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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. # AdvancedEnchantments
  2. # Made by GC
  3. enchanter-enabled: true
  4. tinkerer-enabled: true
  5. alchemist-enabled: true
  6. permissions:
  7. enchanter:
  8. enabled: false
  9. perm: ae.enchanter
  10. tinkerer:
  11. enabled: false
  12. perm: ae.tinkerer
  13. gkits:
  14. enabled: false
  15. perm: ae.gkits
  16. alchemist:
  17. enabled: false
  18. perm: ae.alchemist
  19. disable-enchants:
  20. test_world:
  21. - test_enchant
  22. alchemist:
  23. settings:
  24. combine-books: true
  25. books:
  26. add-up-chances: false
  27. pre-set-chances:
  28. enabled: true
  29. success: 90
  30. destroy: 10
  31. price:
  32. exp: true
  33. let-plugin-count: false
  34. pre-set-pricing:
  35. enabled: true
  36. price: 55
  37. let-plugin-decide: false
  38. messages:
  39. inv-name: '&8&lCombine Magic Books'
  40. item-preview:
  41. name: '&eItem Preview'
  42. lore:
  43. - '&7A preview of the combined '
  44. - '&7item you will receive will'
  45. - '&7be displayed right here.'
  46. item:
  48. damage: 0
  49. item-explanation:
  50. name: '&eCombine'
  51. lore:
  52. - '&7This will combine:'
  53. - '&f2 Magic Books of the same level'
  54. - '&7into'
  55. - '&f1 Magic Book with a higher level'
  56. - ''
  57. - '&7(Click to combine)'
  58. item:
  59. type: 351
  60. damage: 8
  61. item-combine:
  62. name: '&7Combine for &f5 &aEXP Levels'
  63. lore:
  64. - '&7(Click to combine)'
  65. item:
  66. type: 351
  67. damage: 10
  68. item-placeholder:
  69. name: ' '
  70. lore: []
  71. item:
  73. damage: 15
  74. combining:
  75. enabled: true
  76. chances:
  77. use-chances: false
  78. break-item: false
  79. upgrade: true
  80. messages:
  81. successfull-combining:
  82. - '&a&l(!) &7Combining successful! Enchantment &f%enchant% &7is now level &f%level%&7.'
  83. failure:
  84. - '&c&l(!) &7Unfortunately you weren''t able to combine your enchantments. You
  85. have lost your &fMagic Book &7to the Abyss.'
  86. already-max-level:
  87. - '&c&l(!) &7That enchantment is already at it''s max level.'
  88. slots:
  89. enabled: true
  90. max: 20
  91. max-increase-of-slots: 20
  92. display-in-lore: true
  93. display: '&eEnchantment Slots Left&7 &f%left%'
  94. message:
  95. - '&c&l(!) &7The maximum amount of enchantments that you can apply to an item is
  96. &f20&7.'
  97. applying:
  98. already-applied:
  99. - '&c&l(!) &7The item already has that enchantment.'
  100. applied:
  101. - '&a&l(!) &fEnchantment&7/&fItem &7was successfully applied to your item.'
  102. max-level:
  103. - '&c&l(!) &7This &fMagic Book &7is already at it''s maximum level.'
  104. wrong-material:
  105. - '&c&l(!) &7This &fEnchantment&7/&fItem &7cannot be applied on that item.'
  106. enchanter-books:
  107. firework-on-open: true
  108. display-right-click-message: false
  109. message:
  110. - '&a&l(!) &7You opened a %group-color%&l%group% %group-color%&lEnchantment &7and
  111. received a %enchant-color% %level% &fMagic Book&7.'
  112. type: BOOK
  113. id: 0
  114. force-glow: false
  115. name: '%group-color%&l%group-name%&l%group-color% &7(Right Click)'
  116. lore:
  117. - '&7Open to receive a random'
  118. - '&fMagic Book &7from this category'
  119. items:
  120. black-scroll:
  121. type: 377
  122. id: 0
  123. name: '&fFantastical Powder'
  124. lore:
  125. - '&a100% Success Rate'
  126. - '&c0% Destroy Rate'
  127. - '&7Removes a random enchantment'
  128. - '&7from an item and converts'
  129. - '&7it into a %success%% success Maigc Book.'
  130. - '&eItem'
  131. - '&eDrag n'' drop onto item to apply'
  132. success: 90
  133. destroy: 10
  134. random: false
  135. stattrak:
  136. type: 32
  137. id: 0
  138. name: '&fForbidden Root'
  139. lore:
  140. - '&a100% Success Rate'
  141. - '&c0% Destroy Rate'
  142. - '&7Apply to weapons to track your'
  143. - '&7souls claimed from kills.'
  144. - '&eItem'
  145. - '&eDrag n'' drop onto item to apply'
  146. messages:
  147. success:
  148. - '&a&l(!) &7You successfully applied a &fForbidden Root &7to your weapon.'
  149. settings:
  150. lore-display: '&f%stats% &6Souls Claimed'
  151. mobtrak:
  152. type: 39
  153. id: 0
  154. name: '&fCursed Shroom'
  155. lore:
  156. - '&a100% Success Rate'
  157. - '&c0% Destroy Rate'
  158. - '&7Apply to weapons to track the'
  159. - '&7amount of mobs that you''ve killed.'
  160. - '&eItem'
  161. - '&eDrag n'' drop onto item to apply'
  162. messages:
  163. success:
  164. - '&a&l(!) &7You successfully applied a &fCursed Shroom &7to your weapon.'
  165. settings:
  166. lore-display: '&f%stats% &6Mobs Killed'
  167. itemnametag:
  168. name: '&6&lItem NameTag &7(Right Click)'
  169. type: NAME_TAG
  170. id: 0
  171. lore:
  172. - '&7Rename and customize your equipment'
  173. settings:
  174. colors: true
  175. magic: false
  176. messages:
  177. success:
  178. - '&7You have successfully renamed your item to &e%name%'
  179. activated:
  180. - '&cYour next message will rename your item in hand'
  181. air:
  182. - '&cYou need to be holding an item to do this'
  183. blocktrak:
  184. name: '&aBlockTrak Creator'
  185. soulgem:
  186. name: "\xa7c\xa7lSoul Gem \xa77[\xa7a%count%\xa77]"
  187. type: EMERALD
  188. lore:
  189. - '&7Apply to an item to add souls.'
  190. slot-increaser:
  191. name: '&fSlot Increaser'
  192. enchanter:
  193. disabled-in-worlds:
  194. - bad_world
  195. messages:
  196. cannot-afford:
  197. - '&c&l(!) &7You don''t have enough &aEXP Levels &7to purchase that enchantment.'
  198. successfull-purchase:
  199. - '&a&l(!) &7You successfully purchased an enchantment.'
  201. inventory:
  202. size: 9
  203. name: '&8&lCustom Enchantments'
  204. items:
  205. '2':
  206. item:
  208. id: 3
  209. force-glow: false
  210. enchant-group: COMMON
  211. price: exp:55
  212. name: '&b&lCommon Enchantment'
  213. lore:
  214. - '&e* &7Left Click to purchase &f1 &7random'
  215. - ' &7enchantment from this category'
  216. - '&e* &7Right Click to examine possible'
  217. - ' &7contents'
  218. - ''
  219. - '&7Cost: &f5 &aEXP Levels'
  220. '3':
  221. item:
  223. id: 9
  224. force-glow: false
  225. enchant-group: UNCOMMON
  226. price: exp:112
  227. name: '&3&lUncommon Enchantment'
  228. lore:
  229. - '&e* &7Left Click to purchase &f1 &7random'
  230. - ' &7enchantment from this category'
  231. - '&e* &7Right Click to examine possible'
  232. - ' &7contents'
  233. - ''
  234. - '&7Cost: &f8 &aEXP Levels'
  235. '4':
  236. item:
  238. id: 11
  239. force-glow: false
  240. enchant-group: RARE
  241. price: exp:160
  242. name: '&9&lRare Enchantment'
  243. lore:
  244. - '&e* &7Left Click to purchase &f1 &7random'
  245. - ' &7enchantment from this category'
  246. - '&e* &7Right Click to examine possible'
  247. - ' &7contents'
  248. - ''
  249. - '&7Cost: &f10 &aEXP Levels'
  250. '5':
  251. item:
  253. id: 6
  254. force-glow: false
  255. enchant-group: EPIC
  256. price: exp:247
  257. name: '&d&lEpic Enchantment'
  258. lore:
  259. - '&e* &7Left Click to purchase &f1 &7random'
  260. - ' &7enchantment from this category'
  261. - '&e* &7Right Click to examine possible'
  262. - ' &7contents'
  263. - ''
  264. - '&7Cost: &f13 &aEXP Levels'
  265. '6':
  266. item:
  268. id: 10
  269. force-glow: false
  270. enchant-group: LEGENDARY
  271. price: exp:315
  272. name: '&5&lLegendary Enchantment'
  273. lore:
  274. - '&e* &7Left Click to purchase &f1 &7random'
  275. - ' &7enchantment from this category'
  276. - '&e* &7Right Click to examine possible'
  277. - ' &7contents'
  278. - ''
  279. - '&7Cost: &f15 &aEXP Levels'
  280. open-sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN
  281. destroy:
  282. enabled: true
  283. destroy-item: true
  284. message:
  285. - '&c&l(!) &7Unfortunately you weren''t able to apply your enchantments to said
  286. item. You have lost your &fMagic Book &fto the Abyss.'
  287. sound:
  288. enabled: false
  289. play: BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK
  290. particles:
  291. enabled: true
  292. type: FLAME
  293. chances:
  294. random: false
  295. success: 100
  296. destroy: 0
  297. enchantment-book:
  298. item:
  299. type: ENCHANTED_BOOK
  300. id: 0
  301. force-glow: false
  302. name: '%enchant% %level%'
  303. lore:
  304. - '&a%success%% Success Rate'
  305. - '&c%destroy%% Destroy Rate'
  306. - '&7%description%'
  307. - '&e%applies% Enchantment'
  308. - '&eDrag n'' drop onto item to enchant'
  309. messages:
  310. main-hand-only: '&c&l(!) &7You can only do this with main hand.'
  311. command:
  312. info:
  313. - '&7Information about %enchant-color%%enchant%'
  314. - ''
  315. - '&7Description&7: &f%description%'
  316. - '&7Applies to&7: &f%applies%'
  317. - '&7Max level&7: &f%max-level%'
  318. enchantment-not-found:
  319. - '&c&l(!) &7Enchantment &f"%enchant%"&7 could not be found.'
  320. player-not-online: '&f%player% &cis not online!'
  321. no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command.'
  322. not-a-number: '&f%number% &cis not a number!'
  323. invalid-level: '&cLevel is too big, try using:&f %levels%'
  324. white-scroll:
  325. item:
  326. name: '&fWhite Scroll'
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