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- \documentclass[10pt,twoside]{report}
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- \usepackage{amsmath} % mathematical content
- \usepackage{amssymb} % mathematical content
- \usepackage[amsmath,standard,framed,thmmarks]{ntheorem} % custom enumerations *Needs to stay here, otherwise cross references can go wrong*
- \usepackage{ifthen} % conditionals
- \usepackage{xcolor} % colour
- \usepackage{answers} % solutions to problems done *beautifully*
- %\usepackage[nosolutionfiles]{answers}
- \usepackage{framed} % needed for putting boxes round theorems, examples
- \usepackage[explicit]{titlesec}
- \usepackage{multicol} % multicols
- \usepackage{changepage} % needed for hanging paragraphs
- \usepackage{calc} % calculations (such as \textwidth/2)
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- \usepackage[small,bf]{caption} % figures/tables in margins, and not floating
- \usepackage{subcaption} % subfigures, subtables (replaces subfig)
- \usepackage{xstring} % needed to determine if problems are odd or even
- \usepackage{enumitem} % enumerate & itemize
- \usepackage{placeins} % FloatBarrier
- \usepackage{minitoc} % mini-table of contents
- \usepackage{marginfix} % fixes margin notes (otherwise they can cut through pages)
- \usepackage{needspace} % needed to keep problems looking good (stops ugly pagebreaks)
- \usepackage{xargs} % helps with optional arguments for environments
- \usepackage{booktabs} % used with tables (allows \toprulewidth etc)
- \usepackage{flafter} % ensures that floats don't appear until after their placement in the text
- % pstricks
- \usepackage[pdf]{pstricks}
- \usepackage{pstricks-add}
- % load the hyperref last
- \usepackage{hyperref} % to allow hyper refs in the final pdf document
- % hyperref NEEDS TO STAY AT THE END!
- \usepackage[all]{hypcap} % needed to help hyperlinks direct correctly;
- % note that this needs to be loaded AFTER
- % the hyperref package; the option [all]
- % makes hyperlinks to figures & tables go
- % to the top
- \usepackage{cleveref} % needs to be loaded after hyperref
- % hyperref settings- it seemed to work better here rather than
- % as options to the \usepackage call above
- \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,
- linkcolor=blue%,breaklinks=true
- }
- \psset{algebraic=true} % set up options for PS figures
- % custom ps options
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- \multido{\nx=#1+#2}{#3}%
- {%
- \pccgridline(\nx,\ymin)(\nx,\ymax)
- }%
- }
- \newcommand{\drawYgrid}[3]{%
- \multido{\ny=#1+#2}{#3}%
- {%
- \pccgridline(\xmin,\ny)(\xmax,\ny)
- }%
- }
- % set figure width
- \newlength{\figurewidth}
- % setwindow command: takes 6 arguments (1st is optional)
- % [1]. aspect ratio (height = aspect ratio * width) default=1
- % 2. xmin (number)
- % 3. ymin (number)
- % 4. xmax (number)
- % 5. ymax (number)
- % 6. figurewidth (length)
- \makeatletter
- \newcommand{\setwindow}[6][1]{\def\xmin{#2}%
- \def\ymin{#3}%
- \def\xmax{#4}%
- \def\ymax{#5}%
- % set up xunit
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- \psset{xunit=\result pt}
- % set up yunit
- \pstFPsub\viewingheight{#5}{#3}%
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- % set up aspect ratio
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- \psset{yunit=\result pt}%
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- % caption settings
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- \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=parens,labelsep=colon,labelfont=normal}
- \captionsetup[subtable]{labelformat=parens,labelsep=colon,labelfont=normal}
- % enumerate settings
- \setlist{itemsep=0.05em,topsep=0.01em}
- % paragraph settings
- \setlength{\parskip}{3.0mm}
- \setlength{\parindent}{0.0mm}
- % use left margin
- \reversemarginpar
- \setlength{\marginparwidth}{5cm}
- % Define fix command
- % - it puts a comment in the margin
- % - it writes to a file with a list of things that need fixing
- \newcommand{\fixthis}[1]%
- {%
- \marginpar{\huge \color{red} \framebox{FIX}}%
- \typeout{FIXTHIS: p\thepage : #1^^J}%
- }
- % standard environments
- \crefname{table}{Table}{Tables}
- \Crefname{table}{Table}{Tables}
- \crefname{figure}{Figure}{Figures}
- \Crefname{figure}{Figure}{Figures}
- \crefname{section}{Section}{Sections}
- \Crefname{section}{Section}{Sections}
- \crefname{equation}{Equation}{Equations}
- \Crefname{equation}{Equation}{Equations}
- % custom environments
- \crefname{problem}{Problem}{Problems}
- \Crefname{problem}{Problem}{Problems}
- \crefname{pccdefinition}{Definition}{Definitions}
- \Crefname{pccdefinition}{Definition}{Definitions}
- \crefname{pccexample}{Example}{Examples}
- \Crefname{pccexample}{Example}{Examples}
- \crefname{enumi}{Problem}{Problems}
- \Crefname{enumi}{Problem}{Problems}
- % conjunction between range; e.g Figures 1.2-1.3
- \newcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{|}
- % BEGIN MARGIN ENVIRONMENTS (shamelessly copied from tufte documentclass)
- \makeatletter
- % Margin float environment
- \newsavebox{\@tufte@margin@floatbox}
- \newenvironment{@tufte@margin@float}[2][-1.2ex]%
- {\FloatBarrier% process all floats before this point so the figure/table numbers stay in order.
- \begin{lrbox}{\@tufte@margin@floatbox}%
- \begin{minipage}{\marginparwidth}%
- \def\@captype{#2}%
- \hbox{}\vspace*{#1}%
- \noindent%
- }
- {\end{minipage}%
- \end{lrbox}%
- \marginpar{\usebox{\@tufte@margin@floatbox}}%
- }
- % Margin figure environment
- \newenvironment{marginfigure}[1][-1.2ex]%
- {\begin{@tufte@margin@float}[#1]{figure}%
- \capstart\endgraf}% <-- Hyperlink jumps to start of 'marginfigure'
- {\end{@tufte@margin@float}}
- % Margin table environment
- \newenvironment{margintable}[1][-1.2ex]%
- {\begin{@tufte@margin@float}[#1]{table}%
- \capstart\endgraf}% <-- Hyperlink jumps to start of 'margintable'
- {\end{@tufte@margin@float}}
- \makeatother
- % open the answer files (short, long, and hints)
- \Opensolutionfile{shortsolutions}
- \Newassociation{shortsolution}{shortSoln}{shortsolutions}
- % put titles in the solution files
- \begin{Filesave}{shortsolutions}
- % Begin by (re-)setting the chapter counter to 0
- % which is used for hyperlinks from solutions to questions
- %
- % This allows us to put Problem 1, 2, 3, etc in every chapter
- % as the hyperlinks have the form \hypertarget{soln:#1\thechapter}{}
- \section*{Answers}
- \setcounter{chapter}{0}
- \end{Filesave}
- % BEGIN CUSTOM THEOREMS (for problems, subproblems)
- % set up showoddsolns and showEVEN
- \newboolean{showoddsolns}
- \setboolean{showoddsolns}{true}
- \newboolean{showevensolns}
- \setboolean{showevensolns}{true}
- % this boolean is used in the problem and subproblem definition
- \newboolean{showSolution}
- \setboolean{showSolution}{true}
- % PROBLEM environment
- % \begin{problem}[1][2]
- % ...
- % \end{problem}
- %
- % [1]: description of the problem
- % [2]: special
- %
- % Both arguments are optional; the second argument
- % can be left off, empty, or special. If it is non-empty
- % and anything other than special (case-sensitive), it
- % will be ignored.
- \newcounter{problem}
- \newcommand{\specialsymbol}{$\bigstar$ }
- \newlength{\specialsymbollength}
- \settowidth{\specialsymbollength}{\specialsymbol}
- \newenvironmentx{problem}[2][1={},2={},usedefault]{%
- \refstepcounter{problem}%
- \Writetofile{shortsolutions}{\protect\hypertarget{soln:\theproblem:\thechapter}{}}%
- \needspace{\baselineskip}%
- \ifthenelse{\isodd{\theproblem}}%
- {%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showoddsolns}}%
- {}% true (by default)
- {\setboolean{showSolution}{false}}%
- }%
- {%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showevensolns}}%
- {}% true (by default)
- {\setboolean{showSolution}{false}}%
- }%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}%
- {% NOT special problem
- % if no second argument (special or not)
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
- {% Problem withOUT description
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showSolution}}%
- {%
- {\hypertarget{prob:\theproblem:\thechapter}{}%
- {{\bfseries Problem \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}\hyperlink{soln:\theproblem:\thechapter}{\theproblem}}}\newline}%
- }%
- {%
- {\bfseries Problem \theproblem}\newline%
- }%
- }%
- {% Problem with description
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showSolution}}%
- {%
- {\hypertarget{prob:\theproblem:\thechapter}{}%
- {{\bfseries Problem \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}\hyperlink{soln:\theproblem:\thechapter}{\theproblem} \,(#1)}}\newline}%
- }%
- {%
- {\bfseries Problem \theproblem\, (#1) }\newline%
- }%
- }%
- }%
- {% special problem
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{special}}%
- {%
- % write problem number to specialfile
- \addcontentsline{prb}{}{\theproblem}%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
- {% special problem with no description
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showSolution}}%
- {%
- {\hypertarget{prob:\theproblem:\thechapter}{}%
- {\hspace{-\specialsymbollength}\specialsymbol{\bfseries Problem \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}\hyperlink{soln:\theproblem:\thechapter}{\theproblem}}}\newline}%
- }%
- {%
- \hspace{-\specialsymbollength}\specialsymbol{\bfseries Problem \theproblem}\newline%
- }%
- }%
- {% special problem with description
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showSolution}}%
- {% with links
- {\hypertarget{prob:\theproblem:\thechapter}{}%
- {\hspace{-\specialsymbollength}\specialsymbol{\bfseries Problem \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}\hyperlink{soln:\theproblem:\thechapter}{\theproblem} \,(#1)}}\newline}%
- }%
- {% no links
- \hspace{-\specialsymbollength}\specialsymbol{\bfseries Problem \theproblem\, (#1) }\newline%
- }%
- }%
- }{ \textbf{Problem} \theproblem \, (#1) {\bf\huge\color{red}special?}\par}%
- }%
- }%
- {%
- }%
- % subproblem environment
- \newcounter{subproblem}[problem]
- \newboolean{specialproblemYesNo}
- \setboolean{specialproblemYesNo}{false}
- \newenvironment{subproblem}[1][]{%
- \refstepcounter{subproblem}%
- \ifthenelse{\isodd{\theproblem}}%
- {%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showoddsolns}}%
- {}% true (by default)
- {\setboolean{showSolution}{false}}%
- }%
- {%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showevensolns}}%
- {}% true (by default)
- {\setboolean{showSolution}{false}}%
- }%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{special}}%
- {%
- \setboolean{specialproblemYesNo}{true}%
- }%
- {%
- \setboolean{specialproblemYesNo}{false}%
- }%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{specialproblemYesNo}}%
- {% special problem
- \addcontentsline{prb}{}{\theproblem.\thesubproblem}%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showSolution}}%
- {% hyperlink to solution
- \hypertarget{prob:{\theproblem.\thesubproblem}:\thechapter}{}%
- \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}%
- \begin{enumerate}[label=\llap{$\bigstar$ }\bfseries\protect\hyperlink{soln:{\theproblem.\thesubproblem}:\thechapter}{\theproblem.\thesubproblem},ref=\theproblem.\thesubproblem,leftmargin=*]
- \item%
- }%
- {% no hyperlink
- \begin{enumerate}[label=\llap{$\bigstar$ }\bfseries\theproblem.\thesubproblem,ref=\theproblem.\thesubproblem,leftmargin=*]
- \item%
- }%
- }%
- {% NOT special problem
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showSolution}}%
- {% hyperlink to solution
- \hypertarget{prob:{\theproblem.\thesubproblem}:\thechapter}{}%
- \hypersetup{linkcolor=black}%
- \begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries\protect\hyperlink{soln:{\theproblem.\thesubproblem}:\thechapter}{\theproblem.\thesubproblem},ref=\theproblem.\thesubproblem,leftmargin=*]
- \item%
- }%
- {% no hyperlink
- \begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries\theproblem.\thesubproblem,ref=\theproblem.\thesubproblem,leftmargin=*]
- \item%
- }%
- }%
- }{\end{enumerate}}
- % definition
- \theoremstyle{break}
- \theoremsymbol{}
- \theoremseparator{}
- \theoremprework{\FloatBarrier}
- \def\theoremframecommand{%
- \psshadowbox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=yellow,linecolor=black]}
- \newshadedtheorem{pccdefinition}{Definition}%[chapter]
- % END CUSTOM THEOREMS (for examples, problems)
- % BEGIN special PROBLEMS
- \newcounter{probSectCounter}
- \setcounter{probSectCounter}{-1}
- \newcounter{probCounter}
- \setcounter{probCounter}{0}%
- \newcounter{echo}
- \newread\File
- % redefine the \section command to increment probSectCounter
- % note that this could also be done for \subsection if desired
- \let\oldsection\section
- \renewcommand\section{%
- \stepcounter{probSectCounter}%
- %\addcontentsline{prb}{heading\theprobSectCounter}%
- \addcontentsline{prb}{}{heading\theprobSectCounter}%
- \oldsection}
- \makeatletter
- % need a command to bring the \contentsline
- % into the problemlist environment
- \let\pcc@contentslist\contentsline%
- \newenvironment{problemlist}%
- {%
- % renew the \contentsline command so that it just gives
- % the problem number as a hyperlink (and no page number)
- %
- % if we renewed the command outside of the environment, it would
- % affect \tableofcontents, \minitoc, and perhaps more- bad!
- \let\contentsline\pcc@contentslist%
- \let\Contentsline\contentsline%
- \renewcommand\contentsline[4]{%
- \StrCount{##2}{heading}[\heading]%
- \ifthenelse{\heading>0}%
- {%
- \StrCount{##2}{heading\theprobSectCounter}[\heading]%
- \ifthenelse{\heading>0}%
- {%
- \setcounter{echo}{1}%
- \setcounter{probCounter}{0}%
- }%
- {%
- \setcounter{echo}{0}%
- }%
- }%
- {%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theecho}{1}}%
- {%
- \stepcounter{probCounter}%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theprobCounter}{1}}%
- {%
- % if we're at the beginning, no comma
- Special problems in this section (\specialsymbol\unskip): \Contentsline{##1}{##2}{}{##4}%
- }%
- {%
- % otherwise put a comma and a space
- \unskip, \Contentsline{##1}{##2}{}{##4}%
- }%
- }%
- {}%
- }%
- }%
- }%
- {}
- \def\listspecialproblems{%
- % open the appropriate file do everything in a
- % new environment so that we can renew the
- % \contentsline command locally
- \begin{problemlist}
- \par%
- \openin\File=\jobname.prb%
- \loop\unless\ifeof\File%
- \read\File to\fileline%
- \fileline%
- \repeat%
- \closein\File%
- \end{problemlist}
- }%
- % enable the \jobname.prb file
- % (hacked from the ntheorem package)
- \def\prb@enablelistofproblems{%
- \begingroup%
- \makeatletter%
- \if@filesw%
- \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@prb\endcsname%
- \immediate\openout \csname tf@prb\endcsname \jobname.prb\relax%
- \fi%
- \@nobreakfalse%
- \endgroup}%
- % enable the \jobname.prb<counter> files at the end
- % of the document
- \AtEndDocument{\prb@enablelistofproblems}
- \makeatother
- % END special PROBLEMS
- \renewcommand{\heavyrulewidth}{0.2em}
- \renewcommand{\lightrulewidth}{0.1em}
- \renewcommand{\cmidrulewidth}{0.1em}
- % horizontal lines
- \renewcommand{\aboverulesep}{0cm}
- \renewcommand{\belowrulesep}{0cm}
- \newcommand*\heading[1]{\hfill{#1}\hfill}
- \newcommand*\beforeheading{\toprule}
- \newcommand*\afterheading{\midrule}
- %\newcommand*\normalline{\hline}
- \newcommand*\normalline{}
- \newcommand*\lastline{\bottomrule}
- % custom chapter
- \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
- {\normalfont\Large\filcenter\bf}
- {\titlerule[1pt]%
- \vspace{1pt}%
- \titlerule
- \LARGE\MakeUppercase{#1} \psshadowbox{\Huge\thechapter}}
- {1pc}
- {\titlerule
- \Huge}
- % write to the solutions files to step the chapter counter
- \let\oldchapter\chapter
- \renewcommand{\chapter}{\Writetofile{shortsolutions}{\protect\stepcounter{chapter}}%
- \oldchapter}
- % From the titlesec package
- % \titlespacing{command}{left spacing}{before spacing}{after spacing}[right]
- % spacing: how to read {12pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}
- % 12pt is what we would like the spacing to be
- % plus 4pt means that TeX can stretch it by at most 4pt
- % minus 2pt means that TeX can shrink it by at most 2pt
- % This is one example of the concept of, 'glue', in TeX
- \titlespacing{\chapter}{0pt}{*4}{-0.1cm}
- \titlespacing\section{0pt}{12pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{-5pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
- \titlespacing\subsection{0pt}{12pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{-6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
- \titlespacing\subsubsection{0pt}{12pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{-6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
- %====================================
- %====================================
- \begin{document}
- \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{(\alph{enumi})}
- % needed for the mini-tableofcontents
- \dominitoc
- \faketableofcontents
- \fancyhf{} % delete current header and footer
- \fancyhead[LE,RO]{\bfseries\thepage}
- \fancyhead[LO,RE]{\tiny\leftmark}
- \pagestyle{fancy}
- \include{polynomialfunctions}
- %=======================
- %=======================
- % change to one-sided mode
- % change the pagestyle to plain
- % change the page geometry using \newgeometry
- \setboolean{@twoside}{false}
- \pagestyle{plain}
- \newgeometry{left=1cm,right=1cm,showframe=true,
- textheight=27cm,
- top=1.5cm,bottom=1.5cm,bindingoffset=1cm}
- % close the solutions files
- \Closesolutionfile{shortsolutions}
- % SHORT solution to problem (show only odd, even, all)
- % Note: this renewenvironment needs to go here
- % so that the answers package can still
- % display correctly to the page if needed
- \newboolean{oddproblemnumber}
- \renewenvironment{shortSoln}[1]{%
- \exploregroups % needed to ignore {}
- % before the environment starts - this is a stretchable space
- \vskip 0.1cm plus 2cm minus 0.1cm%
- \fullexpandarg % need this line so that '.' are counted
- %
- % either problems, or subproblems, e.g: 3.1 or 3.1.4 respectively
- % determine which one by counting the '.'
- \StrCount{#1}{.}[\numberofdecimals]
- %
- % find the problem number by splitting the string
- \ifthenelse{\numberofdecimals=0}%
- {%
- % problems, such as 4, 5, 6, ...
- \def\problemnumber{#1}%
- }%
- {}%
- \ifthenelse{\numberofdecimals=1}%
- {%
- % problems, such as 4.3, 1.2, 10.5
- \StrBefore{#1}{.}[\problemnumber]%
- }%
- {}%
- \ifthenelse{\numberofdecimals=2}%
- {%
- % subproblems such as 1.3.1, 1.2.4, 7.5.6
- \StrBehind{#1}{.}[\newbit]%
- \StrBefore{\newbit}{.}[\problemnumber]%
- }%
- {}%
- %
- % determine if the problem number is odd or even
- % and depending on our choices above, display or not
- \ifthenelse{\isodd{\problemnumber}}%
- {%
- % set a boolean that says the problem number is odd (used later)
- \setboolean{oddproblemnumber}{true}%
- % display or not
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showoddsolns}}%
- {%
- % if we want to show the odd problems
- {\bfseries \hypertarget{soln:#1:\thechapter}{}\hyperlink{prob:#1:\thechapter}{#1}.}%
- }%
- {%
- % otherwise don't show them!
- \expandafter\comment%
- }%
- }%
- {%
- % even numbered problem, set the boolean (used later)
- \setboolean{oddproblemnumber}{false}%
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showevensolns}}%
- {%
- % if we want to show the even problems
- {\itshape \hypertarget{soln:#1:\thechapter}{}\hyperlink{prob:#1:\thechapter}{#1}.}%
- }%
- {%
- % otherwise don't show them!
- \expandafter\comment%
- }%
- }%
- }%
- {%
- % after the environment finishes
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{oddproblemnumber}}%
- {%
- % odd numbered problems
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showoddsolns}}%
- {%
- % if we want to show the odd problems
- % then the environment is finished
- }%
- {%
- % otherwise we need to finish the comment
- \expandafter\endcomment%
- }%
- }%
- {%
- % even numbered problems
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{showevensolns}}%
- {%
- % if we want to show the even problems
- % then the environment is finished
- }%
- {%
- % otherwise we need to finish the comment
- \expandafter\endcomment%
- }%
- }%
- }
- \clearpage
- % set solution figure width
- \newlength{\solutionfigurewidth}
- \setlength{\solutionfigurewidth}{3cm}
- % input the SHORT solutions file
- \IfFileExists{shortsolutions.tex}{\input{shortsolutions.tex}}{}
- %=======================
- %=======================
- \end{document}
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