
Unfinished Explorer's Tale

Feb 9th, 2019
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  1. >Be an explorer of this new/old world
  2. >Mostly travel around, do what odd jobs need being done. Trade modern trinkets for the fantastical. Make tons of friends from Fae to Ogre along the way
  3. >It's not a bad life either. Their cheapest coin is made of solid copper, which means I end having a lot more $$$ when I come back from an "expedition"
  4. One Day
  5. >Chill at tavern's bar enjoying some stew
  6. >farm boy runs in
  7. >A horde of Orcs have broken a tribute agreement with a subservient human Kingdom, and declared war after raiding a few villages
  8. >It's time
  9. >Pack up my guns in the trusty gym bag and head out
  10. >After two days of walking, make it to the Kingdom's capital
  11. >Streets are filled with survivors and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of the Orc raids.
  12. >The Herald for the king says they dont have much, but are desperate for any help, and make loads of promises about settling the debts after the war
  13. >Most of the mercenaries that showed up before me packed up and left. No sign of a relief force from the neighboring elves or other human kingdoms.
  14. >The whole situation seems doomed to fail
  15. >But when you see enough men and women, even kids beg and plead to you for help, it's hard to close your eyes and walk away.
  16. >Agree to help
  17. >The Herald takes a big sigh of relief
  18. >The "army" (more like a bunch of old men and young boys given spears and planks of wood for shields) was set to move out the next morning, so I was to go meet up with the commanding general
  19. >But before I left, I felt a tug on my fatigues
  20. >It's a woman. With a very, very cold expression on their face
  21. >The herald came back
  22. >"As a valued protector of the Kingdom, you've been awarded a squire to assist you in your duty to save the people of the realm"
  23. >what
  24. >Turns out her name was Herra
  25. >She's a survivor of one of the Orc raids. She hid in a hay stack as her family was murdered by orcs. She managed to escape in the night after the attack.
  26. >How she survived out there in the wilderness, Herra wouldnt say
  28. >As a matter of fact, Herra doesnt say much anything at all. Is she mute?
  29. >but she is certainly assertive, she yanks my equipment and bags and slings them on her back
  30. >She grabs my gym bag
  31. >Like hell I'm going to get some medieval stranger handle my guns. I snatch it back
  32. "No. This one is mine"
  33. >She just stares at me with those icy eyes, then looks away, and starts walking away
  34. "Hey! Where are you going?!"
  35. >She just keeps walking
  36. >Right to the kingdom army's camp; commander's tent.
  37. >Commander is thankful there's some assistance from the "New world", and has just the plan to "use me"
  38. >Great.
  39. >He asks for what "handgonnes" I've brought to the table
  40. >From the gym bag, I reveal a Benelli M4, a Zastava M70, a HK MR762A1, and a Glock 20
  41. >He "mmmmmms" and "hmmmmms" a lot, before running back to a desk in his tent, producing a map
  42. >We're going to meet the main Orcish horde at a sunken valley; it's along the path the orcs were taking to head towards the capital.
  43. >And the last stop before said capital
  44. >Fuck this is really impromptu
  45. >We're dismissed to eat dinner, and rest for the night
  46. >I start setting up a tent away from the main cluster of tents, when again I'm tugged
  47. >Oh shit, I forgot about Herra
  48. >She skips me to tries to set up my old army tent
  49. >She couldnt figure out how to work the wire-poles, and out of frustration, throws them to the ground and storms off
  50. >lol okay
  51. >Set up tent, get an MRE cooking, and go about re-mounting my 10x scope on my HK
  52. >Herra comes back, sits down, and just watches me
  53. >Try to talk to her, but it's a lot like talking to a wall
  54. >Preform functions check on guns, start loading magazines for the night
  55. >She scoots close
  56. "You want to learn how to load?
  57. >She just stares
  58. >Well, maybe this is how she can help me
  59. >Demonstrate how to shove a round down a magazine, have her try
  60. >She fumbles with the first round, and the second, but starts to accept the amount of finger strength needed to get the third one in well enough
  62. >Let her load a few more magazines for practice
  63. >Show her how to load the shotgun, and what the different types of shells mean, what the different guns are called, how they work, etc
  64. >She seems to just absorb it all with the unblinking eyes
  65. >"rrrrrrrrr"
  66. >lol she must be hungry
  67. >Give her my MRE, get another one out for myself
  68. >Have to open the packets for her, put she seemed to admire the oddity of eating out of a pouch, and the fact that the MRE had more flavor that what she's probably used to
  69. >My watch say's it's 2100, time for bed
  70. >Where the hell is this girl going to sleep?
  71. >Resolve on giving her my tent, a blanket, and a canteen with water. I'll sleep on the tarp in my sleeping bag
  72. >Tell her good night, and doze off
  74. >Wake up at 0500
  75. >People are already taking down their tents. Fuck they are early risers
  76. >Even Herra isnt in the tent
  77. >Fuck
  78. >Take down tent, get breakfast MREs going, get combat gear on
  79. >Mid-cut ACH, IBA with eight mag pouches (four for the HK, four for the M70), Level 4 plates
  80. >Get a tap on the shoulder
  81. >It's Herra
  82. >With a fucking Pavise shield. No paint mind you, but damn
  83. >She shoves it at me, I guess this is a gift
  84. ''Thank you very much!"
  85. >She let out the tiniest of smiles before taking it, and slinging it over her back
  86. >We eat, grab the guns, spare mags and ammo, and set out with the army
  87. >We arrive at the sunken valley not 30 minutes of walking later
  88. >The valley is a perfect shooting gallery. We're set up on a hill overlooking a little trickling stream, while the orcs should be appearing over on the opposing hill across the stream, about a football field away from us.
  89. >Commander tells us where to position ourselves. I set myself on the highest point of our hill with Herra in tow
  90. >Herra plants the Pavise in front of me. Makes for a great shooting rest
  91. >everything is set up, now we wait
  93. >Hours pass
  94. >Everyone is sitting in the grass, not speaking a word
  95. >The commander sends out a young man on a horse to scout
  96. >The scout goes down our hill
  97. >Across the little stream
  98. >up the other hill
  99. >And over the crest
  100. >"Thwack"
  101. >Scout gets an arrow through the chest, falls limp on the horse
  102. >Horse turns right around
  103. >Down the hill, across the stream, up our hill
  104. >And straight past the commander, into the beyond
  105. >Oh Fuck
  106. >Orc war horns start bellowing
  107. >Herra curls up into a ball, covering her ears
  108. >The horde emerges over the crest
  109. >They are a ridiculous sight: Crude plates of iron and wood make patchworks of protection over their form. Stolen and desecrated helms barely fit over their troglodyte heads. Loin cloths and robes are assembled from everything from actual clothes to curtains and rugs. The rest of their decorum consisted of human, elf, dwarf, and other specie's remains
  110. >The bigger orcs are the more important ones, better target them first
  111. "Permission to engage?"
  112. >The commander nods his head
  113. >Chamber a round, safety off, Take up stance, start scanning
  114. >Find one, about twice and a half the size of some of the peasants here
  115. BANG
  116. >His stolen helmet flies off in the pink mist. Hopefully that avenged the helmet's original owners
  117. >The smaller orcs around the headless one were a bit freaked out by that, but steel their resolve, and rush forward
  118. >The rest of the green wave rushes forth down the hill
  119. >Peasants stand up, form shield walls
  120. >Keep scanning, finding new targets
  121. BANG....BANG..BANG...BANG....BANG
  122. >what shots aren't killing instantly cause the big ones to fall over wounded, causing other orcs to trample over them. They subsequently trip, fall, and are also trampled under the horde
  123. >The orc wave nonetheless crosses the stream, and charging up our hill, clash with the shield wall
  124. >The clattering iron, the screams, the bloody mess of the whole thing is unreal. It's hard to even keep looking through the scope without witnessing a horror
  125. >My mind forces me to look down
  126. >Herra is there, picking up my empty mags and reloading them
  127. >Regain my composure. For her if anything.
  129. >Keep popping the biggest ones, if they all looks the same, then pop them too
  130. >Run out of 7.62 NATO, time for 7.62x39
  131. "M70 please"
  132. Herra passes it over, takes the HK, laying it down with great care in the gym bag
  133. >Start mag dumping the M70, even bad shots would still hit an orc
  134. >Some crude orc arrows land on the sheild. Shoot them in return.
  135. >Just keep shooting
  136. >Human line is holding strong
  137. >Then the Orc horns sound off again
  138. >Some very large orcs come over their hill
  139. >No armor or clothes, hair braided into knots, eyes beaming in a neon red
  140. >And carrying large, very large iron clubs
  141. >Shitshitshitshitshit
  142. >These were some sort of Berzerker gang, pumped up on drugs
  143. >They start rushing down the hill, stepping over their own orcs, bashing them into a mess to make their way to the front
  144. >Mag dumping into them as well
  145. >They are tough as nails.
  146. >One even got hit in the dick and he didnt even seem to notice
  147. >But enough hits to the head seems to do them in
  148. >One makes it to the shields though
  149. >And his swings start mashing a hole through the wall
  150. >Keep shooting until the M70 is empty
  151. >He's not stopping
  152. >Only coming for me
  153. "Shotgun, slugs"
  154. >Herra hands it over
  155. >Berzerker breaks through, starts charging
  156. BANG
  157. BANG
  158. BANG
  159. >That shot smashes a femur, he limps with great tenacity
  160. BANG
  161. BANG
  162. BANG
  163. BANG
  164. BANG
  165. >The Berzerker pants heavily, the glow in his eyes fading, using his club as a walking stick
  166. >His jaw hangs lazily by a few strands of sinew, an eye is put out, an arm flops along, his chest is spilling with gore and insides, but he still keeps trying to come over
  167. >It's almost sad
  168. >Drop shotgun, crown him with the glock
  169. >He just slumps to the ground. His body barely held together, his spirit letting go of the body
  170. >Pick up shotgun, hand it to Herra, hiding behind me
  171. "Buckshot"
  172. >Her eyes look terrified, but she shakily gets to loading
  173. >Buckshot contains the hole made in the shield wall fairly well, but trying to avoid friendly fire is difficult, so we move closer
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