
Master PC Simulator.bas

Jan 12th, 2018
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QBasic 2.29 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 1 REM A simulation of the venerable Master PC program
  2. 2 REM a series of erotic fiction written from USENET days
  3. 3 REM all the way TO today by various authors,
  4. 4 REM with various themes, styles, AND quality.
  5. 5 REM This program made by MasterLoveHurts/Broken_Arrow.
  6. 6 REM Written in BASIC AND tested in qbasic AS well
  7. 7 REM AS "freebasic -lang qb". HAVE FUN!
  8. 8 conct = 0
  9. 9 conn$ = ""
  10. 10 CLS
  11. 20 PRINT "Welcome to the Master PC program"
  12. 30 INPUT "Who would you like to modify"; NAME$
  13. 35 IF NAME$ = "" THEN GOTO 30
  14. 36 PRINT "Connecting to "; NAME$
  15. 37 top = INT(RND(1) * 20)
  16. 40 conct = conct + 1
  17. 50 SLEEP 1
  18. 60 REM CLS
  19. 65 stepper = INT(RND(1) * 5)
  20. 70 IF stepper > 1 THEN PRINT "#";
  21. 71 Y = CSRLIN: X = POS(0) - 1
  22. 72 IF stepper < 2 AND X > 0 THEN LOCATE Y, X
  23. 75 IF stepper < 2 AND X > 0 THEN PRINT " ";
  24. 77 IF stepper < 2 AND X > 0 THEN LOCATE Y, X
  25. 100 IF conct < top THEN GOTO 40
  26. 102 CLS
  27. 105 PRINT "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  28. 110 PRINT "Connected to "; NAME$
  29. 120 PRINT NAME$; " is now ready to be modified."
  30. 122 PRINT "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  31. 125 PRINT "Type 'exit' to quit or"
  32. 127 PRINT "'new' to connect to new target"
  33. 129 PRINT "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  34. 130 PRINT "Describe desired modification:"
  35. 140 INPUT MOD$
  36. 145 IF MOD$ = "" THEN GOTO 130
  37. 152 IF MOD$ = "new" OR MOD$ = "exit" THEN PRINT "Disconnecting from "; NAME$
  38. 153 IF MOD$ = "new" OR MOD$ = "exit" THEN PRINT "@)#($%)%/"; : SLEEP 1: PRINT "*..$^&*"; : SLEEP 1: PRINT "\\@';"; : SLEEP 1
  39. 155 IF MOD$ = "new" THEN GOTO 8
  40. 157 IF MOD$ = "exit" THEN GOTO 300
  41. 160 status$ = ""
  42. 170 counter = 0
  43. 180 top = RND(1) * 20
  44. 190 status$ = status$ + "#"
  45. 200 SLEEP 1
  46. 210 CLS
  47. 220 PRINT "Uploading specified modification to "; NAME$
  48. 225 PRINT "-----------------------------------------"
  49. 226 PRINT MOD$; "..."
  50. 227 PRINT "-----------------------------------------"
  51. 230 PRINT "Do not power off."
  52. 240 PRINT status$
  53. 250 counter = counter + 1
  54. 260 IF counter < top THEN GOTO 190
  55. 265 CLS
  56. 270 PRINT "Modification complete."
  57. 280 PRINT NAME$; " is ready for next modification."
  58. 282 PRINT "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  59. 285 PRINT "Type 'exit' to quit or"
  60. 287 PRINT "'new' to connect to new target"
  61. 289 PRINT "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  62. 290 GOTO 130
  63. 300 PRINT ""
  64. 310 END
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