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Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. TinaPlaysGames: Honestly im not myself like how i was before. Before, i was happy, now im this..
  2. TinaPlaysGames: I give up dray
  3. Red Moon Umbreon: Dont
  4. Red Moon Umbreon: Never give up....
  5. Red Moon Umbreon: Just tell me what happened
  6. Red Moon Umbreon: I want to help you!
  7. TinaPlaysGames: I rather not
  8. TinaPlaysGames: Besides a friend told me to move on
  9. TinaPlaysGames: And im trying my hardest to do so
  10. Red Moon Umbreon: Please do.
  11. Red Moon Umbreon: I really want to help you.
  12. Red Moon Umbreon: I HATE seeing people suffering
  13. TinaPlaysGames: Keyword: trying
  14. TinaPlaysGames: U and me both..
  15. TinaPlaysGames: But idrc about me
  16. TinaPlaysGames: I should but idk
  17. Red Moon Umbreon: Im listening.
  18. TinaPlaysGames: Should i go on?
  19. Red Moon Umbreon: Yes.
  20. TinaPlaysGames: ok..
  21. TinaPlaysGames: So im really tired
  22. TinaPlaysGames: And in pain
  23. TinaPlaysGames: Many heartbreaks lead to crying and depression. At times i felt like one day i was gonna lose it..
  24. TinaPlaysGames: Not much friends either, or at least irl
  25. TinaPlaysGames: Got backstabbed, hurt, and i felt suicidal
  26. TinaPlaysGames: Blah blah blah shitty boyfriends blah blah blah
  27. TinaPlaysGames: Oh and i was used :3
  28. TinaPlaysGames: A lot
  29. Red Moon Umbreon: Damn tina.....
  30. Red Moon Umbreon: Im really sorry.
  31. TinaPlaysGames: Haha its all good
  32. Red Moon Umbreon: No its not.
  33. Red Moon Umbreon: No its fucking not.
  34. Red Moon Umbreon: That shit is messed up.
  35. Red Moon Umbreon: You should not have to go through that
  36. TinaPlaysGames: Yeah ik
  37. TinaPlaysGames: Thats what i get for coming here
  38. TinaPlaysGames: Heh..
  39. TinaPlaysGames: Exactly what i deserve
  40. Red Moon Umbreon: Deserve what?
  41. TinaPlaysGames: Oh nothing haha
  42. TinaPlaysGames: Its all good :3
  43. Red Moon Umbreon: TINA FUCKING STOP IT
  44. TinaPlaysGames: Hey whats your fav game?
  45. Red Moon Umbreon: I swear to god.
  46. TinaPlaysGames: Stop what?..
  47. Red Moon Umbreon: Stop acting like that
  48. Red Moon Umbreon: Ffs
  49. TinaPlaysGames: Im sorry..
  50. Red Moon Umbreon: Stop acting like nothing happened
  51. TinaPlaysGames: W-What do u want me to do?
  52. TinaPlaysGames: Im scared at times
  53. TinaPlaysGames: I wanna cry but i try not to
  54. Red Moon Umbreon: I want you to know
  55. Red Moon Umbreon: You aren't alone.
  56. Red Moon Umbreon: People out there really like you.
  57. Red Moon Umbreon: Including me and THP
  58. TinaPlaysGames: Not only my bf and my friends?
  59. Red Moon Umbreon: Your family and THP loves you alot.
  60. Red Moon Umbreon: You are NOT alone in this.
  61. TinaPlaysGames: Ik i understand
  62. Red Moon Umbreon: If your friends used you
  63. Red Moon Umbreon: Ditch them
  64. Red Moon Umbreon: You dont need friends like that.
  65. Red Moon Umbreon: Search for REAL friends
  66. TinaPlaysGames: I dont consider them friends..
  67. Red Moon Umbreon: That like the way are.
  68. TinaPlaysGames: One time i threatened one of them with a scissor
  69. Red Moon Umbreon: You didnt attack them tho right?
  70. TinaPlaysGames: No..
  71. Red Moon Umbreon: Good.
  72. Red Moon Umbreon: You just have to kinda ignore what they do.
  73. Red Moon Umbreon: Dont go out with them
  74. Red Moon Umbreon: You are better off then with them
  75. TinaPlaysGames: I try to control myself but one day i found a stick and i stood there jabbing my hand over and over
  76. TinaPlaysGames: And i kept asking for sharp things
  77. TinaPlaysGames: At school
  78. Red Moon Umbreon: I know whats that.
  79. Red Moon Umbreon: Ive done that aswell.
  80. Red Moon Umbreon: ITS NOT FUCKING WORTH IT
  81. Red Moon Umbreon: It just isn't.
  82. TinaPlaysGames: Sigh
  83. Red Moon Umbreon: You can sigh all you want.
  84. Red Moon Umbreon: Im helping you
  85. Red Moon Umbreon: No matter what.
  86. TinaPlaysGames: Im confused thats all
  87. TinaPlaysGames: Confused and hurt
  88. TinaPlaysGames: I dont want anymore..
  89. Red Moon Umbreon: You are on vacation right?
  90. TinaPlaysGames: No
  91. Red Moon Umbreon: Wait really?
  92. Red Moon Umbreon: Oh man that sucks.
  93. Red Moon Umbreon: Well
  94. TinaPlaysGames: What?
  95. Red Moon Umbreon: So you're still in school right?
  96. TinaPlaysGames: Yeah
  97. Red Moon Umbreon: Do you have other people you know?
  98. TinaPlaysGames: What do u mean?
  99. Red Moon Umbreon: Aside from your ''friends''
  100. TinaPlaysGames: Family
  101. Red Moon Umbreon: So you have no one....
  102. Red Moon Umbreon: Damn that fucking blows.
  103. TinaPlaysGames: A bf
  104. TinaPlaysGames: Oh and a dog..whos also family...
  105. Red Moon Umbreon: Didn't your bf use you?
  106. TinaPlaysGames: Oh nonono, my bfs or so called 'ex' used me
  107. TinaPlaysGames: I have a new bf thats a Christian like me
  108. TinaPlaysGames: And we love each other soooo much
  109. Red Moon Umbreon: You can talk to him about this then!
  110. TinaPlaysGames: Not here sorry
  111. Red Moon Umbreon: He is probably better then me.
  112. TinaPlaysGames: He's busy with work
  113. Red Moon Umbreon: Hmm....
  114. TinaPlaysGames: Dray..
  115. Red Moon Umbreon: What?
  116. TinaPlaysGames: Why are u talking like that?
  117. Red Moon Umbreon: Like what?
  118. TinaPlaysGames: U said that he's probably better than u
  119. Red Moon Umbreon: Beacuse he knows you better
  120. TinaPlaysGames: Ohhh
  121. TinaPlaysGames: Sorry i took it in a wrong tone..
  122. Red Moon Umbreon: Did you think i was jealous? xD
  123. TinaPlaysGames: Y-Yeah
  124. Red Moon Umbreon: Its fine.
  125. TinaPlaysGames: He does know more but he's busy and usually comes on late
  126. Red Moon Umbreon: Sorry if im not helping.....
  127. TinaPlaysGames: And at that time i go to bed
  128. TinaPlaysGames: U are
  129. Red Moon Umbreon: Im trying my best
  130. TinaPlaysGames: Ur helping and u care
  131. Red Moon Umbreon: I really hate seeing people suffering
  132. TinaPlaysGames: I dont really wanna say anything in thp because maybe some might judge
  133. Red Moon Umbreon: I can talk for you if you need.
  134. TinaPlaysGames: Uhh
  135. TinaPlaysGames: Idk
  136. Red Moon Umbreon: Look
  137. Red Moon Umbreon: Its up to you
  138. Red Moon Umbreon: I just want to help
  139. TinaPlaysGames: I know ;-;
  140. TinaPlaysGames: Im shy ok
  141. TinaPlaysGames: Usually i keep things to myself
  142. Red Moon Umbreon: You dont have to talk to THP if you dont feel like it.
  143. Red Moon Umbreon: You have lots of people to PM!
  144. Red Moon Umbreon: Im probably not helping much sorry.
  145. TinaPlaysGames: U are!!
  146. TinaPlaysGames: Omg quit saying that
  147. TinaPlaysGames: If u werent helping i would leave by now or at least say ty for trying :/
  148. Red Moon Umbreon: Glad to hear that.
  149. TinaPlaysGames: I rather keep it
  150. Red Moon Umbreon: You can count on me to vent out
  151. Red Moon Umbreon: I wont force you too.
  152. TinaPlaysGames: Thanks..
  153. Red Moon Umbreon: I really dont know what to say more
  154. Red Moon Umbreon: I thought you were happy.
  155. Red Moon Umbreon: Im super dumb.
  156. TinaPlaysGames: Im not that happy but eh
  157. TinaPlaysGames: It'll have to do
  158. Red Moon Umbreon: Look
  159. Red Moon Umbreon: Whatever happens
  160. Red Moon Umbreon: Im here.
  161. TinaPlaysGames: Ok
  162. • TinaPlaysGames hugs
  163. TinaPlaysGames: Ty
  164. • Red Moon Umbreon hugs tightly
  165. Red Moon Umbreon: ill be alaways here
  166. Red Moon Umbreon: :)
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