
Morning Glory and whiteknight White Knight Anon

Dec 28th, 2016
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  1. >Sigh, another day on the street.
  2. >Better bunkerdown, at this rate the rain is going to turn to-
  3. >"What-ho, unfortunate friend!"
  4. >You look up at the loud voice, wondering who in their right mind wants to talk to a homeless pony in the rain.
  5. "W-What?"
  6. >He slaps a hand on his chest making a loud *clank!*
  7. >"I am Ser Knight-Captain Anon of the Good-Guy Brigade and it would be greatly appreciated if you joined me on my quest!"
  8. >You're not sure why, but somehow the rain parted, creating a beam of sunlight directly over this "Anon" making his armor almost too grossly incandesent for you to handle.
  9. "How could I possibly help you?"
  10. >You had no money, no armor, and you're starting to wonder what "quest" means.
  11. >"Your presence is all I require in my mission to lay a dragon!"
  12. >WHAT?!
  13. "S-slay a dragon?!"
  14. >"Of course, that's what I meant to say!"
  15. >He quickly dropped a large sack inside your box.
  16. >The cardboard underneath gushed water at your muzzle but you reach over to open the sack anyways.
  17. >"It's quite important that every knight have a squire,"
  18. >Untieing the little string made the contents pour out all over the wet cardboard.
  19. >"And with no one else to inconvienience at this hour, or willing to join me, I choose you as my humble and consenting servan- squire!"
  20. >Bits glew as they peeked from the brown sack, nopony had ever given so many before!
  21. "What would I do, as a squire?"
  22. >He suddenly looked up and scratched his chin.
  23. >"Hm. Ah! Watch and learn!"
  24. >He looked back down at you with a great big smile as you flinched at whatever was coming.
  25. >But nothing came.
  26. "Just... Watch and learn?"
  27. >"And help me keep my armor gleaming and my sword straightly erect!"
  28. >Well, that doens't sound too hard.
  29. "I'll be your squire, sure-"
  30. >He suddenly swept you from your box, leaving the sack of bits laying there.
  31. >"Onwards then, my new-fondled companion!"
  32. "B-but the bits!"
  33. >"Tis only fools gold, we will find real gold soon enough, certainly more than you have ever dreamed of!"
  34. >Be Sir Anon of the Good Sa-mare-itan Crusade, before you stands the entrance to the dragons lair.
  35. >The large portcullis was sealed with magic and your squire would be unable to assist you in this challenge.
  36. >While the journey was long and arduous, your squire was more than a life-saver on your way here!
  37. >"I just don't see why we had to steal and eat all that ponies food..."
  38. "As the wise tactician Guy Fieri once said, 'an army marches on its stomach.'"
  39. >You size up the gate and think on how you would overcome this.
  40. >Perhaps you could sit and wait for it to open.
  41. >No, you have a schedule to keep!
  42. >"And how did you get the sun to do that thing earlier?"
  43. "The fair maiden Celestia and I are very close, enough with the trivia, I need to think of how we're going to get inside!"
  44. >"I'm sure Princess Twilight would let us in if we just knocked-"
  45. >You raise a leg and kick the door with all your might.
  46. >It swings open, one even comes of its hinges!
  47. "The best path is the path of least resistance!"
  48. >You draw your shield and don your sword, surveying the dragons keep.
  49. "Quickly, take everything you can carry."
  50. >"W-what?"
  51. "It is a task of utmost importance, now do it before the dragon-"
  52. >"W-who are you two?"
  53. >The dragon approaches!
  54. >You raise your shield and prepare for glorious combat!
  55. "Faster, squire, I will divert the creatures attention!"
  56. >She complies, then the dragon gives you an offended tone but you ignore its devious call.
  57. >"Seriously, you guys need to put everything back and get out of here!"
  58. >It is defenseless! You take the opportunity and lunge at the beast with shield and sword in hand!
  59. >The two of you tumble onto a large table and begin to duke it out, green flames erupt from the dragons maw and you raise your shield in response.
  60. >You in turn strike at the foul creature, swinging your sword in a horizontal arch, only for the dragon to either duck underneath or jump above the blade.
  61. >Clever girl.
  62. >You filled the bag with utensils, decorations, and various other objects.
  63. >This wasn't going to end well and you know it.
  64. >Just then, there's a loud *zap!*
  65. >The sound of "fighting" stops and before the three of you stands the Princess herself.
  66. >"What's going on here?!"
  67. >Anon seems outmatched, yes he barely managed to fend off a baby dragon but his sword and shield would be useless against her magic.
  68. >Afraid of being sent to the Twilight Zone, you stay and wait for her to subdue Anon and give you a firm lecture on why you shouldn't do what a stranger asks you to do.
  69. >Then, Anon does something that nopony in their right mind would ever do.
  70. > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsW72KIOd8U [Embed]
  71. >Anon throws his shield at the princess!
  72. >But misses...
  73. >"You've done it now!"
  74. >She prepares a spell, probably to vaporize him from existence, when the shield comes back from behind and scrapes the top of her horn!
  75. >He stopped her spell, then charged in!
  76. >He grabbed the returning shield as he ran forward.
  77. >She fires a spell, but somehow the shield is able to hold up against the blast.
  78. >He swings his sword again, but the princess leaps out of the way!
  79. >She casts another spell, but Anon swings his shield just in time to send it flying in another direction!
  80. >"H-how did-?"
  81. >Before she can prepare another, Anon prepares another swing when suddenly-
  82. >He stops moving.
  83. >"What is this unfair magic?"
  84. >You turn around and see...
  85. >"Princess Celestia?!"
  86. >She holds him up and stares at him angrily.
  87. >"No more Ogres and Oubliettes for you, Anonymous!"
  88. >He tries to swing, move or resist, but can't.
  89. >"Unholy foulness, I will take you with me!"
  90. >Then, with a bright flash of light, he's gone!
  91. >Horror paralyzes you as your legs wobble and shake as the Princesses walk towards you.
  92. >However, they smile gently at you.
  93. >Twilight tries to console you first.
  94. >"He's fine. We're sorry he managed to trick you into helping him."
  95. >Then Celestia gently unruffles your hair and raises your chin to make you see her eye-to-eye.
  96. >"He's got quite the silver tongue. I should know."
  97. >You're... Breathless. This whole event was quite a lot to take in.
  98. "T-thanks, I guess. C-can I go home?"
  99. >They nod, and you take one final inhale.
  100. >And you book it for the door with the bag of loot.
  101. >You're gonna get a new cardboard box out of this, especially after all you've been through.
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