. GetLastError
  1162. GetFullPathNameA
  1163. GetFileSize
  1164. GetExitCodeThread
  1165. GetDiskFreeSpaceA
  1166. GetDateFormatA
  1167. GetCurrentThreadId
  1168. GetCurrentProcess
  1169. GetComputerNameA
  1170. GetCPInfo
  1171. GetACP
  1172. InterlockedIncrement
  1173. InterlockedExchange
  1174. InterlockedDecrement
  1175. FreeLibrary
  1176. FormatMessageA
  1177. FindFirstFileA
  1178. FindClose
  1179. FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  1180. FileTimeToDosDateTime
  1181. EnumCalendarInfoA
  1182. EnterCriticalSection
  1183. DeleteFileA
  1184. DeleteCriticalSection
  1185. CreateThread
  1186. CreateFileA
  1187. CreateEventA
  1188. CompareStringA
  1189. CloseHandle
  1190. user32.dll
  1191. PostMessageA
  1192. PeekMessageA
  1193. MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
  1194. MessageBoxA
  1195. LoadStringA
  1196. GetSystemMetrics
  1197. FindWindowA
  1198. CharNextA
  1199. CharUpperBuffA
  1200. CharToOemA
  1201. kernel32.dll
  1202. oleaut32.dll
  1203. SafeArrayPtrOfIndex
  1204. SafeArrayGetUBound
  1205. SafeArrayGetLBound
  1206. SafeArrayCreate
  1207. VariantChangeType
  1208. VariantCopyInd
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  1617. 8 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8T8X8\8`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|8
  1618. 9 9$9(9,9094989<9@9D9H9L9P9T9X9\9`9d9h9l9p9t9x9|9
  1619. : :$:(:,:0:4:8:<:@:D:H:L:P:T:X:\:`:d:h:l:p:t:x:|:
  1620. ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\;`;d;h;l;p;t;x;|;
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  1622. 0 0$0(0,0004080<0@0D0H0L0P0T0X0\0`0d0h0l0p0t0x0|0
  1623. 1 1$1(1,1014181<1@1D1H1L1P1T1X1\1`1d1h1l1p1t1x1|1
  1624. 2 2$2(2,2024282<2@2D2H2L2P2T2X2\2`2d2h2l2p2t2x2|2
  1625. 3 3$3(3,3034383<3@3D3H3L3P3T3X3\3`3d3h3l3p3t3x3|3
  1626. 4 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X4\4`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|4
  1627. 0IdHTTPHeaderInfo
  1628. System
  1629. SysInit
  1630. ^Classes
  1631. "RTLConsts
  1632. SysConst
  1633. UTypes
  1634. KWindows
  1635. 3Messages
  1636. SysUtils
  1637. CVariants
  1638. $VarUtils
  1639. QTypInfo
  1640. sActiveX
  1641. IdAuthentication
  1642. IdCoderMIME
  1643. uIdGlobal
  1644. IdStackWindows
  1645. IdException
  1646. |IdResourceStrings
  1647. yIdStack
  1648. @IdStackConsts
  1649. )IdWinSock2
  1650. 8Registry
  1651. IniFiles
  1652. EIdURI
  1653. SyncObjs
  1654. IdCoder3to4
  1655. IdCoder
  1656. IdBaseComponent
  1657. IdHeaderList
  1658. IdSSLOpenSSL
  1659. mIdSocketHandle
  1660. IdAntiFreezeBase
  1661. IdComponent
  1662. eIdSSLOpenSSLHeaders
  1663. BIdIOHandler
  1664. +IdTCPServer
  1665. IdStrings
  1666. IdThreadSafe
  1667. IdTCPConnection
  1668. IdStream
  1669. IdTCPStream
  1670. IdIntercept
  1671. IdRFCReply
  1672. yIdIOHandlerSocket
  1673. jIdSocks
  1674. IdAssignedNumbers
  1675. IdThread
  1676. %IdThreadMgr
  1677. IdThreadMgrDefault
  1678. IdServerIOHandler
  1679. &IdServerIOHandlerSocket
  1680. IdTCPClient
  1681. LIdCookieManager
  1682. ,IdCookie
  1683. IdAuthenticationManager
  1684. IdMultipartFormData
  1685. CConvUtils
  1686. IdHTTP
  1687. CVarConv
  1688. A1A1A1A
  1689. jjjjjj
  1690. jjjjjjj
  1691. jjjjjjjj
  1692. jjjjjjjj
  1693. DVCLAL
  1695. Mode has not been set.
  1696. Could not load SSL library.
  1697. SSL status: "%s"
  1698. Uneven size in DecodeToStream.
  1699. Uneven size in Encode.
  1700. Protocol field is empty
  1701. Host field is empty
  1702. "Connection not allowed by ruleset.
  1703. Network unreachable.
  1704. Host unreachable.
  1705. Connection refused.
  1706. TTL expired.
  1707. Command not supported.
  1708. Address type not supported.$Error accepting connection with SSL.
  1709. Error connecting with SSL.
  1710. SetCipher failed.
  1711. Error creating SSL context. Could not load root certificate.
  1712. Could not load certificate.#Could not load key, check password.
  1713. Error geting SSL method.!Error binding data to SSL socket.
  1714. Connection timed out.
  1715. Connection refused."Too many levels of symbolic links.
  1716. File name too long.
  1717. Host is down.
  1718. No route to host.
  1719. Directory not empty
  1720. Host not found.
  1721. Request rejected or failed.5Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.QRequest rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.
  1722. Unknown socks error.
  1723. Socks server did not respond.$Invalid socks authentication method.%Authentication error to socks server.
  1724. General SOCKS server failure.
  1725. Socket type not supported."Operation not supported on socket.
  1726. Protocol family not supported.0Address family not supported by protocol family.
  1727. Address already in use. Cannot assign requested address.
  1728. Network is down.
  1729. Network is unreachable. Net dropped connection or reset.!Software caused connection abort.
  1730. Connection reset by peer.
  1731. No buffer space available.
  1732. Socket is already connected.
  1733. Socket is not connected..Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.#Too many references, cannot splice.
  1734. Socket Error # %d
  1735. Interrupted system call.
  1736. Bad file number.
  1737. Access denied.
  1738. Bad address.
  1739. Invalid argument.
  1740. Too many open files.
  1741. Operation would block.
  1742. Operation now in progress.
  1743. Operation already in progress.Socket operation on non-socket.
  1744. Destination address required.
  1745. Message too long.Protocol wrong type for socket.
  1746. Bad protocol option.
  1747. Protocol not supported.
  1748. $Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)
  1749. Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)
  1750. Read Timeout
  1751. Max line length exceeded.*Error on call Winsock2 library function %s&Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)
  1752. Resolving hostname %s.
  1753. Connecting to %s.
  1754. Connected.
  1755. Disconnecting.
  1756. Disconnected.
  1757. Connect timed out.
  1758. Chunk StartedDThis authentication method is already registered with class name %s.
  1759. %s is not a valid service.
  1760. [%s%.8x]
  1761. Illegal type
  1762. Illegal family
  1763. Already connected.
  1764. Cannot allocate socket.
  1765. Connection Closed Gracefully.;Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.4Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.
  1766. Not enough data in buffer.
  1767. Winsock Initialization Error.
  1768. Set Size Exceeded.
  1769. File "%s" not found1Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
  1770. IOHandler value is not valid
  1771. Not Connected
  1772. No data to read.
  1773. List count out of bounds (%d)
  1774. List index out of bounds (%d)+Out of memory while expanding memory stream
  1775. Error reading %s%s%s: %s
  1776. Stream read error
  1777. Property is read-only
  1778. Failed to get data for '%s'
  1779. Failed to set data for '%s'
  1780. %s.Seek not implemented$Operation not allowed on sorted list
  1781. Property %s does not exist
  1782. Stream write error
  1783. Thread creation error: %s
  1784. Thread Error: %s (%d)&Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s]
  1785. Unknown conversion type %s
  1786. Saturday
  1787. Ancestor for '%s' not found
  1788. Cannot assign a %s to a %sECheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread
  1789. Class %s not found%List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)#A component named %s already exists%String list does not allow duplicates
  1790. Cannot create file "%s". %s
  1791. Cannot open file "%s". %s$''%s'' is not a valid component name
  1792. Invalid property value
  1793. Invalid property path
  1794. Invalid property value
  1795. Invalid data type for '%s' List capacity out of bounds (%d)
  1796. October
  1797. November
  1798. December
  1799. Sunday
  1800. Monday
  1801. Tuesday
  1802. Wednesday
  1803. Thursday
  1804. Friday
  1805. January
  1806. February
  1807. August
  1808. September
  1809. Operation not supported
  1810. Unexpected variant error
  1811. External exception %x
  1812. Assertion failed
  1813. Interface not supported
  1814. Exception in safecall method
  1815. %s (%s, line %d)
  1816. Abstract Error?Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
  1817. System Error. Code: %d.
  1818. %sA call to an OS function failed
  1819. Write$Error creating variant or safe array)Variant or safe array index out of boundsVariant or safe array is lockedInvalid variant type conversion
  1820. Invalid variant operation%Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)
  1821. %s,Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range/Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s*Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable2Too many custom variant types have been registered5Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)=Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
  1822. Variant overflow
  1823. Invalid argument
  1824. Invalid variant type
  1825. Floating point division by zero
  1826. Floating point overflow
  1827. Floating point underflow
  1828. Invalid pointer operation
  1829. Invalid class typecast0Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
  1830. Access violation
  1831. Stack overflow
  1832. Control-C hit
  1833. Privileged instruction(Exception %s in module %s at %p.
  1834. Application Error1Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
  1835. No argument for format '%s'"Variant method calls not supported
  1836. !'%s' is not a valid integer valueInvalid argument to time encodeInvalid argument to date encode
  1837. Out of memory
  1838. I/O error %d
  1839. File not found
  1840. Invalid filename
  1841. Too many open files
  1842. File access denied
  1843. Read beyond end of file
  1844. Disk full
  1845. Invalid numeric input
  1846. Division by zero
  1847. Range check error
  1848. Integer overflow Invalid floating point operation
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