
New suicide thread: Mossberg Anon ch. 5

Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. >The other clones are taking off. Leaving you and the mane 6.
  2. >Some battlefield cleanup has taken place. Mostly just clones salvaging weapons and
  3. >munitions. Currently you’re wrapping Chrysalis body in a tarp for transport. Twilight
  4. >and Rarity are both giving you a hand, twilight holding the body up, while Rarity ties it off.
  5. >Dash and Flutters were still somewhere in the wreckage, you trusted them.
  6. >Pinkie and AJ were pulling out little bits and bobs the clones left behind, keeping anything
  7. >they thought might be useful. Nopony speaks much, just little snippits of mandatory
  8. >conversation. Eventually you finish wrapping the body, the ponies climb up into the
  9. >technical as you take your place in the driver’s seat.
  10. >It’s a long drive.
  12. >You’ve been going for maybe about seven hours now.
  13. >The ponies fall asleep, there’s an incredibly sad atmosphere hanging over the group.
  14. >Flutters stirs next to you, absent mindedly you reach down and rub the back of her head.
  15. >She nuzzles her head into your hand. You nearly break into tears. You can feel it, there is
  16. >no good ending in store for you. You haven’t noticed but your hand has begun to tremble.
  17. >Flutters wakes at this, she doesn’t move immediately, just opens her bright blue eyes and
  18. >looks up at you. You know that expression, it’s a question.
  19. “I… I don’t know why… but I just have this feeling that this is a vain effort.”
  20. >She shifts her body to rest her head on your thigh, you can feel her head bob as you
  21. >manipulate the pedals of the technical.
  22. >”t’s okay, you can tell me.”
  23. >You sigh, breath in, breath out.
  24. “The crown isn’t going to let the clones stay in this world. I don’t really think they’re fond of
  25. Me either. I… I don’t trust them… I know most of you see them as some sort of mentor figure… but I dunno, something has gotta give.”
  27. >”I wouldn’t worry too much.”
  28. >She nuzzles into your side, feels good.
  29. >You raise your arm, and pull her in close, she doesn’t complain, rather smiles slightly and
  30. >gets comfy.
  31. >”I don’t think anything’s going to happen.”
  32. “Why?”
  33. >”It would be a political disaster.”
  34. “Wait, what?”
  35. >She pushes off of you slightly a surprised expression on her face.
  36. >”You didn’t read the news paper we sent you.
  37. “Er, no. I was busy and it kind of left my frame of mind.”
  38. >You were drunk and forgot about it. Same thing right?
  39. >”Oh, well… I won’t spoil the surprise.”
  40. >She grins at this remark.
  42. >Christ that drive wiped you out, well good thing you’re not driving anymore.
  43. >You were being taken by train to Canterlot giving you lots of time to sleep and recover.
  44. >Unfortunately you were much larger than the ponies, and had to sit on the floor.
  45. >Didn’t matter, it was still a welcome rest. You used this time to read the paper Shy was
  46. >talking about. You made the front page
  47. “Human Volunteer Army Fighting Changelings on Our Behalf!”
  48. >Well that wasn’t true, but the whole thing made you out to be a national hero
  49. >There were a couple of pictures from the Las Pegasus staging area
  50. “Two human soldiers and a ‘technical’”
  51. >Just two clones in front of a technical having a cigarette.
  52. “A human soldier shows our camera man his issued equipment”
  53. >This one was actually impressive. It was #4 standing next to a tarp where he had laid out
  54. >everything he was carrying.
  55. “Human scouts return from patrol with casualties”
  56. >It’s an RX-7 coming back in to the staging area, the gunner is dead and slumped over the
  57. >front of his PKM. You’re rather surprised by the light the newspaper paints you in, it would
  58. >be political suicide to do anything against you, well physically at least.
  59. >”Anon?”
  60. “oh, right.”
  61. >You lower the newspaper as Fluttershy hands you a tea. Ever since you offed chrysalis she
  62. >hasn’t left you. It wasn’t odd, or off putting, it was actually really comforting.
  63. “Thank you.”
  64. >once you take the tea she sits down, lies back, and closes her eyes.
  65. >You go back to the paper, hey lookie here; they even mention you by name.
  66. “tap tap tap”
  67. >You put the paper back down.
  68. “Yes, come in.”
  69. >The door slides to the side.
  70. >It’s Twilight.
  71. “Yes?”
  72. >”So, I never really got a response from you about the mortars?”
  73. >You chuckle and take a sip of your tea.
  74. “They were fantastic. Thank you.”
  76. >The train pulls up to Canterlot station.
  77. >#1 is already on the platform waiting for you. He hails you as your group exits the train.
  78. >”Good to see you’re here”
  79. “Did the courier arrive yet?
  80. >”Yeah, a couple hours ago
  81. “Right then, lead the way.”
  82. >#1 leads you through the city streets with relative ease. On the wider streets technicals sit,
  83. >often surrounded by clones smoking or playing cards. You brought the entire army here…
  84. >as a failsafe
  85. >Oddly enough you sport more than a few clones and ponies interacting with each other.
  86. >It’s a very different picture than the one that sparked this journey. The citizens of Canterlot
  87. >didn’t seem to mind these humans, rather they seemed excited and welcoming.
  88. >You follow #1 into the main throughway, a wide avenue that leads straight through the
  89. >town and to the castle. The middle of the Avenue is taken up entirely by technicals and
  90. >RX-7s, oddly enough the clones seemed to have developed something of a trading hub in
  91. >the middle, bartering for cigarettes and liquor, exchanging ammunition and money.
  92. >”Hey #1… what’s happening over yonder?”
  93. >AJ points to the castle gates. There’s a crowd of ponies about five deep, all holding signs
  94. >and chanting angrily at the castle.
  95. >#1 clears his throat before responding.
  96. >”It’s a protest, lots of Canterlot natives want to see all clones receive citizenship for their
  97. >work.”
  98. >This is going to go poorly, you already know it.
  100. >The mane 6 separate from you and head on inside the Castle.
  101. >#1 leads you to the center of the column, this is where the most tarps have been set up,
  102. >making both an eating and a trading area. Surprisingly enough, you see some of the more
  103. >posh Canterlot citizens are here trading with some of the humans. Mostly trading things
  104. >like liquor or bits for changeling horns or bits of chitin. Either way, the clones working the
  105. >booth see you and #1. They immediately reach behind them and pull out a large tarp
  106. >wrapped corpse. Before you can turn away, the clone hands you a pack of cigarettes
  107. >before saying.
  108. >”hey, good job man.”
  109. >You nod and turn to be on your way.
  110. >Within a couple minutes you’re standing behind the protesters at Canterlot castle.
  111. “#1?”
  112. >”yeah”
  113. “give me your Makarov… and your pen flare.”
  114. >”huh?”
  115. “I don’t trust them, last time I was here I got roped into this war.”
  116. >”ah, say no more.”
  117. >With that #1 hands you his Makarov and a spare mag. You put this in your right boot, and
  118. >cover the area with the pant leg. The pen flare you tuck into your waistband.
  119. >You make your way through the crowd, once the guards see you they open the gate.
  120. >Same as last time they take your Mossberg, knife, and 1911. You have to try hard not to
  121. >smile. As your lead to the throne room.
  123. >You are let into the throne room, it’s empty but you are told to wait.
  124. >Once the guard closes the door you promptly move your Makarov to the small
  125. >of your back. You begin to hear ‘s’ noises, someone’s talking but you just can’t quite make
  126. >it out. You follow the voices until you reach the back of the throne room. You press your
  127. >ear against the wall.
  128. >”Luna, I can’t let you do this.”
  129. >”Why not? Those chimps are changing our culture.”
  130. >”Let’s just follow through with our original agreement and put it behind us.”
  131. >”And let them integrate into our society. We won’t let these pungent brutes change us
  132. >any more!”
  133. >”Sister. You’re being unreasonable… again.”
  134. >You hear the throne room doors open, it’s the mane 6. Unfortunately for you.
  135. >Pinkie calls out “Whatcha ya listening to Anon!”
  136. >Luna and Celestia go silent.
  138. >The wall you’re leaning on explodes outward, tossing you across the room.
  139. >Your heads spinning, everything is ringing, and you are only slightly aware of the navy blue
  140. >hoof pinning you down. There’s a good deal of shouting going on. You quickly put yourself
  141. >back together. Luna has you pinned down, and is arguing back and forth with her sister.
  142. >The six seem mostly confused or scared.
  143. >Alright you’re back in the game now.
  144. >You saw this double cross coming, but you are pissed.
  145. >While Luna has her head turned to her sister, you grab a bit of masonry that made the trip
  146. >with you. She turns her head back to you, horn aglow. That’s when you swing your brick.
  147. >It connects with the side of her head, causing her to tumble off of you. You scramble to
  148. >your feet, draw your pen flare, and shoot it through a stained glass window.
  150. >You are now #1.
  151. >Being a clone is weird, but you’ve reached the point where you are a spate personality
  152. >now, so it’s not as bad as it used to be.
  153. >In the beginning you enjoyed the idea of being put back into the reflecting pool.
  154. >You didn’t see it as death, rather, you saw it as a return home.
  155. >Now however, you’ve developed a taste for life.
  156. >You hear a couple of clones murmur and point up.
  157. >You follow the finger, there’s a red flare flying in a high arc over Canterlot.
  158. >Without hesitation you climb on top of the nearest technical and call out.
  159. “Men! It’s time!
  160. >There’s a series of shouts and calls as engines start and the news spreads.
  162. >You are Anon again.
  163. >You drop the pen flare and draw your Makarov.
  164. >Unfortunately Luna’s already up again.
  165. >Celestia tries to step in
  166. >”Luna! Anon! Please just listen to me.”
  167. >Nope! You raise and fire, three quick rounds.
  168. >The rounds never reach their target.
  169. >The instead ricochet off the air between you and Luna.
  170. >Now you see it, a thin yellow film between the two of you.
  171. >Magic, this shit is getting annoying.
  173. >Celestia glares at you.
  174. >While her attention is focused on you, Luna hits her square in the chest with a bolt of
  175. >magic. The mane 6 at this point reach full panic mode, with twilight getting the worst of it,
  176. >and crowd around Celestia. You use the distraction, dropping the Makarov and picking up a
  177. >piece of rebar taken out by the earlier explosion. You assume that bullets are going to
  178. >remain useless against magic shields of bullshit.
  179. >You sprint the distance between the two of you, raise your weapon.
  180. >Luna fires another bolt at you. For a split second your vision goes white.
  181. >You can feel the searing pain on your left shoulder and cheek.
  182. >But you don’t stop, you swing your rebar. This time you connect with her neck
  183. >She goes down again. You raise for another swing, but not before she looks back at you
  184. >and fires another bolt. Reflexively you stumble back, however the bolt of magic shatters
  185. >against a transparent purple barrier. Both you and Luna look over at Twilight, she’s still got
  186. >tears in her eyes, but she looks just as angry as you.
  188. >You are now #1, the castle guards are fighting to hold the gate.
  189. >But compared to the changelings this is a cakewalk. The guards are well disciplined,
  190. >but woefully unexperienced and under equipped.
  191. >There are three technical in front of the gate. You’re operating the gun on the middle one.
  192. >A squad of clones runs by and gives you the ready gesture.
  193. >You turn around and bang on the roof of the cab. The technical speeds away from the gate,
  194. >it’s joined by the two next to it. The chains connecting the technicals and the gate go
  195. >taught. With a great tearing and screeching noise the gate is pulled off its colossal hinges.
  196. >They land with a heavy thud, throwing up a wave dust.
  197. “Keep pushing forwards!”
  198. >With that the technical goes into full reverse and rolls over the fallen gates.
  200. >You are now Anon.
  201. >Luna wastes no time and immediately engages Twilight with a more bolts of magic.
  202. >You rush forwards, and swing up with the rebar.
  203. >Luna notices you last minute and shifts out of the way, letting your rebar pass harmlessly.
  204. >However this leaves you open, she bucks you square in the ribs.
  205. >You’re fairly positive a few of them broke. The pain causes you to drop your rebar.
  206. >As you stumble back you see a blur of movement in front of you.
  207. >It takes a moment but you realize that the rest of the six have joined in the fight.
  208. >You take a moment to get your breath back, but before you can jump back into it,
  209. >A blue burst of light throws everyone back. Luna was gone, only Nightmare moon
  210. >remained
  212. >You are now #1.
  213. >You’ve spread out to take most of the courtyard.
  214. >The earth ponies and the unicorns are trying to hold all the castle entrances, but to no
  215. >avail. However the pegasi are proving to be a problem, swooping down and picking out
  216. >individual clones. They were working in teams of two to pick up and drops the
  217. >comparatively heavy humans.
  218. >As a result you were focusing your fire skyward. Great tracer tendrils lace forward seeking
  219. >their targets. C’mon #1, breathe, lead, fire. The mounted gun barks and chatters in reply to
  220. >your orders, you watch the tracers burrow their way into a pegasus team. Unlike the
  221. >changelings who would burst, the pegasi simply dropped.
  222. >You take a quick moment to get a grasp on the situation. The clones had indisputably taken
  223. >the courtyard and have very nearly taken the entrances. There’s a couple groups on the
  224. >walls still holding out, but otherwise those are taken as well.
  225. >Shit! Up high again, another formation of pegasi.
  226. >They fly straight and steady you see them drop a bunch of objects before flying off.
  228. >You are now Anon, and your wired as shit.
  229. >You are committed to this fight now with all your heart and soul,
  230. >but you’re no idiot, you notice the Makarov next to you, where you dropped it earlier.
  231. >NMM lowers her head and opens her mouth to speak.
  232. >”Twilight, don’t you see how the-“
  233. >You pull the same trick you did with Chrysalis
  234. >Except NMM is a fair bit faster than Chrysalis.
  235. >You don’t even get to fire a shot, as she magics the gun out of your hand.
  236. >Oh, hell no! You fall back to plan B, grab another brick and sprint towards NMM
  237. >She fires another bolt, Twilight shields you again. You bring the brick down on top of
  238. >her helmet
  239. “Clang!”
  240. >She drops again, she may be great with magic, but she’s terrible in a melee. You drop the
  241. >brick and simply grab her head. You smash it into the wall, repeatedly.
  243. >You are now #1, you see as the clones dive to the ground as the dropped objects impact.
  244. >However, they don’t explode. This makes you more concerned. They look like crystals of
  245. >sorts. Are, they glowing?
  246. >Oh shit!
  247. >They’re magic!
  248. >And you have a head ache.
  249. >You run your had across your upper lip, why is your nose bleeding.
  250. >You look down at your hand; your number tattoo no longer shows #1,
  251. >It’s a classical skull and crossbones. It all comes together. The ink for the tattoos,
  252. >The crystals.
  253. >it’s a magic activated poison. You don’t know how much longer you have,
  254. >And looking around the fighting has paused as the clones realize this as well.
  255. >You raise your fist in the air.
  256. “We may die, but we’re taking them with us!”
  257. >You level the mounted gun at a cluster of cornered unicorn guards
  258. >You fire.
  260. >You are now Anon.
  261. >You pull your arm back about to slam NMM head into the wall again.
  262. >Before you can however her horn lights up and everything goes white.
  263. >Everything’s spinning again, there’s an unbearable ringing in your ear, why won’t
  264. >things stop moving. You open your eyes.
  265. >Things won’t stop moving because your falling.
  266. >NMM used the last of her energy to overcome your magic resistance and teleport you, and
  267. >herself. A suicide move. Yes she had wings, but she was also passed out from exhaustion.
  269. >You are now #1.
  270. “Acck, heh, heh.”
  271. >The coughing is getting much worse, blood come up with each small movement.
  272. >Now that the clones had nothing left to lose then had completely taken the castle floor and
  273. >were moving on to the second story. You had abandoned the technical, choosing to spend
  274. >you last moments shoulder to shoulder with your clones, but your numbers are dwindling
  275. >rapidly, not just the poison, but also the lack of command, the reckless tactics.
  276. >Random sporadic gunfire and pipe bomb explosions echo through the castle.
  277. >You turn back to the small group that was following you.
  278. “Keep… *pant*… going.”
  279. >As if on cue one of the ones near the back, collapses, vomits, and dies.
  280. >You gaze at the others, the pain on their faces obvious, the capillaries have burst.
  281. >even the ones in their eyes. You never realized how much punishment a man could take
  282. >You make the decision once you notice that no more gunfire is present.
  283. “Men… Last… Ahkkk.”
  284. >You spit out a blood loogie about the size of a mint.
  285. “Last cigarette.”
  287. >You are now Fluttershy.
  288. >You are no longer capable of thought.
  289. >Anything that happens how is a kneejerk reaction.
  290. >Your frozen in place your friend’s words are running right through your mind,
  291. >not leaving any imprint or trace of meaning.
  292. >”What in tarnation happened!”
  293. >”I think they teleported, we have to find them.”
  294. >”What I thought he magic immune?”
  295. >”Resistant dash, he’s magic resistant.”
  296. >You know you understood the concept of teleportation.
  297. >Twilights even done it with you several times.
  298. >You know this is going to be worse.
  299. >As Anon would say, he could feel it in his bones.
  300. >”Oh no! I think I see him.”
  301. >”Where Pinkie?!”
  302. >Pinkie points into the sky through a smashed open window.
  303. >Dash immediately takes off.
  304. >Twilight taps you, bringing you back to the present.
  305. >You don’t think you’ve ever flown so fast.
  307. >You are now #1.
  308. >Your only a quarter way into your cigarette, but you’re the only one left.
  309. >It’s becoming hard to focus. The colors are changing, and you’ve stopped feeling your
  310. >extremities. You become aware of hoove steps coming down the stairs
  311. >”Are they all dead?”
  312. >”I dunno, it looks like it.”
  313. >You bend down and pick up your fallen comrades pkm.
  314. >It’s heavier than it should be a testament to your lost strength.
  315. >You brace it at your waist, not strong enough to shoulder it.
  316. >The two guards round the corner.
  317. >You fire. The .30 caliber rounds easily tear through the guards, as if their armor
  318. >was tin.
  319. >They don’t die, rather they collapse on the ground rolling in pain.
  320. >You rake a second stream of fire over them, putting them down.
  321. >The shots attract more hoove steps. There’s a twitch and you vision gets worse.
  322. >You see indistinct shapes coming down the stairs shouting at you, brandishing weapons.
  323. >You depress the trigger; your fire is neither accurate or controlled.
  324. >But in the tiny hallway the rounds punch through the front ranks of the guards and bury
  325. >themselves in the second. Something stops you, a sharp pain, you look down.
  326. >There’s a crossbow bolt in your gut.
  327. >Then another one hits,
  328. >You don’t live to see the third one.
  330. >You are now Anon.
  331. >You spread yourself out in an attempt to slow yourself down.
  332. >You start tossing off all of your equipment in an attempt to make yourself lighter.
  333. >”Anon!”
  334. >Dash is speeding up behind you, followed by Twilight and Flutters.
  335. >You reach back your arms, the intent is clear.
  336. >Out of the corner of your eye you see NMM hit a Castle tower.
  337. >There isn’t as much blood as you imagined the body just kind of impacts and bounces.
  338. >The ponies grab on to your hands, and start working to slow you down.
  339. >You’re slowing down but you’re not sure if it’s fast enough.
  340. >This is it the grounds coming up fast.
  341. “Crunch”
  342. >You let out a hiss of pain and sit down… sit.
  343. >on the ground.
  344. >You look around, and sure enough your sitting in the courtyard. Surrounded by technicals
  345. >and corpses, but your alive.
  346. >You look up and let out a cheer.
  347. “Yeeessss! Hooooooo!”
  348. >Without thinking you pull the three ponies into hug.
  349. >Laughs and smiles are had.
  350. >Eventually they break the hug.
  351. >But not before you pull Flutters in for a quick peck on the lips.
  352. >It’s so cute when she blushes.
  353. >With that you bring yourself to your feet, you look down to examine yourself
  354. >Sure enough, your left tibia is ticking out your shin.
  355. >It doesn’t even hurt you just point and laugh.
  356. >It’s over, it’s all finally done.
  357. >”I got another one over here!”
  358. >”Take em’ down!”
  359. >You turn just in time to have a crossbow bolt impact your left eye.
  360. >You jerk upright, try to take a step forward, but collapse instead.
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