
Lilly's Messy Demonstration

Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. Padding 101 was a unpopular but very necessary class at Yamaku Academy. Certain students had problems with incontinence, Yamaku Academy was happy to offer a specific class that dealt with changing and wearing diapers, The only issue was the teacher for the class had a problem finding a volunteer to demonstrate padding techniques. Eventually Lilly Satou, the class representative for class 3-2 offered, reluctantly to be the class' visual aid. Standing in an empty classroom, She'd finished getting ready and felt the crinkling diaper between her thighs. She found herself amazed by how thick it felt, almost as if it forced her to take a wider stance. Lilly continuously ran her hand between the hem of her skirt and the bottom bulk of her diaper hoping that no one was able to see the padding peaking out. The noise of the classroom door opening caused her to tilt her head towards the sound. Padding 101's instructor peeked through the door. "Are you all ready Ms. Satou?" The upperclassmen quickly straightened her skirt "Yes I am ready." She blushed and whispered "Was it really necessary for me not to use the restroom before this?" Lilly heard the teacher chuckle in front of her "Ms. Satou I thought you understood, this demonstration will require you to use the diaper you're currently wearing so we can have as realistic a demonstration as possible." The reluctant volunteer felt her hand fly up to her mouth as she gasped. Lilly weighed her options, she couldn't back out now After she'd already committed. Alternatively she had no idea who would be seeing her go through the humiliating process of using and changing her diaper. She'd heard crinkling throughout Yamaku's Halls but was never able to place the sound to anyone. She removed her hand from her mouth focusing on the pressure in her midsection, trying to hold back her need to release the previous day’s food and tea. "Of course, I understand are the students ready?" The instructor took Lilly's hand softly "Yes Ms. Satou please follow me."
  3. Lilly was often lead by other people, only now did it make her feel childish. Through one door then another they walked across the hallway from one class to another. The teacher presented Lilly to the waiting class. "Ok everybody, This is Ms. Satou, Your upperclassman who will be helping me in demonstrating comfortable use and changing of your diapers." Lilly felt the teacher stop and whisper in her ear "There is a desk behind you, if you can please sit on top of it." Lilly scrambled for a moment, running her hands across the desk behind her to get her bearings before gracefully hoisting herself up onto the table. She felt her stomach turn while she did so and silently prayed that she could hold back any oncoming accidents. "Now Ms. Satou if you would spread your legs and lift your skirt so we can make sure you're properly diapered." Lilly blushed, but compiled without questioning the order. She understood that it was best accept the situation she'd gotten herself into. The exposure of the white puff front of her diaper and the pink trim of the top was slow and cautious. She spread her legs in the same way. After she was in position, Lilly’s realization that the pressure in her stomach and bladder had become too much was sudden to her; but this was quickly overtaken by shock. “Oh my.” Lilly gasped at her body's sudden betrayal, feeling the moisture spread across her lower waist quickly. She used her free hand to prop herself up and create space between her diaper and the table. Her body wasted no time in pushing against her wishes and a warm mushy mess caused her diaper to balloon beneath her. The seat of her protective padding came to rest back on the table as hissing sounds and small bouts of flatulence filled her ears and a mostly silent room. The wet warmth of her own accident was greedily absorbed by the padding around her waist. The warm mush stayed in place and wrapped around her rear as the messy volunteer lowered herself back onto the desk. “Well it seems our volunteer has gotten a little ahead of me but as you can see a properly taped snug diaper will comfortably hold up against one use. More than likely it can even be used again if you can’t immediately get a change. This will not help the smell of course, now if our volunteer will lie down I'll show how to change another student.” After her accident stopped flowing into her padded teaching aid Lilly felt the need to speak up, stuttering a little. “I-I thought I'd be showing them how to change themselves so i would need to change myself.” The teacher was quick to respond, saying, “That will be covered tomorrow Ms. Satou, for today we want to focus on students helping each other. Now please lie back.” Lilly compiled, remembering that there was at least 9 more classes that she’d offered to help with and she wondered what would happen next class.
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