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Jun 10th, 2017
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  1. Sim: hows sevilidan
  2. Sim is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
  3. Madcombat: Going really good
  4. Madcombat: We reach 17 players roughly each day, we populate around 11 onwards throughout the night
  5. Sim: and it's been up since...?
  6. Sim: 2 weeks? 3? a month?
  7. Madcombat: Coming upto 2-3 weeks now, my playerbase is VERY in agreement with the situation we have here and are enjoying it.
  8. Sim: huh
  9. Sim: nice
  10. Madcombat: Yes
  11. Madcombat: It's good.
  12. Sim: right now im just sitting back and relaxing while i enjoy this weather that just hit us
  13. Madcombat: That's cool to hear.
  14. Sim: 5ºC each night, never seen before where i live
  15. Madcombat: But yeah
  16. Madcombat: At Sevilidan, I've attracted a VERY mature and friendly playerbase
  17. Madcombat: Cancerous individuals are tossed out and even cancerous individuals who've been cancer in the past have toned themselves down because they enjoy the server.
  18. Madcombat: Im in a VERY good position.
  19. Madcombat: :)
  20. Madcombat: Despite the fact; I am the only admin
  21. Madcombat: And the only guy running it.
  22. Sim: thats bad lol
  23. Sim: y
  24. Madcombat: Not exactly.
  25. Sim: you shouldn't be proud of that
  26. Madcombat: I actually can be and I can explain why.
  27. Sim: i got tired of my server after a month and really needed the admins to back me up
  28. Madcombat: YET
  29. Madcombat: They betrayed you
  30. Madcombat: And fucked your shit
  31. Madcombat: Repeatedly behind your back
  32. Madcombat: I dont want to get into a arguement about it, however I will say; we are growing to a point I may recruit 1-3 admins
  33. Madcombat: Im managing over 70 character profiles currently and constantly updating them each day.
  34. Sim: thats tiring
  35. Madcombat: No it isnt
  36. Madcombat: It's really easy
  37. Madcombat: I've designed it that way to be easy
  38. Madcombat: Every fantasy server that's came since the first Sevilidan test has based sheet applications off my system as you know, the problem is most of them have implemented a difficult system and have made it difficult for themselves
  39. Madcombat: I have placed myself into a position to merely state 2 words in a thread
  40. Madcombat: And the rest is done.
  41. Madcombat: This means I can check my entire forums and provide a update in 20 minutes
  42. Madcombat: Of my day.
  43. Madcombat: (Easy)
  44. Madcombat: AT the same time
  45. Madcombat: Each day, I hold an event.
  46. Madcombat: Without fail.
  47. Madcombat: Im content with my playerbase Sim
  48. Madcombat: Shit dude, I manage more then just character sheets
  49. Madcombat: I manage business threads too and faction threads
  50. Madcombat: Detailing armies
  51. Madcombat: And economy.
  52. Madcombat: Hell, one elf is building a guild house to start up a Mercenary company
  53. Madcombat: (He had to get the rights to build on the land from the Local managing knight = Who is a player.)
  54. Sim: cool
  55. Sim: fantasy was all about what the player wanted
  56. Sim: fantasyrp*
  57. Madcombat: Yes and no, if you give it too easily (Like Vex's server atm) or dont provide idea influx into the community
  58. Madcombat: You kinda get reports like I have about things getting stale (Talking about what i've heard from Solarflux members)
  59. Madcombat: I operate on a small economy Sim, Job pay outs = -40 coins
  60. Madcombat: One piece of steel armor can cost over 500 coins
  61. Madcombat: Like a helmet.
  62. Madcombat: As you can imagine, I've got a very entrepreneural playerbase
  63. Sim: okay
  64. Madcombat: You know the best part too Sim?
  65. Madcombat: No one has magic yet
  66. Sim: cool
  67. Sim: "yet"
  68. Madcombat: Yes, yet. It wont be long until I start pushing spells into the economy.
  69. Madcombat: In my Event dungeons, people tend to need to make multiple runs over the course of a week to clear out a single place
  70. Sim: i think you're making it way too slow lmao
  71. Sim: 1 week is a fucking lot
  72. Madcombat: Yes it is and it is good.
  73. Madcombat: Roleplay shouldnt be a 1 month thing
  74. Sim: 48 hours should be enough
  75. Madcombat: No it shouldnt lol
  76. Sim: it's a fucking lot dude
  77. Madcombat: Yes it is.
  78. Madcombat: Did you know people can only mine once a day
  79. Madcombat: In my server?
  80. Sim: i don't want to spend 1 week trying to clear a dungeon for -40 coins
  81. Madcombat: lol - I said job pay outs = 40 coins
  82. Madcombat: Not dungeon raids
  83. Madcombat: Raids consist fo great rewards
  84. Sim: still think it's way too slow paced
  85. Madcombat: SUch as potions, enchantment ingrediants, herbalism ingrediants, black smithing ingrediants.
  86. Sim: if you had a group of over 5 people, good gear and a good plan, it wouldn't take you more than a day to clear a single place
  87. Madcombat: Plan? What are you planning?
  88. Madcombat: Do you know how many bandits are inside one crypt?
  89. Madcombat: How many skeletons lurk?
  90. Madcombat: Can't plan for that man.
  91. Sim: ever watched log horizon
  92. Madcombat: This isnt anime
  93. Sim: they had good plans for their dungeon raids
  94. Sim: they sent scouts
  95. Madcombat: That's the key fundemental difference
  96. Madcombat: Between Fantasy and Sevilidan
  97. Sim: this isn't real life either
  98. Sim: LMAO
  99. Madcombat: Perhaps even Solarflux
  100. Madcombat: But my community accepts and knows
  101. Madcombat: That their characters are not heros.
  102. Madcombat: Many are nobles, many are peasants.
  103. Madcombat: What makes my server is the social events being made out of player interaction
  104. Sim: eventually those player interactions will lack out, or get stale
  105. Madcombat: For example, a recent Baron of a town who was vasselized just had an Peasant revolt.
  106. Sim: or people will fight for something
  107. Sim: and they'll get separated
  108. Madcombat: They will fight - yes. I expect it.
  109. Madcombat: I want it
  110. Sim: and everyone would go somewhere else
  111. Madcombat: I want my players characters to fight, to stir conflict.
  112. Sim: people will bitch no one is in the towns cus of it
  113. Sim: and boom
  114. Sim: population decreases
  115. Madcombat: And yet, it hasnt.
  116. Sim: tell that to sevilidan 1.0 lmao
  117. Madcombat: Sevilidan 1.0 was a test.
  118. Sim: yeah
  119. Sim: whatever you say
  120. Sim: i can call fantasyrp a test
  121. Sim: hell
  122. Sim: i can call catalyst four a test
  123. Sim: because people can call me out that it was bad
  124. Sim: so i can just use it as a defense
  125. Madcombat: Not exactly, there was litterally a clause on Sevilidan that I was using the server as a means to test many things such as administration, roleplay psychology, reactions to PK's. Sevilidan 1.0 was very usefull because of the information I gained.
  126. Madcombat: I told people this routinely
  127. Madcombat: That's your fault if you care not to listen lol
  128. Sim: -Hey, let's make a server
  129. -Okay, cool!
  130. -Shit, my server is going down the hill, what do?
  132. -but they won't ca-
  133. -DO IT.
  134. Madcombat: Uh huh, well whatever you say man. Everyone was well made aware that I was using the sever to test functions and experiment.
  135. Madcombat: Where or not you want to realize that is upto you.
  136. Sim: no they weren't
  137. Sim: i don't care if you call your servers as tests
  138. Madcombat: Sim, there is people who listen and people who do not- there is also people who get too involved and forget all else. We made clear what Sevilidan was about and what I was using the first server as a means for.
  139. Madcombat: Im not sure why you care anyhow.
  140. Madcombat: lol
  141. Sim: but if you watch dremek, his servers have given him a reputation of making shit servers
  142. Madcombat: I dont care about this "Dremek."
  143. Sim: atleast stand up and assume sevilidan 1.0 was shit, just like i do with catalyst four and fantasy
  144. Madcombat: Sevilidan 1.0 wasnt shit Sim, you have a personal opinion. Many people was actually disapointed by the shutting down of my test. I do recall vocally telling people however that the server would return once the right schemes was placed and prepared as well as environment for it.
  145. Sim: i stopped when you said sevilidan 1.0 wasn't shit
  146. Madcombat: You -might- go "You being the only admin is bad." but I disagree because of my growth rate, it's proven otherwise. I also disagree because the system I've created, the very system I use and you do not has allowed me to manage it.
  147. Sim: whatever you said dude
  148. Madcombat: Okay Sim.
  149. Madcombat: Question, why are you so bothered by me and my server?
  150. Sim: you say*
  151. Sim: im not bothered
  152. Sim: im bothered that you are talking to it like it should be put in an altar
  153. Madcombat: Because I value my community and appreciate it.
  154. Madcombat: You could say; I appreciate it enough not to place a drunken man in charge of administration.
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