
VR Life

Aug 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. You've been playing for almost a week now, and managed to reach level 25. When you did, you heard a dig, and your right hand flashed light blue for a second, indicating that you received a new notification.
  3. "New feature unlocked: Head to any marketplace to use the newly unlocked option."
  5. "That's a surprise.", you thought, "I'm level 25. I would have thought all the marketplace features would have been unlocked by now."
  7. You decide to head there, curious about what it was. Once there, you ask the owner if he started offering any new services recently.
  9. "Funny you should ask! Starting today, in fact, I've started working with slave trading.", He declares.
  11. "Oh, you have?"
  13. "Yeah! Looking to buy? Gotta warn you, it's a bit pricy."
  15. "How much?" You ask.
  17. "Well," he begins, "It depends. Generally, though, 75,000 gold."
  19. "You're right. That is a bit pricy.", you state, "Could I look around, and see what you have?"
  21. "Sure thing! Follow me!"
  23. Although he says that, instead of going anywhere, the game simply paused as a menu opened up with a search bar. A second menu opened up, which read: "Enter the name of any fictional character. Doing so will create an in-game model of said character, complete with their voice and personality."
  25. Interesting... You knew from past experiences that character models were atomically correct. When you first started up the game, you thought it would be funny to pants a few characters. One time, you pulled down a guy's underwear along with his pants by mistake. You got caught and had to pay a small fine for that one.
  27. Anyway, you recently finished watching an anime called "Assassination Classroom". You decided to search for "Nagisa Shiota", thinking he might be a bit useful in teaching you how to kill just a bit better.
  29. The menu went blank, except for a loading bar, which was moving unexpectedly fast.
  31. "Good choice!", he said, "I hear she's a good assassin. Could be useful."
  33. She? Oh, right. Nagisa was a trap. Chances are, they never asked him, and never checked. The merchant probably just guessed.
  35. With that, Nagisa was brought out, his hands bound by rope.
  37. "And don't worry about her escaping. She's already been broken! She'll be completely loyal to you, and follow every order you give." He boasted.
  39. You hand the merchant a bag containing the money.
  41. "Good doin' business with ya!" He said.
  43. You nodded and began leading Nagisa back towards your house. When you two arrived, you cut the rope binding his hands.
  45. "Thank you, master." He said.
  47. The merchant was right. He did look broken. He looked so sad.
  49. "You're welcome. Anyway, I've already got a task for you."
  51. He looked a bit worried when you said that.
  53. "Don't worry, it's nothing too hard! You have assassination skills, right?"
  55. He looked up before replying meekly. "I do."
  57. "Well, I'd like you to teach me some of your skills. I'm an adventurer. It would be nice to learn new skills because of my profession.", you told him in a calm voice.
  59. "Oh." He stated flatly, "I can help you with that."
  61. You head over to your chest and search for a weapon for him. You soon find a knife and hand it to him.
  63. "Thank you, master."
  65. "Now, let's go find a low-level creature." You tell him.
  67. "Yes, master."
  69. It shouldn't be too hard to find what you're looking for. You chose to build your house in a low-level area because you figured you'd have less to worry about.
  71. Soon, you found a target. A level 2 deer. Even though Nagisa is currently only level 1, with his skill, he should be able to handle it with ease.
  73. "You see that deer right there?" You ask.
  75. "Yes."
  77. "Teach me the best way to kill it.", You request.
  79. "Understood."
  81. He grips his knife and slowly walks up to it. While doing so, he stays low to the ground until he gets up close. With a burst of speed, he slices the leg and jumps out of the way of its feet. It tries to run, but can't. Taking advantage of this, Nagisa runs up to the head and cuts the neck open. It dies as he walks back to you with his clothes stained with blood.
  83. He clears his throat before explaining.
  85. "I see. If you can come up with methods for more difficult creatures, then it would really help. But before we do that..."
  87. You look at his blood-covered clothes.
  89. "Let's get you some clothes." You tell him.
  91. "Of course, master."
  93. You lead him back in town and make your way to a clothing store.
  95. "Welcome!", the seamstress begins, "Is there anything I can help you with?"
  97. "There is. I'd like to buy some maid outfits. More specifically, three female and one male."
  99. "Wonderful! That'll be 1,000 gold, please!" She states.
  101. You hand her the money and she, in turn, gives you your requested items.
  103. "Thank you! Have a good day!" She says.
  105. You walk off. About halfway, Nagisa speaks up.
  107. "Master? May I ask a question?" He asks, politely.
  109. "Of course. What is it?"
  111. "Well... I'm a guy... Why did you buy three female maid outfits?" He questions.
  113. You laugh lightly.
  115. "I know. To be honest, I just thought you'd look good in the woman's outfits. But, as a reward for your help, I decided to get you a men's outfit as well."
  117. "I see.", he starts, "Thank you."
  119. You grin.
  121. Before you know it, you're back home.
  123. "Which outfit would you like to put on?" You ask him.
  125. He hesitates for a moment.
  127. "The men's, please."
  129. You hand him the men's suit and tell him that he can change in your bathroom. But before he does, he hands you back your knife. After you grab it, he heads into the bathroom and closes the door as you put your knife back into your chest.
  131. Moments later, he exits the bathroom dawning his new suit. He carefully folded his other clothes and carried them, making sure not to get any of the blood on the suit.
  133. He looked nice in it.
  135. "Should I clean my old clothes, master?"
  137. "Not right now.", you inform him, "You can do it later tonight."
  139. "Understood."
  141. "You just changed into new, clean clothes. I don't want you to dirty them up right away. So, for now, I want to teach you a few recipes. I want you to be able to cook for me."
  143. He nods.
  145. "Let's head to the market to buy the ingredients."
  147. He nods again and follows you in town, to the food market.
  149. You want to teach him how to make pizza. The only issue is, you can't just buy premade dough or sauce. You can buy cheese, but you have no way of grading it. You get around this little problem by getting each base competent to make everything for it.
  151. It takes close to an hour to find everything you need. But once you're done, you head home with him. Then, you put the bags of food in the kitchen and start.
  153. "The first thing we need to do is make the dough. I'm assuming you don't already know how to make it, do you?"
  155. "No, sorry."
  157. "Well, that's fine. I'll just teach you. It's not too difficult."
  159. You begin showing him how to make the dough. Followed by the sauce, then how to put it all together before putting it over a fire.
  161. "Now, you just watch until it looks like it's done cooking."
  163. You wait with him and let him know when it's time to take it out.
  165. "Now.", you inform him.
  167. He pulls it out with the tool you gave him, and he places it on the counter. You cut it into eight pieces with a knife.
  169. "That's how you make pizza. Think you can remember it all?"
  171. "I'll try," he states.
  173. "That's all I ask."
  175. You grab two plates and put two slices on each of them.
  177. "Thank you, master."
  179. You start eating it, and after a second of hesitation, Nagisa does too. You watch as he chews it, then swallows it.
  181. "...Do you like it?" you ask.
  183. He thinks a moment.
  185. "Yes. It's really good."
  187. "That's good to hear."
  189. You two continue eating the remainder of the food. Unfortunately, fridges don't exist and you're not too sure of how to properly store the other half.
  191. "I guess we need to finish this. You think you could finish the rest?"
  193. He doesn't want to disappoint you, especially not so quickly.
  195. "I'll do my best."
  197. You both of your plates. You put most of the remaining pizza onto his plate. Though, you put one more slice onto yours. Hopefully, this will make things just a bit easier on him. As you walk back, he seems to be staring at the food with a look of uncertainty.
  199. You place his on the table in front of him. He takes a deep breath and starts. Although you're not really sure how much time passes, you would guess it's probably been twenty minutes. For some reason, you're transfixed on watching him try and get it down. As he eats, you slowly nibble away at your own food. By the time he swallows the last bite, he seems to be completely full.
  201. "Good job! I'm impressed." You congratulate.
  203. "Thank..." he seems to pause, seemingly struggling to finish his sentence, ", master."
  205. He stands up and grabs your plates, intending to clean them in the kitchen. But that's when you see it. Nagisa's stomach is slightly bloated. It's not too too much. Most people probably wouldn't notice it.
  207. "Guess he really pushed himself.", you thought to yourself.
  229. next girl you get (after sneezing in front of nagisa), is kate. by this point, she's already broken and seerves you loyaly.
  230. you make her make dinner while you wait in the kitchen.
  231. the two of you are alone.
  232. when she finishes, you have her sit down next to her and eat it with you.
  233. you planned it perfectly.
  234. you made sure you would be gassy right about now.
  235. you loudly fart in front of her.
  236. she struggles to not laugh.
  237. deep down, she still finds farts funny.
  238. you break her and she laughs.
  239. it encourages her to fart too.
  240. you make venti take care of a cat.
  241. you make him sleep in his room with his cat.
  242. he is stuffing himself and has to hold back a burp.
  243. you continue to overfeed him, unintentionally
  244. later that night, after you sneezed in front of him, you hear his stomach growl.
  245. somehow, you convince him to fart in front of you.
  246. you slowly start giving him other skills in hopes he can earn money to help you pay for things that you want.
  247. you buy all the ingredients and show him how to make a burrito
  248. you let him work in a shop and then tell the worker that he is your slave, but don't treat him harshly. treat him kindly.
  249. at some point, you feel a sneeze coming on.
  250. at first, you try to hold it in, but then realize that it's only an ai.
  251. you sneeze, which makes you blush a bit.
  252. he blesses you.
  253. from there, things change, the realization that it's just an ai, and that he is your slave, makes you wanna take things further.
  254. also, at the same time, you begin thinking about building a harem.
  255. you task nagisa to go out and try to make some money while you save money from quests.
  256. the two of you soon save enough to buy a large plot of land, 1.5 square miles.
  257. then, you and him buy a very large house, two stories, and many rooms.
  258. you have them build a temporary 2 bedroom house on the outskirts for you and him to stay in.
  259. when that's done, you sell your house.
  260. with some of the money, you stock the temp house with lots of soda, no water.
  261. all of the food in the house, are foods to make you both gassy (beans, sweet potatoes, etc).
  262. eventually, both of you end up farting in front of each other multiple times while waiting for the new house.
  263. while it's being built, you have him help you with questing again.
  264. also, during this time, neither of you get to jack off because of the situation. both of you are increasingly horny.
  265. they tell you that the house should be ready in a few days.
  266. knowing this, you now this is your best chance.
  267. [option 1]
  268. you buy a minor potion of attraction.
  269. [option 2]
  270. the person who drinks it will be attracted to the first person they see.
  271. you buy alcohol for you two. yours, is light alcohol and wont get you drunk.
  272. his is hard, and is enough to get him drunk.
  273. you 'help him' release some of this tension, by jacking him off.
  274. when he does come, there's lots of it, and it shoots far.
  275. while still full of pleasure, he asks if he should help you out too.
  276. you accept.
  277. [option 2]
  278. the next morning, he doesn't remember anything, because of how drunk he was.
  279. you decide that that was too risky and that you need to go about this differently.
  280. you decide to level up your charisma and attraction stats as high as possible, in secret.
  281. [option 1]
  282. but now, he feels attracted to you for some reason.
  283. after the new house is built, you move in there.
  284. soon, you mention to him that it just occurred to you that you need more servants in order to keep this house clean.
  285. (you bought such a house in order to house more, but you didn't want him to know that you were just trying to form a large harem)
  286. the second person you buy, is kate takayama. she is a tomboy, and you only allow her to drink soda and she must drink a lot of it.
  287. she burps and farts around you often, as she finds it funny.
  288. you didn't even give an order to do so, because you knew she would anyway.
  291. -invisibility potion
  292. slaves stats are relative to their level.
  293. you can train specific stats, like speed, defense, hp, attack, etc.
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