
Hour 78

Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. 0013T Hour 78
  2. 2:00:00-Beginning sounds like some guy named Brandon trying to flirt with Miss X. 2:01-chatter about pictures, "a boy and 2 girls", "MJ", then the male speaker lowers voice. I can't make it out.
  3. 2:04-Background male voice discussing timeline of the Madoff case. When he disclosed the theft to family and his clients, as well as arrest. Again, it's loud and hard to make out because of chatter near Miss X.
  4. 2:04:34-same male voice says something about Sec of State withdrawing...? Can't hear it. He's continuing to discuss the timeline, until he gets to present.
  5. Normal office chatter and sounds like tech problems being discussed.
  6. until 2:09-Female speaking to someone named Claudia? via phone- "ok, but it's confirmed that you said...right, yeah because everybody is talking....ah...he basically called for release of the embassy staff, they're(their, there) the tension is unacceptable". Also of note* same lady, same call at 2:10:19- "it was done by US networks? Ah...right. Ok. So they are gonna tell us who that is?" Some discussion about who is getting the info(live desk/situation room) she asks to be forwarded the info as well, wraps call. I tried to clean this up, still can't hear.
  7. More office banter. Boring to me, maybe it's significant to someone who knows the biz.
  8. 2:15-Same lady takes incoming call to the international desk, seems like nothing but a call about incoming packages from London, and something about the Queen. Doesn't seem significant.
  9. Oh. My. God. The. Office. Noise.
  10. 2:19:34-Mic check. Literally.
  11. Lots more office noise.
  12. 2:25:20-FV calls someone named Bridgett to ask if they get WHO press releases. She asks her to check her mailbox, "it says global swine flu cases leap past 70,000".
  13. Lots of chatter outside range of recording device, maybe someone can clean up enough to hear it. I'm not able to.
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