
Industrial Perils: Suicide thread: Explorer Anon. CH 6

Jul 3rd, 2014
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  1. >It didn’t go well, you’ve said it before, and you’ll say it again.
  2. >Ponies do not deal with death well.
  3. >Twilight decided to start with you, it was poor choice, your memories and emotions flooded
  4. >her mind. It was not like watching a movie, it was more like reliving the western front.
  5. >Worst part was you could feel her emotions. She was rooting for you until the prison break
  6. >,you could feel her shock at your apparent brutality, you still saw it as necessary. Had to
  7. >make sure the guard was dead right? She actually felt sorry that none of the ponies except
  8. >AJ would talk to you; even then you could feel her opinion of you changing. Not for the
  9. >better. She found it noble that you would run the distraction for the others, you can feel
  10. >the pride start to swell up in her, but once it actually started… Oh, boy. She could barely
  11. >hold the magic connection due to the panic and stress beginning to grip her. What pushed
  12. >her over the edge and forced her to break the connection was the contentment you felt.
  13. >She saw your emotions change from duty and protective, to content and at peace.
  14. >This was too much for her, the thought that someone could be at peace with this.
  15. >She broke the connection.
  17. >The spell was costly on the human body and often put you out for a few minutes.
  18. >You eventually come to, forcing your eyes open, eschewing your much needed rest.
  19. >You can hear Pinks voice.
  20. >”Twilight what’s wrong?”
  21. >You sit upright, still in the dining room, but now Twilight is sitting on the far side of the table.
  22. >Her wings are wrapped tight around her, her eyes wide and locked on your form. Pinks
  23. >Lifts up one of her hooves and lightly shakes twilight.
  24. >”Twilight? You’re scaring me, is everypony in on a joke or-“
  25. >”He enjoyed it.”
  26. >These words catch you off guard, sure being content with your actions was one thing but-
  27. >”He… He felt at home there.”
  28. >Well she had you there. You are about to respond when Dash speaks up.
  29. >”Anon did good. None of us would be here if he didn’t follow through with th-“
  30. >”No Rainbowdash… you don’t get it… he well and truly felt at home there.”
  31. >At this point AJ weighs in.
  32. >”Now ah fer one can’t believe that Anon here would find joy in that. Mahbe something
  33. >went wrong with the spell?”
  34. >She has a hopeful look on her face, she just as much as any of them don’t want to hear the
  35. >truth. Well, the cat’s out of the bag now, better to tell them the truth then to hide forever.
  36. “She performed it flawlessly… It wasn’t joy… it was a deeper emotion... Purpose, I guess”
  37. >That seemed to hit AJ harder than any of them. Ponies may not handle death well, but they
  38. >could understand the necessity of it at times. This however, was beyond their comprehension.
  40. >Mixed reactions ranging from terror to disappointment decorate their faces. The only
  41. >shared feature is that their ears are flat down. You slowly bring yourself standing upright.
  42. “Well… I can tell when I’m not welcome. Not that dense.”
  43. >With that you duck out the door and back into the main hall, Gerard is over in the corner.
  44. >He’s leaned against the wall still gnawing on his flatbread; he was taken away by military
  45. >command to give a report on how the breakout and border crossing happened. You walk
  46. >up to him.
  47. >”Hey, thought the ponies would be tagging along with you.”
  48. >He spoke through a rather full mouth, or is it beak?
  49. “I… uh, I don’t really want to talk. You got another cig?”
  50. >He swallows his masticated food before responding.
  51. >”Oh, c’mon man. I only got like three left. Can’t you just buy your own pack?”
  52. “I haven’t had the time or the money… do you guys accept bits?”
  53. >You still had a few rattling around in your pocket, enough for a couple of packs in Equestria
  54. >Gerard looks over at you quickly, feathers standing completely out on end. You try hard
  55. >not to laugh at the poofiness of it.
  56. >”You have bits!?”
  57. “Yeah, not a whole bunch though. Just enough-“
  58. >”Your bits are probably worth more than my whole year’s paycheck! The republican dollar
  59. >is useless!”
  60. “How?”
  61. >”Well after the government raised minimum wage and the base pay for privates went up…
  62. >It all kind of fell apart.”
  63. >Huh, that’s kind of telling. Gerard crams the rest of the flat bread into his mouth and points
  64. >a talon at you.
  65. >”We should go out, get some smokes, I can show you around town! And you can stop
  66. >bumming cigarettes from me."
  67. >After possibly losing your six closest friends this might help you. You don a small reserved
  68. >smile and gesture with your hand.
  69. “Lead the way.”
  70. >You’re not concerned about the public rioting again. They only really had beef with the ponies
  71. >Either way you will be sure to test the waters at the gate. Gerard grins and opens the door.
  72. >He leads you through the yard to the gate, chatting the entire time.
  73. >”I actually grew up only a couple blocks from here. I can still show you some of the bullet
  74. >holes from the revolution. I would show you the old flat me and the family used to live in,
  75. >but I think it’s been rented out since we left.”
  76. “You don’t know where your family is?”
  77. >You’re at the gates now, the griffons on duty open the gate somewhat lazily. You step out
  78. >onto the street, there’s a couple of griffons with push brooms cleaning up the broken glass
  79. >and bricks from earlier. Some of the passersbys look over at you, then continue with their
  80. >business. Looks like they have no malice towards you.
  81. >”I haven’t the foggiest idea. Mum died in the revolution, dad died on the front right at the
  82. >beginning of the war. The others, no clue.”
  83. >He begins walking down the street, you follow.
  84. “What? No mail?”
  85. >He shakes his head and jumps up to a low hover, moving alongside you.
  86. >”Not for the first six months of the war. I got leave after that, came back, different family.
  87. >Boy oh boy, was that awkward. I guess it’s sad, but I try –right here- not to think about it.”
  88. >You turn right down an alleyway.
  90. >That is sad, but, he seems to hold up alright. It may be off topic, but there’s a question you
  91. >have to ask. You actually stop to ask this, Gerard nearly brushes past you before stopping.
  92. >A quizzical look on his face.
  93. “Gerard… Do you enjoy this war?”
  94. >He chuckles and moves to keep going, but you stay stationary.
  95. >”Oh, you’re serious. I don’t enjoy the water shortages if that’s what you mean.”
  96. >You frown a little at this. He sighs, and looks you back in the eye.
  97. >”I would be lying if I said I didn’t… Lets go, I don’t like this subject.”
  98. >Well… Fuck. The mood was significantly darker, is this what you were like to the ponies?
  99. >You exit the alleyway and Gerard’s mood significantly brightens. His beak curling up for a
  100. >huge cheeky grin, something you would expect to see on a child.
  101. >”I used to come here all the time as a youngling. They have the best mint tea.”
  102. >It’s good that he’s jolly again, makes you happier too. You follow his pointing talon, to the
  103. >small store front. Right as you look over a griffon exits it. Black feathers, small, young,
  104. >female, and a wing in a cast. She stands up on her hind legs and takes a thermos out of her
  105. >bag, and looks up. Needless to say her expression is one of utter shock.
  107. >You walk past her giving a slight nod.
  108. “Good to see you alive and well.”
  109. >You and Gerard enter the store he immediately rushes over to the counter.
  110. >The weathered face of an elderly griffon is attending the counter.
  111. >”Well I’ll be a wingless fop, Gerard is that you?”
  112. >Gerard leans against the counter.
  113. >”In the flesh.”
  114. >”Last I heard you were behind bars, mino prisoner and the like.”
  115. >Gerard frowns a little.
  116. >”Well, I got out.”
  117. >”apparently, so what can I… get… yy”
  118. >The elderly griffon is staring at you, attempting to discern your biology. It sets your teeth
  119. >on edge. Gerard looks between the two of you.
  120. >”Uh, this is my comrade in arms, Anon… he’s a uh, what was it?”
  121. “Human”
  122. >The griffon wrinkles his eyes, and resettles his wings.
  123. >”It talks and isn’t a minotaur, good enough for me.”
  124. >Hooray, acceptance. You turn to look at a display with a couple brands of cigarettes, as
  125. >Gerard continues to ask the shop keep about the mint tea. Of which they can only sell the
  126. >blend now, water rations and whatnot. Gerard is disappointed but asks for some of the
  127. >blend anyways. You pick out a couple of packs, two different brands, and turn to the counter.
  129. >The black female griffon is there, looking at you, no discernable emotion yet.
  130. >You put the packs down on the counter and reach into your pocket.
  131. >”I-I’ll pay, heh, republic knows I owe you more than two packs.”
  132. >You raise an eyebrow at this.
  133. “It’s all good, I have the money. How’s the wing?”
  134. >”I should be in the air in about two months, until then, I’m on medical leave. Also I’m still paying.”
  135. >You never were really that great at accepting things like this, you can pay for your own
  136. >damn cigarettes!... Fine, just accept this small thing. You silently grip the counter as the
  137. >black griffon places some paper bills on the counter, you immediately take the first pack
  138. >and tear it open. Lighting it in the store, the elderly shop keeper doesn’t bat an eye.
  139. >”I wanted to thank you, but when I came to you and the ponies had left already… I heard
  140. >about the riot earlier today… I hope you don’t judge all griffons badly because of that. It
  141. >was just a small percentage of us.”
  142. “I dunno yet. I’ve only been here for like five hours… Say what was your name?”
  143. >”oh, uh, Elena.”
  144. “Alright Elena, thank you… Gerard, you want anything else?”
  145. >He shrugs slightly and shakes his head.
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