
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 127

Mar 25th, 2014
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  1. [15:38] <@Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:39] <@Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:39] <@Kjell> -Session 127-
  4. [15:41] <@Kjell> After Kjell set up the elemental distraction, Kahree managed to get into the Slavemaster's palace, eliminate nuerous guards, and even free a trio of genies from under the watch of a Brass Golem. The freed efreeti bolted, while the Marid stayed long enough to summon more elementals to contribute to the chaos.
  5. [15:42] <@Kjell> However, as they were leading the slaves away, they encountered one last obstacle on the south end of the city: The Slavemaster himself. A notable wizard in his own right, with particular skill at binding and conjuration, he now stands between Kahree and the freedom she promised the slaves. He seems to have a desire to deal with her personally after her escape twenty years prior
  6. [15:45] * Kjell keeps his hand on his sword, but casts glances back at the crowd of recently freed slaves. Fighting a wizard like this could spell death for a lot of them, especially considering how little he seemed to value their lives. However, that also served to make him angrier. Defeating could definitely aid the plight of other slaves, and perhaps even make future rescues easier.
  7. [15:48] * Kahree keeps her hands on the handles of her maces, glancing nervously at Kjell. With a frown, she turns her attention to the slavemaster. "So there's no way you'll let us go without harming the slaves?"
  8. [15:49] <@Kjell> The wizard frowns, "Well, I thought that after the last escape attempt, the scars your oread friend bore would serve as a reminder of why it's not a good idea, but apparently you've gone and ruined that. Clearly, once I've decided how to deal with you, I'll have to be more severe this time."
  9. [15:51] * Kahree growls, drawing her maces. "If you get the chance." She doesn't do anything other than strike a defensive pose, glaring at the pair.
  10. [15:54] * Kjell looks around. He could conjure his wall of force, separating them form the wizard, but considering he specialized in conjuration for binding, teleportation would make that moot. It could be used to block harmfull effects from reaching the slaves while the two of them stayed to fight, but would force the slaves to take a path around it, and potentially run into trouble on their own.
  11. [16:04] * Kahree looks to Kjell, whispering, "Can you separate the slaves and yourself from us?"
  12. [16:04] * Kjell nods, "Yes, although I have no means of stopping him from teleporting past any barrier I could evoke."
  13. [16:05] <@Kjell> The wizard looks to Kahree, "So, what will it be Kahree? Will you come quietly and return to your rightful place at my feet, or will you doom all of these slaves you seem to care so much about?"
  14. [16:05] * Kahree nods. "Do it. Protect the slaves, and I'll go after him. I'll prevent him from teleporting."
  15. [16:06] <@Kjell> Kjell nods, readying his spell arm.
  16. [16:06] * Kahree turns to her former slavemaster with a grin. "Why don't you deal with me first, here and now? That is, if you think you're even powerful enough to punish me without getting your ass kicked."
  17. [16:08] <@Kjell> The slavemaster chuckles, "I'm not entirely sure what kind of delusions you have to think you could challenge an arcanist of my skill, but even if you are, why should I?"
  18. [16:11] * Kahree frowns. "Because I'm not going down without a fight. Even if you capture me, I won't rest until you're dead." She brandishes her maces, readying herself to charge. "You might as well end me here."
  19. [16:13] <@Kjell> The slavemaster levels his staff at her, "And what of the slaves who will get caught in the crossfire? If you're going to be attempting to kill me, I have no reason to restrain myself."
  20. [16:14] * Kahree snorts. "Yes you do. Because if I die, then they'll go back to you, but if they die, you lose out on your..." she growls, "profits."
  21. [16:17] <@Kjell> The slavemaster smirks, "You make a valid point. However, since I can't have your friends running off while I'm distracted..." he brandishes staff, and behind the collection of slaves, an enormous Lightning Elemental is conjured. He looks to Kjell, "You can go and deal with that if you want, but I'd prefer you stay out of this if you don't want me to order it to do anything other than corral them."
  22. [16:20] <@Kjell> The lightning elemental crackles with electricity, but doesn't attack any of the slaves yet. It simply takes up most of the street behind them, making running off more difficult.
  23. [16:21] <@Kjell> The elemental is shaped like a thunderhead cloud, and stinks of ozone.
  24. [16:22] * Kahree charges forward with a baleful glare, maces ready. Once she approaches the wizard, she leaps up, twisting and flipping in an attempt to vault over him.
  25. [16:23] <Kahree> With a smirk, Kahree lands behind him, immediately turning and bashing her mace into his back.
  26. [16:28] <@Kjell> The wind goes out of his lungs, and the slavemaster collapses in a heap.
  27. [16:34] <@Kjell> Viraj, still at the back of the group of slaves when the Lightning elemental showed up, moves to position himself between it and them, as he always did. He locks it with his good eye and clenches his fist, which seems to weep acid as he attempts to pummel the elemental.
  28. [16:35] <@Kjell> Viraj's blows however, cannot connect with the nimble, formless elemental.
  29. [16:38] * Kjell frowns. Most of his offensive spells would be useless against a creature of lightning. Instead, he uses his prepared short range teleport to jump to the back of the crowd beside Viraj, giving the Elemental another target.
  30. [16:39] <@Kjell> The Lightning Elemental faces Viraj, two crackling bits of thundercloud whipping out of the formation and slamming into him. The metal cuff on his ankle conducts the electric strike through his body.
  31. [16:41] <@Kjell> Viraj focuses his ki to reduce some of the impact, but is still badly hurt by the shocking blows, staggering a bit.
  32. [16:44] <Kahree> has to restrain herself from ending the slavemaster right there... seeing how hurt Viraj is. With a huff, she charges the elemental, putting herself between it and Viraj.
  33. [16:48] <@Kjell> Viraj looks to Kahree as she arrives. "I acted on instinct, but I suppose it was a bit brash to place myself in the way of something more potent than a slaver's lash." He takes a quick step back, but not enough to provoke an immediate assault from the elemental again.
  34. [16:51] <@Kjell> Kjell has to wait a moment to fully rematerialize after a short range jump.
  35. [16:53] <@Kjell> The elemental looks between Kahree and Kjell. Both of them were clad in metal, but the woman was brandishing two points of contact. It lashes out at her first.
  36. [16:57] <@Kjell> Kahree feels a wave of pain as the lightning slams are conducted through her maces and armour, sending shudders of pain up and down her body
  37. [17:03] * Kahree growls and lunges forward, bashing the elemental with her maces.
  38. [17:06] <@Kjell> The elemental takes a pounding, but its formless nature leaves nothing vital for Kahree to strike, and diminishes the impact of her maces. Still, the thing definitely seems to not appreciate the beating.
  39. [17:07] <@Kjell> Viraj focuses his Ki inwards, trying to mend some of his wounds.
  40. [17:08] * Kjell takes up his sword in one hand, arcane energies swirling around the other. He slashes thrice at the elemental before launching a furry of fully charged arcane missiles.
  41. [17:14] <@Kjell> The combination of Kjell's blade and magic missiles finishes the Lightning elemental off, causing it to break apart with a thunderous boom.
  42. [17:16] * Kahree breathes a sigh of relief and looks to Viraj in worry. "...You alright?"
  43. [17:17] <@Kjell> Viraj looks at his burns. "I believe I have suffered worse. But only the once."
  44. [17:18] * Kahree frowns and looks to Kjell. "Have any healing potions on you?"
  45. [17:19] * Kjell nods and pulls out two moderate healing potions to offer.
  46. [17:20] <@Kjell> Viraj accepts them and drinks both.
  47. [17:20] <@Kjell> His wounds fully mend.
  48. [17:21] <@Kjell> Viraj chuckles, "It's been a while since I received a wound that would not be leaving me a fresh scar." He looks to Kahree, "Did you finish him?"
  49. [17:22] * Kahree frowns and looks over to the corpse. "No, but he'll be dead soon. He's bleeding out."
  50. [17:23] <Kahree> body*
  51. [17:23] <@Kjell> Viraj nods. "Then we should be on our way quickly. That thunderous end of the elemental will likely draw attention we wanted away from ourselves here."
  52. [17:25] * Kahree nods, stowing her maces. "Then let's go."
  53. [17:28] * Kahree_ first moves to the late slavemaster's body and looks for anything of value!
  54. [17:29] <@Kjell> The slavemaster, in addition to his staff, has a wand, two rings, and a necklace with a jeweled brooch.
  55. [17:30] * Kahree takes it all and presents it to Kjell knowingly.
  56. [17:30] <@Kjell> Kjell glances at it, "Stash it for now. I'll look at it when we have time to stop and rest."
  57. [17:31] * Kahree pouts a little, but does as suggested.
  58. [17:32] <@Kjell> Kjell looks to the slaves, then calls to them. "The last obstacle has been cleared. Follow Kahree for the flight to freedom. I shall fall back to the rear and make pursuit difficult.
  59. [17:32] <Kahree> With that, Kahree's off, waving for the former slaves to follow!
  60. [17:33] <@Kjell> Viraj moves along with Kahree, guiding the slaves out into the desert.
  61. [17:36] * Kjell waits until all of the former slaves have moved beyond the edge of the town before pulling out the orb of storms. He begins concentrating on it, evoking its potent enchantment. Doing so takes him about ten minutes, after which he teleports to catch up with the group however far they had gone in that time. He looks to Kahree, "It's done. In ten minutes a wind and rain storm is going to pick up behind us, and that should cover our
  62. [17:36] <@Kjell> -"It's done. In ten minutes a wind and rain storm is going to pick up behind us, and that should cover our tracks. We should seek to cover as much distance as we can in that time."
  63. [17:37] * Kahree nods, continuing along at a brisk pace (that the slaves can keep up with).
  64. [17:39] <@Kjell> The slaves seem spurred by the death of their former master, and keep up fairly well
  65. [17:46] * Kjell is actually the slowest of the group in his armour. Ten minutes after his rejoinging the group, stormclouds roll in overhead and the wind picks up, rain starting.
  66. [17:46] <@Kjell> *rejoining
  67. [17:57] <@Kjell> The slaves don't seem to mind the rain, and in fact, the undine woman seems more than pleased at the hydration.
  68. [18:01] * Kahree grumbles a little as her hair gets wet, but continues on.
  69. [18:04] <@Kjell> Viraj looks to Kahree, his own pace equal to Kjell's owing to his heavy, stocky frame. "It might take a few days on foot at this pace. We don't exactly have any provisions handy."
  70. [18:05] * Kahree smirks. "Actually, we have enough to get by. You'll see."
  71. [18:09] <@Kjell> Viraj nods, "Very well, I shall trust you on that."
  72. [18:21] <@Kjell> After a couple hours of walking in the rain, the freed slaves bit of adrenaline has worn off, and they all look exhausted.
  73. [18:21] <@Kjell> Viraj notices this, and points it out to Kahree, "I think we've done all we can for this evening. Hopefully it's enough to avoid pursuit with the help of that storm."
  74. [18:22] * Kahree nods and pulls out the rod of splendor from her bags. She calls out to the slaves, "Come here! I think you all deserve a night of fun..." As she finishes her sentence, she waves the rod, conjuring the massive tent for the slaves; full with lavish food of course.
  75. [18:23] <@Kjell> The slaves, stopping and panting for a moment, suddenly seem perplexed at the array of food before them. A lot of them look very hungry, but at the same time the sudden appearance of so much food is shocking to them. For starters though, they begin to file under the tent to get out of the rain.
  76. [18:25] * Kahree smiles, following them through. "Feel free to eat as much as you want."
  77. [18:26] <@Kjell> Viraj looks impressed. "Well now. I see what you meant about provisions. Is there a limit on what that rod can do?"
  78. [18:26] * Kahree nods. "It can only do this once a week... so they should fill up on food now."
  79. [18:27] <@Kjell> Viraj nods, "I see. Hopefully they don't go overboard and make themselves sick."
  80. [18:29] * Kahree nods, sitting back and relaxing. "At least they get to relax."
  81. [18:30] * Kjell approaches the two of them. "If we have to keep going longer than anticipated, I can make daily jumps back to the camp and take some of the provisions. At the very least, fishing is an option for bolstering food stores there, since getting farms going will take some time."
  82. [18:31] <@Kjell> -End Session-
  83. [18:31] <@Kjell> Rewards: 1 EL 15
  84. [18:31] <@Kjell> 17,100 Experience each
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