
DAiE Ch. 8 P. 2/??? Ch. X P. 1 - The Point of Departure

Jul 9th, 2012
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  1. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  2. >And right now, you are falling.
  3. >There is no air here to rush past you.
  4. >No gravity.
  5. >There is only the sense, deep in your gut, telling you.
  6. >You are falling.
  7. >Tears trail above you as you plummet, your chest heaving with every aching sob.
  8. >You are falling.
  9. >No.
  10. >You try to speak it, but the word doesn't come.
  11. >No.
  12. >Again, you try. Even through your painful convulsions, you scream out into the deafening silence, no more loud than the piercing quiet.
  13. >But glowing with defiance.
  14. >NO.
  15. >You scream out again, not expecting a response, knowing no one will hear you.
  16. >NO.
  17. >You reach out, as you try to scream again.
  18. >NO.
  19. >They say that attempting the same action over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of madness.
  20. >NO.
  21. >Being a scientist, you have a slightly different, more rigorous definition of madness.
  22. >NO!
  23. >But then, again...
  24. >NO!
  25. >Some people HAVE referred to you as a 'mad scientist.'
  26. >NO!
  27. >NO!
  28. "NO!"
  29. >Your reaching hand finds something.
  30. >And you pull.
  32. >No!
  33. >No no, no no no, no no nononono!
  34. >You are Pinka-... Pinkie Pie.
  35. >And right now, you just...
  36. >You don't understand!
  37. "No, no, no, no, no!"
  38. >You frantically search around the now empty wheelchair.
  39. >Where did he go?
  40. >Why did he call you Pinkie?!
  41. >Why the buck until he wait until now?!
  43. >You check behind the chair.
  44. >In front.
  45. >The sides.
  46. >He can't be gone.
  47. "No, no, no, nononono!"
  48. >You circle the chair once more, before standing on your back hooves, placing your forelegs onto the chair, looking helplessly, desperately for where he could have gone.
  49. >You look around you.
  50. >The girls are still confused, dumbfounded even.
  51. >And Albert?
  52. >He's gone too.
  53. >Then...
  54. >Then...
  55. >Then they really...
  56. ...
  57. >You can't finish that thought.
  58. >You kneel down into the chair, where he was sitting just a minute ago.
  59. >And cry.
  60. >You feel a hoof find its way to your shoulder.
  61. >A comforting, caring hoof.
  62. >You push it away.
  63. "No! No, no, no, no, no!"
  64. >It's all you can say.
  65. >No.
  66. >Wait, what?
  67. >Your ears perk up.
  68. >NO.
  69. >What was...
  70. >NO!
  71. >Okay, what the buck?!
  72. >"NO!"
  73. >You feel something grab your hoof.
  74. >And it pulls.
  75. >You are falling.
  77. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  78. >And right now, you are no longer falling.
  79. >Your back hurts.
  80. >Every part of you hurts.
  81. >It seems like hours before you stir.
  82. >But you prop yourself up.
  83. >And with trepidation... you open your eyes.
  84. >You never thought you would be so unhappy.
  85. >So unhappy to see home.
  86. >You're back in your lab.
  87. >Just like you left it.
  88. >Just like you thought you wanted.
  89. >With difficulty, you stand up.
  90. >Well, more like throw yourself up, and then onto a counter.
  91. >You don't have the strength.
  92. >You don't want the strength.
  93. >All you want to do is to go back.
  94. >But you don't know if you can.
  95. >You
  96. >Don't
  97. >Know
  98. >If...
  99. ...
  100. >Damnit.
  101. >Damnit.
  102. >DAMNIT.
  103. >DAMN IT.
  104. >You slam your hands down onto the counter, as hard as you can.
  105. >The metal bends and twists before your augmented strength.
  106. >Before your sorrow, and rage.
  107. >Pain shoots through your arms, but you don't care.
  108. >You don't want this.
  109. >You don't want any of this!
  110. >This isn't home anymore!
  111. >You drive your fist through a nearby machine.
  112. >The metal shatters, tearing into your skin.
  113. >But you.
  114. >Don't.
  115. >Care.
  116. >You slump down, and the tears return.
  117. >All you care about.
  118. >Is her.
  119. >Seeing her again.
  120. >Hugging her again.
  121. >Telling her how sorry you are.
  122. >How much she means to you.
  123. >But you can't.
  124. >You'll never.
  125. >See her.
  126. >Again.
  127. >The tears stop.
  128. >You don't have anymore.
  129. >Anymore tears.
  130. >Anymore strength.
  131. >Your body goes limp, and you slide unceremoniously to the floor.
  132. >"Doctor?"
  134. >You look up, your heart skips at what you see.
  135. >There is a pony.
  136. >There is a pony in your lab.
  137. >There is a pony in your lab, and she has long, flowing pink hair.
  138. >With newfound vigor, you spring up into a dash and throw yourself into the tightest, warmest hug around her you can possibly muster.
  139. "Pinkie! Pinkie, I'm so sorry, I'm so-"
  140. >"Oh.. oh my."
  141. >Wait.
  142. >You look down.
  143. >You're hugging...
  144. >Fluttershy?!
  145. >She looks up at you with a terrified expression.
  146. >"Hello."
  147. >You drop Fluttershy, and whirl around.
  148. "...hello."
  149. >Your eyes narrow at what you see.
  150. >"Who are you?"
  151. >He's as ready for a fight as you are.
  152. >"What are you doing in my lab?"
  153. >Your doppelganger.
  154. >"Why do you look exactly like me?"
  155. >You've been prepared for this moment.
  156. >"And why were you hugging my marefriend?"
  157. >Wait, what?
  158. "Marefriend?"
  159. >The fiend who looks exactly like you spring as the opening in your defense.
  161. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  162. >And right now, you have your doppelganger where you want him.
  163. >You always knew he'd come for you, try to destroy your work and steal your identity.
  164. >But you never knew he'd follow you to Ponyville.
  165. >It doesn't matter though, he's pinned, and you're about to drive the life right out of him.
  166. >"W-wait!" He chokes out from under your grip.
  167. >"C-... code 83-B-27-5-6-6-5!"
  168. >...what.
  169. >How could he know-
  170. >He takes advantage of your surprise, getting you into a grip of his own.
  171. >You manage to weasel your way out of it, however, and after a short tussle, you both end up with your hands around eachother's throats.
  172. >You look into his eyes, and he into yours.
  173. >"...on three."
  174. "...fine."
  175. >"One..."
  176. "Two..."
  177. >"Three..."
  178. >You both call it out at the same time.
  180. >You both collapse onto each other, gasping for air as you try to recover from the stupidity you just uttered.
  181. >Shit.
  182. >He's not a doppelganger.
  183. >"Uhm... doctor?"
  184. >...what.
  185. >"Doctors?"
  186. >You look over. Is that...?
  187. >"What the hell was that?"
  188. "ALBERT?!"
  190. >You are Albert.
  191. >And right now, you are so confused.
  192. >You were falling.
  193. >And then you were home.
  194. >But Fluttershy is here.
  195. >And so is Anonymous.
  196. >But there are two of him?!
  197. "What in science's name is going on-"
  198. >One of them springs up, crying you name and rushing over to you.
  199. >He... hugs you.
  200. >He's never hugged you.
  201. ""
  202. >"Albert.. how did you.. I thought I'd.... okay, what's going on?"
  203. "Was... that...?"
  204. >The other Anonymous stands up, brushing some dirt off his coat.
  205. >"Yes. A method of identifying ourselves. A phrase so utterly incorrect, no intelligent human being would ever utter it unless they were insane, horribly maleducated, or..."
  206. ""
  207. >"...well, when you put it that way, I-"
  208. "Okay, hold on, this is all really confusing, why are there two of you?"
  209. >"Isn't it obvious, Albert?"
  210. >The Doctor who DIDN'T hug you walks over to a window port, and opens it up.
  211. >"We're not home."
  212. >Your optics struggle to process what they're looking at.
  213. >"We're in Ponyville."
  214. >He pauses.
  215. >"Well, a different Ponyville."
  217. >You are Doctor Anonymous 1.
  218. >And right now, you can't believe you're being so stubborn.
  219. >Well, YOU'RE not. Doctor Anonymous 2 is.
  220. >"And why the hell should -I- be number 2?! You're in -my- Ponyville!"
  221. "Well, that makes me a guest, and you should respect your guests! Therefore, Doctor 1."
  222. >Albert sighs. "What are you talking about. -Your- Ponyville?"
  223. "Yes! The sudden change in Pinka-.. Pinkie's emotional state disrupted the reaction! It didn't send us home, it sent us to an alternate Ponyville!"
  224. >"An alternate Ponyville?"
  225. >"Yes." Doctor 2 continues. "Multiverse theory, Albert."
  226. "Infinite universes, every universe a slight deviation from another, maybe even a single point of departure from the last."
  227. >"Which results in there being a universe for every single possibility, infinite places where anything that was possible, has happened, somewhere."
  228. >"That's very obtuse."
  229. "Yes, well, why do you think I didn't accept it? We're in a parallel Equestria, Albert. Where a parallel Doctor Anonymous was sent to. The point of departure seems to have resulted in me, or rather, Doctor Anonymous 2, ending up with Fluttershy instead of Pinkie."
  230. >"I told you, -I'm- Doctor Anonymo- wait, you ended up with Pinkamina?"
  231. >You sigh.
  232. "Listen, I'll be Doctor Anonymous 1..."
  233. >The alternate you glares.
  234. "And you can be Doctor Anonymous A."
  235. ...
  236. >"...that's acceptable."
  237. "Anyway, we need to hurry."
  238. >"Hurry? What for?"
  239. "Because I don't think I came here alone. And I don't mean Albert."
  241. >You're Pinkie Pie!
  242. >And right now, you are looooving this cake.
  243. >It smells so good!
  244. >You might eat it all yourself if you weren't already enjoying a lollipop.
  245. >You hum merrily to yourself as you work, dancing about the kitchen in a blur of flour, sugar and pink fun.
  246. >You hear the bell signal someone entering Sugarcube Corner.
  247. "Hi there! I'll be right out~!"
  248. >You call out to the incoming customer.
  249. >There's no response. But you hear something.
  250. >Are they... crying?
  251. >Oh, you can't have that!
  252. "I'll have you know, the Sugarcube Corner has a very strict no-sadness policy!"
  253. >You giggle, making sure it's clear that you're joking.
  254. >"W-what?"
  255. >You trot up to the counter, throwing off your messy apron to get a good look at the customer.
  256. "That's right! Now, what can Pinkie do to make you..."
  257. >You freeze.
  258. >Standing in the room, staring wide-eyed at you, is...
  259. >You.
  260. >But it can't be you.
  261. " smile..."
  262. >There's a horrible silence.
  263. ""
  264. >You know just what's going on.
  265. >The fake Pinkie's eyes widen.
  266. >She didn't even get your hair right.
  267. "CH.."
  268. >" please, I-I'm not-"
  269. "CHANGELING!"
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