

Feb 23rd, 2015
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  1. [X] 1 <a class="username" data-user="1102, Sinsystems" href="">Sinsystems</a> image.: (BFldyq)
  2. [X] 6 <img alt="[​IMG]" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" data-url="" src=""/>: (EVA-Saiyajin, Ct613hulu, ShadowAngelBeta, Sinsystems, Kairae, Jiven)
  3. [X] 1 Air-mancy: (Rosencrantz14)
  4. [X] 1 Appearance <img alt="[​IMG]" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" data-url="" src=""/>: (1986ctcel)
  5. [X] 1 Appearance: <a class="externalLink" href=";s=view&amp;id=2589769" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">bunny archer</a>: (P90Techie)
  6. [X] 1 Appearance: <a class="externalLink" href=";s=view&amp;id=2589769" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">bunny archer</a>.: (dalmedya)
  7. [X] 1 Appearance: <img alt="[​IMG]" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" data-url="" src=""/>: (megrisvernin)
  8. [X] 1 Appearance: Morgiana: (Heaven Canceler)
  9. [X] 1 Appearance: megrisvernin: (AZATHOTHoth)
  10. [X] 8 Calculated Blows. You possess a preternatural ability to find an enemy's weak points. You may choose to take the time to find one of these weak points, and in doing so add your intelligence to your damage rolls.: (Pipeman, Rosencrantz14, CptTagon, Heaven Canceler, Koden, godofbiscuit, iamnuff, Da Boyz)
  11. [X] 2 Diamond Mind: (Vanguard_D, rcnr)
  12. [X] 2 Diamond Mind.: (Adyen, P90Techie)
  13. [X] 2 Diamond Mind. Their devilish tricks won't work on you, for you have mastered yourself. Even when not transformed, you possess a supernatural resistance to magic and mundane attempts to manipulate your mind.: (Rosencrantz14, pepperjack)
  14. [X] 2 Ether Manipulation: (Rosencrantz14, Heaven Canceler)
  15. [X] 1 Goes Fast: (Xilph)
  16. [X] 1 Goes Fast.: (BFldyq)
  17. [X] 5 Goes Fast. While transformed, you are five times as fast as a human being, and can only get faster from there. Choosing this Passive Ability forbids access to any Active Abilities.: (```, cyberswordsmen, Piell, Xicree, dalmedya)
  18. [X] 4 Hammer Space. You can see the space between spaces, and hide away objects there. You gain an extradimensional storage pocket with nearly limitless space, that you can access where ever or whenever you wish.: (Silversun17, Rosencrantz14, Plotvitalnpc, redaeth)
  19. [X] 5 Healing. You gain the ability to erase the wounds of yourself and other people, starting at cuts and bruises to an eventual endpoint that would allow you to raise the dead. This ability may be improved normally.: (megrisvernin, Rosencrantz14, AZATHOTHoth, skychan, Anasurimbor)
  20. [X] 1 Healing. You gain the ability to erase the wounds of yourself and other people, starting at cuts and bruises to an eventual endpoint that would allow you to raise the dead. This ability may be improved normally..: (1986ctcel)
  21. [X] 1 Iron Body: (Darik29)
  22. [X] 1 Iron Body. While transformed, your skin becomes as hard as steel. You gain near immunity to non lethal damage, and a heavy resistance to all forms of lethal damage: (skychan)
  23. [X] 11 Iron Body. While transformed, your skin becomes as hard as steel. You gain near immunity to non lethal damage, and a heavy resistance to all forms of lethal damage.: (EVA-Saiyajin, megrisvernin, Rosencrantz14, Ct613hulu, ShadowAngelBeta, AZATHOTHoth, 1986ctcel, Anasurimbor, Sinsystems, Kairae, Jiven)
  24. [X] 1 Megrisverin Appearance: (Darik29)
  25. -[X] 1 Naturally blond hair, yes this is a naturally occuring pacific thing.: (skychan)
  26. [X] 3 Skinny, with dark skin, dyed blonde hair, and green eyes.: (CptTagon, skychan, Da Boyz)
  27. [X] 2 Spacial Manipulation: (Vanguard_D, rcnr)
  28. [X] 2 Spacial Manipulation.: (Adyen, P90Techie)
  29. [X] 5 Spacial Manipulation. You gain the ability to manipulate the distance between points, allowing you move instantaneously over short distances and even connect two points through a "portal". This ability is difficult to improve.: (pepperjack, Plotvitalnpc, redaeth, godofbiscuit, iamnuff)
  30. [X] 1 Spacial Manipulation. You gain the ability to manipulate the distance between points, allowing you to move instantaneously over short distances and even connect two points through a portal. This ability is difficult to improve.: (Rosencrantz14)
  31. [X] 1 Temporal Manipulation: (Darik29)
  32. [X] 12 Temporal Manipulation. You gain the ability to pause time briefly or reverse its flow for a few seconds, allowing you to undo enemy actions or make preparations you normally couldn't. This ability is difficult to improve.: (EVA-Saiyajin, Silversun17, Pipeman, Rosencrantz14, CptTagon, Ct613hulu, ShadowAngelBeta, Koden, Sinsystems, Kairae, Da Boyz, Jiven)
  33. [X] 4 The Arsenal. A reservoir of modern firearms, stored in the space between spaces. While none are as powerful as the other weapons here, their variety can makes up for it if you're clever. Requires Hammer Space.: (Silversun17, Rosencrantz14, Plotvitalnpc, redaeth)
  34. [X] 5 The Dragon's Tooth. A sword of cold steel. It reforges itself with every blow you strike, maintaining an impossibly sharp edge that allows you to cut through anything you put your mind to.: (Pipeman, Rosencrantz14, pepperjack, Piell, skychan)
  35. [X] 2 The Eagle's Claw: (Vanguard_D, rcnr)
  36. [X] 9 The Eagle's Claw. A polished silver bow, with accents that match your transformation. Arrows of light form as you draw the string, which strike your targets with a force exceeding that of an anti-material rifle.: (```, cyberswordsmen, Rosencrantz14, CptTagon, Koden, godofbiscuit, dalmedya, iamnuff, Da Boyz)
  37. [X] 8 The Iron Fist. A knowledge of martial techniques. Your fists and feet become as skilled as any master of the martial arts, even when you aren't transformed. Requires Iron Body.: (EVA-Saiyajin, Rosencrantz14, Ct613hulu, ShadowAngelBeta, Anasurimbor, Sinsystems, Kairae, Jiven)
  38. [X] 2 The Monkey's Tail. A leather whip twice as long as you are tall. It can be wielded with unnatural ease an precision, as if it were a prehensile appendage held in your hand.: (Rosencrantz14, Heaven Canceler)
  39. [X] 1 The Titan's Mallet: (Darik29)
  40. [X] 3 The Titan's Mallet.: (Adyen, BFldyq, P90Techie)
  41. [X] 5 The Titan's Mallet. A maul that outmasses you three times over. The slowest weapon, its lightest and quickest blow can level a small building, with a master rumored to be capable of cracking a planet.: (megrisvernin, Rosencrantz14, AZATHOTHoth, 1986ctcel, Xicree)
  42. [X] 1 Titan's Mallet: (Xilph)
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