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- ["Point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
- ["IndividualColor"] = {
- ["b"] = 1,
- ["g"] = 1,
- ["r"] = 1,
- },
- ["Format"] = "Standard",
- ["Size"] = 17,
- },
- ["Health"] = {
- ["Y"] = -2,
- ["Font"] = "neuropol",
- ["Point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
- ["IndividualColor"] = {
- ["b"] = 1,
- ["g"] = 1,
- ["r"] = 1,
- },
- ["Format"] = "Standard",
- ["Size"] = 19,
- },
- ["HealthPercent"] = {
- ["Y"] = 5,
- ["X"] = 0,
- ["Point"] = "CENTER",
- ["RelativePoint"] = "CENTER",
- ["Font"] = "neuropol",
- ["ShowDead"] = true,
- ["Size"] = 13,
- },
- ["HealthMissing"] = {
- ["Font"] = "neuropol",
- ["Point"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
- ["RelativePoint"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
- ["IndividualColor"] = {
- ["b"] = 1,
- ["g"] = 1,
- ["r"] = 1,
- },
- ["X"] = -3,
- ["Size"] = 15,
- },
- ["PowerMissing"] = {
- ["Y"] = -15,
- ["Font"] = "neuropol",
- ["IndividualColor"] = {
- ["b"] = 1,
- ["g"] = 1,
- ["r"] = 1,
- },
- ["X"] = -3,
- ["Size"] = 13,
- },
- },
- },
- ["FocusTarget"] = {
- ["Y"] = -353.213165283203,
- ["X"] = 353.331939697266,
- ["Point"] = "LEFT",
- },
- ["BossTarget"] = {
- ["Castbar"] = {
- ["General"] = {
- ["Enable"] = false,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- ["Auras"] = {
- ["profiles"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
- ["Buffs"] = {
- ["Consolidate"] = false,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- ["Themes"] = {
- ["profiles"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
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- 0.9, -- [1]
- 0.9, -- [2]
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- 0.9, -- [2]
- 0.9, -- [3]
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- 0.9, -- [2]
- 0.9, -- [3]
- 0.4, -- [4]
- },
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- 0.4, -- [4]
- },
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- 0.4, -- [4]
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- 0.9, -- [2]
- 0.9, -- [3]
- },
- ["navi_hover"] = {
- 0.9, -- [1]
- 0.9, -- [2]
- 0.9, -- [3]
- 0.4, -- [4]
- },
- },
- },
- },
- ["Fader"] = {
- },
- ["Forte"] = {
- },
- ["Micromenu"] = {
- ["profiles"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
- ["NaviX"] = -178,
- },
- },
- },
- ["Panels"] = {
- ["profiles"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
- ["Minimap"] = {
- ["IsShown"] = true,
- },
- ["Chat"] = {
- ["IsShown"] = true,
- ["Width"] = 409,
- },
- ["Dps"] = {
- ["Anchor"] = "DetailsBaseFrame1",
- ["OffsetY"] = 0,
- ["IsShown"] = true,
- ["Additional"] = "DetailsRowFrame1",
- },
- ["Raid"] = {
- ["IsShown"] = true,
- },
- ["Tps"] = {
- ["Anchor"] = "DetailsBaseFrame2",
- ["IsShown"] = true,
- ["Additional"] = "DetailsRowFrame2",
- },
- ["MicroMenu"] = {
- ["IsShown"] = true,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- ["Bars"] = {
- ["profiles"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
- ["SidebarRight1"] = {
- ["Y"] = 10,
- ["IsOpen"] = true,
- ["Scale"] = 0.6,
- },
- ["SidebarLeft1"] = {
- ["Enable"] = true,
- ["IsOpen"] = true,
- ["Scale"] = 0.6,
- ["Y"] = 10,
- },
- ["TopTexture"] = {
- ["Y"] = 50,
- },
- ["BottomTexture"] = {
- ["Enable"] = false,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- ["Cooldown"] = {
- },
- ["InterruptAnnouncer"] = {
- },
- },
- ["profileKeys"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = "Sethadon - Shattered Hand",
- },
- ["global"] = {
- ["luiconfig"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
- ["IsConfigured"] = true,
- ["Versions"] = {
- ["raidmenu"] = 2.4,
- ["swing"] = 2,
- ["RaidMenu"] = true,
- ["interrupt"] = 2,
- ["threatbar"] = 2,
- ["bartender"] = 3300,
- ["lui"] = 3403,
- ["Micromenu"] = 1.5,
- ["bars"] = 2.4,
- ["mirrorbar"] = 1,
- ["Auras"] = 2,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- ["profiles"] = {
- ["Sethadon - Shattered Hand"] = {
- ["modules"] = {
- ["Chat"] = false,
- ["Merchant"] = true,
- },
- ["Minimap"] = {
- ["General"] = {
- ["Position"] = {
- ["Y"] = -65,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- }
- LUIGold = nil
- LUI_Themes = nil
- LUI_Layouts = nil
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