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Feb 24th, 2010
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  1. "What I’m here to say is that what you’ve done has betrayed us users at EvaX."
  3. That's absolutely ridiculous. I can't betray anyone, because I never swore allegiance to anyone.
  5. Here is the entirety of what I have done: I made a webpage where people can watch what I'm doing, and I made a chatbox so people can talk. I did these two things so that I could have fun. When someone is ruining my fun, I remove them.
  7. There is no betrayal there. No betrayal is even possible anywhere among those elements.
  9. "We come here to stream, watch games, and generally relax with the community."
  11. So you should all chill out and relax, not stage mutiny.
  13. "In life, you meet people who you don’t agree with. It sucks but sometimes you just have to bear it, whether it is teachers, classmates, co-workers, or even your parents. The thing is, you still bear it. What many of us have see is that NOT ONLY do you seem to not try to bear with our defects, but you don’t seem to try to understand it. You usually ban streamers because of personality problems and… that’s about it really. They almost always follow the rules because you’ve banned long-time streamers before. What really bugs me is that people can get along with people they hate and at the very worse of times, leave if necessary. Leaving is the absolute final way to solve these problems. It should only be done once all other options have been exhausted; this includes telling the people you have problems with them or even trying to adjust yourself to the situation. Both of which are things I have done to survive in life."
  15. Yeah. In real life, I am lenient with assholes, I am patient with idiots, and I treat jerks with respect. On the Internet, there is no reason to waste my time with morons. On the Internet, I'm just here to have fun. I don't have to tolerate any bullshit I don't want to. I'm just here to have fun, and if someone ruins my fun, I will kick them out. That is not betrayal.
  17. "Lastly, Eva, you ban people and then act as though they have no reason to dislike you."
  19. That's because they are lucky to have been in my stream in the first place. Being in my stream is not a right, it is a privilege. I am so sick of people acting like they are ENTITLED to speak in my stream, and as though I have done something unspeakably evil just by banning someone.
  21. "Whenever you ban someone, you curse, you degrade them; I can even go so far as to say you embarrass them. There is no one in this world who could not read the things you’ve said to them and act as though there was even a speck of decency in them. I understand that Anons get into chat, but even so, registered member who have logged many an hour in your chat are guests. You, as the host, should have the courtesy to at least see them out the door in a kind manner, not jeering at them from the house they once called home. This is most definitely the biggest thing I see wrong in the way you work. If you can change anything about what you do, change this."
  23. I admit that this is wrong to do. I should not curse people out. However, I find it very ironic that I am being chastised by a group that does things even more low. Raiding a channel, spamming the chat, and PMing viewers to steal them is far more low than anything I have ever done. Notice that I'm not retaliating or trying to hurt any of you in the least. I stay in my own stream, I mind my own business, and I ban whoever ruins my fun. That is all I do, and there is nothing in that equation that I deserve hatred for.
  25. The worst thing I've ever done to someone? Ban them. That's it. That's all I can do. The worst thing I can possibly do to someone is to ban them. That is the only thing I can do! And that's not even meant to hurt. I don't ban people to hurt them. I'm not trying to harm anyone. I made my channel to have fun and if someone is ruining my fun, I remove them. There is no reason whatsoever for me to tolerate anyone I don't want to. I made my channel for me, and I will always be top priority.
  27. Even though my own happiness is my first priority, I have done so many things for the community. I streamed their requests, I let them vote what game I should play, I made choices in games based on what they wanted to see, I created a forum for them, and I tried to make the viewers comfortable in every way. My first priority is my own happiness, but I still did so many things for other people.
  29. The ONE selfish thing I have ever done is to remove words that I do not wish to see. Sometimes I just filter a word, sometimes I remove a person. This is the ONLY selfish thing I do, and for some illogical reason, people think that this is adequate reason to hate me.
  31. I have given so much to the community, and they all spit in my face just because I have a single policy they disagree with: I will ban whoever I want to. That is the sole reason anyone dislikes me, and it is an entirely invalid reason to dislike me, because I have no obligation to keep as many people around as I want. I can do whatever I want because it's my stream, and I've done a load of things just for the viewers, but there is ALWAYS going to be one thing I will always do for myself: Remove whatever/whoever is ruining my fun.
  33. Listen, Eva X Vidya is a private exclusive club. Not everyone will qualify to get in. I might allow you inside, but if I decide that you don't qualify, you are gone. This is not a valid reason to be angry at me, because it is a private club in the first place.
  35. The only reason you even met Keefers in the first place is because of me. You have ME to thank for that. If I ban Keefers, effectively "taking" Keefers away from you, you have no right to complain. You do not have a right to speak to anyone you wish to speak to in my chat room. It's my chat room and I decide who stays and who leaves, because it's my chat room. You people are all so ungrateful and unappreciative, and you all act like you are entitled to get whatever you want from me, when I have no obligations towards you whatsoever.
  37. I've lost complete and total respect for anyone who would leave my stream on the basis that I am some kind of evil tyrant just because I run a private club that not everyone is allowed into.
  39. I should post this response on the front page of my website just to make it clear. I bet that NO ONE would have made such a big deal about this or accused me of "betrayal" if I made it this clear from the beginning that my stream is a private place and anyone can be removed at any time.
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