
Demon Race request app.

Nov 2nd, 2019
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  1. Account Key: Kazuki Alter
  2. IC Name: Koki Teno
  3. Name of Position: I'm not really sure since it's only a race app so basically just Demon.
  4. Race: Demon
  5. Age of the Character: Demons are ageless.
  7. Wipe Plans: Plans that I have in mind are to of course work with the last demon there possibly is. Creating a landscape where she can be a demon queen of not just hell but the overworld itself as well. She would want to control those who defy her or get in her way. She wants to make the world her oyster where she can play with them as toys like a checkered board. She also plans to take and create a group of demon subordinates that will be her strongest when they acquire some of her blood. (Similar to the Tweleve Demon Moons if possible.)
  9. Your Character's Nature: A woman that hides under a kind-hearted facade. She'd have the expression of someone who is nice and open-minded to new ideas but when no one is looking and or when she is in her full blood-lusted demon form. She is the devil incarnate. A true demon's personality. But when not in the shade? She will most likely have the face of someone who is enjoying life to the fullest. A normal-looking woman.
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