
nyrb classics 03/17/17 No.9253991

Mar 18th, 2017
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  1. File: logo-classics.png (12 KB, 810x100)
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  3. nyrb classics Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)16:59:56 No.9253991▶>>9254943 >>9255040 >>9255100
  4. what are the best nyrb classics?
  5. >>
  6. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)17:16:14 No.9254064▶
  7. The Peregrine
  8. 420 Guy
  9. Hard Rain Falljng
  10. Morte d' Urban
  11. Skylark
  12. Life and Fate
  13. >>
  14. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)17:50:18 No.9254239▶
  15. bump
  16. >>
  17. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)18:00:38 No.9254287▶
  18. Warlock
  19. Speedboat
  20. >420guy
  21. In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
  23. /thread
  24. >>
  25. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)18:05:29 No.9254310▶>>9254425
  26. Not published by NYRB? Not for me!
  27. >>
  28. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)18:29:11 No.9254425▶
  29. >>9254310
  30. alot of their books are less known, so hard to navigate without recs
  31. >>
  32. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)18:38:45 No.9254467▶
  33. tenants of moonbloom
  34. fat city
  35. tun huang
  36. >>
  37. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)19:27:00 No.9254615▶>>9254929
  38. The Anatomy of Melancholy
  39. >>
  40. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)19:36:55 No.9254665▶>>9255353
  41. If you're after obscure titles than Zama by Antonio di Bendetto is fantastic.
  42. >>
  43. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)19:53:50 No.9254748▶
  44. File: 41l5NWsP6NL._SY344_BO1,20(...).jpg (18 KB, 217x346)
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  46. Madrian The Seventh Fr. Rolfe (Baron Corvo)
  47. Stumbled on it and it became my favorite book.
  49. Also extremely good from NYRB:
  50. Zweig's "beware of pity" (saddest book I've read)
  51. von Rezzori's "memoirs of an anti semite"
  52. Malaparte's "the skin" (most shocking/depraved book I've read)
  53. >>
  54. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)20:50:46 No.9254929▶
  55. >>9254615
  56. This
  57. >>
  58. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)20:54:48 No.9254943▶
  59. >>9253991 (OP)
  60. the Invention of Morel
  61. >>
  62. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)21:23:35 No.9255032▶>>9255596
  63. File: 750407.jpg (50 KB, 281x450)
  64. Image
  65. The Book of Ebenezer Le Page
  66. >>
  67. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)21:27:29 No.9255040▶
  68. >>9253991 (OP)
  69. Pretty much any of them. But if you're looking for memes
  70. >Williams
  71. >Szabo
  72. >Zweig
  73. >Amis
  74. >Gass
  75. and the ones mentioned in this thread
  76. >>
  77. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)21:53:20 No.9255100▶>>9256611
  78. >>9253991 (OP)
  79. Are they the criterion collection for literature?
  80. >>
  81. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)21:55:19 No.9255106▶
  82. Life and Fate.
  83. >>
  84. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)23:40:21 No.9255353▶
  85. >>9254665
  86. holy fuck this. Never thought I'd see someone else on /lit/ who read Zama. it's great.
  88. also check out Krhzizhanovsky (sp?) if you like russians.
  89. >>
  90. Anonymous 03/17/17(Fri)23:41:41 No.9255358▶
  91. the invisibility cloak by ge fei is amazing
  92. >>
  93. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)01:01:15 No.9255510▶
  94. patrick hamilton
  95. >>
  96. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)01:46:08 No.9255582▶
  97. I really loved Dirty Snow
  98. >>
  99. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)02:00:41 No.9255596▶
  100. >>9255032
  101. I'm maybe 60 pages in and it's quiet (not in a bad way), slow, and thoughtful. Can you tell me what your big takeaway from it was? So far it seems like it's meant to be a (semi autobiographical?) realistic depiction of a life as a whole, with the good and bad, the interesting and boring, etc. Hasn't really drawn me in with the introspective pace, and it doesn't look like it'll change drastically.
  103. Any input?
  104. >>
  105. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)07:44:28 No.9256611▶
  106. >>9255100
  107. i think so
  108. >>
  109. Anonymous 03/18/17(Sat)08:03:29 No.9256695▶
  110. In Parenthesis
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