

Aug 28th, 2017
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  1. CONFIRM_NO = 0
  2. CONFIRM_YES = 1
  3. CONFIRM_OK = 1
  6. MALE = 0
  7. FEMALE = 1
  9. --quest.create = function(f) return coroutine.create(f) end
  10. --quest.process = function(co,args) return coroutine.resume(co, args) end
  11. setstate = q.setstate
  12. newstate = q.setstate
  14. q.set_clock = function(name, value) q.set_clock_name(name) q.set_clock_value(value) end
  15. q.set_counter = function(name, value) q.set_counter_name(name) q.set_counter_value(value) end
  16. c_item_name = function(vnum) return ("[ITEM value;"..vnum.."]") end
  17. c_mob_name = function(vnum) return ("[MOB value;"..vnum.."]") end
  19. -- d.set_folder = function (path) raw_script("[SET_PATH path;"..path.."]") end
  20. -- d.set_folder = function (path) path.show_cinematic("[SET_PATH path;"..path.."]") end
  21. -- party.run_cinematic = function (path) party.show_cinematic("[RUN_CINEMATIC value;"..path.."]") end
  23. newline = "[ENTER]"
  24. function color256(r, g, b) return "[COLOR r;"..(r/255.0).."|g;"..(g/255.0).."|b;"..(b/255.0).."]" end
  25. function color(r,g,b) return "[COLOR r;"..r.."|g;"..g.."|b;"..b.."]" end
  26. function delay(v) return "[DELAY value;"..v.."]" end
  27. function setcolor(r,g,b) raw_script(color(r,g,b)) end
  28. function setdelay(v) raw_script(delay(v)) end
  29. function resetcolor(r,g,b) raw_script("[/COLOR]") end
  30. function resetdelay(v) raw_script("[/DELAY]") end
  31. --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADRES WWW
  32. ADRES_WWW = ""
  34. --TOMBOLA
  35. TOMBOLA_PRICE = 100
  38. TOMBOLA_LIMIT_TIME = 60*60*24*7 --24h
  40. TOMBOLA_QUANTITY_LIST1 = 2 --UWAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZWI?KSZ JE?LI DODAŁE? NOW? LIST?
  42. {
  43. {
  44. { 25040, 5 },
  45. { 25040, 10 },
  46. { 25040, 3 },
  47. { 25040, 10 },
  48. { 25040, 2 },
  49. { 25040, 10 },
  50. { 25040, 5 },
  51. { 25040, 5 },
  52. { 25040, 5 },
  53. { 25040, 2 },
  54. { 25040, 5 },
  55. { 25040, 2 },
  56. { 25040, 5 },
  57. { 25040, 10 },
  58. { 25040, 2 },
  59. { 25040, 5 },
  60. },
  61. {
  62. { 25040, 5 },
  63. { 25040, 10 },
  64. { 25040, 3 },
  65. { 25040, 10 },
  66. { 25040, 2 },
  67. { 25040, 10 },
  68. { 25040, 5 },
  69. { 25040, 5 },
  70. { 25040, 5 },
  71. { 25040, 2 },
  72. { 25040, 5 },
  73. { 25040, 2 },
  74. { 25040, 5 },
  75. { 25040, 10 },
  76. { 25040, 2 },
  77. { 25040, 5 },
  78. },
  79. }
  81. TOMBOLA_QUANTITY_LIST2 = 2 --UWAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZWI?KSZ JE?LI DODAŁE? NOW? LIST?
  83. {
  84. {
  85. { 25040, 5 },
  86. { 25040, 10 },
  87. { 25040, 3 },
  88. { 25040, 10 },
  89. { 25040, 2 },
  90. { 25040, 10 },
  91. { 25040, 5 },
  92. { 25040, 5 },
  93. { 25040, 5 },
  94. { 25040, 2 },
  95. { 25040, 5 },
  96. { 25040, 2 },
  97. { 25040, 5 },
  98. { 25040, 10 },
  99. { 25040, 2 },
  100. { 25040, 5 },
  101. },
  102. {
  103. { 25040, 5 },
  104. { 25040, 10 },
  105. { 25040, 3 },
  106. { 25040, 10 },
  107. { 25040, 2 },
  108. { 25040, 10 },
  109. { 25040, 5 },
  110. { 25040, 5 },
  111. { 25040, 5 },
  112. { 25040, 2 },
  113. { 25040, 5 },
  114. { 25040, 2 },
  115. { 25040, 5 },
  116. { 25040, 10 },
  117. { 25040, 2 },
  118. { 25040, 5 },
  119. },
  120. }
  122. TOMBOLA_QUANTITY_LIST3 = 2 --UWAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZWI?KSZ JE?LI DODAŁE? NOW? LIST?
  124. {
  125. {
  126. { 25040, 5 },
  127. { 25040, 10 },
  128. { 25040, 3 },
  129. { 25040, 10 },
  130. { 25040, 2 },
  131. { 25040, 10 },
  132. { 25040, 5 },
  133. { 25040, 5 },
  134. { 25040, 5 },
  135. { 25040, 2 },
  136. { 25040, 5 },
  137. { 25040, 2 },
  138. { 25040, 5 },
  139. { 25040, 10 },
  140. { 25040, 2 },
  141. { 25040, 5 },
  142. },
  143. {
  144. { 25040, 5 },
  145. { 25040, 10 },
  146. { 25040, 3 },
  147. { 25040, 10 },
  148. { 25040, 2 },
  149. { 25040, 10 },
  150. { 25040, 5 },
  151. { 25040, 5 },
  152. { 25040, 5 },
  153. { 25040, 2 },
  154. { 25040, 5 },
  155. { 25040, 2 },
  156. { 25040, 5 },
  157. { 25040, 10 },
  158. { 25040, 2 },
  159. { 25040, 5 },
  160. },
  161. }
  163. function nagrody_poslanca(nr_misji)
  164. if nr_misji == 1 then
  165. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  166. elseif nr_misji == 2 then
  167. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  168. elseif nr_misji == 3 then
  169. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  170. elseif nr_misji == 4 then
  171. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  172. elseif nr_misji == 5 then
  173. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  174. elseif nr_misji == 6 then
  175. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  176. elseif nr_misji == 7 then
  177. pc.give_item2(50294,1)
  178. end
  179. end
  181. function antibug(value)
  182. if value == "" or value == nil or string.find(value, "nan") then
  183. return false
  184. else
  185. return true
  186. end
  187. end
  189. function item.remove_count(count)
  190. local x = item.get_cell()
  191. local y = item.select_cell(x)
  192. if y != 0 then
  193. pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(), count)
  194. end
  195. end
  197. function giallo(lol)
  198. say(color256(255,255,128), 196, 196))
  199. end
  201. -- minimap에 동그라미 표시
  202. function addmapsignal(x,y) raw_script("[ADDMAPSIGNAL x;"..x.."|y;"..y.."]") end
  204. -- minimap 동그라미들 모두 클리어
  205. function clearmapsignal() raw_script("[CLEARMAPSIGNAL]") end
  207. -- 클라이언트에서 보여줄 대화창 배경 그림을 정한다.
  208. function setbgimage(src) raw_script("[BGIMAGE src;") raw_script(src) raw_script("]") end
  210. -- 대화창에 이미지를 보여준다.
  211. function addimage(x,y,src) raw_script("[IMAGE x;"..x.."|y;"..y) raw_script("|src;") raw_script(src) raw_script("]") end
  213. -- generate when a linebreak in the functions: d.notice,notice,notice_all
  214. function notice_multiline( str , func )
  215. local p = 0
  216. local i = 0
  217. while true do
  218. i = string.find( str, "%[ENTER%]", i+1 )
  219. if i == nil then
  220. if string.len(str) > p then
  221. func( string.sub( str, p, string.len(str) ) )
  222. end
  223. break
  224. end
  225. func( string.sub( str, p, i-1 ) )
  226. p = i + 7
  227. end
  228. end
  230. function makequestbutton(name)
  231. raw_script("[QUESTBUTTON idx;")
  232. raw_script(""..q.getcurrentquestindex())
  233. raw_script("|name;")
  234. raw_script(name) raw_script("]")
  235. end
  237. function make_quest_button_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name)
  238. test_chat(icon_type)
  239. test_chat(icon_name)
  240. raw_script("[QUESTBUTTON idx;")
  241. raw_script(""..q.getcurrentquestindex())
  242. raw_script("|name;")
  243. raw_script(name)
  244. raw_script("|icon_type;")
  245. raw_script(icon_type)
  246. raw_script("|icon_name;")
  247. raw_script(icon_name)
  248. raw_script("]")
  249. end
  251. function soul_cube_run(vnum)
  252. local cube_results = {
  253. [20383] = {"19,1"},
  254. [20018] = {"50801,1/50802,1/50803,100/50804,100"},
  255. [20017] = {"50801,1/50802,1/50803,100/50804,100/50813,1/50814,1/50815,100/50816,100"},
  256. [20022] = {"50801,1/50802,1/50803,100/50804,100/50813,1/50814,1/50815,100/50816,100/50817,1/50818,1/50819,1/50820,1/50821,10/50822,10/50823,10/50824,10/50825,10/50826,10"}
  257. }
  258. local cube_needs = {
  259. [20383] = {"12,1&13,1"},
  260. [20018] = {"50721,1@50722,1@50723,1@50724,1"},
  261. [20017] = {"50721,1@50722,1@50723,1@50724,1@50801,1&50725,1@50802,1&50725,1@50803,100&50726,1@50804,100&50726,1"},
  262. [20022] = {"50721,1@50722,1@50723,1@50724,1@50801,1&50725,1@50802,1&50725,1@50803,100&50726,1@50804,100&50726,1@50813,1&50727,1@50814,1&50727,1@50815,100&50728,1@50816,100&50728,1@50901,10&50814,20@50901,10&50813,20@50901,10&50820,20@50901,10&50819,20@50901,10&50817,20@50901,10&50818,20"}
  263. }
  264. cmdchat("cube_npc_id "..vnum)
  265. cmdchat("cs_result "..cube_results[vnum])
  266. cmdchat("cs_need "..cube_needs[vnum])
  267. command("cube open")
  268. return
  269. end
  271. function make_quest_button(name) makequestbutton(name) end
  273. --function send_letter_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name) make_quest_button_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name) setskin(NOWINDOW) q.set_title(name) q.start() end
  274. function send_letter_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name) make_quest_button_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name) set_skin(NOWINDOW) q.set_title(name) q.set_icon(icon_name) q.start() end
  275. function resend_letter_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name) make_quest_button_ex(name, icon_type, icon_name) q.set_title(name) q.set_icon(icon_name) q.start() end
  276. function resend_letter(title) makequestbutton(title) q.set_title(title) q.start() end
  279. function send_letter(name) makequestbutton(name) setskin(NOWINDOW) q.set_title(name) q.start() end
  280. function clear_letter() q.done() end
  281. function say_title(name) say(color256(255, 230, 186), 196, 196)) end
  282. function say_reward(name) say(color256(255, 200, 200), 196, 196)) end
  283. function say_zolty(name) say(color256(255, 255, 0), 196, 196)) end
  284. function say_blekit(name) say(color256(0, 255, 255), 196, 196)) end
  285. function say_akwa(name) say(color256(127, 255, 212), 196, 196)) end
  286. function say_amarant(name) say(color256(230, 28, 102), 196, 196)) end
  287. function say_ametyst(name) say(color256(153, 102, 204), 196, 196)) end
  288. function say_antracyt(name) say(color256(54, 65, 53), 196, 196)) end
  289. function say_atrament(name) say(color256(0, 49, 83), 196, 196)) end
  290. function say_banan(name) say(color256(254, 254, 51), 196, 196)) end
  291. function say_bez(name) say(color256(194, 178, 128), 196, 196)) end
  292. function say_bordo(name) say(color256(80, 0, 0), 196, 196)) end
  293. function say_braz(name) say(color256(150, 75, 0), 196, 196)) end
  294. function say_brunatny(name) say(color256(112, 32, 31), 196, 196)) end
  295. function say_brzoskwinia(name) say(color256(255, 204, 153), 196, 196)) end
  296. function say_burak(name) say(color256(98, 0, 44), 196, 196)) end
  297. function say_cynamon(name) say(color256(157, 91, 3), 196, 196)) end
  298. function say_fiolet(name) say(color256(184, 3, 255), 196, 196)) end
  299. function say_granat(name) say(color256(0, 0, 128), 196, 196)) end
  300. function say_lawenda(name) say(color256(201, 162, 191), 196, 196)) end
  301. function say_arbuz(name) say(color256(255, 109, 102), 196, 196)) end
  302. function say_biskup(name) say(color256(194, 178, 128), 196, 196)) end
  303. function say_burgund(name) say(color256(96, 2, 1), 196, 196)) end
  304. function say_bursztyn(name) say(color256(255, 191, 0), 196, 196)) end
  305. function say_bury(name) say(color256(107, 86, 54), 196, 196)) end
  306. function say_cegla(name) say(color256(233, 107, 57), 196, 196)) end
  307. function say_chaber(name) say(color256(51, 0, 204), 196, 196)) end
  308. function say_cialo(name) say(color256(255, 229, 180), 196, 196)) end
  309. function say_cyklamen(name) say(color256(162, 0, 123), 196, 196)) end
  310. function say_cynober(name) say(color256(227, 66, 52), 196, 196)) end
  311. function say_czekolada(name) say(color256(123, 63, 0), 196, 196)) end
  312. function say_rdza(name) say(color256(128, 24, 24), 196, 196)) end
  313. function say_grafit(name) say(color256(53, 69, 79), 196, 196)) end
  314. function say_grynszpan(name) say(color256(0, 166, 147), 196, 196)) end
  315. function say_heban(name) say(color256(61, 43, 31), 196, 196)) end
  316. function say_herbata(name) say(color256(204, 93, 93), 196, 196)) end
  317. function say_kawa(name) say(color256(44, 27, 1), 196, 196)) end
  318. function say_koral(name) say(color256(255, 127, 80), 196, 196)) end
  319. function say_krew(name) say(color256(207, 41, 41), 196, 196)) end
  320. function say_lazur(name) say(color256(0, 127, 255), 196, 196)) end
  321. function say_limonka(name) say(color256(147, 246, 0), 196, 196)) end
  322. function say_malachit(name) say(color256(0, 102, 51), 196, 196)) end
  323. function say_malina(name) say(color256(235, 1, 101), 196, 196)) end
  324. function say_miedz(name) say(color256(184, 115, 51), 196, 196)) end
  325. function say_oliwka(name) say(color256(128, 128, 0), 196, 196)) end
  326. function say_orzech(name) say(color256(189, 148, 96), 196, 196)) end
  327. function say_patyna(name) say(color256(110, 190, 159), 196, 196)) end
  328. function say_pistacja(name) say(color256(159, 251, 136), 196, 196)) end
  329. function say_poziomka(name) say(color256(207, 47, 47), 196, 196)) end
  330. function say_purpura(name) say(color256(128, 0, 128), 196, 196)) end
  331. function say_rubin(name) say(color256(212, 27, 86), 196, 196)) end
  332. function say_rudy(name) say(color256(205, 87, 128), 196, 196)) end
  333. function say_trawa(name) say(color256(124, 252, 0), 196, 196)) end
  334. function say_turkus(name) say(color256(48, 213, 200), 196, 196)) end
  335. function say_wisnia(name) say(color256(128, 0, 0), 196, 196)) end
  336. function say_zloto(name) say(color256(255, 215, 0), 196, 196)) end
  337. function say_pc_name() say(pc.get_name()..":") end
  338. function say_size(width, height) say("[WINDOW_SIZE width;"..width.."|height;"..height.."]") end
  339. function setmapcenterposition(x,y)
  340. raw_script("[SETCMAPPOS x;")
  341. raw_script(x.."|y;")
  342. raw_script(y.."]")
  343. end
  344. --function say_item(name, vnum, desc)
  345. -- say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;""|desc;"..desc.."]")
  346. --end
  348. function say_item(name, vnum, desc)
  349. say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;""|desc;"..desc.."|index;".. 0 .."|total;".. 1 .."]")
  350. end
  352. function say_item_vnum(vnum)
  353. say_item(item_name(vnum), vnum, "")
  354. end
  356. function pc_is_novice()
  357. if pc.get_skill_group()==0 then
  358. return true
  359. else
  360. return false
  361. end
  362. end
  363. function pc_get_exp_bonus(exp, text)
  364. say_reward(text)
  365. pc.give_exp2(exp)
  366. set_quest_state("levelup", "run")
  367. end
  368. function pc_get_village_map_index(index)
  369. return village_map[pc.get_empire()][index]
  370. end
  372. village_map = {
  373. {1, 3},
  374. {21, 23},
  375. {41, 43},
  376. }
  378. function npc_is_same_empire()
  379. if pc.get_empire()==npc.empire then
  380. return true
  381. else
  382. return false
  383. end
  384. end
  386. function npc_get_mob_level()
  387. if npc.is_pc() == false then
  388. local poziom_moba = query("SELECT level FROM player.mob_proto WHERE vnum='"..npc.get_race().."';")
  389. return poziom_moba
  390. else
  391. return 0
  392. end
  393. end
  395. function safe_give_exp(value_of_give_exp)
  396. while value_of_give_exp > 2100000000 do
  397. local over = value_of_give_exp - 2100000000
  398. if over < 1 then
  399. over = over * (-1)
  400. end
  401. value_of_give_exp = value_of_give_exp - over
  402. pc.give_exp2(over)
  403. end
  404. pc.give_exp2(value_of_give_exp)
  405. end
  407. function bitflags(bitfield, flagcount)
  408. local res = {}
  409. local flag = 0
  410. while flag < flagcount do
  411. local bit = math.mod(bitfield, 2)
  412. bitfield = math.floor(bitfield/2)
  413. table.insert(res, bit)
  414. flag = flag + 1
  415. end
  416. return res
  417. end
  419. function bitfield(bits)
  420. local res = 0
  421. local bitcount = table.getn(bits)
  422. for i = bitcount, 1, -1 do
  423. res = res + bits[i]*(2^(i-1))
  424. end
  425. return res
  426. end
  428. function npc_get_skill_teacher_race(pc_empire, pc_job, sub_job)
  429. if 1==sub_job then
  430. if 0==pc_job then
  431. return WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  432. elseif 1==pc_job then
  433. return ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  434. elseif 2==pc_job then
  435. return SURA1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  436. elseif 3==pc_job then
  437. return SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  438. end
  439. elseif 2==sub_job then
  440. if 0==pc_job then
  441. return WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  442. elseif 1==pc_job then
  443. return ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  444. elseif 2==pc_job then
  445. return SURA2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  446. elseif 3==pc_job then
  447. return SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
  448. end
  449. end
  451. return 0
  452. end
  455. function pc_find_square_guard_vid()
  456. if pc.get_empire()==1 then
  457. return find_npc_by_vnum(11000)
  458. elseif pc.get_empire()==2 then
  459. return find_npc_by_vnum(11002)
  460. elseif pc.get_empire()==3 then
  461. return find_npc_by_vnum(11004)
  462. end
  463. return 0
  464. end
  466. function pc_find_skill_teacher_vid(sub_job)
  467. local vnum=npc_get_skill_teacher_race(pc.get_empire(), pc.get_job(), sub_job)
  468. return find_npc_by_vnum(vnum)
  469. end
  471. function pc_find_square_guard_vid()
  472. local pc_empire=pc.get_empire()
  473. if pc_empire==1 then
  474. return find_npc_by_vnum(11000)
  475. elseif pc_empire==2 then
  476. return find_npc_by_vnum(11002)
  477. elseif pc_empire==3 then
  478. return find_npc_by_vnum(11004)
  479. end
  480. end
  482. function npc_is_same_job()
  483. local pc_job=pc.get_job()
  484. local npc_vnum=npc.get_race()
  486. -- test_chat("pc.job:"..pc.get_job())
  487. -- test_chat("npc_race:"..npc.get_race())
  488. -- test_chat("pc.skill_group:"..pc.get_skill_group())
  489. if pc_job==0 then
  490. if table_is_in(WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  491. if table_is_in(WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  492. elseif pc_job==1 then
  493. if table_is_in(ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  494. if table_is_in(ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  495. elseif pc_job==2 then
  496. if table_is_in(SURA1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  497. if table_is_in(SURA2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  498. elseif pc_job==3 then
  499. if table_is_in(SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  500. if table_is_in(SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return true end
  501. end
  503. return false
  504. end
  506. function npc_get_job()
  507. local npc_vnum=npc.get_race()
  509. if table_is_in(WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_WARRIOR_1 end
  510. if table_is_in(WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_WARRIOR_2 end
  511. if table_is_in(ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_ASSASSIN_1 end
  512. if table_is_in(ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_ASSASSIN_2 end
  513. if table_is_in(SURA1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_SURA_1 end
  514. if table_is_in(SURA2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_SURA_2 end
  515. if table_is_in(SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_SHAMAN_1 end
  516. if table_is_in(SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then return COND_SHAMAN_2 end
  517. return 0
  519. end
  521. function time_min_to_sec(value)
  522. return 60*value
  523. end
  525. function time_hour_to_sec(value)
  526. return 3600*value
  527. end
  529. function next_time_set(value, test_value)
  530. local nextTime=get_time()+value
  531. if is_test_server() then
  532. nextTime=get_time()+test_value
  533. end
  534. pc.setqf("__NEXT_TIME__", nextTime)
  535. end
  537. function next_time_is_now(value)
  538. if get_time()>=pc.getqf("__NEXT_TIME__") then
  539. return true
  540. else
  541. return false
  542. end
  543. end
  545. function table_get_random_item(self)
  546. return self[number(1, table.getn(self))]
  547. end
  549. function table_is_in(self, test)
  550. for i = 1, table.getn(self) do
  551. if self[i]==test then
  552. return true
  553. end
  554. end
  555. return false
  556. end
  559. function giveup_quest_menu(title)
  560. local s=select("진행한다", "포기한다")
  561. if 2==s then
  562. say(title.." 퀘스트를 정말로")
  563. say("포기하시겠습니까?")
  564. local s=select("네, 그렇습니다", "아닙니다")
  565. if 1==s then
  566. say(title.."퀘스트를 포기했습니다")
  567. restart_quest()
  568. end
  569. end
  570. end
  572. function restart_quest()
  573. set_state("start")
  574. q.done()
  575. end
  577. function complete_quest()
  578. set_state("__COMPLETE__")
  579. q.done()
  580. end
  582. function giveup_quest()
  583. set_state("__GIVEUP__")
  584. q.done()
  585. end
  587. function complete_quest_state(state_name)
  588. set_state(state_name)
  589. q.done()
  590. end
  592. function test_chat(log)
  593. if is_test_server() then
  594. chat(log)
  595. end
  596. end
  598. function bool_to_str(is)
  599. if is then
  600. return "true"
  601. else
  602. return "false"
  603. end
  604. end
  606. WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST = {20300, 20320, 20340, }
  607. WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST = {20301, 20321, 20341, }
  608. ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST = {20302, 20322, 20342, }
  609. ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST = {20303, 20323, 20343, }
  610. SURA1_NPC_LIST = {20304, 20324, 20344, }
  611. SURA2_NPC_LIST = {20305, 20325, 20345, }
  612. SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST = {20306, 20326, 20346, }
  613. SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST = {20307, 20327, 20347, }
  615. function skill_group_dialog(e, j, g) -- e = 제국, j = 직업, g = 그룹
  616. e = 1 -- XXX 메시지가 나라별로 있다가 하나로 통합되었음
  619. -- 다른 직업이거나 다른 제국일 경우
  620. if pc.job != j then
  621. say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][pc.job][3])
  622. elseif pc.get_skill_group() == 0 then
  623. if pc.level < 5 then
  624. say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][j][g][1])
  625. return
  626. end
  627. say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][j][g][2])
  628. local answer = select(locale.yes,
  630. if answer == 1 then
  631. --say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][j][g][2])
  632. pc.set_skill_group(g)
  633. else
  634. --say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][j][g][3])
  635. end
  636. --elseif pc.get_skill_group() == g then
  637. --say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][j][g][4])
  638. --else
  639. --say(locale.skill_group.dialog[e][j][g][5])
  640. end
  641. end
  643. function show_horse_menu()
  644. if horse.is_mine() then
  645. say(
  647. local s = 0
  648. if horse.is_dead() then
  649. s = select(locale.horse_menu.revive, locale.horse_menu.ride, locale.horse_menu.unsummon, locale.horse_menu.close)
  650. else
  651. s = select(locale.horse_menu.feed, locale.horse_menu.ride, locale.horse_menu.unsummon, locale.horse_menu.close)
  652. end
  654. if s==1 then
  655. if horse.is_dead() then
  656. horse.revive()
  657. else
  658. local food = horse.get_grade() + 28103 - 1
  659. if pc.countitem(food) > 0 then
  660. pc.removeitem(food, 1)
  661. horse.feed()
  662. else
  663. say(locale.need_item_prefix..item_name(food)..locale.need_item_postfix);
  664. end
  665. end
  666. elseif s==2 then
  667. horse.ride()
  668. elseif s==3 then
  669. horse.unsummon()
  670. elseif s==4 then
  671. -- do nothing
  672. end
  673. end
  674. end
  676. npc_index_table = {
  677. ['race'] = npc.getrace,
  678. ['empire'] = npc.get_empire,
  679. ['level'] = npc.get_level,
  680. }
  682. pc_index_table = {
  683. ['weapon'] = pc.getweapon,
  684. ['level'] = pc.get_level,
  685. ['hp'] = pc.gethp,
  686. ['maxhp'] = pc.getmaxhp,
  687. ['sp'] = pc.getsp,
  688. ['maxsp'] = pc.getmaxsp,
  689. ['exp'] = pc.get_exp,
  690. ['nextexp'] = pc.get_next_exp,
  691. ['job'] = pc.get_job,
  692. ['money'] = pc.getmoney,
  693. ['gold'] = pc.getmoney,
  694. ['name'] = pc.getname,
  695. ['playtime'] = pc.getplaytime,
  696. ['leadership'] = pc.getleadership,
  697. ['empire'] = pc.getempire,
  698. ['skillgroup'] = pc.get_skill_group,
  699. ['x'] = pc.getx,
  700. ['y'] = pc.gety,
  701. ['local_x'] = pc.get_local_x,
  702. ['local_y'] = pc.get_local_y,
  703. }
  705. item_index_table = {
  706. ['vnum'] = item.get_vnum,
  707. ['name'] = item.get_name,
  708. ['size'] = item.get_size,
  709. ['count'] = item.get_count,
  710. ['type'] = item.get_type,
  711. ['sub_type'] = item.get_sub_type,
  712. ['refine_vnum'] = item.get_refine_vnum,
  713. ['level'] = item.get_level,
  714. }
  716. guild_war_bet_price_table =
  717. {
  718. 10000,
  719. 30000,
  720. 50000,
  721. 100000
  722. }
  724. function npc_index(t,i)
  725. local npit = npc_index_table
  726. if npit[i] then
  727. return npit[i]()
  728. else
  729. return rawget(t,i)
  730. end
  731. end
  733. function pc_index(t,i)
  734. local pit = pc_index_table
  735. if pit[i] then
  736. return pit[i]()
  737. else
  738. return rawget(t,i)
  739. end
  740. end
  742. function item_index(t, i)
  743. local iit = item_index_table
  744. if iit[i] then
  745. return iit[i]()
  746. else
  747. return rawget(t, i)
  748. end
  749. end
  751. setmetatable(pc,{__index=pc_index})
  752. setmetatable(npc,{__index=npc_index})
  753. setmetatable(item,{__index=item_index})
  755. --coroutine을 이용한 선택항 처리
  756. function select(...)
  757. return q.yield('select', arg)
  758. end
  760. areaname = {
  761. {"Youngan","Jayang","Jungrang"},
  762. {"Joan","Bokjung","Waryong"},
  763. {"Pyungmoo","Bakra","Imha"}
  764. }
  766. warp = {
  767. -- red c = 1
  768. {33420, 336280}, {11000, 363700},
  769. -- yellow c = 2
  770. {84557, 336079}, {62200, 363700},
  771. -- blue c = 3
  772. {33479, 336000},{113400, 363700}
  773. }
  775. function select_table(table)
  776. return q.yield('select', table)
  777. end
  779. -- coroutine을 이용한 다음 엔터 기다리기
  780. function wait()
  781. q.yield('wait')
  782. end
  784. function input()
  785. return q.yield('input')
  786. end
  788. function confirm(vid, msg, timeout)
  789. return q.yield('confirm', vid, msg, timeout)
  790. end
  792. function select_item()
  793. setskin(NOWINDOW)
  794. return q.yield('select_item')
  795. end
  797. --전역 변수 접근과 관련된 계열
  798. NOWINDOW = 0
  799. NORMAL = 1
  800. CINEMATIC = 2
  801. SCROLL = 3
  803. WARRIOR = 0
  804. ASSASSIN = 1
  805. SURA = 2
  806. SHAMAN = 3
  808. COND_WARRIOR_0 = 8
  809. COND_WARRIOR_1 = 16
  810. COND_WARRIOR_2 = 32
  811. COND_WARRIOR = 56
  813. COND_ASSASSIN_0 = 64
  814. COND_ASSASSIN_1 = 128
  815. COND_ASSASSIN_2 = 256
  816. COND_ASSASSIN = 448
  818. COND_SURA_0 = 512
  819. COND_SURA_1 = 1024
  820. COND_SURA_2 = 2048
  821. COND_SURA = 3584
  823. COND_SHAMAN_0 = 4096
  824. COND_SHAMAN_1 = 8192
  825. COND_SHAMAN_2 = 16384
  826. COND_SHAMAN = 28672
  828. PART_MAIN = 0
  829. PART_HAIR = 3
  836. -- [esper] item types (plus some subtypes)
  837. ITEM_NONE = 0
  838. ITEM_WEAPON = 1
  839. ITEM_ARMOR = 2
  841. WEAPON_SWORD = 0
  842. WEAPON_DAGGER = 1
  843. WEAPON_BOW = 2
  845. WEAPON_BELL = 4
  846. WEAPON_FAN = 5
  847. WEAPON_ARROW = 6
  850. apply = {
  851. ["MAX_HP"] = 1,
  852. ["MAX_SP"] = 2,
  853. ["CON"] = 3,
  854. ["INT"] = 4,
  855. ["STR"] = 5,
  856. ["DEX"] = 6,
  857. ["ATT_SPEED"] = 7,
  858. ["MOV_SPEED"] = 8,
  859. ["CAST_SPEED"] = 9,
  860. ["HP_REGEN"] = 10,
  861. ["SP_REGEN"] = 11,
  862. ["POISON_PCT"] = 12,
  863. ["STUN_PCT"] = 13,
  864. ["SLOW_PCT"] = 14,
  865. ["CRITICAL_PCT"] = 15,
  866. ["PENETRATE_PCT"] = 16,
  867. ["ATTBONUS_HUMAN"] = 17,
  868. ["ATTBONUS_ANIMAL"] = 18,
  869. ["ATTBONUS_ORC"] = 19,
  870. ["ATTBONUS_MILGYO"] = 20,
  871. ["ATTBONUS_UNDEAD"] = 21,
  872. ["ATTBONUS_DEVIL"] = 22,
  873. ["STEAL_HP"] = 23,
  874. ["STEAL_SP"] = 24,
  875. ["MANA_BURN_PCT"] = 25,
  876. ["DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER"] = 26,
  877. ["BLOCK"] = 27,
  878. ["DODGE"] = 28,
  879. ["RESIST_SWORD"] = 29,
  880. ["RESIST_TWOHAND"] = 30,
  881. ["RESIST_DAGGER"] = 31,
  882. ["RESIST_BELL"] = 32,
  883. ["RESIST_FAN"] = 33,
  884. ["RESIST_BOW"] = 34,
  885. ["RESIST_FIRE"] = 35,
  886. ["RESIST_ELEC"] = 36,
  887. ["RESIST_MAGIC"] = 37,
  888. ["RESIST_WIND"] = 38,
  889. ["REFLECT_MELEE"] = 39,
  890. ["REFLECT_CURSE"] = 40,
  891. ["POISON_REDUCE"] = 41,
  892. ["KILL_SP_RECOVER"] = 42,
  893. ["EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS"] = 43,
  894. ["GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS"] = 44,
  895. ["ITEM_DROP_BONUS"] = 45,
  896. ["POTION_BONUS"] = 46,
  897. ["KILL_HP_RECOVER"] = 47,
  898. ["IMMUNE_STUN"] = 48,
  899. ["IMMUNE_SLOW"] = 49,
  900. ["IMMUNE_FALL"] = 50,
  901. ["SKILL"] = 51,
  902. ["BOW_DISTANCE"] = 52,
  903. ["ATT_GRADE_BONUS"] = 53,
  904. ["DEF_GRADE_BONUS"] = 54,
  905. ["MAGIC_ATT_GRADE"] = 55,
  906. ["MAGIC_DEF_GRADE"] = 56,
  907. ["CURSE_PCT"] = 57,
  908. ["MAX_STAMINA"] = 58,
  909. ["ATTBONUS_WARRIOR"] = 59,
  910. ["ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN"] = 60,
  911. ["ATTBONUS_SURA"] = 61,
  912. ["ATTBONUS_SHAMAN"] = 62,
  913. ["ATTBONUS_MONSTER"] = 63,
  914. ["MALL_EXPBONUS"] = 66,
  915. }
  917. -- 레벨업 퀘스트 -_-
  918. special = {}
  920. special.fortune_telling =
  921. {
  922. { 1, 0, 20, 20, 0 }, -- 10
  923. { 499, 0, 10, 10, 0 }, -- 5
  924. { 2500, 0, 5, 5, 0 }, -- 1
  925. { 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  926. { 1500, 0, -5, -5, 20000 },
  927. { 499, 0, -10, -10, 20000 },
  928. { 1, 0, -20, -20, 20000 },
  929. }
  931. special.questscroll_reward =
  932. {
  933. {1, 1500, 3000, 30027, 0, 0 },
  934. {2, 1500, 3000, 30028, 0, 0 },
  935. {3, 1000, 2000, 30034, 30018, 0 },
  936. {4, 1000, 2000, 30034, 30011, 0 },
  937. {5, 1000, 2000, 30011, 30034, 0 },
  938. {6, 1000, 2000, 27400, 0, 0 },
  939. {7, 2000, 4000, 30023, 30003, 0 },
  940. {8, 2000, 4000, 30005, 30033, 0 },
  941. {9, 2000, 8000, 30033, 30005, 0 },
  942. {10, 4000, 8000, 30021, 30033, 30045},
  943. {11, 4000, 8000, 30045, 30022, 30046},
  944. {12, 5000, 12000, 30047, 30045, 30055},
  945. {13, 5000, 12000, 30051, 30017, 30058},
  946. {14, 5000, 12000, 30051, 30007, 30041},
  947. {15, 5000, 15000, 30091, 30017, 30018},
  948. {16, 3500, 6500, 30021, 30033, 0 },
  949. {17, 4000, 9000, 30051, 30033, 0 },
  950. {18, 4500, 10000, 30056, 30057, 30058},
  951. {19, 4500, 10000, 30059, 30058, 30041},
  952. {20, 5000, 15000, 0, 0, 0 },
  953. }
  955. special.active_skill_list = {
  956. {
  957. { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
  958. { 16, 17, 18, 19, 20},
  959. },
  960. {
  961. {31, 32, 33, 34, 35},
  962. {46, 47, 48, 49, 50},
  963. },
  964. {
  965. {61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66},
  966. {76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81},
  967. },
  968. {
  969. {91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96},
  970. {106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111},
  971. },
  972. }
  974. special.skill_reset_cost = {
  975. 2000,
  976. 2000,
  977. 2000,
  978. 2000,
  979. 2000,
  980. 2000,
  981. 4000,
  982. 6000,
  983. 8000,
  984. 10000,
  985. 14000,
  986. 18000,
  987. 22000,
  988. 28000,
  989. 34000,
  990. 41000,
  991. 50000,
  992. 59000,
  993. 70000,
  994. 90000,
  995. 101000,
  996. 109000,
  997. 114000,
  998. 120000,
  999. 131000,
  1000. 141000,
  1001. 157000,
  1002. 176000,
  1003. 188000,
  1004. 200000,
  1005. 225000,
  1006. 270000,
  1007. 314000,
  1008. 348000,
  1009. 393000,
  1010. 427000,
  1011. 470000,
  1012. 504000,
  1013. 554000,
  1014. 600000,
  1015. 758000,
  1016. 936000,
  1017. 1103000,
  1018. 1276000,
  1019. 1407000,
  1020. 1568000,
  1021. 1704000,
  1022. 1860000,
  1023. 2080000,
  1024. 2300000,
  1025. 2700000,
  1026. 3100000,
  1027. 3500000,
  1028. 3900000,
  1029. 4300000,
  1030. 4800000,
  1031. 5300000,
  1032. 5800000,
  1033. 6400000,
  1034. 7000000,
  1035. 8000000,
  1036. 9000000,
  1037. 10000000,
  1038. 11000000,
  1039. 12000000,
  1040. 13000000,
  1041. 14000000,
  1042. 15000000,
  1043. 16000000,
  1044. 17000000,
  1045. }
  1047. special.levelup_img =
  1048. {
  1049. [101] = "dog.tga",
  1050. [102] = "wolf.tga",
  1051. [103] = "wolf.tga",
  1052. [104] = "wolf.tga",
  1053. [105] = "wolf.tga",
  1054. [105] = "wolf.tga",
  1055. [106] = "wolf.tga",
  1056. [107] = "wolf.tga",
  1057. [108] = "wild_boar.tga",
  1058. [109] = "wild_boar.tga",
  1059. [110] = "bear.tga",
  1060. [111] = "bear.tga",
  1061. [112] = "bear.tga",
  1062. [113] = "bear.tga",
  1063. [114] = "tiger.tga",
  1064. [115] = "tiger.tga",
  1065. [134] = "wolf.tga",
  1066. [135] = "wolf.tga",
  1067. [174] = "wolf.tga",
  1068. [175] = "wolf.tga",
  1069. [176] = "wolf.tga",
  1070. [178] = "wild_boar.tga",
  1071. [179] = "wild_boar.tga",
  1072. [180] = "bear.tga",
  1073. [184] = "tiger.tga",
  1075. [301] = "bak_inf.tga",
  1076. [302] = "bak_gung.tga",
  1077. [303] = "bak_gen1.tga",
  1078. [304] = "bak_gen2.tga",
  1080. [401] = "huk_inf.tga",
  1081. [402] = "huk_dol.tga",
  1082. [403] = "huk_gen1.tga",
  1083. [404] = "huk_gen2.tga",
  1084. [456] = "456.tga",
  1085. [501] = "o_inf.tga",
  1086. [502] = "o_jol.tga",
  1087. [503] = "o_gung.tga",
  1088. [504] = "o_jang.tga",
  1090. [601] = "ung_inf.tga",
  1091. [602] = "ung_chuk.tga",
  1092. [603] = "ung_tu.tga",
  1093. [631] = "ung_inf.tga",
  1094. [632] = "ung_chuk.tga",
  1095. [633] = "ung_tu.tga",
  1097. [701] = "mil_chu.tga",
  1098. [702] = "mil_na.tga",
  1099. [703] = "mil_na.tga",
  1100. [704] = "mil_na.tga",
  1101. [706] = "756.tga",
  1102. [707] = "756.tga",
  1103. [735] = "mil_jip.tga",
  1104. [756] = "756.tga",
  1105. [757] = "757.tga",
  1106. [776] = "776.tga",
  1107. [777] = "777.tga",
  1108. [901] = "sigwi.tga",
  1109. [903] = "gwoijil.tga",
  1110. [932] = "932.tga",
  1111. [933] = "gwoijil.tga",
  1112. [934] = "934.tga",
  1113. [935] = "935.tga",
  1114. [936] = "936.tga",
  1115. [937] = "937.tga",
  1116. [1001] = "1001.tga",
  1117. [1002] = "1002.tga",
  1118. [1003] = "1003.tga",
  1119. [1004] = "1004.tga",
  1120. [1061] = "1061.tga",
  1121. [1063] = "1063.tga",
  1122. [1064] = "1064.tga",
  1123. [1065] = "1065.tga",
  1124. [1066] = "1066.tga",
  1125. [1068] = "1068.tga",
  1126. [1069] = "1069.tga",
  1127. [1070] = "1065.tga",
  1128. [1071] = "1065.tga",
  1129. [1101] = "1101.tga",
  1130. [1102] = "1102.tga",
  1131. [1103] = "1133.tga",
  1132. [1104] = "1104.tga",
  1133. [1105] = "1105.tga",
  1134. [1106] = "1106.tga",
  1135. [1107] = "1107.tga",
  1136. [1131] = "1131.tga",
  1137. [1132] = "1132.tga",
  1138. [1133] = "1133.tga",
  1139. [1134] = "1104.tga",
  1140. [1135] = "1135.tga",
  1141. [1136] = "1136.tga",
  1142. [1137] = "1137.tga",
  1143. [1301] = "1301.tga",
  1144. [1303] = "1303.tga",
  1145. [1305] = "1305.tga",
  1146. [2001] = "spider.tga",
  1147. [2002] = "spider.tga",
  1148. [2003] = "spider.tga",
  1149. [2004] = "spider.tga",
  1150. [2005] = "spider.tga",
  1151. [2031] = "2031.tga",
  1152. [2032] = "2032.tga",
  1153. [2033] = "2033.tga",
  1154. [2034] = "2034.tga",
  1155. [2061] = "2061.tga",
  1156. [2062] = "2062.tga",
  1157. [2063] = "2063.tga",
  1158. [2102] = "2102.tga",
  1159. [2103] = "2103.tga",
  1160. [2106] = "2106.tga",
  1161. [2131] = "2131.tga",
  1162. [2158] = "2158.tga",
  1163. [2201] = "2201.tga",
  1164. [2202] = "2202.tga",
  1165. [2204] = "2203.tga",
  1166. [2205] = "2205.tga",
  1167. [2301] = "2301.tga",
  1168. [2302] = "2302.tga",
  1169. [2303] = "2303.tga",
  1170. [2304] = "2304.tga",
  1171. [2305] = "2305.tga",
  1172. [2311] = "2311.tga",
  1173. [2312] = "2312.tga",
  1174. [2313] = "2313.tga",
  1175. [2314] = "2314.tga",
  1176. [2315] = "2315.tga",
  1177. [5123] = "5123.tga",
  1178. [5124] = "5124.tga",
  1179. [5125] = "5125.tga",
  1180. [5126] = "5126.tga",
  1182. }
  1184. special.levelup_quest = {
  1185. -- monster kill monster kill
  1186. -- vnum qty. vnum qty. exp percent
  1187. { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , -- lev 1
  1188. { 101 , 10 , 102 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 2
  1189. { 101 , 15 , 102 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 3
  1190. { 102 , 10 , 103 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 4
  1191. { 103 , 10 , 174 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 5
  1192. { 174 , 15 , 178 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 6
  1193. { 178 , 10 , 105 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 7
  1194. { 178 , 15 , 105 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 8
  1195. { 105 , 10 , 179 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 9
  1196. { 105 , 15 , 179 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 10
  1197. { 179 , 10 , 180 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 11
  1198. { 180 , 15 , 175 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 12
  1199. { 175 , 20 , 111 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 13
  1200. { 111 , 15 , 176 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 14
  1201. { 111 , 20 , 176 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 15
  1202. { 136 , 5 , 184 , 5 , 20 } , -- lev 16
  1203. { 136 , 10 , 184 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 17
  1204. { 184 , 10 , 112 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 18
  1205. { 112 , 20 , 113 , 10 , 20 } , -- lev 19
  1206. { 113 , 20 , 302 , 15 , 20 } , -- lev 20
  1207. { 302 , 20 , 115 , 10 , "10-15" } , -- lev 21
  1208. { 115 , 25 , 304 , 10 , "10-15" } , -- lev 22
  1209. { 304 , 20 , 401 , 20 , "10-15" } , -- lev 23
  1210. { 401 , 20 , 402 , 30 , "10-15" } , -- lev 24
  1211. { 501 , 25 , 404 , 20 , "10-15" } , -- lev 25
  1212. { 502 , 40 , 406 , 20 , "10-15" } , -- lev 26
  1213. { 406 , 30 , 504 , 20 , "10-15" } , -- lev 27
  1214. { 631 , 30 , 504 , 30 , "10-15" } , -- lev 28
  1215. { 631 , 35 , 632 , 25 , "10-15" } , -- lev 29
  1216. { 632 , 35 , 2102 , 25 , "10-15" } , -- lev 30
  1217. { 632 , 50 , 2102 , 45 , "6-12" } , -- lev 31
  1218. { 633 , 45 , 2001 , 40 , "6-12" } , -- lev 32
  1219. { 701 , 35 , 2103 , 30 , "6-12" } , -- lev 33
  1220. { 701 , 40 , 2103 , 40 , "6-12" } , -- lev 34
  1221. { 702 , 40 , 2002 , 30 , "6-12" } , -- lev 35
  1222. { 704 , 20 , 2106 , 20 , "6-12" } , -- lev 36
  1223. { 733 , 30 , 2003 , 20 , "6-12" } , -- lev 37
  1224. { 734 , 40 , 2004 , 20 , "6-12" } , -- lev 38
  1225. { 706 , 40 , 2005 , 30 , "6-12" } , -- lev 39
  1226. { 707 , 40 , 2108 , 20 , "6-12" } , -- lev 40
  1227. { 901 , 40 , 5123 , 25 , "5-8" } , -- lev 41
  1228. { 902 , 30 , 5123 , 30 , "5-8" } , -- lev 42
  1229. { 902 , 40 , 2031 , 35 , "5-8" } , -- lev 43
  1230. { 933 , 40 , 2031 , 40 , "5-8" } , -- lev 44
  1231. { 731 , 50 , 2032 , 45 , "5-8" } , -- lev 45
  1232. { 732 , 30 , 5124 , 30 , "5-8" } , -- lev 46
  1233. { 933 , 35 , 5125 , 30 , "5-8" } , -- lev 47
  1234. { 904 , 40 , 5125 , 35 , "5-8" } , -- lev 48
  1235. { 733 , 40 , 2033 , 45 , "5-8" } , -- lev 49
  1236. { 734 , 40 , 5126 , 20 , "5-8" } , -- lev 50
  1237. { 735 , 50 , 5126 , 30 , "2-5" } , -- lev 51
  1238. { 904 , 45 , 2034 , 45 , "2-5" } , -- lev 52
  1239. { 904 , 50 , 2034 , 50 , "2-5" } , -- lev 53
  1240. { 736 , 40 , 1001 , 30 , "2-5" } , -- lev 54
  1241. { 737 , 40 , 1301 , 35 , "2-5" } , -- lev 55
  1242. { 905 , 50 , 1002 , 30 , "2-5" } , -- lev 56
  1243. { 905 , 60 , 1002 , 40 , "2-5" } , -- lev 57
  1244. { 906 , 45 , 1303 , 40 , "2-5" } , -- lev 58
  1245. { 906 , 50 , 1303 , 45 , "2-5" } , -- lev 59
  1246. { 907 , 45 , 1003 , 40 , "2-5" } , -- lev 60
  1247. { 1004 , 55 , 2061 , 60 , "2-4" } , -- lev 61
  1248. { 1305 , 45 , 2131 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 62
  1249. { 1305 , 50 , 1101 , 45 , "2-4" } , -- lev 63
  1250. { 2062 , 50 , 1102 , 45 , "2-4" } , -- lev 64
  1251. { 1104 , 40 , 2063 , 40 , "2-4" } , -- lev 65
  1252. { 2301 , 50 , 1105 , 45 , "2-4" } , -- lev 66
  1253. { 2301 , 55 , 1105 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 67
  1254. { 1106 , 50 , 1031 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 68
  1255. { 1107 , 45 , 1031 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 69
  1256. { 2302 , 55 , 2201 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 70
  1257. { 2303 , 55 , 2202 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 71
  1258. { 2303 , 60 , 2202 , 60 , "2-4" } , -- lev 72
  1259. { 2304 , 55 , 2201 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 73
  1260. { 2305 , 50 , 1063 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 74
  1261. { 2204 , 50 , 1063 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 75
  1262. { 2305 , 45 , 1065 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 76
  1263. { 2315 , 40 , 1065 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 77
  1264. { 1070 , 50 , 1066 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 78
  1265. { 1069 , 50 , 1070 , 50 , "2-4" } , -- lev 79
  1266. { 1071 , 50 , 2312 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 80
  1267. { 1071 , 50 , 2312 , 55 , "2-4" } , -- lev 81
  1268. { 2313 , 50 , 2314 , 40 , "2-4" } , -- lev 82
  1269. { 2313 , 60 , 2314 , 45 , "2-4" } , -- lev 83
  1270. { 1131 , 60 , 2315 , 50 , "5-10" } , -- lev 84
  1271. { 1132 , 60 , 2315 , 45 , "5-10" } , -- lev 85
  1272. { 1132 , 60 , 1135 , 50 , "5-10" } , -- lev 86
  1273. { 1132 , 60 , 1135 , 50 , "5-10" } , -- lev 87
  1274. { 1133 , 60 , 1136 , 50 , "5-10" } , -- lev 88
  1275. { 1133 , 60 , 1137 , 50 , "5-10" } , -- lev 89
  1276. { 1133 , 60 , 1137 , 50 , "5-10" } , -- lev 90
  1278. }
  1280. special.levelup_reward1 =
  1281. {
  1282. -- warrior assassin sura shaman
  1283. { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  1284. { 11200, 11400, 11600, 11800 }, -- 갑옷 lev2
  1285. { 12200, 12340, 12480, 12620 }, -- 투구 lev3
  1286. { 13000, 13000, 13000, 13000 } -- 방패 lev4
  1287. }
  1289. -- levelup_reward1 테이블 크기보다 레벨이 높아지면 아래
  1290. -- 테이블을 이용하여 아이템을 준다.
  1291. special.levelup_reward3 = {
  1292. -- pct item # item count
  1293. { 33, 27002, 10 }, -- 25%
  1294. { 67, 27005, 10 }, -- 25%
  1295. --{ 75, 27101, 5 }, -- 25%
  1296. { 100, 27114, 5 }, -- 25%
  1297. }
  1299. special.levelup_reward_gold21 =
  1300. {
  1301. { 10000, 20 },
  1302. { 20000, 50 },
  1303. { 40000, 25 },
  1304. { 80000, 3 },
  1305. { 100000, 2 },
  1306. }
  1307. special.levelup_reward_gold31 =
  1308. {
  1309. { 20000, 20 },
  1310. { 40000, 40 },
  1311. { 60000, 25 },
  1312. { 80000, 10 },
  1313. { 100000, 5 },
  1314. }
  1315. special.levelup_reward_gold41 =
  1316. {
  1317. { 40000, 20 },
  1318. { 60000, 40 },
  1319. { 80000, 25 },
  1320. { 100000, 10 },
  1321. { 150000, 5 },
  1322. }
  1323. special.levelup_reward_gold51 =
  1324. {
  1325. { 60000, 20 },
  1326. { 80000, 40 },
  1327. { 100000, 25 },
  1328. { 150000, 10 },
  1329. { 200000, 5 },
  1330. }
  1331. special.levelup_reward_gold61 =
  1332. {
  1333. { 80000, 20 },
  1334. { 100000, 40 },
  1335. { 150000, 25 },
  1336. { 200000, 10 },
  1337. { 250000, 5 },
  1338. }
  1339. special.levelup_reward_gold71 =
  1340. {
  1341. { 100000, 20 },
  1342. { 250000, 40 },
  1343. { 400000, 25 },
  1344. { 800000, 10 },
  1345. { 1000000, 5 },
  1346. }
  1347. special.levelup_reward_gold84 =
  1348. {
  1349. { 200000, 20 },
  1350. { 500000, 40 },
  1351. { 800000, 25 },
  1352. { 1600000, 10 },
  1353. { 2000000, 5 },
  1354. }
  1356. special.levelup_reward_exp21 =
  1357. {
  1358. { 10, 9 },
  1359. { 11, 14 },
  1360. { 12, 39 },
  1361. { 13, 24 },
  1362. { 14, 9 },
  1363. { 15, 4 },
  1364. }
  1366. special.levelup_reward_exp31 =
  1367. {
  1368. { 6, 10 },
  1369. { 7, 15 },
  1370. { 8, 40 },
  1371. { 9, 25 },
  1372. { 10, 8 },
  1373. { 11, 5 },
  1374. { 12, 2 },
  1375. }
  1376. special.levelup_reward_exp41 =
  1377. {
  1378. { 5, 10 },
  1379. { 5.5, 15 },
  1380. { 6, 40 },
  1381. { 6.5, 25 },
  1382. { 7, 8 },
  1383. { 7.5, 5 },
  1384. { 8, 2 },
  1385. }
  1386. special.levelup_reward_exp51 =
  1387. {
  1388. { 2, 10 },
  1389. { 2.5, 15 },
  1390. { 3, 40 },
  1391. { 3.5, 25 },
  1392. { 4, 8 },
  1393. { 4.5, 5 },
  1394. { 5, 2 },
  1395. }
  1397. special.levelup_reward_exp61 =
  1398. {
  1399. { 2, 40 },
  1400. { 2.5, 20 },
  1401. { 3, 18 },
  1402. { 3.5, 15 },
  1403. { 4, 5 },
  1404. }
  1406. special.levelup_reward_exp84 =
  1407. {
  1408. { 5, 10 },
  1409. { 6, 20 },
  1410. { 7, 25 },
  1411. { 8, 20 },
  1412. { 9, 20 },
  1413. { 10, 5 },
  1414. }
  1416. special.levelup_reward_item_21 =
  1417. {
  1418. -- no couple ring
  1419. { { 27002, 10 }, { 27005, 10 }, { 27114, 10 } }, -- lev 21
  1420. { 15080, 15100, 15120, 15140 }, -- lev 22
  1421. { 16080, 16100, 16120, 16140 }, -- lev 23
  1422. { 17080, 17100, 17120, 17140 }, -- lev 24
  1423. { { 27002, 10 }, { 27005, 10 }, { 27114, 10 } }, -- lev 25
  1424. { { 27003, 20 }, { 27006, 20 }, { 27114, 10 } }, -- over lev 25
  1426. -- with couple ring
  1427. -- { { 27002, 10 }, { 27005, 10 }, { 27114, 10 }, { 70301, 1 } }, -- lev 21
  1428. -- { 15080, 15100, 15120, 15140, 70301 }, -- lev 22
  1429. -- { 16080, 16100, 16120, 16140, 70301 }, -- lev 23
  1430. -- { 17080, 17100, 17120, 17140, 70301 }, -- lev 24
  1431. -- { { 27002, 10 }, { 27005, 10 }, { 27114, 10 }, { 70301, 1 } }, -- lev 25
  1432. -- { { 27003, 20 }, { 27006, 20 }, { 27114, 10 } }, -- over lev 25
  1433. }
  1435. special.warp_to_pos = {
  1436. -- 승룡곡
  1437. {
  1438. { 402100, 673900 },
  1439. { 270400, 739900 },
  1440. { 321300, 808000 },
  1441. },
  1442. --도염화지
  1443. {
  1444. --A 5994 7563
  1445. --B 5978 6222
  1446. --C 7307 6898
  1447. { 599400, 756300 },
  1448. { 597800, 622200 },
  1449. { 730700, 689800 },
  1450. },
  1451. --영비사막
  1452. {
  1453. --A 2178 6272
  1454. { 217800, 627200 },
  1455. --B 2219 5027
  1456. { 221900, 502700 },
  1457. --C 3440 5025
  1458. { 344000, 502500 },
  1459. },
  1460. --서한산
  1461. {
  1462. --A 4342 2906
  1463. { 434200, 290600 },
  1464. --B 3752 1749
  1465. { 375200, 174900 },
  1466. --C 4918 1736
  1467. { 491800, 173600 },
  1468. },
  1469. }
  1471. special.dungeon_deviltower =
  1472. {
  1473. --{ 123, 608 },
  1474. { 4662+126, 778+384 },
  1475. { 4662+134, 778+147 },
  1476. { 4662+369, 778+629 },
  1477. { 4662+369, 778+401 },
  1478. { 4662+374, 778+167 },
  1479. { 4662+579, 778+616 },
  1480. { 4662+578, 778+392 },
  1481. { 4662+590, 778+160 },
  1482. }
  1484. special.lvq_map = {
  1485. { -- "A1" 1
  1486. {},
  1488. { { 440, 565 }, { 460, 771 }, { 668, 800 },},
  1489. { { 440, 565 }, { 460, 771 }, { 668, 800 },},
  1490. { { 440, 565 }, { 460, 771 }, { 668, 800 },},
  1491. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1492. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1493. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1494. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1495. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1496. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1497. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1499. {{496, 401}, {494, 951}, {542, 1079}, {748, 9741},},
  1500. {{853,557}, {845,780}, {910,956},},
  1501. {{853,557}, {845,780}, {910,956},},
  1502. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1503. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1504. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1505. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1506. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1507. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1508. {{340, 179}, {692, 112}, {787, 256}, {898, 296},},
  1510. {{224,395}, {137,894}, {206,830}, {266,1067},},
  1511. {{224,395}, {137,894}, {206,830}, {266,1067},},
  1512. {{224,395}, {137,894}, {206,830}, {266,1067},},
  1513. {{405,74}},
  1514. {{405,74}},
  1515. {{405,74}},
  1516. {{405,74}},
  1517. {{405,74}},
  1518. {{405,74}},
  1519. {{405,74}},
  1521. {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}},
  1523. {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}}, {{405,74}},
  1524. },
  1527. { -- "A2" 2
  1528. {},
  1530. {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }},
  1532. {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }},
  1534. {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{ 640,1437 }}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}},
  1536. {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}}, {{640,1437}},
  1538. {{640,1437}},
  1539. {{640,1437}},
  1540. {{640,1437}},
  1541. {{244,1309}, {4567,1080}, {496,885}, {798,975}, {1059,1099}, {855,1351},},
  1542. {{244,1309}, {4567,1080}, {496,885}, {798,975}, {1059,1099}, {855,1351},},
  1543. {{244,1309}, {4567,1080}, {496,885}, {798,975}, {1059,1099}, {855,1351},},
  1544. {{244,1309}, {4567,1080}, {496,885}, {798,975}, {1059,1099}, {855,1351},},
  1545. {{193,772}, {390,402}, {768,600}, {1075,789}, {1338,813},},
  1546. {{193,772}, {390,402}, {768,600}, {1075,789}, {1338,813},},
  1547. },
  1551. { -- "A3" 3
  1552. {},
  1554. {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }},
  1555. {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }}, {{ 948,804 }},
  1557. {{ 948,804 }},
  1558. {{ 948,804 }},
  1559. {{ 948,804 }},
  1560. {{438, 895}, {725, 864}, {632, 671},},
  1561. {{438, 895}, {725, 864}, {632, 671},},
  1562. {{438, 895}, {725, 864}, {632, 671},},
  1563. {{438, 895}, {725, 864}, {632, 671},},
  1564. {{438, 895}, {725, 864}, {632, 671},},
  1565. {{847, 412}, {844, 854}, {823, 757}, {433, 407},},
  1566. {{847, 412}, {844, 854}, {823, 757}, {433, 407},},
  1567. {{847, 412}, {844, 854}, {823, 757}, {433, 407},},
  1568. {{847, 412}, {844, 854}, {823, 757}, {433, 407},},
  1569. {{847, 412}, {844, 854}, {823, 757}, {433, 407},},
  1570. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1571. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1572. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1573. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1574. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1575. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1576. {{316,168}, {497,130}, {701,157}, {858,316},},
  1577. {{200,277}, {130,646}, {211,638}, {291,851},},
  1578. {{200,277}, {130,646}, {211,638}, {291,851},},
  1579. {{200,277}, {130,646}, {211,638}, {291,851},},
  1580. {{100,150}},
  1581. {{100,150}},
  1582. {{100,150}},
  1583. {{100,150}},
  1584. {{100,150}},
  1585. {{100,150}},
  1586. },
  1588. {}, -- 4
  1589. {}, -- 5
  1590. {}, -- 6
  1591. {}, -- 7
  1592. {}, -- 8
  1593. {}, -- 9
  1594. {}, -- 10
  1595. {}, -- 11
  1596. {}, -- 12
  1597. {}, -- 13
  1598. {}, -- 14
  1599. {}, -- 15
  1600. {}, -- 16
  1601. {}, -- 17
  1602. {}, -- 18
  1603. {}, -- 19
  1604. {}, -- 20
  1606. { -- "B1" 21
  1607. {},
  1609. {{412,635}, {629,428}, {829,586},},
  1610. {{412,635}, {629,428}, {829,586},},
  1611. {{412,635}, {629,428}, {829,586},},
  1612. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1613. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1614. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1615. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1616. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1617. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1618. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1620. {{329,643}, {632,349}, {905,556},},
  1621. {{866,822}, {706,224}, {247,722},},
  1622. {{866,822}, {706,224}, {247,722},},
  1623. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1624. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1625. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1626. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1627. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1628. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1629. {{617,948}, {353,221},},
  1631. {{496,1089}, {890,1043},},
  1632. {{496,1089}, {890,1043},},
  1633. {{496,1089}, {890,1043},},
  1634. {{876,1127}},
  1635. {{876,1127}},
  1636. {{876,1127}},
  1637. {{876,1127}},
  1638. {{876,1127}},
  1639. {{876,1127}},
  1640. {{876,1127}},
  1642. {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}},
  1643. {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{876,1127}}, {{908,87}}, {{908,87}}, {{908,87}}, {{908,87}}, {{908,87}}, {{908,87}},
  1644. },
  1646. { -- "B2" 22
  1647. {},
  1649. {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }},
  1650. {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }},
  1651. {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{ 95,819 }}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}},
  1652. {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}}, {{746,1438}},
  1654. {{746,1438}},
  1655. {{746,1438}},
  1656. {{746,1438}},
  1657. {{ 172,810}, {288,465}, {475,841}, {303,156}, {687,466},},
  1658. {{ 172,810}, {288,465}, {475,841}, {303,156}, {687,466},},
  1659. {{ 172,810}, {288,465}, {475,841}, {303,156}, {687,466},},
  1660. {{ 172,810}, {288,465}, {475,841}, {303,156}, {687,466},},
  1661. {{787,235}, {1209,382}, {1350,571}, {1240,852}, {1254,1126}, {1078,1285}, {727,1360},},
  1662. {{787,235}, {1209,382}, {1350,571}, {1240,852}, {1254,1126}, {1078,1285}, {727,1360},},
  1663. },
  1666. { -- "B3" 23
  1667. {},
  1669. {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }},
  1670. {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }}, {{ 106,88 }},
  1672. {{ 106,88 }},
  1673. {{ 106,88 }},
  1674. {{ 106,88 }},
  1675. {{230, 244}, {200, 444}, {594, 408},},
  1676. {{230, 244}, {200, 444}, {594, 408},},
  1677. {{230, 244}, {200, 444}, {594, 408},},
  1678. {{230, 244}, {200, 444}, {594, 408},},
  1679. {{230, 244}, {200, 444}, {594, 408},},
  1680. {{584,204}, {720,376}, {861,272},},
  1681. {{584,204}, {720,376}, {861,272},},
  1682. {{584,204}, {720,376}, {861,272},},
  1683. {{584,204}, {720,376}, {861,272},},
  1684. {{584,204}, {720,376}, {861,272},},
  1685. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1686. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1687. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1688. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1689. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1690. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1691. {{566,694}, {349,574}, {198,645},},
  1692. {{816,721}, {489,823},},
  1693. {{816,721}, {489,823},},
  1694. {{816,721}, {489,823},},
  1695. {{772,140}},
  1696. {{772,140}},
  1697. {{772,140}},
  1698. {{772,140}},
  1699. {{772,140}},
  1700. {{772,140}},
  1701. },
  1703. {}, -- 24
  1704. {}, -- 25
  1705. {}, -- 26
  1706. {}, -- 27
  1707. {}, -- 28
  1708. {}, -- 29
  1709. {}, -- 30
  1710. {}, -- 31
  1711. {}, -- 32
  1712. {}, -- 33
  1713. {}, -- 34
  1714. {}, -- 35
  1715. {}, -- 36
  1716. {}, -- 37
  1717. {}, -- 38
  1718. {}, -- 39
  1719. {}, -- 40
  1721. { -- "C1" 41
  1722. {},
  1724. {{385,446}, {169,592}, {211,692}, {632,681},},
  1725. {{385,446}, {169,592}, {211,692}, {632,681},},
  1726. {{385,446}, {169,592}, {211,692}, {632,681},},
  1727. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1728. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1729. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1730. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1731. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1732. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1733. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1735. {{385,374}, {227,815}, {664,771},},
  1736. {{169,362}, {368,304}, {626,409}, {187,882}, {571,858},},
  1737. {{169,362}, {368,304}, {626,409}, {187,882}, {571,858},},
  1738. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1739. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1740. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1741. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1742. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1743. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1744. {{178,275}, {365,242}, {644,313}, {194,950}, {559,936},},
  1746. {{452,160}, {536,1034}, {184,1044},},
  1747. {{452,160}, {536,1034}, {184,1044},},
  1748. {{452,160}, {536,1034}, {184,1044},},
  1749. {{137,126}},
  1750. {{137,126}},
  1751. {{137,126}},
  1752. {{137,126}},
  1753. {{137,126}},
  1754. {{137,126}},
  1755. {{137,126}},
  1757. {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}},
  1758. {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}}, {{137,126}},
  1759. },
  1761. { -- "C2" 42
  1762. {},
  1764. {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}},
  1765. {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}},
  1766. {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}},
  1767. {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}}, {{1409,139}},
  1769. {{1409,139}},
  1770. {{1409,139}},
  1771. {{1409,139}},
  1772. {{991,222}, {1201,525}, {613,232}, {970,751}, {1324,790},},
  1773. {{991,222}, {1201,525}, {613,232}, {970,751}, {1324,790},},
  1774. {{991,222}, {1201,525}, {613,232}, {970,751}, {1324,790},},
  1775. {{991,222}, {1201,525}, {613,232}, {970,751}, {1324,790},},
  1776. {{192,211}, {247,600}, {249,882}, {987,981}, {1018,1288}, {1303,1174},},
  1777. {{192,211}, {247,600}, {249,882}, {987,981}, {1018,1288}, {1303,1174},},
  1778. },
  1780. { -- "C3" 43
  1781. {},
  1783. {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}},
  1784. {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}}, {{901,151}},
  1786. {{901,151}},
  1787. {{901,151}},
  1788. {{901,151}},
  1789. {{421, 189}, {167, 353},},
  1790. {{421, 189}, {167, 353},},
  1791. {{421, 189}, {167, 353},},
  1792. {{421, 189}, {167, 353},},
  1793. {{421, 189}, {167, 353},},
  1794. {{679,459}, {505,709},},
  1795. {{679,459}, {505,709},},
  1796. {{679,459}, {505,709},},
  1797. {{679,459}, {505,709},},
  1798. {{679,459}, {505,709},},
  1799. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1800. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1801. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1802. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1803. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1804. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1805. {{858,638}, {234,596},},
  1806. {{635,856}, {324,855},},
  1807. {{635,856}, {324,855},},
  1808. {{635,856}, {324,855},},
  1809. {{136,899}},
  1810. {{136,899}},
  1811. {{136,899}},
  1812. {{136,899}},
  1813. {{136,899}},
  1814. {{136,899}},
  1815. },
  1817. {}, -- 44
  1818. {}, -- 45
  1819. {}, -- 46
  1820. {}, -- 47
  1821. {}, -- 48
  1822. {}, -- 49
  1823. {}, -- 50
  1824. {}, -- 51
  1825. {}, -- 52
  1826. {}, -- 53
  1827. {}, -- 54
  1828. {}, -- 55
  1829. {}, -- 56
  1830. {}, -- 57
  1831. {}, -- 58
  1832. {}, -- 59
  1833. {}, -- 60
  1834. }
  1836. dta_warp = {
  1837. {20176, 71330, 122270},
  1838. {358295, 358281, 358264},
  1839. {33163, 84351, 135486},
  1840. {336535, 336509, 336585},
  1841. }
  1843. dta_keywords = {
  1844. {"DUNGEON", 90056, 90073, 90066, 90059, 90057, 90067, 90066, "D U N"},
  1845. {"ALCHEMY", 90053, 90064, 90055, 90060, 90057, 90065, 90077, "A L C"},
  1846. {"WARRIOR", 90075, 90053, 90070, 90070, 90061, 90067, 90070, "W A R"},
  1847. {"BIOLOGY", 90054, 90061, 90067, 90064, 90067, 90059, 90077, "B I O"},
  1848. {"CAPTAIN", 90055, 90053, 90068, 90072, 90053, 90061, 90066, "C A P"},
  1849. {"WARLORD", 90075, 90053, 90070, 90064, 90067, 90070, 90056, "W A R"},
  1850. {"STAMINA", 90071, 90072, 90053, 90065, 90061, 90066, 90053, "S T A"},
  1851. {"EARRING", 90057, 90053, 90070, 90070, 90061, 90066, 90059, "E A R"},
  1852. {"DEFENSE", 90056, 90057, 90058, 90057, 90066, 90071, 90057, "D E F"},
  1853. {"BERSERK", 90054, 90057, 90070, 90071, 90057, 90070, 90063, "B E R"},
  1854. {"KINGDOM", 90063, 90061, 90066, 90059, 90056, 90067, 90065, "K I N"},
  1855. {"WIZARDS", 90075, 90061, 90078, 90053, 90070, 90056, 90071, "W I Z"},
  1856. {"STEALTH", 90071, 90072, 90057, 90053, 90064, 90072, 90060, "S T E"},
  1857. {"FARMING", 90058, 90053, 90070, 90065, 90061, 90066, 90059, "F A R"},
  1858. {"FISHING", 90058, 90061, 90071, 90060, 90061, 90066, 90059, "F I S"},
  1859. {"SUCCESS", 90071, 90073, 90055, 90055, 90057, 90071, 90071, "S U C"},
  1860. {"FAILURE", 90058, 90053, 90061, 90064, 90073, 90070, 90057, "F A I"},
  1861. }
  1863. function BuildSkillList(job, group)
  1864. local skill_vnum_list = {}
  1865. local skill_name_list = {}
  1867. if pc.get_skill_group() != 0 then
  1868. local skill_list = special.active_skill_list[job+1][group]
  1870. table.foreachi( skill_list,
  1871. function(i, t)
  1872. local lev = pc.get_skill_level(t)
  1874. if lev > 0 then
  1875. local name = locale.GM_SKILL_NAME_DICT[t]
  1877. if name != nil then
  1878. table.insert(skill_vnum_list, t)
  1879. table.insert(skill_name_list, name)
  1880. end
  1881. end
  1882. end
  1883. )
  1884. end
  1886. table.insert(skill_vnum_list, 0)
  1887. table.insert(skill_name_list, locale.cancel)
  1889. return { skill_vnum_list, skill_name_list }
  1890. end
  1892. PREMIUM_EXP = 0
  1893. PREMIUM_ITEM = 1
  1898. PREMIUM_GOLD = 6
  1901. -- point type start
  1902. POINT_NONE = 0
  1903. POINT_LEVEL = 1
  1904. POINT_VOICE = 2
  1905. POINT_EXP = 3
  1906. POINT_NEXT_EXP = 4
  1907. POINT_HP = 5
  1908. POINT_MAX_HP = 6
  1909. POINT_SP = 7
  1910. POINT_MAX_SP = 8
  1911. POINT_STAMINA = 9 --스테미너
  1912. POINT_MAX_STAMINA = 10 --최대 스테미너
  1914. POINT_GOLD = 11
  1915. POINT_ST = 12 --근력
  1916. POINT_HT = 13 --체력
  1917. POINT_DX = 14 --민첩성
  1918. POINT_IQ = 15 --정신력
  1919. POINT_DEF_GRADE = 16
  1920. POINT_ATT_SPEED = 17 --공격속도
  1921. POINT_ATT_GRADE = 18 --공격력 MAX
  1922. POINT_MOV_SPEED = 19 --이동속도
  1923. POINT_CLIENT_DEF_GRADE = 20 --방어등급
  1924. POINT_CASTING_SPEED = 21 --주문속도 (쿨다운타임*100) / (100 + 이값) = 최종 쿨다운 타임
  1925. POINT_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE = 22 --마법공격력
  1926. POINT_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE = 23 --마법방어력
  1927. POINT_EMPIRE_POINT = 24 --제국점수
  1928. POINT_LEVEL_STEP = 25 --한 레벨에서의 단계.. (1 2 3 될 때 보상 4 되면 레벨 업)
  1929. POINT_STAT = 26 --능력치 올릴 수 있는 개수
  1930. POINT_SUB_SKILL = 27 --보조 스킬 포인트
  1931. POINT_SKILL = 28 --액티브 스킬 포인트
  1932. POINT_WEAPON_MIN = 29 --무기 최소 데미지
  1933. POINT_WEAPON_MAX = 30 --무기 최대 데미지
  1934. POINT_PLAYTIME = 31 --플레이시간
  1935. POINT_HP_REGEN = 32 --HP 회복률
  1936. POINT_SP_REGEN = 33 --SP 회복률
  1938. POINT_BOW_DISTANCE = 34 --활 사정거리 증가치 (meter)
  1940. POINT_HP_RECOVERY = 35 --체력 회복 증가량
  1941. POINT_SP_RECOVERY = 36 --정신력 회복 증가량
  1943. POINT_POISON_PCT = 37 --독 확률
  1944. POINT_STUN_PCT = 38 --기절 확률
  1945. POINT_SLOW_PCT = 39 --슬로우 확률
  1946. POINT_CRITICAL_PCT = 40 --크리티컬 확률
  1947. POINT_PENETRATE_PCT = 41 --관통타격 확률
  1948. POINT_CURSE_PCT = 42 --저주 확률
  1950. POINT_ATTBONUS_HUMAN = 43 --인간에게 강함
  1951. POINT_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL = 44 --동물에게 데미지 % 증가
  1952. POINT_ATTBONUS_ORC = 45 --웅귀에게 데미지 % 증가
  1953. POINT_ATTBONUS_MILGYO = 46 --밀교에게 데미지 % 증가
  1954. POINT_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD = 47 --시체에게 데미지 % 증가
  1955. POINT_ATTBONUS_DEVIL = 48 --마귀(악마)에게 데미지 % 증가
  1956. POINT_ATTBONUS_INSECT = 49 --벌레족
  1957. POINT_ATTBONUS_FIRE = 50 --화염족
  1958. POINT_ATTBONUS_ICE = 51 --빙설족
  1959. POINT_ATTBONUS_DESERT = 52 --사막족
  1960. POINT_ATTBONUS_MONSTER = 53 --모든 몬스터에게 강함
  1961. POINT_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR = 54 --무사에게 강함
  1962. POINT_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN = 55 --자객에게 강함
  1963. POINT_ATTBONUS_SURA = 56 --수라에게 강함
  1964. POINT_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN = 57 --무당에게 강함
  1967. POINT_ATTBONUS_TREE = 58 --나무에게 강함 20050729.myevan UNUSED5
  1969. POINT_RESIST_WARRIOR = 59 --무사에게 저항
  1970. POINT_RESIST_ASSASSIN = 60 --자객에게 저항
  1971. POINT_RESIST_SURA = 61 --수라에게 저항
  1972. POINT_RESIST_SHAMAN = 62 --무당에게 저항
  1974. POINT_STEAL_HP = 63 --생명력 흡수
  1975. POINT_STEAL_SP = 64 --정신력 흡수
  1977. POINT_MANA_BURN_PCT = 65 --마나 번
  1979. --/ 피해시 보너스 =/
  1981. POINT_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER = 66 --공격당할 시 정신력 회복 확률
  1983. POINT_BLOCK = 67 --블럭율
  1984. POINT_DODGE = 68 --회피율
  1989. POINT_RESIST_BELL = 72
  1990. POINT_RESIST_FAN = 73
  1991. POINT_RESIST_BOW = 74 --화살 저항 : 대미지 감소
  1992. POINT_RESIST_FIRE = 75 --화염 저항 : 화염공격에 대한 대미지 감소
  1993. POINT_RESIST_ELEC = 76 --전기 저항 : 전기공격에 대한 대미지 감소
  1994. POINT_RESIST_MAGIC = 77 --술법 저항 : 모든술법에 대한 대미지 감소
  1995. POINT_RESIST_WIND = 78 --바람 저항 : 바람공격에 대한 대미지 감소
  1997. POINT_REFLECT_MELEE = 79 --공격 반사
  1999. --/ 특수 피해시 =/
  2000. POINT_REFLECT_CURSE = 80 --저주 반사
  2001. POINT_POISON_REDUCE = 81 --독데미지 감소
  2003. --/ 적 소멸시 =/
  2004. POINT_KILL_SP_RECOVER = 82 --적 소멸시 MP 회복
  2009. --/ 회복 관련 =/
  2013. POINT_IMMUNE_STUN = 88
  2014. POINT_IMMUNE_SLOW = 89
  2015. POINT_IMMUNE_FALL = 90
  2016. --========
  2021. POINT_ATT_BONUS = 93
  2022. POINT_DEF_BONUS = 94
  2033. POINT_MANASHIELD = 102 --흑신수호 스킬에 의한 마나쉴드 효과 정도
  2041. POINT_STEAL_GOLD = 107
  2042. POINT_POLYMORPH = 108 --변신한 몬스터 번호
  2043. POINT_MOUNT = 109 --타고있는 몬스터 번호
  2047. POINT_STAT_RESET_COUNT = 112 --피의 단약 사용을 통한 스텟 리셋 포인트 (1당 1포인트 리셋가능)
  2049. POINT_HORSE_SKILL = 113
  2051. POINT_MALL_ATTBONUS = 114 --공격력 +x%
  2052. POINT_MALL_DEFBONUS = 115 --방어력 +x%
  2053. POINT_MALL_EXPBONUS = 116 --경험치 +x%
  2054. POINT_MALL_ITEMBONUS = 117 --아이템 드롭율 x/10배
  2055. POINT_MALL_GOLDBONUS = 118 --돈 드롭율 x/10배
  2057. POINT_MAX_HP_PCT = 119 --최대생명력 +x%
  2058. POINT_MAX_SP_PCT = 120 --최대정신력 +x%
  2060. POINT_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS = 121 --스킬 데미지 *(100+x)%
  2061. POINT_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS = 122 --평타 데미지 *(100+x)%
  2064. POINT_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS = 123 --스킬 방어 데미지
  2065. POINT_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS = 124 --평타 방어 데미지
  2068. -- PC_BANG_ITEM_ADD
  2069. POINT_PC_BANG_EXP_BONUS = 125 --PC방 전용 경험치 보너스
  2070. POINT_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS = 126 --PC방 전용 드롭률 보너스
  2073. POINT_RESIST_HUMAN = 138
  2076. -- POINT_MAX_NUM = 128 common/length.h
  2077. -- point type start
  2079. dragon_lair_info = {
  2080. [1] = { 208, 844000, 1066900, 2, 0 },
  2081. [2] = { 209, 844000, 1118100, 2, 0 },
  2082. [3] = { 210, 844000, 1169300, 2, 0 },
  2083. [4] = { 211, 844000, 1220500, 2, 0 }
  2084. }
  2086. function say_blue(name) say(color256(0, 0, 255), 0, 255)) end
  2087. function say_red(name) say(color256(255, 0, 0), 0, 0)) end
  2088. function say_green(name) say(color256(0, 238, 0), 238, 0)) end
  2089. function say_gold(name) say(color256(255, 215, 0), 215, 0)) end
  2090. function say_black(name) say(color256(0, 0, 0), 0, 0)) end
  2091. function say_white(name) say(color256(255, 255, 255), 255, 255)) end
  2092. function say_yellow(name) say(color256(255, 255, 0), 255, 0)) end
  2093. function say_blue2(name) say(color256(147, 248, 255), 248, 255)) end
  2095. function npc.is_metin()
  2096. if npc.get_race() >= 8001 and npc.get_race() <= 8114 then
  2097. return 1
  2098. else
  2099. return 0
  2100. end
  2101. end
  2103. function npc.is_boss(vnum)
  2104. local boss_table = {591, 691,692,791,792,793,794,795,796,993,1091,1092,1093,1095,1191,1192,1304,1307,1901,1903,2091,2092,2191,2192,2206,2207,2291,2306,2307,2491,2492,2493,2494,2495,2591,2592,2593,2594,2595,2596,2597,2598,3090,3091,3190,3191,3290,3291,3390,3391,3490,3491,3590,3591,3596,3595,3690,3691,3790,3791,3890,3891,3901,3902,3903,3905,3906,3910,3911,3912,3913,5001,5002,5161,5162,5163}
  2105. for i=1,76 do
  2106. if vnum == boss_table[i] then
  2107. return 1
  2108. end
  2109. end
  2110. return 0
  2111. end
  2113. function bitflags(bitfield, flagcount)
  2114. local res = {}
  2115. local flag = 0
  2116. while flag < flagcount do
  2117. local bit = math.mod(bitfield, 2)
  2118. bitfield = math.floor(bitfield/2)
  2119. table.insert(res, bit)
  2120. flag = flag + 1
  2121. end
  2122. return res
  2123. end
  2125. function bitfield(bits)
  2126. local res = 0
  2127. local bitcount = table.getn(bits)
  2128. for i = bitcount, 1, -1 do
  2129. res = res + bits[i]*(2^(i-1))
  2130. end
  2131. return res
  2132. end
  2134. function string:split(delimiter)
  2135. local result = { }
  2136. local from = 1
  2137. local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from )
  2138. while delim_from do
  2139. table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) )
  2140. from = delim_to + 1
  2141. delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from )
  2142. end
  2143. table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) )
  2144. return result
  2145. end
  2147. get_mob_level =
  2148. {
  2149. [101] = 1,
  2150. [102] = 3,
  2151. [103] = 4,
  2152. [104] = 6,
  2153. [105] = 9,
  2154. [106] = 13,
  2155. [107] = 16,
  2156. [108] = 7,
  2157. [109] = 10,
  2158. [110] = 12,
  2159. [111] = 15,
  2160. [112] = 19,
  2161. [113] = 21,
  2162. [114] = 18,
  2163. [115] = 24,
  2164. [131] = 8,
  2165. [132] = 9,
  2166. [133] = 11,
  2167. [134] = 14,
  2168. [135] = 18,
  2169. [136] = 21,
  2170. [137] = 12,
  2171. [138] = 15,
  2172. [139] = 17,
  2173. [140] = 20,
  2174. [141] = 24,
  2175. [142] = 26,
  2176. [143] = 24,
  2177. [144] = 29,
  2178. [151] = 9,
  2179. [152] = 16,
  2180. [153] = 10,
  2181. [154] = 21,
  2182. [155] = 24,
  2183. [171] = 1,
  2184. [172] = 3,
  2185. [173] = 4,
  2186. [174] = 6,
  2187. [175] = 9,
  2188. [176] = 13,
  2189. [177] = 16,
  2190. [178] = 7,
  2191. [179] = 10,
  2192. [180] = 12,
  2193. [181] = 15,
  2194. [182] = 19,
  2195. [183] = 21,
  2196. [184] = 18,
  2197. [185] = 24,
  2198. [191] = 30,
  2199. [192] = 31,
  2200. [193] = 33,
  2201. [194] = 35,
  2202. [301] = 18,
  2203. [302] = 20,
  2204. [303] = 25,
  2205. [304] = 25,
  2206. [331] = 18,
  2207. [332] = 20,
  2208. [333] = 25,
  2209. [334] = 25,
  2210. [351] = 18,
  2211. [352] = 20,
  2212. [353] = 25,
  2213. [354] = 25,
  2214. [391] = 23,
  2215. [392] = 26,
  2216. [393] = 28,
  2217. [394] = 31,
  2218. [395] = 23,
  2219. [396] = 26,
  2220. [397] = 28,
  2221. [398] = 31,
  2222. [401] = 26,
  2223. [402] = 27,
  2224. [403] = 29,
  2225. [404] = 30,
  2226. [405] = 33,
  2227. [406] = 35,
  2228. [431] = 31,
  2229. [432] = 33,
  2230. [433] = 35,
  2231. [434] = 36,
  2232. [435] = 38,
  2233. [436] = 40,
  2234. [451] = 26,
  2235. [452] = 27,
  2236. [453] = 29,
  2237. [454] = 30,
  2238. [455] = 33,
  2239. [456] = 35,
  2240. [491] = 32,
  2241. [492] = 37,
  2242. [493] = 39,
  2243. [494] = 45,
  2244. [495] = 105,
  2245. [501] = 29,
  2246. [502] = 32,
  2247. [503] = 35,
  2248. [504] = 36,
  2249. [531] = 35,
  2250. [532] = 37,
  2251. [533] = 40,
  2252. [534] = 42,
  2253. [551] = 29,
  2254. [552] = 32,
  2255. [553] = 35,
  2256. [554] = 36,
  2257. [591] = 42,
  2258. [595] = 42,
  2259. [601] = 26,
  2260. [602] = 29,
  2261. [603] = 31,
  2262. [604] = 33,
  2263. [631] = 34,
  2264. [632] = 36,
  2265. [633] = 39,
  2266. [634] = 40,
  2267. [635] = 44,
  2268. [636] = 46,
  2269. [637] = 49,
  2270. [651] = 34,
  2271. [652] = 36,
  2272. [653] = 39,
  2273. [654] = 40,
  2274. [655] = 44,
  2275. [656] = 46,
  2276. [657] = 49,
  2277. [691] = 50,
  2278. [692] = 55,
  2279. [693] = 60,
  2280. [701] = 35,
  2281. [702] = 38,
  2282. [703] = 41,
  2283. [704] = 44,
  2284. [705] = 48,
  2285. [706] = 49,
  2286. [707] = 51,
  2287. [731] = 52,
  2288. [732] = 53,
  2289. [733] = 54,
  2290. [734] = 54,
  2291. [735] = 55,
  2292. [736] = 56,
  2293. [737] = 57,
  2294. [751] = 35,
  2295. [752] = 38,
  2296. [753] = 41,
  2297. [754] = 44,
  2298. [755] = 48,
  2299. [756] = 49,
  2300. [757] = 51,
  2301. [771] = 52,
  2302. [772] = 53,
  2303. [773] = 54,
  2304. [774] = 54,
  2305. [775] = 55,
  2306. [776] = 56,
  2307. [777] = 57,
  2308. [791] = 54,
  2309. [792] = 62,
  2310. [793] = 64,
  2311. [794] = 72,
  2312. [795] = 54,
  2313. [796] = 62,
  2314. [901] = 49,
  2315. [902] = 51,
  2316. [903] = 53,
  2317. [904] = 55,
  2318. [905] = 58,
  2319. [906] = 58,
  2320. [907] = 59,
  2321. [931] = 49,
  2322. [932] = 51,
  2323. [933] = 53,
  2324. [934] = 55,
  2325. [935] = 58,
  2326. [936] = 58,
  2327. [937] = 59,
  2328. [991] = 59,
  2329. [992] = 60,
  2330. [993] = 61,
  2331. [1001] = 57,
  2332. [1002] = 58,
  2333. [1003] = 59,
  2334. [1004] = 60,
  2335. [1031] = 67,
  2336. [1032] = 69,
  2337. [1033] = 70,
  2338. [1034] = 71,
  2339. [1035] = 72,
  2340. [1036] = 73,
  2341. [1037] = 71,
  2342. [1038] = 72,
  2343. [1039] = 73,
  2344. [1040] = 74,
  2345. [1041] = 75,
  2346. [1061] = 67,
  2347. [1062] = 69,
  2348. [1063] = 70,
  2349. [1064] = 71,
  2350. [1065] = 72,
  2351. [1066] = 73,
  2352. [1067] = 71,
  2353. [1068] = 72,
  2354. [1069] = 73,
  2355. [1070] = 74,
  2356. [1071] = 75,
  2357. [1091] = 75,
  2358. [1092] = 75,
  2359. [1093] = 78,
  2360. [1094] = 75,
  2361. [1095] = 82,
  2362. [1096] = 75,
  2363. [1101] = 62,
  2364. [1102] = 63,
  2365. [1103] = 64,
  2366. [1104] = 64,
  2367. [1105] = 65,
  2368. [1106] = 66,
  2369. [1107] = 66,
  2370. [1131] = 81,
  2371. [1132] = 81,
  2372. [1133] = 82,
  2373. [1134] = 83,
  2374. [1135] = 83,
  2375. [1136] = 84,
  2376. [1137] = 85,
  2377. [1151] = 52,
  2378. [1152] = 53,
  2379. [1153] = 54,
  2380. [1154] = 54,
  2381. [1155] = 55,
  2382. [1156] = 56,
  2383. [1157] = 56,
  2384. [1171] = 62,
  2385. [1172] = 63,
  2386. [1173] = 64,
  2387. [1174] = 64,
  2388. [1175] = 65,
  2389. [1176] = 66,
  2390. [1177] = 66,
  2391. [1191] = 70,
  2392. [1192] = 89,
  2393. [1301] = 57,
  2394. [1302] = 59,
  2395. [1303] = 58,
  2396. [1304] = 75,
  2397. [1305] = 61,
  2398. [1306] = 75,
  2399. [1307] = 80,
  2400. [1308] = 40,
  2401. [1309] = 65,
  2402. [1310] = 95,
  2403. [1331] = 57,
  2404. [1332] = 59,
  2405. [1333] = 58,
  2406. [1334] = 75,
  2407. [1335] = 61,
  2408. [1401] = 66,
  2409. [1402] = 73,
  2410. [1403] = 77,
  2411. [1501] = 69,
  2412. [1502] = 72,
  2413. [1503] = 76,
  2414. [1601] = 68,
  2415. [1602] = 70,
  2416. [1603] = 75,
  2417. [1801] = 1,
  2418. [1802] = 1,
  2419. [1803] = 1,
  2420. [1804] = 1,
  2421. [1805] = 1,
  2422. [1806] = 1,
  2423. [1807] = 1,
  2424. [1901] = 72,
  2425. [1902] = 77,
  2426. [1903] = 82,
  2427. [1904] = 40,
  2428. [1905] = 65,
  2429. [1906] = 95,
  2430. [1997] = 1,
  2431. [1998] = 1,
  2432. [1999] = 1,
  2433. [2001] = 43,
  2434. [2002] = 45,
  2435. [2003] = 48,
  2436. [2004] = 50,
  2437. [2005] = 52,
  2438. [2031] = 50,
  2439. [2032] = 52,
  2440. [2033] = 54,
  2441. [2034] = 56,
  2442. [2035] = 58,
  2443. [2036] = 58,
  2444. [2051] = 46,
  2445. [2052] = 48,
  2446. [2053] = 51,
  2447. [2054] = 53,
  2448. [2055] = 55,
  2449. [2061] = 60,
  2450. [2062] = 62,
  2451. [2063] = 64,
  2452. [2064] = 66,
  2453. [2065] = 68,
  2454. [2071] = 70,
  2455. [2072] = 72,
  2456. [2073] = 74,
  2457. [2074] = 76,
  2458. [2075] = 78,
  2459. [2076] = 78,
  2460. [2091] = 60,
  2461. [2092] = 128,
  2462. [2093] = 65,
  2463. [2094] = 72,
  2464. [2095] = 70,
  2465. [2101] = 25,
  2466. [2102] = 37,
  2467. [2103] = 39,
  2468. [2104] = 44,
  2469. [2105] = 47,
  2470. [2106] = 48,
  2471. [2107] = 51,
  2472. [2108] = 54,
  2473. [2131] = 60,
  2474. [2132] = 62,
  2475. [2133] = 64,
  2476. [2134] = 66,
  2477. [2135] = 68,
  2478. [2151] = 19,
  2479. [2152] = 37,
  2480. [2153] = 39,
  2481. [2154] = 44,
  2482. [2155] = 47,
  2483. [2156] = 48,
  2484. [2157] = 51,
  2485. [2158] = 54,
  2486. [2191] = 67,
  2487. [2192] = 72,
  2488. [2201] = 69,
  2489. [2202] = 69,
  2490. [2203] = 70,
  2491. [2204] = 71,
  2492. [2205] = 72,
  2493. [2206] = 73,
  2494. [2207] = 78,
  2495. [2221] = 69,
  2496. [2222] = 69,
  2497. [2223] = 70,
  2498. [2224] = 71,
  2499. [2225] = 72,
  2500. [2226] = 60,
  2501. [2227] = 90,
  2502. [2231] = 69,
  2503. [2232] = 69,
  2504. [2233] = 70,
  2505. [2234] = 71,
  2506. [2235] = 72,
  2507. [2291] = 75,
  2508. [2292] = 99,
  2509. [2293] = 99,
  2510. [2301] = 65,
  2511. [2302] = 67,
  2512. [2303] = 69,
  2513. [2304] = 70,
  2514. [2305] = 71,
  2515. [2306] = 84,
  2516. [2307] = 86,
  2517. [2311] = 74,
  2518. [2312] = 76,
  2519. [2313] = 77,
  2520. [2314] = 80,
  2521. [2315] = 82,
  2522. [2401] = 85,
  2523. [2402] = 87,
  2524. [2403] = 87,
  2525. [2404] = 89,
  2526. [2411] = 90,
  2527. [2412] = 92,
  2528. [2413] = 92,
  2529. [2414] = 95,
  2530. [2431] = 80,
  2531. [2432] = 82,
  2532. [2433] = 82,
  2533. [2434] = 83,
  2534. [2451] = 84,
  2535. [2452] = 86,
  2536. [2453] = 88,
  2537. [2454] = 90,
  2538. [2481] = 91,
  2539. [2482] = 92,
  2540. [2483] = 94,
  2541. [2484] = 96,
  2542. [2491] = 93,
  2543. [2492] = 95,
  2544. [2493] = 157,
  2545. [2494] = 88,
  2546. [2495] = 90,
  2547. [2499] = 121,
  2548. [2501] = 79,
  2549. [2502] = 80,
  2550. [2503] = 81,
  2551. [2504] = 82,
  2552. [2505] = 83,
  2553. [2506] = 84,
  2554. [2507] = 85,
  2555. [2508] = 79,
  2556. [2509] = 80,
  2557. [2510] = 81,
  2558. [2511] = 82,
  2559. [2512] = 83,
  2560. [2513] = 84,
  2561. [2514] = 86,
  2562. [2515] = 81,
  2563. [2516] = 81,
  2564. [2517] = 83,
  2565. [2518] = 84,
  2566. [2519] = 85,
  2567. [2520] = 116,
  2568. [2521] = 116,
  2569. [2522] = 143,
  2570. [2523] = 145,
  2571. [2529] = 150,
  2572. [2541] = 79,
  2573. [2542] = 80,
  2574. [2543] = 81,
  2575. [2544] = 82,
  2576. [2545] = 83,
  2577. [2546] = 84,
  2578. [2547] = 86,
  2579. [2591] = 89,
  2580. [2592] = 89,
  2581. [2593] = 89,
  2582. [2594] = 89,
  2583. [2595] = 89,
  2584. [2596] = 89,
  2585. [2597] = 91,
  2586. [2598] = 188,
  2587. [2600] = 125,
  2588. [2601] = 129,
  2589. [2602] = 130,
  2590. [2603] = 131,
  2591. [2604] = 146,
  2592. [2605] = 135,
  2593. [2606] = 5,
  2594. [2607] = 136,
  2595. [2608] = 138,
  2596. [2609] = 140,
  2597. [2610] = 109,
  2598. [2611] = 5,
  2599. [2612] = 109,
  2600. [2613] = 110,
  2601. [2614] = 114,
  2602. [2615] = 131,
  2603. [2616] = 135,
  2604. [2617] = 138,
  2605. [2618] = 139,
  2606. [2619] = 142,
  2607. [2620] = 144,
  2608. [2621] = 146,
  2609. [2622] = 148,
  2610. [2700] = 91,
  2611. [2701] = 84,
  2612. [2702] = 89,
  2613. [2703] = 89,
  2614. [2704] = 86,
  2615. [2705] = 82,
  2616. [2706] = 85,
  2617. [2707] = 83,
  2618. [2708] = 79,
  2619. [2709] = 82,
  2620. [2710] = 80,
  2621. [2711] = 83,
  2622. [2712] = 80,
  2623. [2713] = 84,
  2624. [2714] = 81,
  2625. [2715] = 79,
  2626. [2716] = 89,
  2627. [2717] = 86,
  2628. [2718] = 82,
  2629. [2719] = 83,
  2630. [2720] = 84,
  2631. [2721] = 80,
  2632. [2722] = 81,
  2633. [2723] = 79,
  2634. [2724] = 81,
  2635. [3001] = 102,
  2636. [3002] = 107,
  2637. [3003] = 106,
  2638. [3004] = 105,
  2639. [3005] = 107,
  2640. [3090] = 105,
  2641. [3091] = 238,
  2642. [3101] = 120,
  2643. [3102] = 121,
  2644. [3103] = 123,
  2645. [3104] = 124,
  2646. [3105] = 126,
  2647. [3190] = 129,
  2648. [3191] = 235,
  2649. [3201] = 130,
  2650. [3202] = 132,
  2651. [3203] = 135,
  2652. [3204] = 136,
  2653. [3205] = 139,
  2654. [3290] = 113,
  2655. [3291] = 115,
  2656. [3301] = 162,
  2657. [3302] = 165,
  2658. [3303] = 167,
  2659. [3304] = 168,
  2660. [3305] = 169,
  2661. [3390] = 172,
  2662. [3391] = 175,
  2663. [3401] = 141,
  2664. [3402] = 143,
  2665. [3403] = 144,
  2666. [3404] = 146,
  2667. [3405] = 148,
  2668. [3411] = 151,
  2669. [3412] = 153,
  2670. [3413] = 154,
  2671. [3414] = 156,
  2672. [3415] = 158,
  2673. [3490] = 145,
  2674. [3491] = 151,
  2675. [3501] = 191,
  2676. [3502] = 193,
  2677. [3503] = 194,
  2678. [3504] = 194,
  2679. [3505] = 197,
  2680. [3551] = 242,
  2681. [3552] = 243,
  2682. [3553] = 244,
  2683. [3554] = 242,
  2684. [3555] = 245,
  2685. [3590] = 193,
  2686. [3591] = 196,
  2687. [3595] = 246,
  2688. [3596] = 248,
  2689. [3601] = 151,
  2690. [3602] = 153,
  2691. [3603] = 154,
  2692. [3604] = 156,
  2693. [3605] = 158,
  2694. [3611] = 142,
  2695. [3612] = 146,
  2696. [3613] = 149,
  2697. [3614] = 148,
  2698. [3615] = 150,
  2699. [3690] = 195,
  2700. [3691] = 156,
  2701. [3701] = 130,
  2702. [3702] = 132,
  2703. [3703] = 135,
  2704. [3704] = 136,
  2705. [3705] = 139,
  2706. [3790] = 132,
  2707. [3791] = 133,
  2708. [3801] = 172,
  2709. [3802] = 175,
  2710. [3803] = 177,
  2711. [3804] = 178,
  2712. [3805] = 179,
  2713. [3890] = 213,
  2714. [3891] = 176,
  2715. [3901] = 241,
  2716. [3902] = 242,
  2717. [3903] = 244,
  2718. [3904] = 101,
  2719. [3905] = 110,
  2720. [3906] = 110,
  2721. [3907] = 99,
  2722. [3908] = 100,
  2723. [3909] = 101,
  2724. [3910] = 195,
  2725. [3911] = 105,
  2726. [3912] = 105,
  2727. [3913] = 105,
  2728. [4001] = 105,
  2729. [4002] = 1,
  2730. [4028] = 1,
  2731. [4029] = 1,
  2732. [4030] = 1,
  2733. [4031] = 1,
  2734. [4033] = 1,
  2735. [4034] = 1,
  2736. [4035] = 1,
  2737. [4036] = 1,
  2738. [4037] = 1,
  2739. [4038] = 1,
  2740. [4039] = 1,
  2741. [4040] = 1,
  2742. [4041] = 1,
  2743. [5001] = 10,
  2744. [5002] = 75,
  2745. [5003] = 1,
  2746. [5004] = 80,
  2747. [5005] = 85,
  2748. [5101] = 22,
  2749. [5102] = 25,
  2750. [5103] = 27,
  2751. [5104] = 29,
  2752. [5111] = 35,
  2753. [5112] = 37,
  2754. [5113] = 39,
  2755. [5114] = 40,
  2756. [5115] = 41,
  2757. [5116] = 42,
  2758. [5121] = 45,
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  2761. [5124] = 52,
  2762. [5125] = 53,
  2763. [5126] = 54,
  2764. [5127] = 54,
  2765. [5131] = 22,
  2766. [5132] = 25,
  2767. [5133] = 27,
  2768. [5134] = 29,
  2769. [5141] = 35,
  2770. [5142] = 37,
  2771. [5143] = 39,
  2772. [5144] = 40,
  2773. [5145] = 41,
  2774. [5146] = 42,
  2775. [5151] = 45,
  2776. [5152] = 47,
  2777. [5153] = 49,
  2778. [5154] = 52,
  2779. [5155] = 53,
  2780. [5156] = 54,
  2781. [5157] = 54,
  2782. [5161] = 30,
  2783. [5162] = 43,
  2784. [5163] = 55,
  2785. [6001] = 101,
  2786. [6002] = 101,
  2787. [6003] = 101,
  2788. [6004] = 101,
  2789. [6005] = 101,
  2790. [6006] = 101,
  2791. [6007] = 101,
  2792. [6008] = 101,
  2793. [6009] = 101,
  2794. [6051] = 101,
  2795. [6091] = 101,
  2796. [6101] = 101,
  2797. [6102] = 101,
  2798. [6103] = 101,
  2799. [6104] = 101,
  2800. [6105] = 101,
  2801. [6106] = 101,
  2802. [6107] = 101,
  2803. [6108] = 101,
  2804. [6109] = 101,
  2805. [6151] = 101,
  2806. [6191] = 101,
  2807. [6201] = 120,
  2808. [6202] = 122,
  2809. [6203] = 121,
  2810. [6204] = 125,
  2811. [6205] = 122,
  2812. [6206] = 123,
  2813. [6207] = 125,
  2814. [6208] = 122,
  2815. [6209] = 126,
  2816. [6210] = 129,
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  2818. [6212] = 126,
  2819. [6213] = 129,
  2820. [6214] = 124,
  2821. [6215] = 128,
  2822. [6216] = 131,
  2823. [6217] = 128,
  2824. [6218] = 123,
  2825. [6701] = 159,
  2826. [6900] = 250,
  2827. [6901] = 238,
  2828. [6902] = 243,
  2829. [6903] = 240,
  2830. [6904] = 241,
  2831. [6905] = 244,
  2832. [6906] = 246,
  2833. [6907] = 231,
  2834. [6911] = 215,
  2835. [6912] = 219,
  2836. [6913] = 215,
  2837. [6914] = 210,
  2838. [6915] = 214,
  2839. [6916] = 216,
  2840. [6921] = 215,
  2841. [6922] = 219,
  2842. [6923] = 215,
  2843. [6924] = 210,
  2844. [6925] = 214,
  2845. [6926] = 216,
  2846. [6927] = 215,
  2847. [6928] = 217,
  2848. [6929] = 214,
  2849. [6931] = 201,
  2850. [6932] = 204,
  2851. [6933] = 204,
  2852. [6934] = 204,
  2853. [6935] = 202,
  2854. [6936] = 206,
  2855. [6937] = 209,
  2856. [6941] = 218,
  2857. [6942] = 218,
  2858. [6943] = 180,
  2859. [6944] = 182,
  2860. [6945] = 181,
  2861. [6946] = 187,
  2862. [6947] = 255,
  2863. [6948] = 190,
  2864. [6949] = 257,
  2865. [6950] = 254,
  2866. [6951] = 258,
  2867. [6952] = 252,
  2868. [6953] = 252,
  2869. [6954] = 253,
  2870. [6955] = 183,
  2871. [6956] = 0,
  2872. [6957] = 0,
  2873. [6958] = 0,
  2874. [6959] = 0,
  2875. [6960] = 0,
  2876. [6961] = 254,
  2877. [6962] = 191,
  2878. [6963] = 189,
  2879. [6964] = 184,
  2880. [6965] = 186,
  2881. [6966] = 192,
  2882. [6967] = 195,
  2883. [6968] = 188,
  2884. [6969] = 249,
  2885. [6970] = 0,
  2886. [6971] = 258,
  2887. [6972] = 254,
  2888. [6973] = 0,
  2889. [6974] = 0,
  2890. [6975] = 190,
  2891. [6976] = 0,
  2892. [6977] = 255,
  2893. [6978] = 254,
  2894. [6979] = 187,
  2895. [6980] = 187,
  2896. [6981] = 231,
  2897. [6982] = 229,
  2898. [6983] = 230,
  2899. [6984] = 232,
  2900. [6985] = 233,
  2901. [6986] = 230,
  2902. [6987] = 228,
  2903. [6988] = 232,
  2904. [6989] = 232,
  2905. [6990] = 219,
  2906. [6991] = 254,
  2907. [6992] = 254,
  2908. [6993] = 254,
  2909. [6994] = 182,
  2910. [6995] = 241,
  2911. [6996] = 255,
  2912. [6997] = 254,
  2913. [6998] = 254,
  2914. [6999] = 254,
  2915. [7001] = 52,
  2916. [7002] = 53,
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  2932. [7019] = 59,
  2933. [7020] = 59,
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  2936. [7023] = 62,
  2937. [7024] = 64,
  2938. [7025] = 66,
  2939. [7026] = 67,
  2940. [7027] = 70,
  2941. [7028] = 72,
  2942. [7029] = 35,
  2943. [7030] = 31,
  2944. [7031] = 33,
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  2946. [7033] = 36,
  2947. [7034] = 38,
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  2949. [7036] = 52,
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  2955. [7042] = 57,
  2956. [7043] = 81,
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  2959. [7046] = 83,
  2960. [7047] = 83,
  2961. [7048] = 84,
  2962. [7049] = 85,
  2963. [7050] = 35,
  2964. [7051] = 31,
  2965. [7052] = 33,
  2966. [7053] = 35,
  2967. [7054] = 36,
  2968. [7055] = 38,
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  2970. [7057] = 52,
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  2973. [7060] = 54,
  2974. [7061] = 55,
  2975. [7062] = 56,
  2976. [7063] = 57,
  2977. [7064] = 81,
  2978. [7065] = 81,
  2979. [7066] = 82,
  2980. [7067] = 83,
  2981. [7068] = 83,
  2982. [7069] = 84,
  2983. [7070] = 85,
  2984. [7071] = 33,
  2985. [7072] = 35,
  2986. [7073] = 36,
  2987. [7074] = 38,
  2988. [7075] = 40,
  2989. [7076] = 54,
  2990. [7077] = 54,
  2991. [7078] = 55,
  2992. [7079] = 56,
  2993. [7080] = 57,
  2994. [7081] = 82,
  2995. [7082] = 83,
  2996. [7083] = 83,
  2997. [7084] = 84,
  2998. [7085] = 85,
  2999. [7086] = 35,
  3000. [7087] = 36,
  3001. [7088] = 38,
  3002. [7089] = 40,
  3003. [7090] = 54,
  3004. [7091] = 55,
  3005. [7092] = 56,
  3006. [7093] = 57,
  3007. [7094] = 83,
  3008. [7095] = 83,
  3009. [7096] = 84,
  3010. [7097] = 85,
  3011. [8001] = 5,
  3012. [8002] = 10,
  3013. [8003] = 15,
  3014. [8004] = 20,
  3015. [8005] = 25,
  3016. [8006] = 30,
  3017. [8007] = 35,
  3018. [8008] = 40,
  3019. [8009] = 45,
  3020. [8010] = 50,
  3021. [8011] = 55,
  3022. [8012] = 60,
  3023. [8013] = 65,
  3024. [8014] = 70,
  3025. [8015] = 50,
  3026. [8016] = 55,
  3027. [8017] = 60,
  3028. [8018] = 65,
  3029. [8019] = 70,
  3030. [8020] = 150,
  3031. [8021] = 150,
  3032. [8022] = 150,
  3033. [8023] = 150,
  3034. [8024] = 75,
  3035. [8025] = 80,
  3036. [8026] = 85,
  3037. [8027] = 90,
  3038. [8028] = 90,
  3039. [8029] = 90,
  3040. [8030] = 90,
  3041. [8031] = 60,
  3042. [8032] = 60,
  3043. [8033] = 60,
  3044. [8034] = 60,
  3045. [8035] = 95,
  3046. [8036] = 100,
  3047. [8037] = 105,
  3048. [8038] = 95,
  3049. [8039] = 115,
  3050. [8040] = 120,
  3051. [8041] = 100,
  3052. [8042] = 40,
  3053. [8043] = 50,
  3054. [8044] = 60,
  3055. [8045] = 70,
  3056. [8046] = 80,
  3057. [8047] = 90,
  3058. [8048] = 80,
  3059. [8049] = 90,
  3060. [8050] = 95,
  3061. [8051] = 100,
  3062. [8052] = 110,
  3063. [8053] = 120,
  3064. [8054] = 130,
  3065. [8055] = 140,
  3066. [8056] = 150,
  3067. [8057] = 95,
  3068. [8058] = 160,
  3069. [8059] = 170,
  3070. [8060] = 220,
  3071. [8061] = 225,
  3072. [8062] = 230,
  3073. [8063] = 235,
  3074. [8064] = 240,
  3075. [8065] = 245,
  3076. [8066] = 250,
  3077. [8067] = 250,
  3078. [8068] = 180,
  3079. [8069] = 185,
  3080. [8070] = 190,
  3081. [8071] = 195,
  3082. [8072] = 200,
  3083. [8073] = 205,
  3084. [8074] = 210,
  3085. [8075] = 215,
  3086. [8076] = 1,
  3087. [8077] = 1,
  3088. [8078] = 1,
  3089. [8079] = 1,
  3090. [8080] = 75,
  3091. [8081] = 90,
  3092. [8082] = 155,
  3093. [8083] = 150,
  3094. [8101] = 5,
  3095. [8102] = 10,
  3096. [8103] = 15,
  3097. [8104] = 20,
  3098. [8105] = 25,
  3099. [8106] = 30,
  3100. [8107] = 35,
  3101. [8108] = 40,
  3102. [8109] = 45,
  3103. [8110] = 50,
  3104. [8111] = 55,
  3105. [8112] = 60,
  3106. [8113] = 65,
  3107. [8114] = 70,
  3108. [8501] = 35,
  3109. [8502] = 30,
  3110. [8503] = 25,
  3111. [8504] = 5,
  3112. [8505] = 10,
  3113. [8506] = 12,
  3114. [8507] = 15,
  3115. [8508] = 20,
  3116. [8509] = 25,
  3117. [8510] = 21,
  3118. [8511] = 11,
  3119. [8600] = 73,
  3120. [8601] = 86,
  3121. [8602] = 73,
  3122. [8603] = 86,
  3123. [8604] = 73,
  3124. [8605] = 86,
  3125. [8606] = 73,
  3126. [8607] = 86,
  3127. [8608] = 73,
  3128. [8609] = 86,
  3129. [8610] = 73,
  3130. [8611] = 86,
  3131. [8612] = 73,
  3132. [8613] = 86,
  3133. [8614] = 73,
  3134. [8615] = 86,
  3135. [8616] = 86,
  3136. [9001] = 70,
  3137. [9002] = 70,
  3138. [9003] = 70,
  3139. [9004] = 70,
  3140. [9005] = 70,
  3141. [9006] = 70,
  3142. [9007] = 70,
  3143. [9008] = 70,
  3144. [9009] = 70,
  3145. [9010] = 70,
  3146. [9011] = 70,
  3147. [9012] = 70,
  3148. [9013] = 70,
  3149. [9015] = 70,
  3150. [9021] = 70,
  3151. [9022] = 70,
  3152. [9023] = 70,
  3153. [9024] = 70,
  3154. [9025] = 70,
  3155. [9026] = 70,
  3156. [9027] = 70,
  3157. [9028] = 70,
  3158. [9029] = 70,
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  3160. [9031] = 70,
  3161. [9032] = 70,
  3162. [9033] = 70,
  3163. [9034] = 70,
  3164. [9035] = 70,
  3165. [9036] = 70,
  3166. [9037] = 70,
  3167. [9038] = 70,
  3168. [9039] = 70,
  3169. [9040] = 70,
  3170. [9041] = 70,
  3171. [9042] = 70,
  3172. [9043] = 70,
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  3174. [9045] = 70,
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  3176. [9051] = 70,
  3177. [9052] = 70,
  3178. [9053] = 70,
  3179. [9054] = 70,
  3180. [9055] = 70,
  3181. [9056] = 70,
  3182. [9057] = 70,
  3183. [9058] = 70,
  3184. [9060] = 70,
  3185. [9061] = 70,
  3186. [9062] = 70,
  3187. [9063] = 70,
  3188. [9064] = 70,
  3189. [9065] = 216,
  3190. [9066] = 70,
  3191. [9067] = 70,
  3192. [9068] = 70,
  3193. [9069] = 70,
  3194. [9070] = 120,
  3195. [9071] = 70,
  3196. [9072] = 70,
  3197. [9073] = 70,
  3198. [9074] = 70,
  3199. [9075] = 70,
  3200. [9076] = 70,
  3201. [9100] = 75,
  3202. [9101] = 75,
  3203. [9102] = 75,
  3204. [9103] = 75,
  3205. [9104] = 75,
  3206. [9105] = 75,
  3207. [9106] = 75,
  3208. [9107] = 100,
  3209. [9108] = 75,
  3210. [9109] = 75,
  3211. [9110] = 75,
  3212. [9111] = 75,
  3213. [9112] = 75,
  3214. [9113] = 75,
  3215. [9114] = 75,
  3216. [9115] = 75,
  3217. [9116] = 75,
  3218. [9117] = 75,
  3219. [9118] = 75,
  3220. [9119] = 75,
  3221. [9201] = 1,
  3222. [9202] = 1,
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  3230. [9210] = 1,
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  3241. [9221] = 1,
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  3250. [9230] = 1,
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  3269. [9249] = 1,
  3270. [9250] = 1,
  3271. [9251] = 1,
  3272. [9252] = 1,
  3273. [30022] = 1,
  3274. [10001] = 70,
  3275. [10002] = 70,
  3276. [10003] = 70,
  3277. [10004] = 70,
  3278. [10005] = 70,
  3279. [10006] = 70,
  3280. [10007] = 70,
  3281. [10008] = 70,
  3282. [10009] = 70,
  3283. [10010] = 70,
  3284. [10011] = 70,
  3285. [10012] = 70,
  3286. [10013] = 70,
  3287. [10014] = 70,
  3288. [10015] = 70,
  3289. [10016] = 70,
  3290. [10017] = 70,
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  3497. [11000] = 100,
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  3500. [11003] = 100,
  3501. [11004] = 100,
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  3521. [11505] = 100,
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  3524. [11508] = 100,
  3525. [11509] = 100,
  3526. [11510] = 100,
  3527. [12000] = 100,
  3528. [13000] = 70,
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  3530. [14000] = 70,
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  3656. [20077] = 70,
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  3780. [20300] = 70,
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  3823. [20367] = 80,
  3824. [20368] = 100,
  3825. [20369] = 70,
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  3838. [20382] = 70,
  3839. [20383] = 0,
  3840. [20384] = 1,
  3841. [20400] = 70,
  3842. [20500] = 99,
  3843. [20501] = 70,
  3844. [22352] = 70,
  3845. [30000] = 1,
  3846. [30001] = 1,
  3847. [30101] = 70,
  3848. [30102] = 70,
  3849. [30103] = 70,
  3850. [30104] = 70,
  3851. [30109] = 100,
  3852. [30110] = 100,
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  3858. [30116] = 100,
  3859. [30117] = 100,
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  3862. [30120] = 70,
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  3870. [30128] = 70,
  3871. [30129] = 1,
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  3873. [30301] = 1,
  3874. [30302] = 0,
  3875. [30303] = 0,
  3876. [30304] = 0,
  3877. [30305] = 0,
  3878. [33001] = 70,
  3879. [33002] = 1,
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  3895. [34010] = 1,
  3896. [34011] = 1,
  3897. [34012] = 1,
  3898. [43287] = 70
  3899. }
  3901. get_mob_level22 =
  3902. {
  3903. [2051] = 65,
  3904. [2052] = 67,
  3905. [2053] = 69,
  3906. [2054] = 71,
  3907. [2055] = 73,
  3908. [11116] = 90,
  3909. [2061] = 60,
  3910. [2062] = 62,
  3911. [2063] = 64,
  3912. [2064] = 66,
  3913. [2065] = 68,
  3914. [2071] = 70,
  3915. [2072] = 72,
  3916. [2073] = 74,
  3917. [2074] = 76,
  3918. [2075] = 78,
  3919. [2076] = 78,
  3920. [11117] = 90,
  3921. [2091] = 60,
  3922. [2092] = 79,
  3923. [2093] = 65,
  3924. [2094] = 72,
  3925. [2095] = 70,
  3926. [2101] = 19,
  3927. [2102] = 37,
  3928. [2103] = 39,
  3929. [2104] = 44,
  3930. [2105] = 47,
  3931. [2106] = 48,
  3932. [2107] = 51,
  3933. [2108] = 54,
  3934. [5131] = 22,
  3935. [2401] = 87,
  3936. [5132] = 25,
  3937. [2402] = 89,
  3938. [5133] = 27,
  3939. [2131] = 60,
  3940. [2132] = 62,
  3941. [2133] = 64,
  3942. [2134] = 66,
  3943. [2135] = 68,
  3944. [101] = 1,
  3945. [102] = 3,
  3946. [103] = 4,
  3947. [2152] = 37,
  3948. [105] = 9,
  3949. [106] = 13,
  3950. [107] = 16,
  3951. [108] = 7,
  3952. [109] = 10,
  3953. [110] = 12,
  3954. [111] = 15,
  3955. [112] = 19,
  3956. [113] = 21,
  3957. [114] = 18,
  3958. [115] = 24,
  3959. [5141] = 35,
  3960. [131] = 8,
  3961. [132] = 9,
  3962. [133] = 11,
  3963. [134] = 14,
  3964. [135] = 18,
  3965. [136] = 21,
  3966. [137] = 12,
  3967. [138] = 15,
  3968. [139] = 17,
  3969. [140] = 20,
  3970. [141] = 24,
  3971. [142] = 26,
  3972. [143] = 24,
  3973. [144] = 29,
  3974. [151] = 9,
  3975. [152] = 16,
  3976. [153] = 10,
  3977. [154] = 21,
  3978. [2203] = 70,
  3979. [2204] = 71,
  3980. [2205] = 72,
  3981. [2206] = 73,
  3982. [2207] = 78,
  3983. [171] = 1,
  3984. [172] = 3,
  3985. [173] = 4,
  3986. [174] = 6,
  3987. [175] = 9,
  3988. [2224] = 71,
  3989. [177] = 16,
  3990. [178] = 7,
  3991. [179] = 10,
  3992. [180] = 12,
  3993. [181] = 15,
  3994. [182] = 19,
  3995. [183] = 21,
  3996. [184] = 18,
  3997. [185] = 24,
  3998. [2234] = 71,
  3999. [2235] = 72,
  4000. [191] = 30,
  4001. [192] = 31,
  4002. [193] = 33,
  4003. [194] = 35,
  4004. [5153] = 49,
  4005. [5157] = 54,
  4006. [2291] = 75,
  4007. [2292] = 99,
  4008. [2293] = 99,
  4009. [5161] = 30,
  4010. [2301] = 65,
  4011. [2302] = 67,
  4012. [2303] = 69,
  4013. [2304] = 70,
  4014. [2305] = 71,
  4015. [2306] = 84,
  4016. [2307] = 86,
  4017. [2311] = 74,
  4018. [2312] = 76,
  4019. [2313] = 77,
  4020. [2314] = 80,
  4021. [2315] = 82,
  4022. [301] = 18,
  4023. [302] = 20,
  4024. [303] = 25,
  4025. [304] = 25,
  4026. [8501] = 35,
  4027. [8502] = 30,
  4028. [8503] = 25,
  4029. [8504] = 5,
  4030. [8505] = 10,
  4031. [8506] = 12,
  4032. [8507] = 15,
  4033. [8508] = 20,
  4034. [8509] = 25,
  4035. [8510] = 21,
  4036. [8511] = 11,
  4037. [331] = 18,
  4038. [332] = 20,
  4039. [333] = 25,
  4040. [334] = 25,
  4041. [351] = 18,
  4042. [352] = 20,
  4043. [353] = 25,
  4044. [354] = 25,
  4045. [2403] = 89,
  4046. [2404] = 90,
  4047. [2411] = 91,
  4048. [2412] = 93,
  4049. [2413] = 95,
  4050. [2414] = 97,
  4051. [2451] = 84,
  4052. [5127] = 54,
  4053. [2452] = 86,
  4054. [2431] = 80,
  4055. [2432] = 82,
  4056. [2433] = 82,
  4057. [2434] = 83,
  4058. [2454] = 90,
  4059. [391] = 23,
  4060. [392] = 26,
  4061. [393] = 28,
  4062. [394] = 31,
  4063. [395] = 23,
  4064. [396] = 26,
  4065. [397] = 28,
  4066. [398] = 31,
  4067. [401] = 26,
  4068. [402] = 27,
  4069. [403] = 29,
  4070. [404] = 30,
  4071. [405] = 33,
  4072. [406] = 35,
  4073. [8600] = 73,
  4074. [8601] = 86,
  4075. [8602] = 73,
  4076. [8603] = 86,
  4077. [8604] = 73,
  4078. [8605] = 86,
  4079. [8606] = 73,
  4080. [8607] = 86,
  4081. [8608] = 73,
  4082. [8609] = 86,
  4083. [8610] = 73,
  4084. [8611] = 86,
  4085. [8612] = 73,
  4086. [8613] = 86,
  4087. [8614] = 73,
  4088. [8615] = 86,
  4089. [8616] = 86,
  4090. [11108] = 70,
  4091. [431] = 31,
  4092. [432] = 33,
  4093. [433] = 35,
  4094. [434] = 36,
  4095. [435] = 38,
  4096. [436] = 40,
  4097. [2491] = 93,
  4098. [2492] = 95,
  4099. [2493] = 97,
  4100. [2494] = 88,
  4101. [2495] = 90,
  4102. [451] = 26,
  4103. [452] = 27,
  4104. [453] = 29,
  4105. [454] = 30,
  4106. [455] = 33,
  4107. [456] = 35,
  4108. [2505] = 83,
  4109. [2506] = 84,
  4110. [2507] = 85,
  4111. [2508] = 79,
  4112. [2509] = 80,
  4113. [2510] = 81,
  4114. [2511] = 82,
  4115. [2512] = 83,
  4116. [2513] = 84,
  4117. [2514] = 86,
  4118. [30022] = 1,
  4119. [1175] = 65,
  4120. [491] = 32,
  4121. [492] = 37,
  4122. [493] = 39,
  4123. [494] = 45,
  4124. [2543] = 81,
  4125. [2544] = 82,
  4126. [2545] = 83,
  4127. [2546] = 84,
  4128. [2547] = 86,
  4129. [501] = 29,
  4130. [502] = 32,
  4131. [503] = 35,
  4132. [504] = 36,
  4133. [531] = 35,
  4134. [532] = 37,
  4135. [533] = 40,
  4136. [534] = 42,
  4137. [2591] = 89,
  4138. [2592] = 89,
  4139. [2593] = 89,
  4140. [2594] = 89,
  4141. [2595] = 89,
  4142. [2596] = 89,
  4143. [2597] = 91,
  4144. [2598] = 91,
  4145. [551] = 29,
  4146. [552] = 32,
  4147. [553] = 35,
  4148. [554] = 36,
  4149. [2482] = 92,
  4150. [2483] = 94,
  4151. [2484] = 96,
  4152. [5134] = 29,
  4153. [591] = 42,
  4154. [595] = 42,
  4155. [601] = 26,
  4156. [602] = 29,
  4157. [603] = 31,
  4158. [604] = 33,
  4159. [2151] = 19,
  4160. [104] = 6,
  4161. [631] = 34,
  4162. [632] = 36,
  4163. [633] = 39,
  4164. [634] = 40,
  4165. [635] = 44,
  4166. [636] = 46,
  4167. [637] = 49,
  4168. [2155] = 47,
  4169. [2156] = 48,
  4170. [651] = 34,
  4171. [652] = 36,
  4172. [653] = 39,
  4173. [654] = 40,
  4174. [2157] = 51,
  4175. [656] = 46,
  4176. [657] = 49,
  4177. [2158] = 54,
  4178. [2501] = 79,
  4179. [2502] = 80,
  4180. [2503] = 81,
  4181. [5001] = 10,
  4182. [2504] = 82,
  4183. [691] = 50,
  4184. [692] = 55,
  4185. [693] = 60,
  4186. [701] = 35,
  4187. [702] = 38,
  4188. [703] = 41,
  4189. [704] = 44,
  4190. [705] = 48,
  4191. [706] = 49,
  4192. [707] = 51,
  4193. [731] = 52,
  4194. [732] = 53,
  4195. [733] = 54,
  4196. [734] = 54,
  4197. [735] = 55,
  4198. [736] = 56,
  4199. [737] = 57,
  4200. [751] = 35,
  4201. [752] = 38,
  4202. [753] = 41,
  4203. [754] = 44,
  4204. [755] = 48,
  4205. [756] = 49,
  4206. [757] = 51,
  4207. [771] = 52,
  4208. [772] = 53,
  4209. [773] = 54,
  4210. [774] = 54,
  4211. [775] = 55,
  4212. [776] = 56,
  4213. [777] = 57,
  4214. [7050] = 35,
  4215. [2481] = 91,
  4216. [791] = 54,
  4217. [792] = 62,
  4218. [793] = 64,
  4219. [794] = 72,
  4220. [795] = 54,
  4221. [796] = 62,
  4222. [7051] = 31,
  4223. [7001] = 52,
  4224. [7002] = 53,
  4225. [2191] = 67,
  4226. [7004] = 54,
  4227. [7005] = 55,
  4228. [7006] = 56,
  4229. [7007] = 56,
  4230. [7008] = 52,
  4231. [2192] = 72,
  4232. [7010] = 54,
  4233. [11107] = 70,
  4234. [7012] = 52,
  4235. [7013] = 53,
  4236. [7014] = 54,
  4237. [7015] = 54,
  4238. [7016] = 55,
  4239. [7017] = 56,
  4240. [7018] = 56,
  4241. [7019] = 59,
  4242. [7020] = 59,
  4243. [7021] = 60,
  4244. [7022] = 61,
  4245. [7023] = 62,
  4246. [7024] = 64,
  4247. [7025] = 66,
  4248. [7026] = 67,
  4249. [7027] = 70,
  4250. [7028] = 72,
  4251. [7029] = 35,
  4252. [7030] = 31,
  4253. [7031] = 33,
  4254. [7032] = 35,
  4255. [7033] = 36,
  4256. [7034] = 38,
  4257. [7035] = 40,
  4258. [7036] = 52,
  4259. [7037] = 53,
  4260. [7038] = 54,
  4261. [7039] = 54,
  4262. [7040] = 55,
  4263. [7041] = 56,
  4264. [7042] = 57,
  4265. [7043] = 81,
  4266. [7044] = 81,
  4267. [901] = 49,
  4268. [902] = 51,
  4269. [903] = 53,
  4270. [904] = 55,
  4271. [905] = 58,
  4272. [906] = 58,
  4273. [907] = 59,
  4274. [5004] = 80,
  4275. [5005] = 85,
  4276. [7054] = 36,
  4277. [2541] = 79,
  4278. [7056] = 40,
  4279. [7057] = 52,
  4280. [7058] = 53,
  4281. [7059] = 54,
  4282. [7060] = 54,
  4283. [2542] = 80,
  4284. [7062] = 56,
  4285. [2201] = 69,
  4286. [7064] = 81,
  4287. [7065] = 81,
  4288. [7066] = 82,
  4289. [7067] = 83,
  4290. [7068] = 83,
  4291. [2202] = 69,
  4292. [7070] = 85,
  4293. [7071] = 33,
  4294. [7072] = 35,
  4295. [7073] = 36,
  4296. [7074] = 38,
  4297. [155] = 24,
  4298. [932] = 51,
  4299. [933] = 53,
  4300. [934] = 55,
  4301. [935] = 58,
  4302. [936] = 58,
  4303. [937] = 59,
  4304. [7082] = 83,
  4305. [7083] = 83,
  4306. [7084] = 84,
  4307. [7085] = 85,
  4308. [7086] = 35,
  4309. [7087] = 36,
  4310. [7088] = 38,
  4311. [7089] = 40,
  4312. [7090] = 54,
  4313. [7091] = 55,
  4314. [7092] = 56,
  4315. [7093] = 57,
  4316. [7094] = 83,
  4317. [7095] = 83,
  4318. [7096] = 84,
  4319. [7097] = 85,
  4320. [991] = 59,
  4321. [992] = 60,
  4322. [993] = 61,
  4323. [1001] = 57,
  4324. [1002] = 58,
  4325. [1003] = 59,
  4326. [1004] = 60,
  4327. [5101] = 22,
  4328. [5102] = 25,
  4329. [5103] = 27,
  4330. [5104] = 29,
  4331. [5111] = 35,
  4332. [5112] = 37,
  4333. [5113] = 39,
  4334. [5114] = 40,
  4335. [5115] = 41,
  4336. [5116] = 42,
  4337. [5121] = 45,
  4338. [5122] = 47,
  4339. [5123] = 49,
  4340. [5124] = 52,
  4341. [5125] = 53,
  4342. [5126] = 54,
  4343. [1031] = 67,
  4344. [1032] = 69,
  4345. [1033] = 70,
  4346. [1034] = 71,
  4347. [1035] = 72,
  4348. [1036] = 73,
  4349. [1037] = 71,
  4350. [1038] = 72,
  4351. [1039] = 73,
  4352. [1040] = 74,
  4353. [1041] = 75,
  4354. [2222] = 69,
  4355. [5142] = 37,
  4356. [5143] = 39,
  4357. [5144] = 40,
  4358. [5145] = 41,
  4359. [5146] = 42,
  4360. [2223] = 70,
  4361. [11109] = 70,
  4362. [5151] = 45,
  4363. [5152] = 47,
  4364. [176] = 13,
  4365. [5154] = 52,
  4366. [5155] = 53,
  4367. [5156] = 54,
  4368. [1061] = 67,
  4369. [1062] = 69,
  4370. [1063] = 70,
  4371. [1064] = 71,
  4372. [1065] = 72,
  4373. [1066] = 73,
  4374. [1067] = 71,
  4375. [1068] = 72,
  4376. [1069] = 73,
  4377. [1070] = 74,
  4378. [1071] = 75,
  4379. [2227] = 90,
  4380. [1091] = 75,
  4381. [1092] = 75,
  4382. [1093] = 78,
  4383. [1094] = 75,
  4384. [1095] = 82,
  4385. [1096] = 75,
  4386. [2231] = 69,
  4387. [1101] = 62,
  4388. [1102] = 63,
  4389. [1103] = 64,
  4390. [1104] = 64,
  4391. [1105] = 65,
  4392. [1106] = 66,
  4393. [1107] = 66,
  4394. [2233] = 70,
  4395. [1131] = 81,
  4396. [1132] = 81,
  4397. [1133] = 82,
  4398. [1134] = 83,
  4399. [1135] = 83,
  4400. [1136] = 84,
  4401. [1137] = 85,
  4402. [1151] = 52,
  4403. [1152] = 53,
  4404. [1153] = 54,
  4405. [1154] = 54,
  4406. [1155] = 55,
  4407. [1156] = 56,
  4408. [1157] = 56,
  4409. [2221] = 69,
  4410. [1171] = 62,
  4411. [1172] = 63,
  4412. [1173] = 64,
  4413. [1174] = 64,
  4414. [2153] = 39,
  4415. [1176] = 66,
  4416. [1177] = 66,
  4417. [1191] = 70,
  4418. [1192] = 70,
  4419. [11110] = 70,
  4420. [2154] = 44,
  4421. [11505] = 100,
  4422. [11506] = 100,
  4423. [11507] = 100,
  4424. [11508] = 100,
  4425. [11509] = 100,
  4426. [11510] = 100,
  4427. [2225] = 72,
  4428. [1301] = 57,
  4429. [1302] = 59,
  4430. [1303] = 58,
  4431. [1304] = 75,
  4432. [1305] = 61,
  4433. [1306] = 75,
  4434. [1307] = 80,
  4435. [1308] = 40,
  4436. [1309] = 65,
  4437. [1310] = 95,
  4438. [7045] = 82,
  4439. [7046] = 83,
  4440. [2226] = 60,
  4441. [7047] = 83,
  4442. [7048] = 84,
  4443. [1331] = 57,
  4444. [1332] = 59,
  4445. [1333] = 58,
  4446. [1334] = 75,
  4447. [1335] = 61,
  4448. [5002] = 75,
  4449. [5003] = 1,
  4450. [7052] = 33,
  4451. [11111] = 70,
  4452. [7053] = 35,
  4453. [7055] = 38,
  4454. [1401] = 66,
  4455. [1402] = 73,
  4456. [1403] = 77,
  4457. [7061] = 55,
  4458. [7003] = 54,
  4459. [7063] = 57,
  4460. [5162] = 43,
  4461. [7069] = 84,
  4462. [5163] = 55,
  4463. [931] = 49,
  4464. [7076] = 54,
  4465. [2232] = 69,
  4466. [1501] = 69,
  4467. [1502] = 72,
  4468. [1503] = 76,
  4469. [7078] = 55,
  4470. [7079] = 56,
  4471. [7080] = 57,
  4472. [7081] = 82,
  4473. [7075] = 40,
  4474. [11100] = 50,
  4475. [7077] = 54,
  4476. [7009] = 53,
  4477. [1601] = 68,
  4478. [1602] = 70,
  4479. [1603] = 75,
  4480. [11101] = 50,
  4481. [11102] = 50,
  4482. [11113] = 90,
  4483. [11103] = 50,
  4484. [11104] = 50,
  4485. [7049] = 85,
  4486. [11105] = 50,
  4487. [11106] = 70,
  4488. [655] = 44,
  4489. [1901] = 72,
  4490. [1902] = 77,
  4491. [1903] = 82,
  4492. [1904] = 40,
  4493. [1905] = 65,
  4494. [1906] = 95,
  4495. [11112] = 90,
  4496. [2453] = 88,
  4497. [11114] = 90,
  4498. [2001] = 43,
  4499. [2002] = 45,
  4500. [2003] = 48,
  4501. [2004] = 50,
  4502. [2005] = 52,
  4503. [11115] = 90,
  4504. [2031] = 50,
  4505. [2032] = 52,
  4506. [2033] = 54,
  4507. [2034] = 56,
  4508. [2035] = 58,
  4509. [2036] = 58,
  4510. }
  4513. function isdtamap(mapindex)
  4514. if mapindex == 209 or mapindex == 210 or mapindex == 211 then
  4515. return true
  4516. else
  4517. return false
  4518. end
  4519. end
  4521. function get_next_char_num()
  4522. local keystates = bitflags(DTA_keystates[pc.get_empire()], 7)
  4523. if DTA_keystates[pc.get_empire()] == 127 then -- all characters dropped
  4524. return 0
  4525. end
  4526. while true do
  4527. local n = number(1, 7)
  4528. if keystates[n] == 0 then
  4529. keystates[n] = 1
  4530. DTA_keystates[pc.get_empire()] = bitfield(keystates)
  4531. return n + 1
  4532. end
  4533. end
  4534. end
  4536. DTA_MetinKills = {
  4537. {0, 0, 0},
  4538. {0, 0, 0},
  4539. }
  4541. DTA_keystates = {0, 0, 0}
  4543. ts_herbtime = {
  4544. {24,20,16,12},
  4545. {12,10,8,6},
  4546. {6,6,6,6},
  4547. }
  4549. ts_level = {"Normal", "Master", "Grandmaster", "Perfect Master"}
  4551. function herb_q_inf()
  4552. return
  4553. { -- | Level 30-40 List | Level 40-50 List | Level 50-60 List | Level 60-70 List | Level 70-80 List | Level 80-90 List | Level 90-99 List |
  4554. ["vnum"] = {534,591,636,702,704,732,776,906,902,1001,1031,1101,1103,1301,2034,1156,1157,2064,2203,2204,2203,2204,2303,2304,2305,1131,1136,2314,2315,2401,2412,2403,2404,2411,2413},
  4555. ["Normal"] = {3,2,10,15,10,15,15,10,20,30,10,15,10,10,10,15,10,20,20,20,30,30,20,15,10,15,20,40,25,20,20,15,10,20,10},
  4556. ["Master"] = {5,3,15,20,15,25,20,15,30,50,15,25,15,15,15,25,20,30,30,30,50,50,30,20,15,25,30,60,40,35,40,30,20,40,20},
  4557. ["Grandmaster"] = {8,5,20,30,20,35,30,20,40,70,20,35,20,20,20,40,30,40,40,40,70,70,40,35,30,35,40,80,60,50,60,50,30,60,30},
  4558. ["Perfect_Master"] = {12,8,30,45,30,50,45,30,60,100,30,50,30,35,40,60,50,60,60,60,100,100,60,50,45,50,55,125,90,75,80,75,50,80,45},
  4559. }
  4560. end
  4562. function herb_q_init_v(num)
  4563. local info = herb_q_inf()
  4564. local vnum = info.vnum[num]
  4565. return vnum
  4566. end
  4568. function herb_q_init_a(qlv,num)
  4569. local info = herb_q_inf()
  4570. local qlv = pc.getqf("herblevel")
  4571. local amount
  4572. if qlv == 1 then
  4573. amount = info.Normal[num]
  4574. elseif qlv == 2 then
  4575. amount = info.Master[num]
  4576. elseif qlv == 3 then
  4577. amount = info.Grandmaster[num]
  4578. elseif qlv == 4 then
  4579. amount = info.Perfect_Master[num]
  4580. end
  4581. return amount
  4582. end
  4584. function input_number (sentence)
  4585. say (sentence)
  4586. local n = nil
  4587. while n == nil do
  4588. n = tonumber (input())
  4589. if n != nil then
  4590. break
  4591. end
  4592. say ("Something.")
  4593. end
  4594. return n
  4595. end
  4597. function LIB_duration(ipe)
  4598. -- if have == nil then
  4599. -- seconds = ipe - get_global_time()
  4600. -- chat("nil")
  4601. -- else
  4602. -- seconds = (get_global_time() + ipe) - get_global_time()
  4603. -- chat("no nil")
  4604. -- end
  4606. if ipe >= get_global_time() then
  4607. seconds = ipe - get_global_time()
  4608. --chat("nil")
  4609. else
  4610. seconds = (get_global_time() + ipe) - get_global_time()
  4611. --chat("no nil")
  4612. end
  4615. local days = 0
  4616. local hours = math.floor(seconds / 3600)
  4617. local mins = math.floor((seconds - (hours*3600)) / 60)
  4618. local secs = math.floor(seconds - hours*3600 - mins*60 )
  4619. local t = ""
  4620. if tonumber(hours) >= 24 then
  4621. days = math.floor(hours / 24)
  4622. hours = math.floor(hours - (days*24))
  4623. end
  4624. if tonumber(days) == 1 then
  4625. t = t..days.." Tag "
  4626. elseif tonumber(days) >= 1 then
  4627. t = t..days.." Tage "
  4628. end
  4629. if tonumber(hours) == 1 then
  4630. t = t..hours.." Stunde "
  4631. elseif tonumber(hours) >= 1 then
  4632. t = t..hours.." Stunden "
  4633. end
  4634. if tonumber(mins) == 1 then
  4635. t = t..mins.." Minute "
  4636. elseif tonumber(mins) >= 1 then
  4637. t = t..mins.." Minuten "
  4638. end
  4639. if tonumber(secs) == 1 then
  4640. t = t..secs.." Sekunde "
  4641. elseif tonumber(secs) >= 1 then
  4642. t = t..secs.." Sekunden "
  4643. end
  4644. if t == "" then
  4645. return "(Keine Zeit Vorhanden!)"
  4646. end
  4647. return t
  4648. end
  4650. function say_npc()
  4651. say_title(""..mob_name(npc.get_race()).."")
  4652. end
  4654. function query(sql)
  4655. user = "mt2"
  4656. pw = "mt2!@#"
  4657. local var = {}
  4658. var.pre = ''
  4659. if user ~= nil then
  4660. var.pre = var.pre..' -u'..user
  4661. end
  4662. if pw ~= nil then
  4663. var.pre = var.pre..' -p'
  4664. end
  4665. var.scriptfile = 'sc_'..pc.get_name()..number(1,999)..number(2,999)..number(3,999)
  4666. var.outputfile = 'op_'..pc.get_name()..number(1,999)..number(2,999)..number(3,999)
  4667. sql = string.gsub(sql,'"',"'")
  4668. var.str = "/usr/local/bin/mysql -N -L "..var.pre.." < "..var.scriptfile.." > "..var.outputfile
  4669. script =,"a+")
  4670. script:write(sql)
  4671. script:close()
  4672. os.execute(var.str)
  4673. back =
  4674. quer = back:read()
  4675. back:flush()
  4676. back:close()
  4677. os.remove(var.scriptfile)
  4678. os.remove(var.outputfile)
  4679. return quer
  4680. end
  4682. function in_dungeon()
  4683. return pc.in_dungeon()and pc.get_map_index()>=(61*10000)and pc.get_map_index()<(75*10000)
  4684. end
  4686. function wykonaj(x)
  4687. os.execute(x)
  4688. end
  4690. Folder= "/home/game/share/locale/germany/quest/"
  4694. function split2(str, delim, maxNb) -- mysql_query needs split function.
  4695. if str == nil then return str end
  4696. if string.find(str, delim) == nil then return { str } end
  4697. if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then maxNb = 0 end
  4698. local result = {}
  4699. local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()"
  4700. local nb = 0
  4701. local lastPos
  4702. for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do
  4703. nb = nb + 1
  4704. result[nb] = part
  4705. lastPos = pos
  4706. if nb == maxNb then break end
  4707. end
  4708. if nb ~= maxNb then result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos) end
  4709. return result
  4710. end
  4712. mysql_query = function(query)
  4713. if not pre then
  4714. local rt ='CONFIG','r'):read('*all')
  4715. pre,_= string.gsub(rt,'.+PLAYER_SQL:%s(%S+)%s(%S+)%s(%S+)%s(%S+).+','-h%1 -u%2 -p%3 -D%4')
  4716. end
  4717. math.randomseed(os.time())
  4718. local fi,t,out = 'mysql_data_'..math.random(10^9)+math.random(2^4,2^10),{},{}
  4719. --os.execute('mysql '..pre..' --e='..string.format('%q',query)..' > ' -- f? MySQL51
  4720. os.execute('mysql '..pre..' -e'..string.format('%q',query)..' > ' -- f? MySQL55
  4721. for av in,'r'):lines() do table.insert(t,split2(av,'\t')) end; os.remove(fi);
  4722. for i = 2, table.getn(t) do table.foreach(t[i],function(a,b)
  4723. out[i-1] = out[i-1] or {}
  4724. out[i-1][a] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL'
  4725. out[t[1][a]] = out[t[1][a]] or {}
  4726. out[t[1][a]][i-1] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL'
  4727. end) end
  4728. return out
  4729. end
  4731. function pokaz_ranking()
  4732. local t, out = {}, {}
  4733. for av in'/usr/home/game/share/ranking','r'):lines() do table.insert(t,split2(av,'\t')) end;
  4734. for i = 2, table.getn(t) do table.foreach(t[i],function(a,b)
  4735. out[i-1] = out[i-1] or {}
  4736. out[i-1][a] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL'
  4737. out[t[1][a]] = out[t[1][a]] or {}
  4738. out[t[1][a]][i-1] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL'
  4739. end) end
  4740. return out
  4741. end
  4743. function table.val_to_str ( v )
  4744. if "string" == type( v ) then
  4745. v = string.gsub( v, "\n", "\\n" )
  4746. if string.match( string.gsub(v,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$' ) then
  4747. return "'" .. v .. "'"
  4748. end
  4749. return '"' .. string.gsub(v,'"', '\\"' ) .. '"'
  4750. else
  4751. return "table" == type( v ) and table.tostring( v ) or
  4752. tostring( v )
  4753. end
  4754. end
  4756. function table.key_to_str ( k )
  4757. if "string" == type( k ) and string.match( k, "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" ) then
  4758. return k
  4759. else
  4760. return "[" .. table.val_to_str( k ) .. "]"
  4761. end
  4762. end
  4764. function table.tostring( tbl )
  4765. local result, done = {}, {}
  4766. for k, v in ipairs( tbl ) do
  4767. table.insert( result, table.val_to_str( v ) )
  4768. done[ k ] = true
  4769. end
  4770. for k, v in pairs( tbl ) do
  4771. if not done[ k ] then
  4772. table.insert( result,
  4773. table.key_to_str( k ) .. "=" .. table.val_to_str( v ) )
  4774. end
  4775. end
  4776. return "{" .. table.concat( result, "," ) .. "}"
  4777. end
  4779. function odswiez_ranking()
  4780. local ranking = mysql_query("SELECT,,player.level,player.exp,player_index.empire, AS guild_name FROM player.player LEFT JOIN player.player_index ON LEFT JOIN player.guild_member ON LEFT JOIN player.guild ON WHERE NOT LIKE '[%]%' ORDER BY player.level DESC, player.exp DESC;")
  4781. script ='/usr/home/game/share/ranking',"a+")
  4782. script:write(table.tostring(ranking))
  4783. script:close()
  4784. end
  4786. dofile(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/guildstorage.lua")
  4788. item3 = {}
  4790. function item3.get_attr(var)
  4791. return item.get_attr_type(var),item.get_attr_value(var)
  4792. end
  4794. HANDELSCENTER = {}
  4796. out = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM player.mob_proto;")
  4797. mob._data = out
  4798. mob._idx = {}
  4799. table.foreach(out.vnum,
  4800. function(i,p)
  4801. mob._idx[p]=i
  4802. end
  4803. )
  4805. setmetatable(mob,{
  4806. __index = function(this,idx)
  4807. local exec = string.gsub(idx,'get_(%.+)','%1')
  4808. if this._data[exec] ~= nil then
  4809. return function(moid)
  4810. return this._data[exec][this._idx[moid or npc.get_race()]]
  4811. end
  4812. else
  4813. return function() return 0 end
  4814. end
  4815. end
  4816. }
  4817. )
  4819. function AchivmentAllPoints()
  4820. local c,info = mysql_direct_query("SELECT punkty_osiagniec, punkty_zabojstw FROM player.player WHERE name = '"..pc.get_name().."' LIMIT 1;")
  4821. local all_points = (info[1].punkty_zabojstw + info[1].punkty_osiagniec)
  4822. cmdchat("ACHIEVEMENTS SET_AP#"..all_points)
  4823. return all_points or 0
  4824. end
  4826. dofile(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/system_osiagniec_lib.lua")
  4828. function setvarchar(name, var)
  4829. local laenge = string.len (var)
  4830. local setchar = 0
  4831. local save_name = 0
  4832. local letter = 0
  4833. while laenge > setchar do
  4834. setchar = setchar + 1
  4835. letter = string.sub (var, setchar, setchar)
  4836. letter = string.byte(letter, 1)
  4837. save_name = """_char_"..setchar..""
  4838. pc.setqf(save_name, letter)
  4839. end
  4840. local save_laenge="""laenge"
  4841. pc.setqf(save_laenge, laenge)
  4842. end
  4844. function getvarchar(name)
  4845. local save_laenge = """laenge"
  4846. local laenge = pc.getqf(save_laenge)
  4847. local save_name = 0
  4848. local var = ""
  4849. local letter = 0
  4850. local getchar = 0
  4851. while laenge > getchar do
  4852. getchar = getchar + 1
  4853. save_name = """_char_"..getchar..""
  4854. letter = pc.getqf(save_name)
  4855. if letter!=0 then
  4856. letter = string.char(letter)
  4857. else
  4858. letter = ""
  4859. end
  4860. var = ""..var..""..letter..""
  4861. end
  4862. return var
  4863. end
  4865. function get_input(par)
  4866. cmdchat("GetInputStart")
  4867. local ret = input(cmdchat(par))
  4868. cmdchat("GetInputStop")
  4869. return ret
  4870. end
  4872. dofile(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/new_skills_system/points/settings.lua")
  4873. dofile(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/new_skills_system/points/points_functions.lua")
  4874. dofile(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/new_skills_system/skills/skills_functions.lua")
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