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NotEnoughMilk Cheat Sheet

a guest
Mar 25th, 2021
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  1. Bat Milk: Slow Falling and Night Vision.
  2. Bee Milk: Poison mobs/players when you hit them and if you right click a hive you'll lose the effect but gain a significant health boost.
  3. Blaze Milk: Crouch to spawn a fireball in front of you, you can then hit this fireball at mobs.
  4. Cat Milk: Speed, Night Vision, and the Fisher effect which allows you to right click fish to eat them out of the water.
  5. Cave Spider Milk: Poison mobs/players when you hit them while also spawning cobwebs at their feet, you can also climb up walls.
  6. Chicken Milk: Slow Falling
  7. Creeper Milk: boom
  8. Dolphin Milk: Dolphins Grace and the fisher effect which allows you to right click fish to eat them out of the water.
  9. Donkey Milk: Speed and Jump Boost
  10. Drowned Milk: Small chance of receiving a trident when you drink the milk, you'll also get the conduit power effect and the Fisher effect which allows you to right click fish to eat them out of the water. Your trident will return to you while your drowner effect is active, despite the fact that the trident is unenchanted.
  11. Elder Guardian Milk: You receive the effects of every water mob and a free trident guaranteed. This means you'll ink people like a squid when you hit them, you'll swim with dolphins grace, you'll be able to eat fish with the fisher effect, your trident will return to you despite being unenchanted, and you'll have the thorns of a guardian.
  12. Ender Dragon Milk: This milk currently teleports all players except the drinker 500 blocks randomly away from their current location. This could be used as a nuclear option during a battle. This milk is still WIP.
  13. Enderman Milk: Teleports the mob that you hit away.
  14. Endermite Milk: Spawns an endermite on a mob that you hit.
  15. Evoker Milk: Gives you a totem of undying and when you hit mobs you will spawn the evoker fangs.
  16. Fish Milk: Conduit Power.
  17. Fox Milk: Speed, Invisibility and Weakness.
  18. Ghast Milk: Slow Falling, fire resistance and you can spawn fireballs by crouching.
  19. Guardian Milk: Thorns, Conduit Power, and you can eat any fish straight out of the ocean.
  20. Hoglin Milk: Fire Resistance, Strength, Saturation, and Resistance.
  21. Horse Milk: Speed and Jump Boost.
  22. Iron Golem Milk: Right clicking with an iron ingot in your hand will increase your health while consuming the ingot.
  23. Llama Milk: Spit on mobs when you hit them.
  24. Magma Cube Milk: Jump Boost and Fire Resistance.
  25. Mooshroom Milk: Eat mycelium to regain hunger and if a player shears you you'll lose the effect and drop a few mushrooms.
  26. Mule Milk: Speed and Jump Boost.
  27. Panda Milk: Eat bamboo by right clicking the block, small chance that you sneeze producing a slime ball. You slow down other players when you hit them by sneezing in their faces.. not very COVID friendly tbh.
  28. Parrot Milk: You die if you eat a cookie, if a jukebox is playing you'll be unable to stop dancing, and you take zero fall damage.
  29. Phantom Milk: Hitting a mob will put it into a nightmare.
  30. Piglin Milk: You'll receive a golden sword and Fire Resistance .
  31. Pig Milk: Saturation.
  32. Pillager Milk: You'll produce a raid siren noise and receive a banner in your helmet slot as well as a cross bow. You'll also have infinite crossbow shots for the duration of the effect.
  33. Polar Bear Milk: You'll be able to eat fish straight out of the water, you'll also be given the Strength effect.
  34. Rabbit Milk: Jump Boost, Luck, and Speed.
  35. Ravager Milk: You stun players/mobs when you attack them.
  36. Sheep Milk: You gain the ability to eat grass, you will receive wool when you do this.
  37. Shulker Milk: Any mob you hit receives the levitation effect, if you crouch you will produce shulker bullets and if you are hit you will teleport away.
  38. Silverfish Milk: You spawn silverfish on the mobs that you hit.
  39. Skeleton Milk: You'll receive a free bow and have infinite ammo for the duration of the effect but none of your bow shots will be criticals.
  40. Slime Milk: Jump Boost
  41. Snow Golem Milk: A pumpkin overlay will appear on your head, you will make a trail of snow behind you, and if you crouch you will shoot snowballs.
  42. Spider Milk: You will be able to climb on walls and any mobs/players you hit will become webbed.
  43. Squid Milk: You'll blind players that you hit.
  44. Stray Milk: You'll receive a free bow and have infinite ammo for the duration of the effect but none of your bow shots will be criticals. You'll also give slowness to any mob you hit.
  45. Strider Milk: You are immune to fire damage and can walk on lava.
  46. Turtle Milk: You can crouch to go into your "shell" and become invincible.
  47. Vex Milk: Spawn a vex on any mob/player you hit.
  48. Villager Milk: Iron Golems follow you, you also spawn a baby villager named after you.
  49. Vindicator Milk: You will produce the raid siren and receive a shield, iron axe, and raid banner in your helmet slot.
  50. Witch Milk: This effect lasts forever, when you fall into lava you will receive a potion of fire resistance, when you fall into water you will receive water breathing, when an enemy hits you you'll receive a potion of healing, and when you hit an enemy you will receive a potion of strength. You can only receive these potions once and after you have obtained all of them the effect will be removed.
  51. Wither Skeleton Milk: Any mob/player you hit will be withered (except for wither immune mobs, including other mobs/players with the withered effect).
  52. Wolf Milk: You become carnivorous where all types of meat give you regeneration, you also have strength.
  53. Zombie Milk: Hunger.
  54. Zombified Piglin: Hunger and Fire Resistance.
  55. Zombified Hoglin: Hunger and Fire Resistance.
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