
[Short] Passion Parlor

Feb 26th, 2015
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  1. “I... I guess this is the place...”
  3. A light-coated mare stands before a humble set of double doors, wedged between two sizable buildings in Manehattan. She shakily eyes the thin piece of paper held in a hoof, wondering what lays beyond the polished wood. Quickly glancing at her surroundings, she quietly reads off the text of the paper.
  5. “'Dear Ms. Pommel, you are cordially invited to a free private session in our meek massage parlor.'”
  7. Mumbling the address to herself, her eyes dart from the invitation to her surroundings, taking note of where she is.
  9. “Well... here goes nothing...”
  11. Pushing aside the doors apart, a sweet odor wafts into her nose as she enters the dimly-lit room. The tantalizing scent beckoned her to continue forward, revealing the cozy waiting room. Below her, the carpet that Coco stepped upon was plush against her hooves, the burgundy color easy on the eyes. Lining the walls were the luxurious, silky seats, shimmering in the low light. Through the hypnotic haze of the parlor's smell, a deep, mature voice pierces the heavy veil, catching the pony's attention.
  13. “Welcome, Ms. Pommel I presume?”
  15. Looking for the owner of the husky, feminine voice, Coco was met with two eyes, both glowing with a dull green as a sly smile underlined the two orbs. A unicorn with a gentle teal coat and passive pink curls raises a well-manicured hoof towards a door to her side.
  17. “This way madame, I'll be sure to treat you right tonight.”
  19. The earth pony obeys as she feels her body take a life of its own and walks without her command. The moody parlor possesses the mare, the warm, heavy atmosphere lifting her hooves for her as she approaches the padded massage table.
  21. “Please, rest right here while I prepare your treatment.”
  23. With a dopey grin on her face, Coco flops onto the table, bathing in the mesmerizing booth. Blissfully unaware of her surroundings, she lays her head down as she feels a creeping warmth wrap itself around her hind hooves. Unable to react to the unusual feeling, she lays slack against the table, her body no longer under her control.
  25. Behind the unsuspecting mare, where a unicorn once was stood the queen of changelings. Her harlequin eyes glowed with hunger as the creamy hooves of the pony sat in her unhinged jaw. A thin tongue slithers out to sample the nook in Coco's hind leg as the towering creature's chitinous neck expands and groans with the legs sliding in. Questioning groans turned to needy moans as Chrysalis reached the pony's pudgy belly, the pony completely at the mercy of her magic.
  27. The queen's mouth waters as Coco's emotions ran high, the fleshy caress of the queen's throat against her soft body overwhelming her senses, lost in the wet, silky grip. The mare pants as she continues to slide down the slim, black neck, the hardened plates distending to accommodate the bulky size of the pony. The dressmaker pants one last heated breath as her head sat in the maw of the changeling, the rest of her body tightly compressed within the creature's throat. Gently closing her mouth, Chrysalis gulps hard as she feels the rounded head creep down her gullet, vague impressions of the mare playing along the surface of her hardened body. Muffles of satisfaction filled her belly, as well as the pony herself, the queen's body groaning and gurgling at the extra weight that sat inside her translucent belly. She lays down on her side, stroking her belly as the vague shapes of the pony within her are mere shadows that played across her middle.
  29. “Lovely little treat you are, my little pony. You certainly were the tastiest of them all.”
  31. Hissing out her last words, the distant shudders of pleasure echo from Chrysalis' lower body. Voices of other lusted mares populate her lower tract as she feels her recent meal slowly pump out of her stomach. The sounds of muffled, organic sloshing grow louder as the Queen's body gradually regains its thin form, the shadowy images in her belly no longer present.
  33. “Now for you to join the others... to make wonderful sustenance for your queen.”
  35. Adoring her thin frame, secretly housing numerous ponies within her hardened body, she coos out a sigh of pleasure, the hushed orchestra of love for her ears alone. Before she can settle with her body full of meals, a bell rings, marking the arrival of another customer. A flash of green fire transforms the towering queen back to a meek unicorn as she calls out to her next victim.
  37. “Please make yourself at home... I'll be with you in a minute...”
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