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(MGE) [Hakutaku] Medicine and Magic

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Jan 27th, 2018
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  1. StopScreaming
  3. This is a monster girl story based on the prompt below.
  5. January 1st, 2018 the world was shaken by the sudden appearance of a new continent in the pacific. It appeared suddenly without warning, and caught the world by storm. Satellite imagery seemed unable to pierce the clouds above it, which never seemed to move off the land. Planes that attempted to fly over it would mysteriously disappear, lost to radar, GPS, and all currently known methods, the passengers never heard from again. Ships too learned to steer clear.
  7. May 20th, 2018, the world is shocked to learn that the President of the United States, Donald J Trump, has made contact with inhabitants of the new continent. Empress Desdemona of the Free Umbral Kingdoms greeted the world on this day, and revealed the existence of Monster-Girls to the people. Over the next few months, debate is had between the growing Far-Left and Far-Right movements about what this might mean in terms of geopolitics. This is quickly forgotten as Impeachment hearings start for the President of the United States.
  9. July 2nd, 2018 in a show of good faith, Empress Desdemona releases all persons gone missing due to flying into the territory of the FUK. These individuals return to their families and lives, save that their governments bring them in to inquire about the mysterious new land. Satellite is unable to penetrate the clouds and the FUK has warned that planes and ships will still be detained.
  11. July 29th, 2018 strange reports are gathered about those who have returned to their home countries. Abductions, disappearances, of not only the individuals, but their families and friends too. This is largely suppressed, but the internet finds a way.
  13. August 23rd, 2018 Major scandals have bankrupted Hollywood, Major studios are bought out by Investors from the FUK.
  15. August 24th, 2018 The FUK has partnered with Japan to introduce a cultural exchange program, the first of its kind. It mentions that it would like to do the same in South Korea, China, Russia, Europe, Canada, and the US.
  17. October 1st, 2018 the internet is enamored with cute pictures of Monster-Girls with Japanese boyfriends. Hikimora, Otaku, and Herbivore men seem to be popular with them. Many remark on the boyfriend’s homeliness.
  19. October 11th, 2018 Major newspapers and websites bemoan the fetishization taking place of Monster-Girls, attempts are made to push them as a symbol of female empowerment and rumors are placed that the FUK is a Fat dykes paradise.
  21. October 13th, 2018 A website named “The Daily Ratatoskr News” is launched. Its first article attacks the previous assumption that the FUK is Fat dykes, and attacks feminism as a concept altogether. Controversy spreads as it is revealed that this website is hosted inside the FUK.
  23. October 20th, 2018 All porn mysteriously vanishes from the internet. Nations panic, as conspiracy theories abound. The implications are massive, and the leading theory is a virus that can somehow look at a picture and know what is in it, and then delete all history of it.
  25. October 25th, 2018 South Korea is the second nation to join the cultural exchange program with the FUK.
  27. October 31st,2018 Japan’s exchange program has led to every single exchange participant becoming married. Controversy arises over some individuals demanding to marry more than one spouse. Japan stands firm and declares polygamy illegal. The FUK offers for the couples to live in their country, where polygamy is legal.
  29. November 5th, 2018 Majority of South Korean Pop Stars reveal they have taken a mysterious substance that has turned them into Monster-Girls. This stirs Fat dykes debate as the EU, and UN denounce the FUK, who they claim was responsible for the porn-wipe of 8/20/17. FUK denies the claim. Far-Right sentiment towards the FUK is extremely positive.
  31. November 10th, 2018 Anti-FUK sentiment is stirred up by Europe as (((journalists))) write about problematic cultural norms observed in videos from South Korea and Japan.
  33. November 11th, 2018 Several Neo-cons condemn the FUK as a foreign power using the cultural exchange program to conquer nations. Japan denounces this, claiming great inroads between their people.
  35. November 15th, 2018 the internet is taken by storm as President Donald Trump signs a cultural exchange program with the Free Umbral Kingdoms.
  37. November 19th, 2018 Baron Trump is seen with a Danuki, holding her hand.
  39. November 22nd, 2018 The Great American Wall is finished. Mexico declares it will cease to trade with the USA, and calls on others to join it. No one does.
  41. November 27th, 2018 Sweden falls to civil war. Reasons and particulars are not reported on
  43. November 30th,2018 France falls to civil war. Reasons and particulars are not reported on.
  45. December 7th, 2018 Britain falls to civil war as parliament is bombed. President Trump declares that the United States will take European refugees. Certain people attempt to declare him a hypocrite. It is largely ineffective.
  47. December 10th, 2018 More European nations fall to anarchy. Germany declares that it is attempting peacekeeping by sending in troops to help stabilize.
  49. December 22nd, 2018 Europe is in anarchy, several million Europeans have fled to the US and Canada, though Canada is welcoming more brown refugees than native Europeans, while America is prioritizing Native Europeans.
  51. December 25th, 2018 Empress Desdemona appears on a commercial ad asking eligible men in America to come move to the Free Umbral Kingdoms as the world’s first glimpses of the land appear in snippets. It is Christmas themed, and largely family-friendly, but it is not unnoticed that a particular emphasis on white bachelors is what’s desired.
  53. January 2nd, 2019 Several movies are released with an emphasis on interspecies romance, People take note that this is propaganda. Large amount of men do not care. The Left seethes, as it is attacked as a tool of the patriarchy.
  55. February 5th, 2019 Several Christian organizations band against the new movies due to incest plot-lines and Ephebophilia being portrayed extremely positively. The public is largely unconcerned due to desensitization by Game of Thrones. Fox News is bought out by a FUK citizen. A Kitsune, with ties to several K-pop stars.
  57. February 14th, 2019 Monster Date, the monster-girl dating app launches in America.
  59. March 3rd, 2019 A Netflix alternative called Love-Stream is introduced, with all original shows and cartoons produced in the FUK. It’s a smash hit.
  61. April 14th, 2019 Europe is largely conquered by the Muslim horde. Russia declares it will intervene and accuses German forces of deliberately handing over Europe to the Muslims.
  63. April 15th, 2019 Germany accuses Russia of attempting to seize land in crises, calls on the US to intervene. Israel calls for the same.
  65. April 17th, 2019 President Trump issues a warning to Putin but also declares the United States will not go to war with Russia
  67. April 18th, 2019 Angela Merkel is assassinated, Germany blames Russia.
  69. April 23rd, 2019 Germany declares that it will declare war on Russia if it enters any country’s airspace.
  71. April 24th, 2019 Russia declares it will not go into Europe unless provoked.
  73. April 25th, 2019 All are surprised when Empress Desdemona declares that the FUK will be reconquering Europe for the European diaspora. The remaining eastern European countries condemn the action as does Germany and Russia. Turkey declares that it will “protect Europe from these vile Demons” should she go through with it. Several other Muslim countries spout much the same lies. President Trump is noticeably absent among the voices.
  75. April 27th, 2019 President Trump declares that he will be in talks with Empress Desdemona
  77. May 1st, 2019 Empress Desdemona rescinds her claim.
  79. May 14th, 2019 Monster Dates has more recorded number of marriages in the shortest time of any dating site or app. In only 2 months, 7 million marriages have resulted. Monster Date sees release in Japan and South Korea as well.
  81. May 21st, 2019 CNN is bought out by a company in the FUK, and renamed MNN Monster News Network.
  83. July 2nd, 2019 Eastern European Nations reveal that they have banded together and formed The European League of Solidarity, or ELS to combat all Muslim incursions. Turkey calls it a poor attempt to create another crusade. Israel condemns it as Europe is going through a “civil war” that has nothing to do with Islam.
  85. July 3rd, 2019 FUK enters into exchange programs with Mexico, Russia, India, China, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.
  87. July 4th, 2019 South Korean girls are the forefront of a new trend, called “Monsterization” with 78% of all women in the nation monsterizing. Japan’s birth rates hit 4.5 per family. Majority of them Monster-Girls. This leads to concern among some, stating that the children are nearly 90% women and that this may lead to long term demographic changes that are unwelcome. Fat dykess rejoice initially.
  89. July 7th, 2019 Several bombs go off in Russia, killing 578. No one claims responsibility, but the perpetrators where French-born Muslims.
  91. July 10th, 2019 The FUK rescinds the cultural exchange programs in India and Saudi Arabia, this causes many memes as the internet revels in the fact that even Monster-Girls can’t stand Pajeets and Kebabs.
  93. July 29th, 2019 The FUK releases a brand-new website called “Mail Order Husband” In America, China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and Canada. It tells men that they are greatly desired in the Umbral Kingdoms and to sign up to move there and experience paradise. It is heavily shilled by Fox News, MNN, and in the app Monster Dates.
  95. August 15th, 2019 the number of men signing up to “Mail Order Husband” hits 3 million. The Alt-right condemns men who sign up as abandoning the fight for their home. The Left lambasts it as misogynistic, pretending to be misandrist. It’s scantily clad women and overt “worship” of men is pointed to.
  97. October 3rd, 2019 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opens peace talks with South Korea, wanting to reunite the land peacefully. A mysterious woman is photographed with him.
  99. November 19th, 2019 Korean unification begins.
  101. December 5th, 2019 Western Europe is lost, and is now controlled by Abdul Abbasi, who claims this to be the second coming of the Ottoman Empire. “United Eurabia”
  103. December 23rd, 2019 Russia declares war against the newly established “United Eurabia”
  105. December 25th, 2019 Turkey declares war on Russia.
  107. December 28th, 2019 The ELS declares solidarity with Russia, and declares war on Turkey
  109. January 1st, 2020 Story Begins.
  111. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. >It has been relatively recent since the new continent appeared
  113. >The existence of monster girls caused quite a stir, especially amongst the scientific community
  114. >Being a biologist, you were especially curious about these new beings
  115. >After you heard about these "magic powers" that these creatures had, you couldn't help but feel giddy at the idea of a new field of study
  116. >Flight, fire, ice, even electricity, all this could be used to better the lives of others
  117. >So it wasn't a hard decision when you were asked if you wanted to join a joint research project between the Free Umbral Kingdoms and the United States
  118. >Well, maybe research project isn't quite the right word
  119. >It's less research, and more teaching
  120. >They stated they would send over one of their foremost scholars to teach you the ways of magic, and in return you will teach her biology
  121. >With some information given by their top scholars and some testing samples, you found that they usually had very similar anatomy to humans, so it should be useful to them
  122. >Admittedly this ignores fairy wings, manticore venom and similar differences
  123. >But when it comes to vital organs and genetic code, you are practically identical
  124. > You stand in the small classroom, waiting for your partner
  126. >Before you see her, you hear the sound of clacking heals coming down the hallway outside
  127. >It reaches the door, and in walks what you could best describe as a cross between a bovine and a lean woman
  128. >A fairly beautiful woman
  129. >She was wearing a long oriental looking dress, showing off hooves and long flowing hair
  130. >She had two horns sticking out of her head, and an incredibly poofy tail
  131. >Her white hair was also fairly long, but much more straight and tamed
  132. >You are caught between two trains of thought
  133. >'Wow' and 'I really hope she doesn't knock over anything important with that tail
  134. >What can you say, you're a stickler for lab safety and hygiene
  135. >The woman chuckles, reminding you that she's probably waiting for you to greet her
  136. >You hold your hand out, and she daintily grabs it and you both shake
  137. >"Anon, top biologist at the institute, it's a pleasure to work with you."
  138. >"Liya, Hakutaku, head magician of the Empirical Academy, and likewise."
  139. >Hmm, makes sense that they would send a hakutaku
  140. >If the books sent to you are accurate, they are incredibly intelligent by monster girl standards
  141. >With introductions out of the way, it's time for business
  142. >"So, how deep does your understanding of biology go?"
  143. >The woman blushes, and uncomfortably adjusts her glasses
  144. >"We're don't know much by your kind's standards. We know the position of organs and what they generally do, but that is about it…"
  145. >You had a feeling, a lot of the information they sent you about their knowledge was a little…
  146. >Incomplete
  147. >"So, what do you know about magic?"
  148. >Now it's your turn to be embarrassed
  149. >"Well, before the last two years we did not even know about the existence of magic."
  150. >Her eyes widen
  151. >"So it's true! I had my suspicions after reading your history books, but…"
  152. >She suddenly grips you in a hug
  153. >"Things must have been so hard for your kind early on. Even the lowliest of monster has some form of magic. I just can't imagine how your kind survived."
  154. >You lift your arm and pat her on the back, a little confused
  155. >"Uh, it's fine. We did well for ourselves despite our lack of magic."
  156. >"No! It is not fine!"
  157. >She looks at you, determination clear in her eyes
  158. >"I will teach you the joys of magic, I swear it!"
  159. >Well, at least she's looking forward to imparting her knowledge
  161. >Liya has been sitting down at a student's desk as you've been explaining the basics and nuances of biology
  162. >You must admit, a woman who moves with such grace and poise sitting at one of those small things gave you a quiet chuckle
  163. >"So, you are saying that you can estimate the distance of certain sections of this 'DNA' by comparing the number offspring with different traits?"
  164. >Unsurprisingly, she is a fast study
  165. >She seemed to be particularly interested in DNA and the act of meiosis, so you've been focusing on those areas
  166. >"X and Y chromosomes… Not just the essence, but the structure…"
  167. >She mumbles to herself, then notices the clock
  168. >"Oh, my! We've gone a bit over and we didn't even notice."
  169. >You look to the clock and see that it's been thirty minutes passed your planned lecture
  170. >"Oops, sorry about that. I have a habit of losing track when I'm explaining things."
  171. >Liya puts a finger to your mouth with a soft smile
  172. >"Never apologize for being passionate, I would be insulted if I were paired with someone who didn't care about his subject."
  173. >A blush creeps onto your face at the somewhat intimate touch
  174. >"So, uh, should we continue this tomorrow?"
  175. >"And stop so soon? No, I still have a few things to tell you about magic!"
  176. >There is a gleam in her eyes upon saying 'magic'
  177. >"Now, what do you think magic is?" she asks before seating you down and taking your place at the chalkboard
  178. >"Magic is… Making reality how you want it? Fireballs out of thin air, pushing yourself up with wind to levitate…"
  179. >She holds a hand over her mouth, which you are pretty sure is hiding a grin
  180. >"I suppose it could seem like that, but not quite Anon. Magic is the essence of the world."
  181. >She turns her back to you and draws a simple fire
  182. >"Everything has an essence. Fire has the essence of heat, for example. Fire is when a large amount of heat essence coalesces, creating a phenomenon where other essences around it are destroyed to form more heat essence."
  183. >This… sounds familiar
  184. >"You mean how bonds break down, letting off heat?"
  185. >Her head quickly moves from the board to you
  186. >"Bonds? Energy? You must be talking about the essence of rigidity and heat. Maybe you know a bit more than I thought."
  187. >She moves her hands around and a fireball appears in her hands
  188. >You practically jumped out of your seat
  189. >"You can't do that in here, the fire alarms will…!"
  190. >You just realized, no smoke is coming off of the fireball
  191. >Her eyes are wide, a bit surprised at your outburst
  192. >"Fire alarms? You have alarms for fires?"
  193. >Taking a deep breath you sit back down, feeling a little embarrassed about your outburst
  194. >"S-sorry. When there's smoke, a loud sound goes off warning everyone to evacuate the building. I was worried that you might have caused a panic."
  195. >"You humans sure have created such amazing machines. Something that can detect the earthen-aetheric residue of fire? Truly you've come a long way without magic."
  196. >The way she says it makes it look like smoke detectors are high tech
  197. >Well, you suppose it is for them
  198. >Wait, if the fire isn't burning anything…
  199. >"How are you making a fire without any fuel?"
  200. >Her eyes light up at your question
  201. >"Yes, you are absolutely correct! fire needs fuel to show up normally. But, I'm using one of the most powerful essences, the essence of will."
  202. >The fire goes out, and is replaced with an orb of water
  203. >"Will forces other essences to form. Water, for instance, has more rigidity than air, but put in too much and it becomes ice."
  204. >Slowly, the water freezes
  205. >You raise your hand, and she nods for you to go ahead
  206. >"What if you gave rigidity to air?"
  207. >"Another good question. It would create something akin to a shield. But, it is also incredibly difficult."
  208. >She holds her hand up, and the air becomes fogged, and she gives the shield a knock
  209. >"Air is made out of many things, all of which require different 'pressures' of will. I think I will compare it to a game your kind play. Twister, was it? It's like that, but having a twelve different hands to apply different amounts of pressure at different spaces."
  210. >The shield disappears
  211. >"Not very useful in the long run."
  213. >But there is still one important question
  214. >"What makes this 'essence of willpower'? As far as I can tell, no human has it."
  215. >Liya sits on the teacher's desk and puts a hand to her chin in thought
  216. >"Most of the time it's through concentration. Others use a state where the mind is 'inhibited' in some way, often with drugs, alcohol,"
  217. >She gets up and holds your chin to tip your head toward her eyes
  218. >"It's believed that sex is the most efficient method."
  219. >As your face flushes, you push her hand away, causing her to pout
  220. >"Well, we've tried focusing and it didn't work at all. Just made us look like loons staring at goats."
  221. >Your words were met with a very bewildered look
  222. >"… You will have to tell me about that some time. Anyway! I do think this world might be a bit weak on the essence of willpower. Most of the time even plants have a bit of the stuff."
  223. >"Really? What's that like?"
  224. >"Oh, nothing much. Just if a forest is burnt down sometimes flowers with fire essence take it's place. It's a great mimic. Maybe I could show you some time? Who knows, it might help you learn."
  225. >You get up from your chair, interest piqued
  226. >"Sounds great, how about tomorrow?"
  227. >Her face turns a bit pained at your suggestion
  228. >"I, uh, just flew in. It was fun, but I think I need a break from that. I also think you might need to curb your enthusiasm a little if you are to do magic."
  229. >"What do you mean?"
  230. >How could you not be enthusiastic about learning to throw fireballs?
  231. >"Magic requires either a steady mind or a natural affinity, like how a lava golem can create more lava on instinct."
  232. >She puts her hand out and makes a humanoid ice sculpture
  233. >"If you work with something that you don't have an affinity with and aren't careful…"
  234. >A hole is burnt through the center of the sculpture, and it quickly falls apart
  235. >"There could be major repercussions. This is why so few monster girls are skilled at some form of magic, anyone attempting it without a tutor usually don't last long."
  236. >You feel your hand moving toward your chest where the hole would have been
  237. >"It often takes quite a few of us dying before we can make a new spell, new things are risky. Push too hard, the essence might latch onto you. Will likes to follow the closest living being while copying the next strongest essence. Focus, or else more problems could arise."
  238. >Now you are not feeling quite as comfortable about learning magic
  239. >Magician must be on par with deep sea welding for the world's most dangerous job
  240. >"I think I can wait than. Or maybe I will just stick with the theory."
  241. >You get up, feeling your knees shaking
  242. >A hand is placed on your shoulder, and you find your balance returning
  243. >That must have freaked you out worse than you thought
  244. >"It isn't always dangerous, but you will need a lot of practice first. It can truly be beautiful once you get a proper grip on things."
  245. >Liya stares deep into your eyes, and you find yourself calming down somewhat
  246. >Taking a glance at the clock, you see that it would probably be a good time to go
  247. >Maybe you should move on to another topic
  249. >"So, you got here recently, right? would you be interested in me showing you around town?"
  250. >She snakes her hand into yours
  251. >A laugh escapes her as you feel your face heating up
  252. >"I would love that, I just need to check on some of those who I'm charged with overseeing."
  253. >"Ah, of course. They have their own projects, don't they? I might have to apologize, my students will be studying them all day."
  254. >Another laugh from the bovine woman, this one a bit stronger
  255. >"Don't worry, I'm sure my girls are doing quite a bit of studying themselves~"
  256. >Both of you walk down the hallway
  257. >As you turn into the next section you almost run into a friend of yours
  258. >"Woah, Fredrick!"
  259. >He turns, giving you a look of surprise
  260. >"Anon? I thought you left by now."
  261. >"Well, I guess me and my new partner here both have problems with noticing time pass."
  262. >Fredrick rolls his eyes
  263. >"Just try not to burn down the building with those magic tricks."
  264. >Just behind him is a blue long haired monster girl
  265. >She waves energetically at you
  266. >By that, you mean some sparks jumped off her arm
  267. >"Wait, aren't you the raiju that was going to be tested, Ana? What are you doing with mister robot over here?"
  268. >Frederick glared at you, although you knew that it wasn't really serious
  269. >"That electricity is magic, we can't study it normally. They figured that if a biologist couldn't, an engineer could."
  270. >The raiju drapes herself on Frederick and laughs at it stands on end, and the man just gives sigh of annoyance
  271. >Liya pats the girl on the head
  272. >"So, dear, how have things been going with him?"
  273. >"Oh, he's great! After those tests he took me around the building, and I found these neat little things in the walls. I felt some static, so I licked it and then woomph! I got shocked!"
  274. >Frederick shook his head
  275. >"Licked a light socket. Fucking scared the shit out of me, but she isn't dead, so I guess things are okay."
  276. >"Silly, electricity can't harm me. That was nothing! I could handle a lot more."
  277. >The hakutaku looked a little worried though
  278. >"Are you sure you're fine?"
  279. >The girl suddenly hugs him more tightly
  280. >"M-more than fine. I finally have a partner."
  281. >She's rubbing against him like a cat on a post
  282. >You can't help but laugh as his hair moves along with her
  283. >"Pfff, I think she likes you."
  284. >"I never expected to get someone so touchy feely." he states grumpily
  285. >Liya walks away, and you follow
  286. >"Keep your chin held high. And try to keep it in, he might not be ready." She said, chuckling
  287. >"Ready for what?" he asks, but you leave before he can get an answer
  289. >"Next is the, alchemy lab."
  290. >"Chemistry, we call it chemistry here. Wait, why would they be in their?"
  291. >"Oh, you could call it a hunch."
  292. >You step in, and just as she guessed, there is a monster girl standing at a sink, scrubbing beakers and test tubes
  293. >She's wearing a lab coat, and upon close examination, you find a feathery tail protruding from her
  294. >Were kikimoras listed as one of the testing monsters?
  295. >"Sasha, are you doing well?"
  296. >The feathered girl turns her head to your partner, while still scrubbing
  297. >"Ah, I am doing fine master. I wandered in and saw how dirty the glassware was, so I just had to clean."
  298. >That doesn't sit right with you
  299. >"Hey, there could have been important material in those things."
  300. >You know that something filled with an important compound could be misconstrued as dirty around here
  301. >"Oh, don't worry. John told me what to clean."
  302. >"Oh, you found a partner already? What's he like?"
  303. >"Oh he's really nice, helped me a bit before going back to his work. Smelled a bit sooty though, I think he could use a bath."
  304. >Ah, the resident pyromaniac
  305. >You swear, he only does an experiment if it involves burning things at some point
  306. >"Well, me and Anon here are heading out. I was expecting to see you back at home, but it looks like you have your hands a little full."
  307. >She nods and politely returns to her cleaning
  308. >"Why is there a kikimora here?"
  309. >"Oh, she is my maid. She helped me move into my home here, and was going to help me with some other things. But, by the looks of it she found a more deserving master."
  310. >"Wait, she's just going to follow him home and do his chores?"
  311. >"Kikimoras live to serve. Don't feel bad, they love it. Sasha seemed positively ecstatic!"
  312. >Really? She didn't seem all that excited
  313. >Liya notices the questioning look on your face
  314. >"They can be very hard to read sometimes. But trust me, just a few years ago she was worried that she might never find her true master."
  315. >"You aren't her true master?"
  316. >"It… serving under a monster girl just isn't quite as enriching to them."
  318. >A little odd, but maybe the maid is using it as an excuse to stay somewhere new and interesting
  319. >It might be familiar and uninteresting to you, but this woman who can form water and harden air with merely a thought can't help but gape at your 'mundane'
  320. >"How do you make such large and thin buildings? We have some too, but they need magicians to keep them from collapsing."
  321. >"Magicians? Must be a full time job holding a huge tower up."
  322. >"Some spells take a lot of work to start up, but can be done quite passively afterwards if demon metal is used. If the magician dies though,"
  323. >She winces
  324. >"It can be a very serious problem."
  325. >Yeah, you know well enough about that type of disaster
  326. >One needs only look at those videos of Old Europe, and they can understand the horror
  327. >She steps in front of you and pokes you in the ribs
  328. >"And you did not answer my question."
  329. >You let out a small puff of air, more from surprise than pain
  330. >"Well, I'm not an engineer or an architect so the best I can say is that we can make a tough metal called steel. Thanks to this metal, we can make these ginormous buildings."
  331. >She looks lost in thought at the buildings, her mouth still hanging wide open
  332. >She Drifts slightly to the right, stepping off the curb and into the road
  333. >You quickly pull her back before she can get run over
  334. >"Woah, careful now!"
  335. >Shaking her head, she looks at the street with more clarity and notices a few cars passing by, fast enough to injure those who are less careful
  336. >"Sorry, I guess science is a bit dangerous too, in it's own way."
  337. >"It's fine, how about we go somewhere a bit calmer, like maybe the park."
  338. >"Yes, perhaps that would be a good idea."
  339. >There is a small bead of sweat going down her forehead, but looks no worse for wear
  341. >After some walking, and Liya trying to not look away from the sidewalk, you reach the park
  342. >It was always so wonderfully full of life, so you often found yourself coming here
  343. >"So, what do you think?"
  344. >"Hmm"
  345. >It takes a moment for her to respond
  346. >"I think it's very nice, it reminds me of home."
  347. >She puts a hand against a tree
  348. >"We have big cities ourselves, but they have more trees. Some big enough to live in, even!"
  349. >Now you have to gape
  350. >"Trees big enough to live in? You're kidding me! I really want to go there and study the plants some time."
  351. >Now you can't help but grin. Flowers of fire? Giant trees? This place sounds like paradise for a biologist
  352. >Now that you think about it, you don't know much about the continent itself
  353. >"Hey, Liya?"
  354. >"Yes, Anon?"
  355. >"What was life like for you back in the FUK? Any family?"
  356. >She flinches at the question
  357. >For a few moments, she just seems to stare off into space
  358. >"Liya?"
  359. >She flinches again
  360. >"I-it was fine. My mother was the head library keeper for the previous Empress, and she worked hard enough to afford giving me a younger sister."
  361. >"Head library keeper for the ruler of a country, and she could hardly afford another child? You'd think that such a job would pay better."
  362. >Her eyes go down to the ground
  363. >"You would think that, wouldn't you?"
  364. >Did you say something wrong?
  365. >"L-look, it's fine. Your mother must have been a great woman, and by your healthy physique, I'm pretty sure you didn't have to worry about food. She did a fine job raising you."
  366. >The sadness in her eyes is replaced with surprise
  367. >Then it's your turn to be surprised as she hugs you
  368. >"You're truly a wonderful man, and I'm so glad to have you as my partner…"
  369. >Are all monster girls this moody?
  370. >You give her a light pat on the back
  371. >"Well, it would be a little weird for them to put you on a joint research project with a moron. They also chose me based on my character, can't have you working with an asshole"
  372. >She chuckles
  373. >"Yeah, you were the best candidate…"
  375. >"So, could you tell me anything else about your family, or…?"
  376. >Her chuckling subsides
  377. >"It's fine. My sister was always much more interested in physical activity, so she went into ruin exploration and artifact reclamation."
  378. >"Sounds dangerous."
  379. >"And magic isn't?"
  380. >"Touche."
  381. >Time passes, and you reach a bench overlooking a pond
  382. >"How about we take a seat for a bit?" You ask, already on the bench
  383. >"Sounds lovely."
  384. >As you both watch the emerald lack you can't help but feel a sense of calm
  385. >As terrible as geese really are, it's still nice to watch them occasionally
  386. >"Beautiful."
  387. >A voice comes from behind you, breaking your reverie
  388. >"Hey, asshole!"
  389. >Not beautiful
  390. >Liya looks confused, and you rub your forehead as you turn to the woman behind you
  391. >Blue hair today?
  392. >"What is it Alex?"
  393. >Please be here to ask for some clarification…
  394. >"What the fuck is this!?"
  395. >The woman practically slams the paper into your face
  396. >You push it back a little to read it properly
  397. >"It's your report."
  398. >"Yes, it's the report that you failed!"
  399. >A pained sigh passes your mouth
  400. >"Well, as I wrote, there were a lot of issues with it. For one, you made one paragraph going on about how someone with a penis can be a female, so the difference in strength between the two sexes doesn't matter."
  401. >Alex grits her teeth
  402. >"It's true!"
  403. >"True or not, the paper was about the anatomical differences between the two sexes, psychology has little to do with it."
  404. >The paper is almost ripped out of your hands
  405. >"You don't know anything! I'm not going to take this from someone who got their job because of their privilege!"
  406. >Because apparently your PhD doesn't matter
  407. >Before she can go off on you more she notices your companion
  408. >"Ah, you look like a smart woman who got here based on her intellect. Explain to him why my paper is good."
  409. >"Uh, okay. I'm not quite as knowledgeable on this subject as him though, so I might not be much help."
  410. >The rude girl glares at you as she hands her the paper
  411. >The scholar reads through the paper, seeming more and more uncomfortable
  412. >"I, uh, don't think I would accept this paper either. The sexes really not the same, I can tell that much. Humanity's knowledge of the body might be a lot greater than mine, though."
  413. >She hands the paper back
  414. >"I think I would trust Anon on this one."
  415. >Once more the girl rips the paper away
  416. >"You can't listen to men and their bullshit. They may seem like they know a lot, but they don't!"
  417. >"It isn't my area of exp-"
  418. >Liya tries to talk, but is interrupted
  419. >"You could easily become a better biologist than this dick."
  420. >"I thank you for the compliment, but don't be so r-"
  421. >"All men's achievements were stolen from women"
  422. >"I'm not sure tha-"
  423. >"We could do so much better on our own, men are practically worthle-"
  424. >The bovine woman gets up and shakes Alex
  425. >"You don't know when to shut up, do you!"
  426. >The once nearly unflappable woman is seething, you are actually a bit afraid she might attack the blue haired girl
  427. >"No wonder you do so poorly, you don't listen! I may be new here, but a society this advanced wouldn't be possible without good teachers! A teacher can't teach if you don't listen, you slime brain!"
  428. >She's now shaking the girl in anger
  429. >As much as you may find this entertaining, it wouldn't do to start an incident
  431. >"Liya, that's enough!"
  432. >You grab one of her hands
  433. >With that, Alex breaks her grip and runs off
  434. >Liya stands in shock, looking at the hand you grabbed
  435. >Then her face shows absolute shame
  436. >"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."
  437. >Flopping back onto the bench, she puts a hand against her head
  438. >"I've just never met someone so ignorant. How did she even get into your school?"
  439. >You sit down next to her, putting a hand to her back
  440. >"She has influential parents."
  441. >"And she talks of you being privileged. She needs to be more careful what she says around monster girls. If she was talking to a dragon, things would have gone a lot worse."
  442. >It seems like that really took a lot out of her, like it made her a few years older
  443. >"Hey, Liya?"
  444. >"Yes?"
  445. >You give her a smile
  446. >"Thanks for helping me out there."
  447. >She shoots back her own
  448. >"Ah, while I would do it for you, I was just sick of her ignorance."
  449. >You look out at the pond
  450. >It isn't too long before you feel a weight on your side and hear snoring
  451. >Did she have time to sleep after the plane?
  452. >You kind of want to wake her up and bring her home, but she just seems so peaceful
  453. >Not to mention you found it cute how occasionally the base of her tail twitches
  454. >Maybe you could stay here for a while longer
  456. -----------------------------------------------
  458. >Time has passed, and you must say that you've found yourself becoming closer to Liya
  459. >It's was a joy showing her the marvels of science
  460. >You first time at the movie theater was very entertaining
  461. >Admittedly, you felt a bit embarrassed when she started asking all those questions during the movie
  462. >A few people glared at you, and you're not sure you could blame them
  463. >Both of you walk out of the theater, her asking questions as usual
  464. >"So, there are no suits that can fly into the air or shoot beams?"
  465. >"Unfortunately no. Movies thankfully don't have to be entirely realistic, that's why we watch them."
  466. >Admittedly Iron Man is more realistic than a continent appearing out of nowhere, but you digress
  467. >As you walk, she hugs you from behind
  468. >Another thing that has been happening, your partner has become increasingly physical
  469. >The way she hangs on to you almost makes it seem like you are dating
  470. >At first you considered that she might be interested in you, but the other monster girls appear to be just as physical
  471. >It must be a culture thing, like how those French immigrants kiss each other to say hello
  472. >Still, it makes things a little awkward
  473. >"Uh, do you need to be so close?"
  474. >She hugs you tighter
  475. >"This place is not safe, I want to make sure that I don't have another near accident."
  476. >"It was only one time, you can't hold onto me everywhere."
  477. >She sighs, and lets go
  478. >"What's wrong with me wanting to be close to you?"
  479. >You turn to her and scratch your head
  480. >"Some people might get the wrong idea."
  481. >"The wrong idea? What idea would that be?"
  482. >"They might think that we are dating."
  483. >She takes a step back at the word 'dating'
  484. >"… You're right, we wouldn't want them to think something that isn't true."
  485. >It seems like she understands now
  486. >You take some steps froward, but after a few moments you realize that the sound of her hooves are absent
  487. >You turn back to see her in the same place, one hand balled over her heart
  488. >"Hey, are you coming?"
  490. >"Anon? What is dating?"
  491. >That is perhaps the oddest question you heard from her yet. Didn't she know about that date a monster site? It was apparently big in the FUK
  492. >"You've never heard of a date?"
  493. >She shakes her head
  494. >"No, I'm afraid not."
  495. >"Well, when a guy is romantically interested in a girl, he asks her to go on a date. Then they spend time together doing things they enjoy."
  496. >She gives a confused smile
  497. >"Then what were we doing?"
  498. >"I'm showing you around town and helping you integrate into human culture. It would be a bit weird to date a coworker."
  499. >Dating another species is strange enough as it is
  500. >"Don't your kind have dating?"
  501. >Her eyes drop to the floor, and she shakes her head
  502. >"No, this is new to us. We got married quickly after meeting our beloved."
  503. >"All the other monster girls seemed to know about dating, why not you?"
  504. >"After first contact, I was, busy, you could say."
  505. >Really? Most of the monsters must have adapted pretty quickly to your culture
  506. >"Anon?"
  507. >She asks, putting a hand to your chest
  508. >"Would it be okay if I… asked you on a date?"
  509. >"Uh, I-wha?"
  510. >You can't help but stutter, her suggestion coming out of left field for you
  511. >"Are you sure there isn't someone better back home?"
  512. >She grabs both your hands in hers
  513. >"Please! There is no one I can imagine spending my life with more than you!"
  514. >"But we're coworkers!"
  515. >"Then talk with your boss, please! Just try something, please."
  516. >There is certainty in your eyes
  517. >You aren't sure what she sees in you, but if it means that much to her
  518. >It isn't like you haven't been attracted to her
  519. >The way she watches as you work, the curiosity radiating from her
  520. >Although you complained, you do actually like the feeling of someone holding you close
  521. >"Okay. If my boss says it's fine, I'll go with you. But you'll have to talk with your own boss too to make sure it's okay on your end."
  522. >She breathes a sigh of relief
  523. >"Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me."
  525. -----------------------------------------------
  527. >Okay, now you just need to talk with your boss
  528. >You stand in front of the door, taking deep breaths
  529. >Okay, just tell him that the foreign girl who's working with you really likes you, and she wants to go out
  530. >You push open the door
  531. >"Ah, professor Anon, exactly who I wanted to talk to."
  532. >He wanted to talk with you? For some reason that does not make you feel very confident about the conversation ahead."
  533. >"Take a seat."
  534. >You do as told
  535. >"So, how have the lessons been going."
  536. >You crack a smile, trying not to seem uncomfortable with this
  537. >"It has been going very well sir! Despite being from a world without our level of technology, she has shown a great aptitude for learning."
  538. >"That's nice." your boss says dismissively
  539. >"But I want to know how YOUR studies are going."
  540. >You've been dreading this
  541. >Just act like nothing is wrong, speak a lot of jargon, and maybe he'll let you go
  542. >"I've been learning a lot about the theory. It truly is amazing how weight essence has almost no affect on the rigidity of-"
  543. >"What can you do?"
  544. >Damn…
  545. >"Pardon?"
  546. >"You've been fairly busy, yet not once have I heard any progress reports on actually learning magic."
  547. >"Well sir, it's a lot like applied math. You need to learn the simpler stuff before you can do anything of impressive."
  548. >The man glowers at you
  549. >"So you still can't do any magic."
  550. >"… No, I cannot. But! Magic can be really dangerous for the unprepared!"
  551. >He sighs and puts a hand against his head
  552. >"Anon, for all we know she could just be leading you around. This deal has been absolutely one sided so far!"
  553. >He slams a fist against the table
  554. >"Frederick has already found that raiju hair is excellent at preventing short-circuiting with a few enhancements. What have you gleaned that could help society?"
  555. >"I've learnt the function of-"
  556. >"You've learnt nothing! You have done nothing! I'm afraid that if you don't give me something tangible soon, I will be forced send her back."
  557. >Your face must have been absolutely pale
  558. >She's grown on you, and the idea of her leaving troubles you
  559. >She wouldn't be too happy about this either
  560. >"Are you sure? She's done nothing but be on her best behavior."
  561. >Surprisingly enough his stern expression softens
  562. >"I am sorry, Anon. We might have a strong alliance right now, but we've only known them for so long. They are strong and have magic, technology is the only thing we have that can keep us a step ahead."
  563. >Politics, of course it's politics
  564. >You sit there, soaking it all in
  565. >You might have to learn magic before you are ready
  566. >If you don't you'll lose her
  567. >"I understand sir."
  568. >"Good. Now, was there anything else you wanted to tell me."
  569. >Chances are, he isn't going to respond positively to your original question
  570. >"No sir."
  571. >You get up, and leave the room
  573. >Returning to the classroom, you see Liya waiting in front of the door
  574. >"Did he agree?"
  575. >"N-no, not exactly."
  576. >She looks dejected
  577. >"You mean…?"
  578. >"Not exactly, I didn't ask him."
  579. >Sadness becomes confusion
  580. >"Why not? I thought you were going to ask."
  581. >Her expression quickly becomes worried
  582. >"You didn't change your mind, did you?"
  583. >You put a comforting hand on her shoulder
  584. >It really bothers you how quick she is to assume the worst
  585. >Then again, it isn't like the reality is very nice either
  586. >"They say that unless I can perform magic soon, they might stop the program."
  587. >She looks like she is about to fall over from the realization
  588. >"Soon? I mean, you are a fast learner, but I'm not sure you are prepared emotionally to handle the strain!"
  589. >The ice statue flashes through your mind
  590. >"Maybe we can talk them out of this, I mean, this could be dangerous!"
  592. >A loud crash sounds, making you jump
  593. >"Shit, shit, shit!"
  594. >Both of you follow the sound, and you are greeted by the sight of Frederick laying on the ground with Anna sitting on top of him
  595. >Electricity randomly shoots from her, singing objects around her but leaving the man unharmed
  596. >She looks manic as she cups his face… affectionately?
  597. >"Do you have any idea how long I've waited? I thought it would never happen, I had given up hope. But now, it's finally in my reach."
  598. >"Anna, stop! That shock must have scrambled your brain! No human could have lived through that!"
  599. >She puts a hand over his mouth
  600. >"I know you're worried, but I'm more than fine. Just calm down, and I'll treat you like the husband I've always dreamed of having."
  601. >She giggles in delight, tearing at his shirt
  602. >Just then, you do something that in hindsight, was probably a terrible idea
  603. >You tackle her off of him
  604. >As you do so, you feel electricity course through you, both painful and pleasurable
  605. >The attack to the senses made it hard to tell what happened next, but as you came to you saw Liya pressing her hand against a ball of dirt
  606. >Screaming can be heard coming from the ball, and Frederick is nowhere to be found
  607. >"Please calm down, Anna!"
  608. >The sound of fist against dirt can be heard from the inside
  609. >"I can't! I can't! Let me have him, please! I can't take it, this electricity coursing through me, it's never been so strong before! I need him! His face, his body, I need him!"
  610. >With a motion of Liya's hands, a long scream comes from the ball
  611. >An energy comes out of the dirt and coalesces into a sphere in her hands
  612. >The prison falls apart, and you see Anna laying on the floor, unconscious
  613. >"Of all times… and things were shaky enough already."
  614. >You look to her with a look of defeat
  615. >"I don't think they'll agree to let the magic thing slide after this."
  616. >The partnership is just getting more and more precarious
  617. >She frowns and shakes her head, but quickly stiffens as her eyes move to your lower half
  618. >Your eyes follow and realize that something else is also stiff
  619. >Oh god
  620. >"I swear, I am not a masochist! That shock was completely unpleasant!"
  621. >"I-I believe you…"
  622. >One of her hands seem to subtly wander towards it but quickly snaps back
  624. -----------------------------------------------
  626. Day of the flight
  628. >Frederick was surprisingly okay about what happened
  629. >He was freaked out and asked for some space from her, sure, but he wasn't going to tell any of the people in charge about the mishap
  630. >Falling into a tank of water with electricity running through it isn't conducive to rational thought
  631. >He warned her before going in and tried to stop her after she started climbing the tank, but apparently it attracts her like a magnet
  632. >You aren't sure how long you guys can hide it though, seeing as she kicked the damn reinforced safety door off its hinges
  633. >That stuff is expensive
  634. >So here you are at the airport
  635. >After heading a ways inside, you hear a voice
  636. >"Hello, sir?"
  637. >Turning your head, you see a kikimora wearing a flight uniform
  638. >"Are you interested in flying to the Free Umbral Kingdoms? Way-Kiki airlines is having a special sale for single men, or men with monster girl wives!"
  639. >Before you can answer, another voice calls to you, a shoggoth at the next desk over
  640. >"We at Sky-Eyes are also holding a similar sale. We can take care of all your needs."
  641. >The kikimora glares at the interruption
  642. >"Well, we have more staff, allowing us to give a more personal touch to your flight."
  643. >The shoggoth smiles mischievously
  644. >"Have you ever wondered what a shoggoth pillow feels like? It will let you sleep through even the most turbulent flights."
  645. >Now the kiki is gritting her teeth at the smug slime creature
  646. >"We always have a lot of staff on duty, meaning that we will never have staff shortages in case of sudden marriages!"
  647. >"Maybe the reason why we have staff shortages is because our customers find our attendants more interesting."
  648. >The kikimora looks like she's about to sock the shoggoth in the face
  649. >You might be intimidated if the feathers on her tail weren't puffing out in her anger
  650. >It makes her look a little silly actually
  651. >You hide your chuckle well enough though
  652. >Liya steps in
  653. >"We already have a ticket for Way-Kiki. We are going to the capital."
  654. >The shoggoth deflates, while her feathered rival gives her own smug grin
  655. >"Of course, ma'am. I'm sure your husband will appreciate the flight!"
  656. >Before you can correct her, Liya pulls you close and whispers in your ear
  657. >"Just go along with it, it will cause less trouble."
  659. >After checking your bags you head to security
  660. >The usual scanning happens, but you are stopped by a manticore
  661. >"I'm going to have to frisk you sir."
  662. >Ugh, you were hoping the monster girls would be a little less paranoid when it came to flight security
  663. >You are never going to fly without going through this shit
  664. >She starts putting her paws on your chest, bringing it down to your pants
  665. >Just when you expected it to be over, a hand slips into your pants
  666. >"Woah, what the hell!?"
  667. >You try to back away, but her tail curls around you keeping you pressed against her
  668. >"Don't worry sir, I'm just searching your belongings. Don't want you smuggling in anything like weapons, alcohol…"
  669. >She fondles your balls
  670. >"Jewels~"
  671. >Liya, having passed her own scans looks at the manticore who has started to drool a bit
  672. >She puts a hand on her shoulder, and you feel like the air has gotten much colder
  673. >"What are you doing to my partner?"
  674. >Her lecherous grin quickly drops and she backs away, much paler than before
  675. >"Sorry ma'am! Just making sure everything is fine! You can go ahead sir!"
  676. >She says, shaking and standing stock upright, like a soldier in front of a drill sergeant
  677. >"Good, come along now." Liya says, her smile not reaching her eyes
  679. >As you enter the plane and take your seats, you see many kikimora running about, checking on passengers
  680. >After the usual safety spiel, you decide to strike up a conversation
  681. >"So, what the hell was with that?"
  682. >"With what?"
  683. >"That monster girl back there. How did someone like that get guard duty?"
  684. >There is a long pause
  685. >"We have always been like this, long before we met you. She's actually more restrained than most."
  686. >What? The girl who handled your nuts was restrained?
  687. >"What do you mean? That was perhaps the most impulsive thing I've ever seen!"
  688. >"Most monster girls you've seen are not the average I'm afraid."
  689. >This is perhaps more confusing than any of the magic theory she ever taught you
  690. >You admit, you might not be the foremost expert on monster girls, but you thought that the ones you met were at least somewhat average
  691. >"What do you mean 'not average'?"
  692. >Her eyes dart to a human male in one of the aisle seats
  693. >"It's probably best that we leave this topic for now. Just know that as long as we are in FUK territory, if they ask, you're my husband."
  695. >Now you remember why you don't usually fly, it's boring as shit
  696. >Liya is looking excitedly out the window now, but you're sure that joy will be quashed after her third flight
  697. >With her in her own little world, you decide to eavesdrop
  698. >"…but the biggest ones are in New York. Have you tasted the stuff? It's amazing! I'm bringing a few crates of the stuff back home to sell. You?"
  699. It's coming from a few raccoon tailed creatures sitting in view
  700. >If you remember right, those are danukis, perhaps the greediest of all monster girls
  701. >Of course they are talking about money
  702. >"Oh, I got a husband in Ontario. He's a genius at taking stocks, maybe we could help you. For a price, of course."
  703. >One hums in thought
  704. >"Maybe I could help you get into the sperm market. But, I need to be-"
  705. >"What!"
  706. >The conversation dies, and they turn to stare at you
  707. >They look a bit angry
  708. >Trying to salvage the situation you grab the shopping manual out of the chair pocket
  709. >"This prices are insane! How do they expect anyone to buy this junk?"
  710. >They turn back
  711. >"The prices are too high? I bet we could get a good profit if we decreased the cost, it might attract people to our planes more."
  712. >"But what is the market for…"
  713. >You can't help but question the danuki's business savvy
  714. >What would they need sperm for? Who would buy sperm?
  715. >The stuff isn't rare at all, any male could make it
  716. >Now that you think about it, have you ever seen a monster boy?
  717. >Are these monsters completely female?
  718. >No, it would make no sense, how could they breed?
  719. >They can apparently breed with humans, but there has been no mention of humans in the FUK
  721. >As conspiracy theories run through your mind, you are surprised to hear a click coming from the seat in front of you
  722. >Out steps a brown man with a large beard
  723. >He's also carrying an automatic weapon
  724. >Oh no
  725. >"Hands up! By Allah, I will shoot everyone here if I see one of you move!"
  726. >Everyone does as told, including you and Liya
  727. >"This plane will be used for a much better purpose now! Allah's light has yet to touch this new continent, so it is our job to bring…"
  728. >The man continues to rant and rave like a lunatic, which to be fair, he definitely is one
  729. >"Liya?" You whisper
  730. >"Yeah?"
  731. >"Can you think of any spells to get us out of this?"
  732. >"I suppose, but is that our only option?"
  733. >"He's crazy, he deserves wh-"
  734. >"What is this!" The man yells
  735. >He walks up to you and punches you in the head
  736. >"Do not talk, infidel! You are ruining our plan!"
  737. >He points the gun in your face
  738. >"Am I going to have to kill you?"
  739. >The weapon changes aim to Liya
  740. >"Or perhaps her? She would make a fine virgin in the afterlife."
  741. >It looks like she's panicking internally at the gun
  742. >She's shaking and holding her hands up
  743. >"I-I'm sorry, we did not mean-"
  744. >She's cut off by a slap
  745. >"I don't care what you think, you are just like the rest of these lust filled monsters. No dignity, you flaunt yourself in front of every man! I might as well kill yo-"
  746. >The gun is ripped from his hand, and he's knocked to the ground
  747. >The Kikimora shoots him with a tranquilizer, firmly knocking him out
  748. >She puts a walkie-talkie against her ear
  749. >"This is sweeper 4, dustbunny 3 is down, over."
  750. >You can make out the walkie-talkie's speech
  751. >"Good job sweeper, plane is clean. Vacuum bag is secure, bring the filth."
  752. >"Yes sir."
  753. >Both you and Liya watch with mouths agape as she drags the man away
  754. >"Are all kikis able to fight like that?"
  755. >Liya closes her mouth and audibly swallows
  756. >"Uh, I think you humans taught them that."
  758. >Finally the plane arrives at the airport in the FUK
  759. >At least, what will be the airport
  760. >Right now it's just a huge runway and a really big fence
  761. >A human in what looks like spec-ops gear and a lizardman in ornate armor and a stun baton stand in front of you
  762. >The human is the first to speak
  763. >"Hello, we heard that it was a turbulent ride. Is anyone in need of medical care?"
  764. >You caress the spot on your head, and Liya her cheek respectively, but make no comment
  765. >"Good, we would hate for anyone to get hurt."
  766. >Now the lizardman speaks
  767. >"As safety is the number one priority for visitors, all single males will be given partners for their stay here. We will give you a list of potential candidates upon inspection."
  768. >Women don't need partners?
  769. >Well, it isn't that important to you, seeing as how you already have someone taking care of you
  770. >Customs and immigration were just a bunch of makeshift desks
  772. >"And who are you staying with?" Asks the anubis sitting at the desk
  773. >"Oh, Liya is taking care of me."
  774. >She notices the woman standing next to you and her eyes light up
  775. >"Liya, you mean THE greatest magician alive!?"
  776. >She snatches her hand and brings it in a shake
  777. >"The name is Aziza, it is an honor to meet you! You know, you were my favorite member of the magic eight?"
  778. >Liya smiles as she returns the shake
  779. >"Oh, I wasn't that big part of it. Everyone had their own place."
  780. >"I know, but it's still amazing just how much you were able to do! All this, is because of you!"
  781. >The anubis is almost hyperventilating now
  782. >"Breathe, dear."
  783. >She takes a deep breath, than steadies herself
  784. >"So, you checked out the human world than? Is this your husband?"
  785. >Liya blushes at this
  786. >"Yes, we were partners for a joint research project."
  787. >"Ah, the love of shared interests. Oh, how I wish I could go to the human world and find someone."
  788. >The girl practically melts into her desk, a wistful look in her eyes
  789. >She shakes her head, and her face becomes more serious
  790. >"But, I must save up and pass the test first. It was the whole reason why I got this job, so I could get a jump in the line. Can't risk flooding them, you know."
  791. >Your partner's smile widens
  792. >"You know, maybe I could give a few words of recommendation. I think you would fit right in."
  793. >The anubis gapes at her
  794. >Then she found herself wrapped in a back breaking hug
  795. >"Thank you, thank you so much! I'll invite you to the wedding, I swear!"
  796. >The fan's eyes went wide, and she jumped back and patted a few stray hairs back into place
  797. >"I-if you would be interested, I mean. I understand if you are busy and can't change your plans."
  798. >Liya looks to you
  799. >Is she asking for permission?
  800. >Well, why not? Parties are always fun
  801. >"We would love to. Just tell us when it is, and we'll come see!"
  802. >"Thank you some much sir! I'll make sure it's worthy of both your times!"
  803. >Is it just you, or does it sound like something heavy is getting closer
  805. >In the distance, you hear a cry
  806. >"Ushi-oni!"
  807. >You turn to see a huge beast wit the body of a woman, and the legs of a spider
  808. >Atop her head hung several pieces of paper, covering one of her eyes
  809. >In a moment, he manages to reach one of the human males, grabs him, and starts running
  810. >"Stop her, she's got a passenger!"
  811. >The lizardman jumps in her way
  812. >In a moment, the beast made a 90 degree angle and keeps running
  813. >A human soldier is filling her with tranquilizer rounds
  814. >It seems to slow her down somewhat, but she's still going surprisingly fast
  815. >Thankfully the lizardman is faster, and she runs up and hits her leg with the stun baton
  816. >The monster falls down, dropping her hostage
  817. >"If you keep this up, you will give the FUK a bad name."
  818. >From the downed monster, you hear… crying?
  819. >"It's not fair."
  820. >The lizardman kicks at her harshly, but it doesn't seem to faze the woman
  821. >"Well, maybe you should have thought more about it before kidnapping an innocent man!"
  822. >The ushi-oni speaks, sniffling all the while
  823. >"You couldn't have done it without our magic! We helped you, and you pushed us away from what we deserve!"
  824. >"It was one ushi-oni! One! And she got her payment. You are not her, however! You would scare them away long before any of us got a chance, so wait your damn turn."
  825. >When she sees Liya, her pitiful countenance is replaced with rage
  826. >"You!"
  827. >She starts to rise, but lets out a cry as she is hit again with the baton
  828. >Now she's just laying on the ground, weeping
  829. >"You promised paradise…"
  830. >You turn your head, feeling uncomfortable with the display
  831. >You see Liya is trying to hide her face with a hand as she looks away
  833. >"Hey, don't you think you're being a little harsh?"
  834. >Surprisingly enough, these words came from the man who was almost kidnapped
  835. >The lizardman looks confused
  836. >"Why are you being sympathetic? She could have hurt you."
  837. >The man crouches down to the ushi-oni
  838. >"What did you mean?"
  839. >"Mean by what?"
  840. >The guard tries to pull him away, but the man shakes her off
  841. >"You were mumbling to yourself while you were running. What did you mean by 'I can finally feel love'?"
  842. >She smiles sadly
  843. >"My grandmother used to tell me stories of when love was common. About the feeling of a man resting in your arms. About the electricity of a man's lips on your neck. The look on his face when you make him yours. I wanted to know what that was like…"
  844. >The man steps back, surprised
  845. >He scratches his head, blushing
  846. >"Well, I'm not sure I want to be kidnapped, and I can't say I will love you."
  847. >The monster girl's face slowly drops until pressed against the asphalt
  848. >"But, I think it would be interesting to try something new. And I don't think I've heard of a person who got to stay with an ushi-oni."
  849. >Her head goes back up, surprised
  850. >Slowly, she gets up, careful not to earn the ire of the lizardman again
  851. >"You're willing to stay with me for a while? You're willing to love me?"
  852. >"Well, I can't make any promises, but I don't think you're that bad. We could be friends at the least."
  853. >She nods, surprisingly accepting of this
  854. >The lizardman groans
  855. >"Fine, but I'm going to send some people to keep an eye on you. Got it?" She sneers
  856. >The ushi-oni nods again
  857. >She looks at the man, uncertainty written over her face
  858. >"What is it?"
  859. >"It might be a bit much, but could I… hold you while we head to my home."
  860. >Now the man looks uncertain
  861. >"Well, I just got off the plain, and I've been sitting a lot…"
  862. >She looks pleadingly
  863. >"But, I guess I might not get another chance like this."
  864. >In the blink of an eye, he is being cradled in her hands like a newborn
  865. >Before she leaves, Liya flags her down
  866. >"Practice on logs made from the trees near the forest here. Once you can do it without breaking one of those, than you should be able to do it with him safely."
  867. >She looks at Liya, surprised, than gives a small chuckle
  868. >"I guess you aren't so bad after all. Sorry for anything I said."
  869. >As an Anubis runs up to the spider with a stack of papers, you both decide it's time to head to the capital
  871. >As you walk to your destination, you feel like your feet are on autopilot
  872. >She wasn't joking when she said they had massive trees
  873. >You saw them from the plane, but it's much more amazing up close
  874. >"Someone could make some amazing treehouses with these." you mumble
  875. >"Oh, the elves have done that before. They love the view from the canopies, but many of them have gone to the bigger cities."
  876. >"It really is amazing just how much diversity there is between monster girls, all we have are skin colors and some facial features."
  877. >Reptilian, insectoid, feline, bovine, avian(?), and that's just ignoring magic
  878. >You really did hit the jackpot as a biologist with this discovery
  879. >Going to the crown city, there are sure to be many different species
  880. >Damn it, Anon! This trip is supposed to teach you magic! Not biology
  881. >You think this as you grab a piece of bark off one of the trees and put it in a sealed bag
  882. >Liya just rolls her eyes, not trying to hide her mirthful grin
  883. >"Hehe, sorry. A scientist's work is never done, I'm afraid."
  884. >A moment of chase catches you up
  885. >Unfortunately, your mind wanders to other things
  886. >"What happened back there? With that monster girl?"
  887. >"The ushi-oni?"
  888. >"Yeah. Airports getting attacked is nothing new, but I've never heard of a reason like that. Sometimes it's for money, sometimes politics or religion. But love?"
  889. >The lizardman didn't seem like the most reasonable of people, but she didn't say anything suggesting that the kidnapper was lying about her intent
  890. >She sighs, sounding surprisingly tired
  891. >"The ushi-oni have never been the most reasonable of us."
  892. >You wait for her to continue, but nothing comes
  893. >"So, are all of them crazy?"
  894. >"Not crazy. Just… desperate. Look, I'll explain things when we get to our destination."
  895. >She isn't very keen on the topic it seems
  897. >Eventually you reach a magnificent city of dark stone
  898. >It looks like something out of a fairy tale, with orbs of water constantly spilling water into pools that lay underneath them
  899. >Many of the buildings were clearly crafted with care by artisans, considering the amount of detail there is
  900. >A massive tower is in the center
  901. >The Tower of Babel comes to mind
  902. >You feel Liya grab your hand, and turn to see her looking very serious
  903. >"Hold onto my hand, and don't let go so long as we are in public."
  904. >You nod, and let her take the lead
  905. >If what you saw back home was surprising, this is amazing
  906. >Fairy like creatures flitting about, women with snake bodies, dog-eared women with great flaming eyebrows
  907. >One notices you, and she gives you a lecherous smile
  908. >It quickly turns into a look of annoyance after seeing your partner, and she continues on her way
  909. >You smell something great as you pass a building
  910. >It's been a while since you last ate, now that you think about it
  911. >"Hey, I've never tried monster food before. Mind if we try some?"
  912. >She thinks about it, then shrugs
  913. >"I supposed we could try."
  915. >You walk into the building, and see that it looks more like a dungeon than a restaurant
  916. >Torches light the room, but the dark stone still gives the place an eery feel
  917. >Are those manacles hanging from the ceiling?
  918. >You walk up to the host stand, and see a purple cat girl behind it
  919. >She has a really smug look on her face, and you can't help but feel somewhat annoyed
  920. >"Hello, welcome to the Charming Apophis! Our customer's pleasure is our pleasure!"
  921. >She practically purrs at the last r
  922. >"Uh, yes, seats for two please."
  923. >"Right this way!"
  924. >You wait for her to show you to your table, but she just seems to stand there with that smug look
  925. >"Uh, miss?"
  926. >"Yes sir, how can I help you?"
  927. >"Aren't you going to show us to our table?"
  928. >"Yep!" She says, completely chipper
  929. >You both wait, but again, she just stands there
  930. >There is a tapping noise, and when you look down, you notice a pair of disembodied legs tapping a foot impatiently
  931. >Then it walks to an empty table, and jumps a few times
  932. >Liya walks to the table, and you decide to follow along in your confusion
  934. >You sit down, and open the menu that's lying there
  935. >Almost falling back in your chair, you just barely catch your balance as that same smug grin looks at you from the menu
  936. >"So, sir! What would you like to order?"
  937. >"I, uh, haven't really seen your menu."
  938. >"But sir, you are looking at the menu right now!"
  939. >Again with that cheeky grin
  940. >"I can't read it."
  941. >"Really? I can teach you how to read, I give great private lessons!"
  942. >"No, I mean your face is in the way."
  943. >"No, you're just too busy looking at my lovely face!"
  944. >Liya rips the menu from your hands and gives you hers, to the disappointment of the cat
  945. >As you read, you see quite a few things that interested you
  946. >Also quite a few things you are unfamiliar with
  947. >The hell is prisoner fruit?
  948. >You are feeling in a sweet mood
  949. >"Hey, what's the honey here like? I've never had monster honey before."
  950. >Liya didn't seem to notice your question, as she is trying to get the menu from that annoying cat
  951. >"I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the Empress' most esteemed university and have a repertoire of over 500 confirmed spells, you little-"
  952. >"Liya!"
  953. >She jumps at you raising your voice, then gives an embarrassed smile
  954. >"What do you think of monster girl honey?"
  955. >She drops the cat menu ("Hey, I'm not supposed to be lying down on the job!") and grabs your menu
  956. >She looks through it, looking increasingly worried until
  957. >"Ah, the fish! How about that?"
  958. >You did notice the fish, and it seemed good, but…
  959. >"What's wrong with the honey?"
  960. >"You might not, um, react well to it."
  961. >Well, guess better safe than sorry
  962. >"I'll have the fish than."
  964. >A hand coming from under the table grabs the menu and disappears
  965. >"A good choice, sir. Our fish is our signature dish."
  966. >The menu is floating in the air now, and the head moves to your partner
  967. >"And you, ma'am?"
  968. >"I'll have the salad."
  969. >The head head looks disappointed
  970. >"Ah, you sure you don't want to try some of our honey?"
  971. >"I'm. Sure." She says, glaring at the cat
  972. >"Suit yourself~"
  973. >"Hey," you say, concern in your voice
  974. >"You seem a little stressed out. Are you okay."
  975. >She puts a hand against her forehead
  976. >"It's fine, it's fine. That cheshire just really knows how to piss me off."
  977. >Your food reaches you
  978. >It smells very nice
  979. >You lift the fork with the fish to your mouth, but are distracted by that damn cat
  980. >Surprisingly enough, she's in her full form right now
  981. >"Um, can I help you?"
  982. >Is she drooling?
  983. >"Oh, don't worry about me sir. Just eat as fast! or as sloooooooooooooooooooooooowly as you want."
  984. >This is the weirdest monster girl you ever met, and that's saying something
  985. >You take a bite
  986. >It has a surprisingly sweet flavor, with a bit of salt
  987. >It's also kind of spicy
  988. >Actually, really spicy
  989. >Dizzyingly spicy
  990. >Hey, breasts have milk right? Maybe Liya's breasts could help calm you down
  992. >You find yourself groping her, kneading the soft flesh
  993. >"Anon! A-are you okay?"
  994. >"You're beautiful, have I ever told you that?"
  995. >That way her hair gives her a bookish look, amplified by the glasses
  996. >The way her dress hugs her body, showing just enough
  997. >"Anon, as much as I may want this, now is not the time!"
  998. >You can't stop, you're already ripping the front of her dress away, showing her large breasts
  999. >A shock runs through your body, and you can't move
  1000. >"I'm so sorry, Anon, but it was the only way."
  1001. >She gets out of your frozen grip, and grabs your dish
  1002. >The cat's smug smile has somehow disappeared
  1003. >Now she looks like she's about to panic
  1004. >Liya waves her arms and a purple liquid comes out of the fish
  1005. >Now she looks furious
  1006. >She turns to the cat
  1007. >That cat, with those small but firm breasts, and that face, and those legs that could just lock you against her
  1008. >"Apophis venom!? Where the hell did you get this!"
  1009. >The cat quickly turns transparent, than disappears entirely
  1010. >Liya casts a spell on you, and you feel quite a bit lighter
  1011. >"I'm so sorry, this place is new, if I knew about this I would have decided on somewhere else."
  1012. >It looks like she's about to cry
  1013. >You wish you could make her feel better by lovingly ramming your dick into her and making her feel your love
  1014. >God, your dick is on fire!
  1015. >She picks you up over her shoulder, which would likely be a funny view to outsiders considering how little muscle she has
  1016. >As she begins walking, the cat appears again and grabs her foot
  1017. >"Please don't go! Leave the man, I can take good care of him!"
  1018. >She gives her a glare that could wither a god damn tree
  1019. >"Uh, how about we share? I have a bicorn friend…?"
  1020. >The glare gets worse after each question, until she lets go
  1021. >Liya storms out of the restaurant with you on her shoulder
  1023. >As you are carried to wherever Liya is going, you can barely make out the looks your getting
  1024. >You think some may be jealousy, but most of your mind is firmly upon your partner's butt
  1025. >Was it always so tight around there?
  1026. >The way she walked made it so that you could see every curve
  1027. >Damn this paralysis, if only you could feel the soft skin underneath that oriental dress
  1028. >A door opens, and you find yourself in a building
  1029. >"Mistress!"
  1030. >Suddenly, a tiny creature flits in front of your face
  1031. >A small woman with wings, in a dress made out of leaves
  1032. >"Is this…?!"
  1033. >She gets a huge grin
  1034. >"Samantha, dear, I'm afraid I'm a little-"
  1035. >"Mistress has a husband! Mistress has a husband!" she cheers
  1036. >A bunch of other fairies start coming out of the woodwork, swarming you
  1037. >They look at you from every angle, touching you
  1038. >"Ooh, what's this?"
  1039. >It's like a jolt of lightning just went through your dick
  1040. >"Hmmm!" You moan through your closed mouth
  1041. >"He's sensitive here, guys!"
  1042. >Then things get worse, if that one touch was like lightning, this was a storm
  1043. >Practically all of them must be swarming over your crotch, caressing it together
  1044. >"Stop, this isn't the time to play!"
  1045. >Liya turns, trying to keep the fairies away
  1046. >The fairies don't seem perturbed though, continuing to chase their target
  1047. >With a huff, she puts you down onto the ground and brushes them away
  1048. >"Truly, you must learn restraint."
  1049. >They lay float there, looking ashamed
  1050. >"But, we just wanted to play."
  1051. >"And you may play someday. But, as the one in charge of him, I must take care of him, and we are going to be very busy."
  1052. >They collectively let out a sad "awww" and return to… wherever they came from
  1053. >You grunt as you feel something sucking on your lower head
  1054. >She notices your vocalization, and opens your pants to see a small fairy, looking like a deer caught in headlights
  1055. >Liya picks up the small girl by the neck of her dress
  1056. >"What ever am I going to do with you…"
  1057. >The fairy is shaking, her eyes misty
  1058. >"I'm sorry, he was just so sweet…"
  1059. >She gives it a light tap on the head and lets her go
  1060. >"I'm not mad. Just be a little more considerate?"
  1061. >The poor thing nods, and flies away like the rest
  1062. >"They are sweet, but they need to learn some manners. Don't blame them."
  1063. >Her eyes stray to your crotch for a moment, than look away
  1065. >She grabs you and takes you up the stairs of the building, eventually reaching what looks like a study
  1066. >She puts you down onto a chair
  1067. >"Now, usually Apophis venom is permanent, but this stuff seems to be watered down. I can get rid of it, but…"
  1068. >She seems a bit nervous
  1069. >The pain in your cock flares again
  1070. >"I can only remove it by having you ejaculate."
  1071. >She looks at you, seeming to expect an answer
  1072. >"Hmm hmm hmm hmmm." You mumble through your closed mouth
  1073. >Remembering that you were frozen, she snaps a finger, and you open your mouth to breathe
  1074. >You try to jump onto her, but it seems like she only freed your head
  1075. >"Please…?" You whimper, another flare of heat going through your body
  1076. >She nods, and delicately unzips your pants
  1077. >Your cock jumps out at full mast, surprising her
  1078. >Her hands gently wrap around it, her eyes practically glued to it
  1079. >"This is it. The memories don't do it justice."
  1080. >It sounds like she's in a trance
  1081. >She takes a deep whiff of your musk
  1082. >Suddenly her entire face is pressed into your crotch, sniffing like a dog
  1083. >Wet drool runs down her mouth, and it feels like hot magma
  1084. >Every droplet burns, and you harden in response
  1085. >You're shaking at the feeling
  1086. >If you were free you would be humping the air
  1087. >You aren't the only one shaking, Liya's is as well
  1088. >You can't tell if it's because of the venom, or if it's because she's shaking just that much, but it's driving you crazy
  1089. >She manages to extract her head from your crotch and looks at your throbbing member
  1090. >Carefully, her head moved to the head, like she's afraid that it would run away if she moved too fast
  1091. >She gives a careful lick, her saliva sending a waterfall of pleasure over you
  1092. >There isn't a moment before she's attacking it with her mouth, like a starving man would a roast, her previous grace and poise just a memory
  1093. >The moaning coming from your mouth is only beaten out by her own
  1094. >Her horns graze you, leaving small cuts as she spins around your cock, licking every inch
  1095. >The throbbing increases, and you're soon at your limit
  1096. >The heat within builds up within you, and rips out, spurting white cum everywhere
  1098. >Your mind finally returns, and you find yourself feeling one thing
  1099. >Anger
  1100. >What the hell is with theses people?
  1101. >Getting felt up more than usual at the airport, talking about the sale of semen, a restaurant that puts aphrodisiacs in their food?
  1102. >Now you like to think that you're a patient person, but this was enough
  1103. >However, one look at the poor hakutaku kills off any response
  1104. >She's cradling your member, her cheek pressed against it, her hair disheveled and she's covered in sperm
  1105. >What stands out the most is her crying
  1106. >There is a small smile on her lips, but it feels more sad than anything
  1107. >"Thank you… thank you…"
  1108. >She repeats those words over and over
  1109. >"…Liya? Liya? Are you okay?"
  1110. >Her eyes come into focus, and she pushes away
  1111. >She waves her hands, and all of the liquid is removed from her clothing and put into a nearby vial
  1112. >Holding her hands together, she avoids your gaze, looking ashamed
  1113. >"Liya?"
  1114. >"I'm sorry Anon. I acted hastily, and I understand if you would rather another partner."
  1115. >Admittedly that might sound like a reasonable proposition, considering she technically took advantage of you while you were drugged
  1116. >But the tears drying on her cheeks makes you question if that's the best course of action
  1118. >"What is with the obsession? It feels like your kind only think about sex."
  1119. >She takes the seat in front of you, and takes a deep breath
  1120. >"Okay. But promise me that none of this gets out to your fellow humans. I'm about to tell you a state secret."
  1121. >A state secret? You can't exactly refuse now
  1122. >"Tell me."
  1123. >She looks into your eyes, looking incredibly tired
  1124. >"Do you know what it's like to starve?"
  1125. >An odd question
  1126. >"Yes, as a biologist I understand the mechanisms very well."
  1127. >"Imagine now, that you did not need food. Eating is optional, but you could still feel the sensation of starving if you don't eat. Now imagine all food has disappeared"
  1128. >It certainly isn't a pleasant thought, it would be torture
  1129. >In your studies, you can say that starving is perhaps one of the worst ways to go
  1130. >But still
  1131. >"What are you getting at?"
  1132. >"Mamono's need semen, sex, and affection from a male partner. Without it, it's like we're starving to death."
  1133. >Her hands tighten around the vial
  1134. >"And you may have noticed our lack of males."
  1135. >It was certainly quite curious why you've never seen a male before
  1136. >"What happened to them?"
  1137. >"We couldn't give birth to males."
  1138. >What? That makes no sense!
  1139. >"But you give birth to males occasionally with humans! It might be rare, but it happens! Why would it be any worse than with your own kind!"
  1140. >The tone of your voice makes her flinch
  1141. >"Male humans were our males."
  1142. >For a moment you just stare wide eyed
  1143. >"Humans? Humans lived here?"
  1144. >She nods
  1145. >More time passes
  1146. >"So, how did you get here?"
  1147. >"With magic. Our greatest mages joined together to create a ritual to send us to a place with new men. I told you that I was busy after the continent appeared, right?"
  1148. >You give a nod
  1149. >"That's because I was bedridden. It took so much out of me, I had almost no power for a year."
  1151. >A few more moments of silence
  1152. >"So, now the same thing is going to happen here?"
  1153. >Now she's wide eyed
  1154. >"No! Never, I would never let it happen!" She yells, making you flinch
  1155. >That doesn't mean you back down
  1156. >"Have you seen Japan? The male births are so rare, they will not be able to sustain themselves."
  1157. >"I know, I know."
  1158. >She takes off her glasses and massages her temples
  1159. >"It isn't like we want this to happen a second time. Do you know just how much has happened! What few males we have left had been locked away so that we produce sperm for breeding."
  1160. >"What! That isn't humane!"
  1161. >"Don't you know that I know that!? That the only way to survive was to do this!?"
  1162. >She's almost screaming
  1163. >"We didn't want to lock them away! We didn't want to almost go to war with the unicorns for hording their males! We didn't want ushi-oni barbarians ruled by undead dragons to attack our city, just so they could get at our few surviving men!"
  1164. >Now she's crying again
  1165. >"I didn't w-want to be born without a father. I had it worse than anyone! We hakutakus share pieces of our mother's memories. I know what it's like to feel a man's caress from my grandmother. I saw sons taken away from their mothers."
  1166. >She has gotten up, and now her face is close to yours, her tears falling upon your chest
  1167. >"I can feel the love of my grandfather, both romantic and filial. The euphoria of a husband who thinks you're beautiful, the joy of a father's warmth. And I felt that I would forever have these phantom feelings, torturing me with the fact that I might never feel them for real. Did I ever tell you about why I got into magic! Because I wanted to stop being FUCKING tortured by these memories!"
  1168. >She gives a short hiccup, and than takes another deep breath to calm herself again, and she turns around, seemingly uncomfortable with looking at you
  1169. >We may have found a way to give birth to males, but we recognize that this won't be enough. We were excited when we heard that humans here had knowledge like that, we thought maybe with your help we could fix things. To increase the chance of giving birth to a male. So don't say that I want anything like this to happen again."
  1170. >She turns back to you
  1171. >"And if it means convincing you, I'll practice celibacy until I know I can have a son."
  1172. >She's breathing heavily
  1173. >This is a lot of information to take in
  1174. >Had you known about this earlier, you might have noticed all those signs
  1175. >The way she wasn't comfortable talking about her family, especially her father
  1176. >Her affection towards you
  1177. >Had she really suffered so much?
  1178. >Here you were, always thinking of her as a coworker
  1179. >How much did it hurt, wishing for affection but having you treat her like an acquaintance?
  1180. >The fact that you were willing to speak with your boss must have meant even more than you thought
  1181. >You did enjoy spending time with her, it was truly wonderful working with her
  1182. >Would it really be so hard to make it into something more?
  1184. >"Liya, I'm so sorry."
  1185. >"No, it's my fault. You had the right to know, I shouldn't have hid it away. It would have made things less awkward, with the poisoning and all."
  1186. >A chuckle escapes your throat
  1187. >You try to get up, and to your surprise it works
  1188. >Seems like the magic must have wore off
  1189. >You walk to her, and give her a hug
  1190. >"Liya?"
  1191. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I'm so sorry."
  1192. >You place a small kiss on her forehead, and she looks at you surprised
  1193. >"Does this mean…?"
  1194. >"I don't really give a crap what my boss says right now. I would love to have a family."
  1195. >She loses her balance in your arms, and you are forced to grab her to keep her from falling
  1196. >She presses into you, her tears having returned once more
  1197. >"Thank you, Anon! Thank you. I wasn't wrong when I said I found paradise."
  1198. >"I think you think too much of me."
  1199. >She presses a finger to your nose, chuckling
  1200. >"And you think too little of yourself."
  1202. -----------------------------------------------
  1204. >Since then you've come to understand the plight of monster girls a little more
  1205. >Admittedly it came at the price of some peace of mind
  1206. >Now you know that those monsters staring at you probably are thinking a lot more than 'what an interesting sight'
  1207. >They are very likely thinking about performing less than family friendly activities with you
  1208. >You can't use the old 'it's their culture' excuse any longer either
  1209. >This Arachne is really pushing it
  1210. >"Come on, it will look great on you! It's the hottest fashion!"
  1211. >"And I keep telling you, I don't want to work with dangerous magic while my dick is flopping about!"
  1212. >Does this woman have anything even remotely modest in stock!?
  1213. >A tug on your arm notifies you that Liya is done with her little excursion
  1214. >She's carrying what looks like a green and blue robe with odd symbols woven inside
  1215. >"We'll take this."
  1216. >"Excellent choice!"
  1217. >Huh, you were expecting her to be a little disappointed that she couldn't sell you anything more lewd
  1218. >"I see you have a fine eye. Just go into the dressing room, and see how it fits."
  1219. >"No." You and Liya both tell her simultaneously
  1220. >There's the disappointment
  1221. >"Ah, okay than. Just, uh, come back if it doesn't fit."
  1222. >Yeah, you know better than to change around these people
  1223. >You get enough staring at your ass clothed
  1224. >Thankfully nothing too extreme happens with your partner by your side
  1225. >If anyone even attempts anything, it gets a little scary
  1226. >That manticore had all but her head buried in the ground
  1228. >You reach the magician's building, and head upstairs to the study
  1229. >Surprising you is a sleeping form with what looks like an Indiana Jones hat covering their face
  1230. >Liya comes up behind you and gasps
  1231. >"Sister!"
  1232. >The sleeping hakutaku sits stock straight, clearly just woken up
  1233. >"Who, huh, whatisit?"
  1234. >Liya hugs her sister, which after a moment of surprise, is returned
  1235. >"What are you doing here?"
  1236. >"I heard you got a husband, I thought it only reasonable for your younger sister to meet him."
  1237. >Liya blushes a tad, and lets go
  1238. >Now you can get a good view of her
  1239. >She seems to be much smaller in the, uh, bust department than her sister, but her T-shirt shows off her muscles very well
  1240. >While Liya usually had an element of grace to her features, her sister seems very energetic, with wide eyes and an enthusiastic grin
  1241. >She walks up to you and shakes your hand
  1242. >"Hey, name's Lena, but you can call me Jonesy."
  1243. >"Jonesy?"
  1244. >"Yeah, it's what the excavating team calls me."
  1245. >Your eyes stray to her hat
  1246. >"Why the name?"
  1247. >"I don't know," she shrugs "But it sounds nice."
  1248. >"Well, my name's Anon. We aren't exactly married though."
  1249. >"Oh, you'll get married soon enough
  1250. >She jumps back onto the chair, and rests her boots on the nearby table
  1251. >"So, what are you doing here? I thought you were busy doing some kind of study thing."
  1252. >"She took me here to teach me magic."
  1253. >She goes back to a regular sitting position
  1254. >"Really? I have to see this, this could be history in the making!"
  1255. >Liya hands you the clothing
  1256. >"Go get changed. I'll make sure she doesn't watch you."
  1257. >You take your clothes and walk to the bathroom
  1258. >"Woah, I'm the one who watches people change? You're the one who got that spe-
  1259. >Okay, that's enough of that conversation
  1260. >After some time, you walk out of the room in your new clothes
  1261. >"-eam have fantastic bodies, alright? I don't need to go walking around with eye magic all day to get my fix."
  1262. >You clear your throat
  1263. >Liya quickly gets up and pushes you into the chair, flustered
  1265. >"Okay! Anon, let's get to work!"
  1266. >She puts down a vase with a purple flower that seems to be lightly burning
  1267. >"For your first test, I want you to move the flames without touching them. Do not take them off the flower, just change their shape. If it's working, the robe should glow to signify the presence of willpower essence."
  1268. >You stare deeply into the flames
  1269. >Focusing closely, you try to imagine them going into a specific direction, just like the books told you
  1270. >Left, left, move to the left…
  1271. >Nothing's happening
  1272. >It should have done something within the first five minutes at least
  1273. >Maybe you need to strain a bit?
  1274. >You lean in, and focus harder
  1275. >Is it moving?
  1276. >"Anon? Are you okay?"
  1277. >"Is… it… working…!?"
  1278. >"I'm afraid not."
  1279. >You go back and relax yourself
  1280. >"Sorry, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong."
  1281. >"No, it's not your fault, I was afraid of this." She sighs
  1282. >"What? What were you afraid of?"
  1283. >"That cloak is very sensitive. It should have lit up, even at the smallest, poorest manipulations. I'm not sure you're capable of magic."
  1284. >You feel a wave of disappointment
  1285. >So, you really can't do it?
  1286. >"What now. I can't tell my boss, he wouldn't accept it."
  1287. >"I'm sorry, Anon. Maybe there's another way."
  1288. >"Oh, there is." Jonesy jumps in
  1289. >Well, if there is a way you are willing to try it
  1290. >"What is it? I'm kind of desperate here."
  1291. >She walks over to an uncomfortable looking Liya and puts a hand on her shoulder
  1292. >"You have to fuck my sister."
  1293. >A moment of silence
  1294. >"You're joking, right?"
  1295. >"Nope, I'm absolutely serious. Liya will explain things better than me."
  1296. >You look to Liya, who really does not seem to want to talk about this
  1297. >"Well, you see, um… Sex has been known to increase willpower essence, especially if one of the partners has a lot of it. Usually humans are capable of turning spirit energy into the essence, but…"
  1298. >"We checked your history books and records, tons of virgins, not a single wizard."
  1299. >"What?"
  1300. >"Err, 30 year old virgin males have a powerful aptitude for magic."
  1301. >"Or at least they should, but your world is just too lacking in the stuff. With all this lack, your body just isn't capable of feeling it out or creating it. But!"
  1302. >She firmly pats Liya on the back
  1303. >"With a bit of her magic vagina, I bet you could do it. A bit of pumping, and your body will recognize the stuff in no time!"
  1304. >"B-but sister, I told him that he doesn't have to. I was also kind of hoping my first child could be a…"
  1305. >Jonesy grabs her, and looks into her eyes
  1306. >"Look, you are the only eight who hasn't got some! Who knows how long it will be before we fix things!
  1307. >She starts to roughly shake her sister
  1308. >"My sister will not go down in the history books as the world's most famed and powerful virgin monster!"
  1309. >She lets go, and dashes out of the building
  1310. >"Where did she run off to?"
  1311. >"I don't know, and I don't care."
  1313. >She closes the door, locks it, then places a ward on top
  1314. >After returning to her chair opposite to you, she puts her legs up and kind of tucks into herself
  1315. >"Are you okay?"
  1316. >"I don't know Anon. Things have been stressful lately. You need to learn magic, but I don't want to force you into this. I could try to think of another way."
  1317. >She's right in that you do need to learn magic
  1318. >This is about more than just you, this is for the good of humanity
  1319. >But, does she want this?
  1320. >Monster girls are apparently very lustful by nature, but she has shown herself to not be certain about this
  1321. >Maybe she's worried
  1322. >Worried that you will only do this for magic
  1323. >You admit, magic is a big part of the choice
  1324. >"Do you want this? Do you really want this?"
  1325. >She looks into your eyes
  1326. >"Anon, I want this so much. But do you want this? I don't want you to do this out of pity."
  1327. >That's what she's worried about?
  1328. >"I've lived with this pain most of my life. It's dulled, you don't have to worry about me. Just, do it for the magic, okay? Don't do it because you feel sorry for me."
  1329. >Is it so hard for her to think…?
  1330. >"Liya, this won't be for pity. I want magic more than anything right now. I want magic, so I can help give you a son."
  1331. >She lets go, eyes moist but smiling
  1332. >"If we do it now, it's almost certainly going to be a daughter, are you okay with that?"
  1333. >"I'll love her just as much as I would a son. If you make it, I know she'll be beautiful."
  1335. >She undoes some of the clasps on her dress, and slowly slips out
  1336. >"I'll try to be more focused this time, than."
  1337. >You get up to approach her, and see her large breasts that were once straining to escape her clothing
  1338. >Apparently she never wore lingerie
  1339. >Carefully, you rub your hands against them
  1340. >They are soft and give in to your touch
  1341. >The woman shakes as you kneed into them like doe
  1342. >"Y-you don't have to do this, you could just put yourself inside, and be done with it."
  1343. >You lightly tug at her nipple, and she quietly gasps
  1344. >"How long will it take you to realize, I'm doing this for you."
  1345. >"And I'm sorry that you feel you need to waste your time with me…"
  1346. >Just as she starts to crawl back into herself, you kiss her forehead, and push a hand through her hair
  1347. >"I would never make love with you if I didn't want you."
  1348. >Her eyes widen and her cheeks turn a slight pink
  1349. >"Do you mean that? You want to make love?"
  1350. >"Yes! Yes, I love you, what is so hard to understand?"
  1351. >Her hand moves to undo the buttons on your shirt
  1352. >"I guess I just never thought this would happen."
  1353. >You get to work on your belt, and then your pants in short order
  1354. >"You moved a country to a new world, but you didn't think someone could fall in love with you?"
  1355. >Her hands start to wander your chest
  1356. >"It is a little silly I suppose."
  1357. >She traces something on your skin, and you feel yourself relax
  1358. >"Was that a spell?"
  1359. >She rubs a spot on your chest, and a you feel a pleasant tingling feeling spreading out, eventually reaching your loins
  1360. >"It's just a trick from my grandmother. It's passed down amongst all hakutaku."
  1361. >"Then maybe I should step it up a little."
  1362. >A hand travels down to her entrance, gently rubbing her
  1363. >Her breathing becomes more ragged, as her arms wrap around you
  1364. >"I'm not going to let, aah, you beat me, we were very proud of our skill."
  1365. >Her nails pierce into your back, sending jolts through you
  1366. >Your cock grows hard, and she quickly removes one of her hands from your back to grab it
  1367. >She massage it near the base with two fingers, sending yet more tremors into the organ
  1368. >In a bid to win, while one hand slips into her, another searches for a weakpoint
  1369. >The shiver she gets when you reach the base of her horns is enough
  1370. >You furiously attack that spot, rubbing and massaging
  1371. >Her eyes go blank, and she drops her hand from your cock
  1372. >You stop your assault for a moment, and she's focused again
  1373. >Then you do it again, chuckling as her face goes from confused back to a drooling mess
  1374. >"Stop m-making fun of me, I'm a magician."
  1375. >"You are also adorable, and I'm afraid that overrides your magician status."
  1377. >You stop again
  1378. >She pouts at your repeated transgressions
  1379. >"Stop taunting me."
  1380. >"I'm just preparing for the most important part. If you are ready."
  1381. >You aim your cock at her opening, slick with her ecstasy
  1382. >She notices, and hesitantly nods
  1383. >"Please?"
  1384. >Then you ram it inside
  1385. >A quick yelp escapes her lips, and you stop, looking to see if she's alright
  1386. >"Keep going."
  1387. >With her permission, you speed up
  1388. >She moans at your thrusts, as her tunnel squeezes you
  1389. >To increase her pleasure, you put one hand to work massaging her breast, and the other massages her head
  1390. >Her shaking intensifies, now she's gasping in pleasure
  1391. >Her vagina reacts similarly, and it feels like it's working twice as hard to get you to finish
  1392. >"I'm so happy, Anon. I don't think I've ever been this happy before!"
  1393. >Your pounding speeds up, and as the pressure inside you explodes, you both scream
  1394. >You drop on top of her, both of you breathing deeply
  1395. >"Was it what you hoped for?" You ask your partner
  1396. >"Yes. Yes, it was even better than my old memories."
  1397. >You kiss her, and she kisses back
  1398. >Her tongue is just as skilled has her hands, pushing against your tongue expertly despite your strength
  1399. >There is a spark, and the world turns blue
  1400. >She breaks the kiss, smiling
  1401. >"It looks like you're ready for your magic lesson."
  1403. >The sound of slamming wood makes you jump
  1404. >"Sis, you know no door can keep me out! I've broken ancient curses, this is nothing! I have Satyros wine! There is no way you guys can't have sex after. drinking. this…"
  1405. >She stares at you laying on top of her sister
  1406. >"Uh, so, looks like you didn't need my help after all."
  1407. >You get up, and so does Liya
  1408. >She walks over, and starts scolding her
  1409. >"Did you have to break the damn door down?"
  1410. >"Well, you know not to lock doors with me."
  1411. >"I thought you learned to give a little privacy!"
  1412. >As the two bicker, you look over to the flaming flower
  1413. >Making another attempt, the cloak glows a soft blue
  1414. >Left. The fire should go left…
  1415. >It went right. But by god, it was something.
  1417. -----------------------------------------------
  1419. >You park your car, and get out
  1420. >Work was particularly long today, studying the more plant like monsters
  1421. >You can still smell the pollen
  1422. >As soon as you open your door, you by the patter of feet
  1423. >"Dad!"
  1424. >Your ten year old son comes to hug your leg
  1425. >"Hey, Danny!"
  1426. >You bring him up into a hug
  1427. >"How was school today?"
  1428. >"It was great! I got to ride around on a lamia's tail!"
  1429. >"Sounds like a blast. Hey, did you see your mother by any chance?"
  1430. >You put Danny down
  1431. >"She's meeting with Auntie in Rick's room room."
  1432. >Jonesy is here in with Rick?
  1433. >You quickly go to the room and see your seventeen year old son and Jonesy playing hot potato with an amulet, with Liya watching annoyed
  1434. >Your wife notices you
  1435. >"Oh, Anon! How about you talk some sense into Rick, he won't accept his gift."
  1436. >Jonesy pushes him against the wall and presses the amulet into his chest
  1437. >"Damn it, kid! Trust me, you do not want to fuck a raiju for the first time without some lightning protection!"
  1438. >"I don't want to fuck a raiju at all! My dick is staying in my pants!"
  1439. >Sighing, you grab the amulet
  1440. >Just as she said, it was clearly enchanted to protect against electricity
  1441. >At least, the negative parts
  1442. >"Jonesy, if Rick wants to become a wizard, let him."
  1443. >"Have you seen the poor thing? She's getting desperate, and I don't think she has sights for anyone else."
  1444. >It would be a lie to say you don't feel empathetic to her plight
  1445. >Richard's daughter has clearly been eyeing Rick at everyone of your get togethers
  1446. >But there are other boys, and Rick is making a serious choice
  1447. >Still, it is a gift, he doesn't need to be so rude
  1448. >"Maybe if she gets desperate it might help to have that thing on."
  1449. >You hold your hand out with the lightning protector
  1450. >He looks a little unsure, but he slowly moves his hand to take it
  1451. >"Okay, fine. But only because She's fucking crazy."
  1452. >"She's a nice girl!"
  1453. >"She fucking fried a few people while masturbating in the bathroom!"
  1454. >"Mind your manners, dear. It was an accident, and she felt terrible about it."
  1455. >He murmurs something in an annoyed tone, turning in his chair back to his computer
  1456. >"Rick, you might want to be a wizard, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude."
  1457. >He doesn't talk
  1458. >You all exit the room
  1459. >"Goddess, he used to be so sweet! Now he's just a jackass."
  1460. >You scratch cheek, and look to Liya who's shaking her head
  1461. >You agreed not to tell anyone about the Youko incident without his permission
  1462. >Couldn't take him to the FUK since
  1463. >You thought it would be safer for a young boy
  1464. >He was lucky his virginity was still intact by the time you reached him
  1466. >"So, did Nila not come with you? I had something for her too."
  1467. >"Oh, there's a special lecture on the nervous system today and she wanted to see it."
  1468. >She's been really interested in nerves lately
  1469. >"I'm so proud of her desire to go into the medical field. She takes after her father so much."
  1470. >"She gets the drive from you."
  1471. >Jonesy grins mischievously
  1472. >"Oh no, I bet she's driven by that monster instinct. No better way to pleasure a man than knowing his body inside and out!"
  1473. >The memory of all the times her and Rick played doctor
  1474. >"No."
  1475. >Monsters may be lustful by nature, but you like to keep some innocent memories intact
  1476. >"You know it to be true.'
  1477. >Jonesy looks at her watch
  1478. >"I have to go soon, gotta catch a plane. If she comes back, tell her I left her present in her room."
  1479. >With that, she left through the front door
  1480. >"She definitely loves her gifts, I'm surprised that she didn't leave me something today."
  1481. >"Actually..."
  1482. >Liya pulls out a bottle of wine
  1483. >With your magic sensitivity, you can definitely tell that it's what you think it is
  1484. >"I'm proud of the potion and all, but three children is enough."
  1485. >Your wife smiles
  1486. >"I'm thinking the same thing. I like our little family."
  1487. >"So, what are we going to do with it? I'd hate to return a gift."
  1488. >She puts a hand to her chin in thought
  1489. >"I heard Aziza wants a son. Maybe she would appreciate it?"
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