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the rant

a guest
Aug 26th, 2014
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  1. Queen of Shipping: can i just make a rant about the battle server
  2. +ShadowE: the dedness is real
  3. +theblanch: so is my greatness
  4. Queen of Shipping: sooo
  5. Queen of Shipping: i love the battle server
  6. Queen of Shipping: i really do
  7. Z?yn M?lik: hooray
  8. +theblanch: that makes one of us
  9. StarryWindy: oh nice
  10. Queen of Shipping: but most of the semi-old regulars feel like we've been put aside
  11. Queen of Shipping: we feel that with the takeover of newer members
  12. Queen of Shipping: we think that we are slowly getting our opinions tossed aside
  13. +theblanch: who are the newer members and who are the semi old regulars as these distinctions are meaningless to me
  14. Z?yn M?lik: Wait
  15. Z?yn M?lik: WAIT
  16. Z?yn M?lik: HOLD ON
  17. Queen of Shipping: basically our worth here is meaningless
  19. Z?yn M?lik: LET ME FIND HTEM
  20. Z?yn M?lik: okay
  21. Queen of Shipping: so yeah im not saying that things need to change or anything
  22. +theblanch: could you explain what you mean and who you're talking about
  23. Queen of Shipping: we just want the old server back
  24. Z?yn M?lik: BACK TO SHODDY
  25. Elite F♠ur Terror: o/
  26. Queen of Shipping: well, the server when we semi old regulars joined anyways
  27. Queen of Shipping: and uhm
  28. Queen of Shipping: i really dont want to name drop
  29. YukiNagato: I'm the one who wants to change things back
  30. Z?yn M?lik: I want Shoddy back
  31. Z?yn M?lik: I want sims
  32. Z?yn M?lik: and Vance pre-porn
  33. Z?yn M?lik: sorta
  34. StarryWindy: actually I want the old server back too
  35. Z?yn M?lik: no I lied
  36. Z?yn M?lik: nevermind
  37. Queen of Shipping: so yeah thats my rant
  38. Z?yn M?lik: I do want Mobile though
  39. Z?yn M?lik: always a pleasure
  40. +theblanch: what exactly has changed
  41. Queen of Shipping: i just needed to put it out there
  42. +theblanch: i'm curious about this
  43. Queen of Shipping: idk
  44. YukiNagato: Are you going to be a douche?
  45. Queen of Shipping: maybe the stupidity minimum here has gone down?
  46. +theblanch: i'm not the one being inflammatory. please don't provoke etc
  47. StarryWindy: actually, it's not that
  48. Queen of Shipping: or the fact that a lot of the people we do know leave or something
  49. YukiNagato: Oh now I know who you are
  50. Queen of Shipping: basically it isnt the same anymore
  51. StarryWindy: it's just that the some of the members feel left out
  52. Z?yn M?lik: Fritz was decently cool
  53. +theblanch: why don't you talk to wolf about it i'm p sure he has an open door policy
  54. Z?yn M?lik: You know who else was cool?
  55. Queen of Shipping: and instead of the semi old regulars feel our presence
  56. GymLe♠dеrMcCullum: hmm
  57. Queen of Shipping: we get tossed aside in the garbage
  58. Queen of Shipping: and our worth as regulars who stayed here for months is nothing
  59. +theblanch: hmmm so i guess i'm wondering what makes you feel that way, disregarded etc
  60. srinator: wtf is semil old regulars
  61. Queen of Shipping: our generation sri
  62. Z?yn M?lik: Are you feeling disregarded by the newer members?
  63. Queen of Shipping: mhm
  64. Queen of Shipping: not just me
  65. Queen of Shipping: but a lot of us
  66. +theblanch: who even are the newer members
  67. Z?yn M?lik: you can be collective
  68. +theblanch: this is very confusing
  69. StarryWindy: let's get this straight
  70. GymLe♠dеrMcCullum: hmm we old members have gotten less Imprtance then we used to get
  71. +theblanch: how so?
  72. Queen of Shipping: uh
  73. YukiNagato: You're not even that old IC
  74. Queen of Shipping: i dont think you are in our group ic
  75. GymLe♠dеrMcCullum: its not a groups
  76. Queen of Shipping: you are moreso in the newer generation or something
  77. StarryWindy: actually, the fact that one of the newest members got promoted, some of the old members are felt rejected since they got promoted first
  78. StarryWindy: *the new one
  79. YukiNagato: All the promotions come from the new generation
  80. srinator: gunner you need to be more clear if you want a meaningful discussion
  81. srinator: and oh
  82. srinator: promotions
  83. StarryWindy: yeah
  84. @endlеss joined
  85. StarryWindy: I think that's why she...
  86. srinator: :/
  87. Z?yn M?lik: I don't see why people are so hung up on that stuff
  88. StarryWindy: oh, and hi Ashley
  89. Z?yn M?lik: Literally it's a plus sign
  90. +theblanch: the great generator of most pc drama. staff
  91. @endlеss: hi hi
  92. Queen of Shipping: ugh okay
  93. +theblanch: so ill give a piece of advice
  94. Queen of Shipping: i really dont want to name drop
  95. +theblanch: i was a pc mod for years
  96. Queen of Shipping: but you kinda forced me to
  97. +theblanch: admin of various iterations of this server
  98. +theblanch: and just being real
  99. Queen of Shipping: oh, its not the promotions that make up the whole problem
  100. StarryWindy: oh
  101. +theblanch: it's really just not a big deal.
  102. +theblanch: but yea continue
  103. Queen of Shipping: its like a catalyst
  104. Bolter25g joined
  105. StarryWindy: really, Gunner?
  106. GymLe♠dеrMcCullum: ah i dont feel same as when i joined PC
  107. Queen of Shipping: the real problem is that
  108. GymLe♠dеrMcCullum: almost 1 year ago
  109. Queen of Shipping: it isnt the same as when our generation joined the server
  110. Queen of Shipping: and when i say our generation
  111. Queen of Shipping: i mean the likes of me, wind, sri, hayly, etc etc
  112. +theblanch: well, if you have specific issues i'd bring them up with wolf. but you know, pc changes
  113. Z?yn M?lik: I want to say something, and don't take this an attempt to provoke a fight because those are not my intentions.
  114. +theblanch: i've been here over 7 years, and this is ike, the 8th generation of people
  115. Slate... joined
  116. Z?yn M?lik: QoS, how do you think Anti and I feel about your generation moving in and taking our little niche group away from us?
  117. @endlеss: yo, slate
  118. YukiNagato: There is a difference between your PC gen and this server gen
  119. Z?yn M?lik: I mean it sucks but change happens and you just gotta roll with it
  120. Queen of Shipping: actually i get what you are getting at aero
  121. +theblanch: i think it might be productive to view newcomers not as invaders but as people who can join w/ you
  122. Z?yn M?lik: ^
  123. Ansirent joined
  124. StarryWindy: I personally think, as long as anyone get along together, this server will be ok
  125. srinator: promotions aren't really a big deal for me anymore, but if you are talking about people listening to us, i am p sure people will listen to you with the same effect if u actually say something
  126. Slate...: supperoni
  127. srinator: but thats just my opinion
  128. srinator: etc
  129. StarryWindy: that's all I wanted to
  130. IndianCharizard#: hmm
  131. IndianCharizard#: hey ansi
  132. StarryWindy: Hi Ansi
  133. PervertedPika joined
  134. Slate...: is someone really bitchin bout the voice? =-=
  135. Ansirent: HI
  136. Queen of Shipping: no
  137. StarryWindy: idk
  138. Queen of Shipping: not the voice
  139. Slate...: about?
  140. YukiNagato: Sorta
  141. StarryWindy: oh
  142. StarryWindy: sorry for misunderstanding, Gunner
  143. +theblanch: but yeah new generations supplant old ones
  144. +theblanch: that's why i'm yesterday's news
  145. Queen of Shipping: mhm yeah
  146. Ansirent: new welcome mssg
  147. StarryWindy: I personally think, either new or old users, we must get along together
  148. +theblanch: it happens. and i think part of pc
  149. Ansirent: nice !
  150. StarryWindy: not in a distance
  151. Ansirent: yeah
  152. Ansirent: windy
  153. Queen of Shipping: but what separates us from you is that you kinda have the control
  154. +theblanch: pc's issue is that a lot of times people cluster into these little cliques
  155. Queen of Shipping: we kinda dont have that control you guys have
  156. Slate...: i mean we used to but meh
  157. Queen of Shipping: and when i meant control, i dont mean the voice
  158. Z?yn M?lik: is you referring to vets or new people
  159. Queen of Shipping: i meant like your presence feels matured or something like that
  160. Queen of Shipping: the vets aero
  161. Z?yn M?lik: oh
  162. IndianCharizard#: PC has changed a lot, thats all
  163. Z?yn M?lik: well I mean that's an inherent property of being around for a while, I figure if you're known your opinions will carry more weight and influence more
  164. +theblanch: well i think we've been more active/vocal in proposing changes we'd like
  165. Ansirent: guys
  166. StarryWindy: Ansi?
  167. Ansirent: there is no old and new
  168. YukiNagato: Shush you have no part in this
  169. +theblanch: lol
  170. Ansirent: so its not like some peeps get disrespected and one getting a big day
  171. PervertedPika: Just being here
  172. Queen of Shipping: hayley, lets not make a scene :(
  173. Ansirent: we must be friends
  174. +theblanch: yeah so i mean if youre feeling like youre not being heard than speak up
  175. Ansirent: yuki idk why u always wanna start a drama with me
  176. +theblanch: cause wolf is super open eared
  177. Ansirent: yeah
  178. Z?yn M?lik: it's true
  179. Z?yn M?lik: he's a wolf
  180. Z?yn M?lik: he has good ears
  181. Ansirent: we all should be one
  182. Z?yn M?lik: I presume
  183. Ansirent: be friends
  184. PervertedPika: Gouge each others eyeballs out
  185. +theblanch: lol
  186. Slate...: =-=
  187. +theblanch: so yeah i mean no one should have to feel excluded so if you dont agree with a change or something then you should hit wolf up
  188. +theblanch: if it's just a feeling then i can tell you from exp: welcome to pc
  189. +theblanch: it aint gonna stay the same, it's always changing
  190. srinator: beware of wolf's cave
  191. Ansirent: and its not like that old guys need to get more importance. All should be same.
  192. Ansirent: new and old
  193. Z?yn M?lik: Literally
  194. Z?yn M?lik: I'm thinking about it
  195. srinator: its very spooky
  196. Ansirent: should get same importence
  197. Ansirent: and if they've dedicated something toward ps or pc we should respect them
  198. Z?yn M?lik: and the only people who are still around from my very first days here are Anti, Elf, Blade (?)
  199. +theblanch: i don't think wolf is one to express favoritism. i think i have some pm logs to prove this lol
  200. +theblanch: if you know they werent private. but yeah wolf is v reasonable
  201. +theblanch: like, to an alarming degree
  202. Ansirent: but its not really like ignoring the old. We must be same with all. New or old.
  203. +theblanch: he's a robot etc
  204. Z?yn M?lik: it's true
  205. +theblanch: queen of shipping et al i'd hit him up with concerns
  206. +theblanch: just don't fear change
  207. IndianCharizard#: ik
  208. Ansirent: xD
  209. +theblanch: etc etc
  210. IndianCharizard#: but i like using it :P
  211. Queen of Shipping: hmm, yeah you're right :)
  212. Ansirent: yeah
  213. Ansirent: Wolf is the best
  214. +theblanch: i worked with wolf for a year or two, and wolf's a baller etc
  215. +theblanch: also there's zeff now too but idk him nearly as well
  216. Ansirent: Zeff
  217. +theblanch: im assuming hed be chill to hit up as well
  218. Ansirent: u'll love that guy
  219. Ansirent: he's amazing
  220. Ansirent: that's for sure
  221. StarryWindy: no wonder why he's a ~ in here now
  222. Ansirent: lol
  223. +theblanch: i know him a lil bit he's been around long ish
  224. srinator left
  225. Ansirent: he got promoted in PC
  226. +theblanch: he's a ~ cause he got modded on pc
  227. Ansirent: so
  228. +theblanch: yea
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