
10th Episode of RWBYKantoVerse

Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. 10th Episode of RWBYKantoVerse
  3. Jalen and Yang ofc have already mated a couple of times in the timespan of Blake finding and thwarting the 2 grunts and Weiss fucking Ruby...So they went back out to the main hall and did what they do best....
  5. Battling other trainers...and so far, they have been winning all of their matches, netting good EXP and money for themselves. Yang's Magikarp doing quite well and gaining as much EXP as possible.
  7. Meanwhile, Jalen was just training his Morelull up to catch up with the other 2 pokemon he owned..
  8. {Ha! We're doing fucking great, bro!!} Yang tosses her pokeball in the air and smirk as Jalen look around and crosses his arms. "That's true and all, but most of these people aren't that good...there's way more casuals here than there are for actual trainers." Yang shrugs and wrap an arm around his shoulder. {Eh, that's true and all, but at the very least our Pokemons are getting stronger, right?} Jalen nods begrudgingly "That's right, how's your Magikarp doing?
  10. {Amazing! Soon, I'll be getting a Gyarados and I'll be the best trainer among our group!!}
  11. "Sure, sweetie." Jalen smirks and pats Yang's head
  13. But before they can go and look for some more of them made his way towards them
  16. <Hold it there, you 2...> The 2 teens turn back and Yang groans as she knows this male...a brown-haired teen wearing only the finest clothing from the Giuspecci line. Besides his side is a blue haired lady who looks nervous behind him. He points at the 2 of them with a scowl on his face. <Who are you 2? This is a ship for esteemed people such as yours truly...>
  18. {We got here through a friend, that's all.} Yang crosses her arms and scowls as the boy grits his teeth...before he could speak, the girl hold his arm in an attempt to restrain him. Berkut, sweetie...we should step back now, we're making a scene.. True to her word, a group of people are now surrounding the 4 teens. Berkut grits his teeth and shake his arm out of the girl's grasp as he continues to glare at the 2 teens before him. <Reina, my love, I, Berkut Branch, Sole Heir of the Branch Enterprises, cannot stand abide while common scum such as these 2 make a mockery of some of society's finest!!.....Besides...I've seen these 2 back in Cerulean City....I never thought to see them here....So!!...Who are you 2?!?>
  20. "(Geez, this's guy full of himself...)" Yang meanwhile scowls and point at herself and Jalen. {I'm Yang....Yang Xiao....Yang Xiao Long, Daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long!!! And this here is my boyfriend, Jalen Pruett!!!} "Sup." Jalen waves casually at Berkut and Reina. Berkut however scowls even harder at Yang after her introduction... <SO!...You're that bastard's filthy spawn then!?!> {BASTARD!?!?} Jalen could had sworn that Yang's eyes turn red for a moment, but put that to his mind playing tricks on him, He does hold Yang's hand to keep her from charging at Berkut. {LISTEN HERE, ASSHOLE....NO ONE DISRESPECT MY FATHER AS LONG AS I BREATH!!}
  22. Reina gasps in shock as many people around them murmur in surprise over Yang being so mad.
  24. "(No shit, she's mad...but still...)"Jalen burrows his eyebrows in anger towards Berkut who is now smirking at them. <Heh, commoners are so easy to anger...and I supposed your pathetic Alpha over there is doing the Gym Challenge like me....> Berkut flashes his Badge case to show the 1st 3 badges of Kanto in his possession to them with a nasty smirk "It's not a race to become the champion, you r-tard..." <Bah! No matter, I shall leave you with your shitty beta..I was gonna battle you, but now I'm bored..>
  26. But as Berkut was walking away...Yang smirks in a devious manner..
  27. {Yeah, cause i'm pretty sure Papa Branch needs his daily beer...}
  29. You can hear a pin drop on the ground as the whole crowd woman even wailing as she pass out on the ground. Reina sweats in fear as she can see the increasingly angry look on Berkut's face..
  31. <What....Did you....say about my father!?!> {Nono, pls go away and get that beer for your daddy...I'm sure he's still trying to forget getting 6-0 by my dad , a COMMONER, 3 tourneys in a row so many years ago....} Jalen blinks as Yang nudge him to join in the fun..and then he nods. "Yeah, that's all he's good at these days...drinking like a little bitch and possibly abusing his family." Berkut turns around with a vicious glare <YOU SHALL NOT DISRESPECT THE BRANCH'S NAME!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT WE ARE TO THE KANTO POKEMON LEAGUE!?!? HOW MANY TOURNEY HAS YOUR FAMILY WON, PRUETT!?!?>
  33. "Way less than the amount of money your father wasted on beer and drugs like the sad sack of existence he is..."
  34. Berkut growls as he send out a Pokeball just as well as Jalen does to reveal Berkut's Drilbur to Jalen's Morelull.
  36. "Sleep Powder and then Mega Drain!"
  38. Both monsters begin to attack, Drilbur's claws shining brightly for a moment to boost his ATK and ACC before he runs at Morelull to slash her up, however, she stops him in his tracks with a bluish powder aimed at him. He skids to a stop and fall asleep before her. Morelull's eyes shine criminally as she extend pink energy tendrils from her mushrooms and wrap them around Drilbur's body to drain his HP.
  40. <DAMNIT, WAKE UP NOW!!!>
  41. However, Drilbur don't wake up and is slammed on the ground by Morelull and is KO'ed.
  43. {Wow, the apple don't fall far from the tree in terms of skills} Yang smirks as Berkut returns his Drilbur and scowl.
  45. <SILENCE!! GO BAGON!!> Out comes Bagon who stomps the ground befoe Morelull. <BAGON, EMBER!!> Small firealls shoot from Bagon's mouth as he pepper down Morelull for a KO, a testament to how strong Bagon is despite the lack of STAB. Jalen return his Morelull and send out his Staravia.
  47. "(Ok, so I didn't expected him to have a rare Pokemon like Bagon on his team at this point...So that explains why Morelull went down so easily...but Staravia have the advantage here in terms of mobility...)" He nods "(Mkay, I got it now.)" "Staravia, fly up and use Quick Attack to divebomb!"
  49. As Staravia does just that and fly up so that he can do his command, Blake appear in the crowd and nudge her way closer to the battlefield with Yang standing behind Jalen....
  51. ^What's going on? Why is Jalen battling Berkut Branch?^
  52. {Cause Berkut's a fucking asshole who needs to be put down?}
  53. ^....True^
  55. Staravia clashes with Bagon and dodge a Headbutt as he flies up to the sky and dodges some Embers as well.
  57. <Damnit....How can this commoner keep up with me?!?! Bagon!! Use Bite!> Bagon managed to get his jaws on Staravia wing, making him chirp in pain... "Stay strong! Fly up to the air and shake it off!!" Staravia flies up and spins fast...making Bagon let go and descend to the ground...Just for Staravia to fly down towards Bagon for... "Aerial Ace!!" Staravia's body shines as he slashes the side of Bagon with his wings and KO the dragon. By now, the Crowd have begin to get even bigger and murmuring louder with them gossiping about Berkut's skill and Jalen's....Many of them being the same teens Jalen and Yang have defeated...
  60. Blake rubs her chin as Yang cheers loudly, not sure that this is gonna be easy for Jalen...Berkut growls as he returns his Bagon.
  62. < have SOME skill...but the luck for you has run out for now you shall face my 1st pokemon and ace!!! Go, Combusken!!!> Berkut send out his Combusken who bellows loudly at Staravia. Jalen knows that Staravia is still raring to go despite the Bite from Bagon...but he also knows that even tho he have the type advantage, he shouldn't be taking this lightly.
  64. "Staravia, Growl and Double Team!!" Staravia let out a loud warcry as he conjures clones of himself to surround Combusken. However, Berkut smirks and issue a command. < Combusken, spin and use Ember to get rid of those clones and attack the real one with Double Kick!!>
  66. Jalen gasps as Combusken jumps and spin very fast in the air and with pinpoint accuracy, hit every single Staravia clone including the real one who cries out in pain. Combusken then land and jump towards Staravia with a Double Kick.
  67. "WING ATTACK!" _Staravia managed to block one of the kicks and strike with a wing onto Combusken's chest..but the young fowl use it as momentum to deliver a overhead kick on to Staravia and knock it down to a refreshment table to KO the pokemon!
  69. {Oh no!}
  70. ^Shit....^
  71. "Staravia!!"
  73. Staravia is returned by Jalen as Berkut smirks.
  74. <Behold the power of my Combusken!! He has never lost a battle once in his life!!! You both will regret angering me today, Pruett and Xian Long!!!>
  76. {Don't let him punk you, Jalen! You still can win this with Monferno!}
  77. Jalen nods and send out his trusty Monferno out...the 2 Fire/Fighting Pokemon glares at one another before Berkut goes 1st...
  79. <Bulk-up!>
  80. "Taunt!"
  82. Berkut curses as Combusken's attempts to raise his stats are halted by Monferno who insult his entire family line...enraging Combusken to use Double Kick on Monferno who counters back with Mach Punch to meet him on.. Both Pokemon clashes fists and feet with gutso as eventually Monferno wins the clash with a devastating left hook that KO Combusken and knock him to another table.. Shocking everyone except for Yang and Blake. The former hugging Jalen from behind as he returns Monferno and the latter clapping as she approaches him.
  84. {WOOOOOO! AWESOME WORK, BRO!!!} She sneers at Berkut {EAT SHIT, SHITLORD!!} <Damn....DAMN YOU BOTH! THIS ISN'T OVER!!!> Berkut storms off the boat with Reina following him...Meanwhile, Ruby is dragging Weiss over to the teens with a wide smile.. [GREAT NEWS!!! WEISS IS JOINING US!!!] {Oh shit, that's cool! What chang-} Yang sniffs the air and stare at Weiss who whistles...she smell her scent all over her sister |What? I-I just decided to change my mind is all...| {Suuuuure....I bet Ruby was very tight, was she?} |She was very tight, Tha-| ^OK SO JALEN, WHAT DO WE DO NOW!?!?^ Blake change the subject with a wide smile on her face...jalen shrugs
  86. "Let's get off this damned boat and head to the PKMN Center to rest up and take on the 3rd gym leader."
  87. The girls nods as they all step off and head to the center....
  88. Meanwhile, in a secret hideout off the boat and in Vermilion City...
  90. -So....You're telling me that you 2 dumbasses got foiled by a worker spilling milk on the bomb......The fucking hell is wrong with you 2?-
  92. A blonde man with impeccable clothing with a Bright Red 'R' on his white suit sits in a room with a camera feed towards Mercury and Emerald.
  93. 'Sir..' Mercury speaks up.. 'If I ca-'
  95. -SILENCE! For every mistake you and others make, it's a step back for our Lady Rocket and the organization as a whole!!!....You're lucky I'm not in charge or else I would had fed you both to Sharpedos!!!-
  96. Both of the flinch as Xander scowl at them..
  98. -..You 2 are to meet up with Cinder and my son, Diego at Rock Tunnel to advance to the Pokemon Tower to force Mr.Fuji to come back and aid us in the Project RKS experiment.-
  99. =What about the Project M experie-=
  102. Xander slams his hand on his desk
  104. =!!=
  105. '!!'
  106. Xander breathes hard to calm himself down
  108. -End Transmission.-
  109. Xander leans back in his chair...he look at his desk and leave out to go speak to Lady Rocket regarding TR's goals...
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