
Lost Vegas, Part 2: Calm Before the Storm

Oct 27th, 2012
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  1. >You are Marcus, and you have absolutely no fucking clue where you are
  2. >The last thing you remember is drinking with Marcus, and later on, Jennifer
  3. "Oh...never drinking again...fuuuuuck...."
  4. >Wherever you are, it's dark
  5. >And it smells like...perfume?
  6. "What the fuck happened...?"
  7. >You stand up only to realize you're in ladies' underwear
  8. >You stumble around the room and eventually find the light switch
  9. >You flick it on and realize you're in a hotel room
  10. >There are vomit and shit stains everywhere
  11. >You hear a voice coming from the closet
  12. "Hewp! Wet sunny owt! Daddeh!"
  13. >You open the door and Sunsplash rolls out
  14. "Tank oo, daddeh."
  15. "Um...Sunsplash, do you know what happened last night?"
  16. >She thinks for a bit
  17. "Nu. Jus 'membah wake up in dawk woom."
  18. >God damn it
  19. >Drinking with Anon never ends well
  21. "Oh, holy shit almighty, my head..."
  22. >You are Anon, and you also have no clue where you are
  23. >You quickly realize you're laying on something hard
  24. >It's night
  25. >And you're naked
  26. >It's cold as shit
  27. "Am I on a fucking roof?"
  28. >You find your clothes nearby and put them on
  29. >You stagger to the edge of the roof to try to find out where you are
  30. >You're greeted by the Las Vegas Strip
  31. "Oh, my fucking God."
  32. >You fucked up pretty royally this time
  33. "Oh, shit shit shit...How did I even fucking get here?"
  34. >You're at least 500 miles from home
  35. >You must have drunkenly bought a plane ticket last night
  36. >And then fucking flown to Vegas
  37. "New fwen?"
  38. "Wha-"
  39. >You turn around and notice a herd of about 20 fluffies on the roof with you
  40. >Things just keep fucking getting better
  42. >You are Jennifer, and you have no fucking clue where those two retards went
  43. >Last night you all got pretty wasted
  44. >You're fairly sure you remember something about planes before things got a bit too hazy to remember
  45. "Shit...what happened last night?"
  46. >You barely finish your sentence before you realize you're in a bath tub
  47. >A really, really nice bath tub
  48. >Not the one from Marcus's house
  49. >And there's a bunch of little soaps
  50. "Am I in a hotel?"
  51. >You get out of the tub and head to the door
  52. >It's jammed against something
  53. >You push until it opens and you fall out into the hotel room
  54. "Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!"
  55. "Marcus?"
  56. "Jennifuw back!"
  57. "Marcus, why are you wearing...are those-"
  58. "Yeah. I, uh...I have no idea where they came from."
  59. >Sunsplash giggles a bit
  60. "Daddeh wook siwwy."
  61. >Suddenly, screams erupt from the hotel
  62. >The two of you run to the door and look into the hallway
  63. >A huge herd of fluffies is running (wobbling) down the hall
  64. >You quickly slam the door
  65. >Marcus looks very worried
  66. "Jen. Take Sunsplash for a minute while I find my clothes."
  67. >You take the fluffy and start looking around the suite
  68. >If that many fluffies are INSIDE, whatever you got yourself into could easily be bad
  69. >Cleveland bad
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