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Jan 22nd, 2019
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  1. 213 Hoodlums is an African-American street gang founded during the late 1975 in the western district of
  3. The 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood claims Metropolitan Ave, Idlewood and nearby streets, even though they're situated in a tight rough spot due to the fact their gang is entirely surrounded by neighboring gangs. Without uncertainty, The 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood was a figure in gang violence that increased Idlewood's crime rates in the late 1980s. Residents affirmed that the gang-affected the neighborhood so critical, that it shifted the homicide rate to proportions unheard of in Los Santos. An extensive portion of 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood affiliates was promptly incarcerated in the late 90s due to the rising tensions. How the conflict sprouted is unknown to many, including the modern-day members of the 213 Hoodlums Neighbourhood. Most of those who were interned were within the ages of 13-17, they hold an, even more, greater residence in Juvenile Institutions, and Juvenile Camps across the state of San Andreas as a result of the heavy embroilment in poverty-riddled activities.
  4. Vol II. Metropolitan Ave [Idlewood] Riots :
  6. SOUTH CENTRAL Contrary to widespread belief, The Metropolitan Ave District drew a low number of visitants and civilians throughout the early 1960s and 1970s. Metropolitan Ave residents claim that the area is hard to live in, while others completely stay away from the area. Idlewood's history dates back to 1953, at that time Metropolitan Ave was a multicultural neighborhood Metropolitan Ave packed with a heavy presence of Hispanic Americans, with a minority of African Americans, Caucasian, and a few others mixed in between. Even then in the midst of the early-late 60s, Idlewood possessed a very high crime rate, because of the war against the Black Panthers and the government. Prostitution, robberies and car crime (especially carjackings). In the 1980s drugs (especially weed-cocaine) became the main issues. The area is deeply under scrutiny by Police aviation, aka "Ghetto Bird" or "The Bird." Manufacturing jobs were popular during the 1950s and 1960s. However, an unplanned reduction in jobs around 1963 also helped The Metropolitan Ave Riots. Once jobs caused began declining, this depressed the area; at the same time, the concentration of poverty-stricken residents, blended with a pervasive feeling of disenfranchisement and official indifference or hostility, caused the housing projects to become a breeding ground for criminal activities.
  7. Idlewood RIOTS In the implacable & black southside region of Metropolitan Ave, the racial tension stretched to another level after a fight between African-Americans and Caucasian residents of the Glen Park Homes. Law enforcement arrived at the scene of the riot, and Gerald J' Henry, a Caucasian police officer interlaced in an uproar with an African-American
  8. mechanic speculated of elevating the fight. However, as a crowd of Metropolitan Ave, Idlewood onlookers watched the brutal & dishearten death of Lamar Harrison (20) conflict spread & a riot roused by residents of the neighboring housing projects, and houses who were angered after years of unfair economic and political treatments. The Home Street District Riots was privately filmed by a helicopter, footage showcases how pedestrians & Law enforcement brutally terrified the streets of Metropolitan Ave. Multiple people were shot, beaten or arrest, rioters eventually ranged a bigger area of Metropolitan Ave, looting stores, torching buildings and markets, brawling police and firefighters. Around 120 rioters were injured, 10 were injured.
  9. Vol III. Neighborhood.
  11. As of 2016, the 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood is still an infamous and prominent African-American street gang. Most new affiliates of the street gang who have become known to the police through monitoring and arrests are within the ages of 14 and 24. 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood appear to have a higher interest in recruiting young men and young women who are in their late teens and early 90s rather than youths who are still in childhood or early adolescence. It stands to reason that the street gang, through recruiting this relatively older age group, are looking for more experienced and seasoned members. Their territory extends a larger amount than before.
  13. Metropolitan Ave is still known for its density, as such, it should be no surprise that many of the local youth are affected by this culture either through acquaintances or family. The latter being the case for many, be it an older brother, father or uncle that had ties to the Neighborhood. Not only that, but the 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood still remain strong within the area and kept it that way for almost 45 years. The 213 Hoodlums Neighborhood is one of the most murderous gangs in South Central, according to law enforcement.
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