

Feb 14th, 2020
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  1. on damage:
  2. if victim is in world "Lobby":
  3. if {lobbygame::pvp::%victim%} is true:
  4. if {lobbygame::pvp::%attacker%} is true:
  5. set {last.hit.%victim%} to attacker
  6. # cancel event
  7. set health of victim to 15
  8. if attacker's held item is iron sword:
  9. if {combat::cooldown::%victim%} is true:
  10. stop
  11. else:
  12. add -4 to {combat::health::%victim%}
  13. set {combat::cooldown::%victim%} to true
  14. wait 10 ticks
  15. set {combat::cooldown::%victim%} to false
  16. else:
  17. if {combat::cooldown::%victim%} is true:
  18. stop
  19. else:
  20. add -1 to {combat::health::%victim%}
  21. set {combat::cooldown::%victim%} to true
  22. wait 10 ticks
  23. set {combat::cooldown::%victim%} to false
  24. set action bar of victim to "&7Deine Leben: &e%{combat::health::%victim%}%"
  25. # set title of victim to "&7" and subtitle to "&c%{combat::health::%victim%}% &4❤"
  26. send victim title "&7" with subtitle "&c%{combat::health::%victim%}% &4❤" for 0.5 seconds
  27. else:
  28. cancel event
  29. else:
  30. cancel event
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