
PMC vote listing.

Jan 23rd, 2022
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  1. Here is an optional TL;DR for those of you who don't wish to bother reading the detailed description:
  2. [list]
  3. [*]Running 1.18.1.[/*]
  4. [*]Started in 2013.[/*]
  5. [*]Oldschool survival.[/*]
  6. [*]Little, to no restrictions.[/*]
  7. [*]Semi-vanilla.[/*]
  8. [*]Java and Bedrock support.[/*]
  9. [*]Powerful dedicated host established in 1997.[/*]
  10. [/list]
  11. [hr][hr]
  12. Here is the main description, if the TL;DR isn't enough for you:
  14. We've been here in some form or another since 2013, and aren't going anywhere any time soon. We are what you would call a "semi-vanilla" server, which means you can pretty much play how you would in single player. Mob griefing is turned on, fire spread is off. Creepers, ghasts, and the ender dragon cannot destroy blocks, and endermen cannot pick up blocks. Otherwise, it's all vanilla behaviour.
  16. The server-side render distance is also set to 18 chunks - so you can set your client to that. We also have no world border, so feel free to explore to your heart's content. We do not actively attempt to prevent griefers and the like; instead let them do it and log the actions. After which, we ban them and roll it back via CoreProtect. Our community isn't huge, but we always have people online to build and grow with.
  18. To apply to our server's whitelist, fill out the form on our website's sidebar here: [url][/url]
  19. After you apply to our server's whitelist, and receive an email telling you that you are accepted, please join our discord server, tag staff with your ingame username, and ask for the 'member' role. Our discord server hides all channels and members from users without a role, to prevent spambots from DMing our players. You can find our discord server either on our website's header, or here: [url][/url]
  21. As a side note... despite being a Java Edition server, we also currently have [i]tentative[/i] support for Bedrock players, via a plugin called "Geyser". In the past this plugin has required Bedrock players to use a Java Edition account, but now that the Geyser developers have created a plugin called "Floodgate", that's no longer necessary. This plugin communicates with the Bedrock Edition authentication server, which verifies Bedrock accounts. Both are open source, and you can view their public repositories on GitHub - [url=],[/url] and [url][/url].
  23. If you're curious about what our host is, then we can proudly say that we are not using a shared host. We are hosted by an old dedicated root server host, called Hetzner which has been around since the 90s. We're using the "[url=]AX41-NVMe[/url]" package, which gives us full dedicated access to these specs:
  25. • [b]CPU[/b]: Ryzen 5 3600 @3.8GHz
  26. • [b]RAM[/b]: 64GB DDR4 @3200MHz
  27. • [b]Storage[/b]: 1TB NVMe SSD
  28. • [b]Network[/b]: 1Gb/s up and down
  30. The server's physical location is Gunzenhausen Germany due to Hetzner, but we are English speaking only.
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