
Exovaryn Haruke: Injecting a Pureblood

Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. As the two of them made their way through the halls, their conversation continued to roll on. Not that he minded, it was one of the few signs of decency that were within these grim walls, he'd savor those brief intermissions as long as he could, and with a light hearted chuckle he muttered,
  3. "Don't give me too much credit, I mostly tried to let that yokai go because I wanted to fight it once it was actually a threat to me. That and because I hadn't wanted to invoke the wrath of those who are living up here in the citadel...which I seem to have done regardless. I'd hoped it would come back as a Kaor to try to coax me back into joining his side. Ah, well. Such is life. For the time I am here, and there are plenty of other Kaor to test my mettle against I'm sure."
  5. That was all he had time to say before the massive doors swung open once more and he was within Exovaryn's lair once more. A place he truly did not wish to be, but it wasn't really his choice. It was either here or death from the sounds of things, and being alive made him marginally more useful. The prisoner remained bound on his chains, passively at that, and propped up by the tuboxen company's men as he waited for the two of them to speak.
  6. (Zaugrishak Taramak)
  8. Hovering near the ceiling midst the center of the room, the Harukean hovered, dispelling a hazy lavender fog: A toxic miasma, byproduct of the Mortis symbiote after the consumption of mana.
  10. It was the very dusted smog that invoked symptoms of the most recent plagues of Valmasia. Leaving much reason for the common worker and man to stray from his presence... Although, minimal threat to a magi-- Even if they may've proven weakened.
  12. Ebony hues fell upon the Drakanite, watching him be guided by four other Tuboxen workers, prior to sifting over to Kale. "I see you managed to work with him. A lot less troublesome than I ha expected... Good. I don't intend to dabble on this project for too much longer than need be-- There are other functions that beckon my attention." He descended, harbinging trace trails of the poisonous smoke that'd discourage Tuboxen workers from allowing themselves too close.
  14. "You... Drakanite... " He acknowledged directly, this time: face to face, " What is your name?" He asked seemingly solemn, hardly insinuating it with his tone but rather context.
  15. There was minor hiatus before he'd acknowledge Kale without batting him a glance with a query should the draconic entity fail to comply, " What exactly did you do to this one anyways? Have you confirmed if he can transform into a dragon?"
  16. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  18. "...Yes. Plenty of Kaor around these parts...yet that wouldn't have ever been able to become....a threat...not to a magi with an -ounce- a power, and control, at least." Voss was here, good. This made things easier.
  20. "...yes...he was very cooperative. Easy to work with. Easier than some of my own workers. No need to split this one in half." A bit of morbid humor. "Yes, he is a pureblood. As to whether or not he can morph into a dragon or not...that remains unknown." What did he do to the man? Wonderful things!
  22. "Oh! Lots of fun! I injected him with some Valrien root extract. It was as potent as I thought it would be. Allowed him to partake in some of my reed, getting rather intoxicated, the both of us that is. I cut off a few pieces of flesh, preserving a large portion of it for later work. Along with a few pieces of bone. I also drained him of a bit of blood. I'll need all these things for a project that I'll need Luella for, in a few years. For one of the bodies I intend to craft. I needed portions of a drakan for this...but I didn't think I'd get to take them from a pureblood....amazing."
  23. (Kale Minerva)
  25. As the young warrior stood before his captors, still bound in chains and quietly compliant, he waited for them to finish conversing, as if he wasn't even there. The much shorter and direct route to finding out of he could transform was to simply ask him, though he wouldn't keep them in suspense, nor draw the need for any sort of unnecessary torture to get an answer, with a thin smile on his face, likely due to the anesthetic qualities of the Valarien root extract that he'd been pumped full of he stated,
  27. "I cannot morph into a dragon quite yet. Though I can feel Ryujin's blessing, my draconic blood, coursing through my veins. It's only a short matter of time until I realise the full gifts of our people."
  28. (Zaugrishak Taramak)
  30. Whoosh! The doors to the room suddenly blew open! A invasion or.. no it was an invasion of the littlest investor and his bloody bodyguard. Wow. He was really making his place here.
  32. His little feet marched in.. aaannd that was it. Just Rou standing there. Awkwardly. What does he do now.
  33. (Rou Noxgelu)
  35. Kopi scurried in behind Rou, standing slightly over him. He looked down at his older friend, and saw how awkward he looked. Kopi to the rescue. He looked to the three people in the room, one noticably Kale, and waved. "Hello! Rou and I are here. Sorry about missing th-the tour!" He stuttered on the last word, still finding the man and this place rather intimidating.
  36. (Kopi)
  38. Still no name... Perhaps Kale was implying that he didn't know? Perhaps the Drakanite was proving defiant? Or maybe it brushed over their minds? It agitated him, albeit it was nothing that would possess over his composure. A name, wasn't entirely important for him-- What was? Was that this test of his carried out successfully.
  40. "Any and all can claim to be gifted, but only the few that stand empowered by said entities can truly bear such claim without contest." The air grew cold as he reached for Zaugrishak's face, radiating a presence that seemingly transcended the very flesh of his vessel to a morbid gray. The very lifeforce of his being was thrown into question with his closing proximity, which clearly implied that his next action... Would make-or-break one's grasp to the mortal plane...
  42. Wince, sway, cringe... It wouldn't matter, there was nothing that could stop his lowering han-
  43. The door was shoved open! The procedure placed to a dead-halt...
  44. He turned his head, expecting the longly anticipated rebellion of yokai ilk. Or was this a fed-up band of cultists? . . . No. . . It was neither. He froze in position, with head turned to lock blackened eyes upon Kopi and Ruo alike through the husks of a shaven skull helm.
  46. There were no words... Just a persisted long glare...
  47. He didn't recognize these individuals... They were intruders. Why were his yokai not consuming them? Why did they make it this far? Were they more incompetent than he had realized? Or was there more fighting amongst their numbers.
  49. One waved... At Kale: The new focus of his quizzical glare, seeking explanation.
  50. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  52. While he had been more than just cooperative with the man's scientist, there was still something else to be desired from the Harukean himself. As they reached out toward his face, his lips curled into a snarl in anticipation of the impending pain. But before anything were to happen to him, the doors burst open once more in an over the top entrance which heralded...children. He could scarcely believe his eyes, he had to rub them, and even slap himself in the face, to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
  54. Yet there they stood. Pretty as an awkward picture. He couldn't help but wonder if these were the incompetant workers that Kale had spoken of. As he continued to disbelieve what his eyes were presenting to him, he blinked several times and inquired softly, "Children..? What the hell are they doing in a place like this..."
  55. (Zaugrishak Taramak)
  57. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Answers Zaugrishak*> Valmasians never cease to surprise me.
  58. Kopi: ...
  59. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . I presume Iowoiruhm managed to sneak in more than two children.
  60. Kopi: A-Actua-
  61. Rou Noxgelu: Nope!
  62. Rou Noxgelu: Rou is In-ves-tah!
  63. Kopi: <Oh dear.>
  64. Kopi: A-And I'm...A frie-friend of Rou's. Hee?
  65. Zaugrishak Taramak: ..>An investor..?
  66. Rou Noxgelu: Got daddy to invest and now factory things!
  67. Rou Noxgelu: <*brings out his steel yokai horn*> Got this too!
  68. Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . .
  69. Kopi: ...
  70. Kopi: What's that...?
  71. [13:14:14] Rou Noxgelu: <*derp smile*>
  72. [13:15:05] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: . . . Didn't know Kale had more children abroad. An oddity that he'd bring them here.
  73. [13:15:05] Kopi: <Is that a yokai horn...?>
  74. [13:15:05] Rou Noxgelu: Yokai horn!
  75. [13:15:05] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Turns to face Zaugrishak instead*> Regardless, procedure shall ensue.
  76. [13:15:05] Rou Noxgelu: Kale gave me.
  77. [13:19:21] Rou Noxgelu: <*keeps his derp smile on*>
  79. A risen hand recommenced its descent for Zaugrishak's visage, restarting the once halted procedure. " I'll tend to such children in due time. Though, until then, I will finish this." Digits waited just inches away from one's face, idling... Waiting... Slowly wading only to abruptly strike for an armored shoulder!
  80. Fingertips were transmogrified into talons that shreded through the steel that'd protect flesh and apparel should it have still mised itself betwixt his touch and vulnerable skin.
  82. " I've decided I am not going to siphon a portion of your mana... I've had a taste of yours, and your vessel proves far more useful at its peak... Consider this a blessing from Lyperias... Should you survive it." Nails bored further into one's shoulder, flushing up blood to nigh exsanguinize where he stood. Not even gravity could spare them rest upon their knees, suspended at the volition of one's telekinetic grasp.
  84. An artery was pierced, and the acuminate conjurations of Lyperion Utovex ravenously siphoned away at one's lifeforce, transcending skin colour to a dull gray. Breath grew faint, and atmosphere chilled...
  85. Though, in an odd twist, the bleeding abruptly stopped with a cackle of vermillion static dancing about his penetrating arm. The Harukean's visage contorted, wincing... And finally, a spray of the very same sanguineous substance sputtered in various directions, splitting one at the shoulderline!
  87. He backpedalled, allowing his detached arm to hang from one's shoulder, bleeding from his own open wound ceased due to thin layers of muscular mass festering with excessive scabs. With that, he turned his attention for the suffering aegis soldiers crucified upon the pillars abroad-- Prizes of Johannes' assault squad...
  88. From a miniature army mean't to exterminate, he reaped only benefit, here is where they'd find their terminal conviction..
  89. From the spinal region of his person, protruded the serpents of the void, spawned of Mortis symbiote and fed of Vanus energies... Multiplying upon erection to throttle into the chestal plates of one.. two... four... eight.... Elongating to prove their seemingly infinite potential, emanating cardinal gleam at their barb's piercing hold, rapidly siphoning an amalgamated blend of lifeforce and mana, triggering the regenerative process of his recently loss arm.
  91. As men were shriveled down to naught but shriveled husks of leathered skin and wittled bone, the hanging arm bonded to Zaugrishak's vessel fell to succumb to dematerialization into a blend of pseudo-sentient mass subsuming a sample of his flesh, Mortis and Vanus alike, welling up alongside his neck akin to a tumor... Soon to slowly settle down with nothing more but a strange Xsperitan rune stitched in reverse from within...
  93. It'd singe one at the site, searing down the spinal region of the man in particular, and outbound for extremeties... Attempting to assimulate one within... Whether he'd keep consciousness in the wake of an abrupt plummet in mana reserves and physical stature, was entirely dependent on his will...
  94. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  96. When the Harukean opted to tear his arm off, a look of utter confusion and dread spread across the young drakanite warrior's face. He'd thought the man insane, but to tear off his own arm? That was lunacy that knew no bounds, there was no reason he could think of for him to do such a thing! Though as it's dematerialized energy was injected into his body. Something that was completely foreign to him, and he quite frankly didn't know how to react to it. Aside from of course the pain, which brought him to his knees at first, and then he fell face forward, succumbing to unconsciousness.
  97. (Zaugrishak Taramak)
  99. "Rou. It isn't safe to roam around the entire Citadel. All it would take is one Kaor to eat all those guards you brought, and you'd be endangered. While you'll be safe in the factory, I cannot garuntee your protection where my eyes, and my grasp, do not reach." He'd reach out and ruffle the boys hair. "I have some business to attend to, so I'll see you around kiddo."
  101. Voss was doing spoopy things, but he had his own spoopy things to do. Like track down his worker and show her all the samples he'd collected. Busy, busy.
  102. (Kale Minerva)
  104. With an unconscious Zaugrishak resting midst the center of the room, having been acquired for a sample of his blood and bone tissue, with skin slabs-- And now, injected with traces of the Mortis symbiote, sustained through the Vanus energies about it to constantly siphon at his circuitry. Though, the injection didn't seem to commit to anything-- forming a benevolent tumor just beneath the skin's surface.
  106. Would the injection eventually branch out into the drakanite's anatomy? Or be withered away with time... He hadn't a clue, albeit didn't truly care as of now. He wanted to see his work out in the field...
  107. If change ensued, it was likely that this man would seek him out once more, in search of questions. Otherwise, he was useless to Exovaryn, and considering the lack of malignant intent, there wasn't reason to exterminate him.
  109. If Zaugrishak wasn't aligned with Whitecloaks nor his enemies, and would hopefully ditch said faction in the nigh future, then he hadn't reason to invoke lethality upon his person. " Thankfully for him, I'm no Whitecloak... I don't kill without reason." With that said, he was grasped by his ankle, and dragged down the halls, head sliding against the cobblestone tiling, soon to depart from the citadel altogether!
  111. If one's struggle to escape death and torment felt futile prior, it would suddenly... without further explanation aside from fruitless procrastination. " Kale, I will be disposing of this one. Have you collected all that is necessary?"
  112. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
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