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Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. RP: The success of the K.K.-Nestle chocolatiering has so far been an unprecedented success- the power of our candy has been an invaluable tool both economically and diplomatically.
  3. So successful, in fact, that the time has come to start broadening the horizons of our exports- some of our scouts have relayed information that our southern neighbors, the city-states of Prague and Ormus, have expressed a desire to sample our sweets- and if we can replicate anything approaching our success in Wittenberg, then obliging them should be a priority.
  5. Export potential isn’t the only thing to consider here, either- reports from both Prague and our new settlement Laguna seem to indicate that the Camotes Sea is an ideal location for cacao production, with a number of unique variants that grow in the jungle.
  7. Even more interesting are reports from Ormus that tell of a native drink brewed from local herbs (which the Iranian people call “tea”). The locals attribute a wide variety of fascinating effects to it, including soothing properties and mild addictiveness.
  9. Needless to say, setting up shop in the area could yield great benefits to our chocolate production; both in quantity of production and in quality of finding new regents to add to our recipes.
  11. Starting out with simply introducing ourselves and trading chocolate in the area should be sufficient to start- if the rulers of Prague and Ormus allow us to trade freely, then I have no doubt that the people will see the benefits of cooperating with us soon enough.
  13. If not… well, it might take a little longer, but we can eventually find more illicit avenues to give our southern neighbors a taste of our goods.
  15. And once they’ve gotten that taste, I suspect they’ll come to us eventually.
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