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RRP2 Permit Application

a guest
Mar 3rd, 2018
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  1. 1. Roleplay Name: Malikai Pinero
  2. 2. Roleplay Date of Birth: 03/28/1995
  3. 3. Roleplay Address: 5th street
  4. 4. Roleplay City: New Bloxton
  5. 5. Occupation: Rapper
  6. 6. Sex: (Fill in the X): Male[X] Or Female[]
  7. 7. Ethnicity: African American
  8. 8: Length of Membership:
  9. 9: Voucher:
  10. Are you a citizen of New Bloxton?: Yes, I am.
  11. Have you ever been arrested before?: No, I haven't been arrested
  12. Have you ever had a firearm license before?: No, I have not had a firearm license.
  13. If you have had a firearm license before, why was it revoked?: No, I never had a firearm license.
  14. Section 2: Out of Character Information
  16. 1. ROBLOX username: Hintable
  17. 2. Are you in a Ro-gang? No, I am not in a Ro-Gang
  18. 3. How long have you played RRP?: Since RRP1 has been out.
  19. 4. How did you hear about RRP?: A friend told me about it when RRP1 was out.
  20. Section 3: Firearm Information
  22. 1. What type of license do you desire? (Fill in the X): Handguns
  23. Handguns[X] Rifles[] Shotguns[]
  24. 2. What firearms do you intend to purchase with your license?: I intend to purchase Glocks, Rugers, and m1911.
  25. 3. Why do you intend to purchase a firearm? (60 words minimum): I intend to to purchase a firearm because I would need to keep my home safe and In plus gun owners keep responsibly. More people die in swimming pool accidents than gun accidents. Another reason I am gonna be needing a firearms is for Self Defence is more honourable and better for the society than be a victim. That's the reason I intend to purchase a firearm. And if someone withdraw his weapon I will have Permission to fire my firearm at the person.
  26. 4. Where will this firearm be stored?: The firearm will be stored either inside my vehicle or inside my house.
  28. you are being confronted on the streets, when you turn your head, it is clear that you are about to get jumped. Though, you have your firearm on your side. What do you do? (60 words minimum): I will just proceed to walk off, But if they still try to force fight with me I will withdraw my firearm. After I withdraw my firearm I will tell them to please leave me alone, If they don’t and try to attack me I will be able to fire my firearm. I will fire it for self defence only.
  30. You are sitting on your couch watching TV. All of the sudden, you hear a loud bang on the door. You manage to peak out the window and you see a group of 3 individuals crowded outside your house with baseball bats. Your firearm is in your bedroom. What do you do? (60 words minimum): I will proceed to my bedroom and go and grab my government firearm and open the door and ask them what are they looking for, If it is trouble I would tel them individuals to please step off of my property. And if they don't follow as I go I will tell them again, If they try to attack me with their weapons I have the rights to fire my government Handgun.
  32. There is a large riot going on outside your home. As you watch through the television, people are vandalising property and raiding homes. You and your family/friends are located in your house with a firearm. What do you do? (60 words minimum): I would move my family into another safe room in the house, And i would go and grab my handgun and sit in the same room as them. If i hear anyone entering my home without permission I will ask the individual to leave. He he doesn't leave I will have right to fire my weapon at the individual or individuals.
  34. Your friend calls you via cellphone and tells you that he is in great danger. He tells you that he is being followed by an unknown group of individuals who intent to inflict violence upon him. He ask you to come to help him. You have your firearm, you may choose to bring it or not. Though, what do you do? (60 words minimum):I tell him to try to get to my house safe. And if they follow him ill let friend in and protect him, If they knock the door ill tell the guys to leave or they will be shot. If they leave I will have a valid reasons to fire my firearm at the individuals or individual if he doesn't leave my property.
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