
App for limit breaker

Sep 15th, 2019
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  1. Key:RepubicOwl
  2. Name:Jogan
  3. Race:Kaio
  4. Age:7.8
  5. Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Limit breaker
  6. Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Previously Applied For: None
  7. Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: Jagon has been through many hardships and it all started when he was abruptly awakened to the cruel world he was born into when he witnessed Nabu's soul with a demon. He is a lone cultivator who constently pushes his limits via his training via splitting his consciousness and multitasking or other various task. With all that being said, with this skill I plan to become heaven's champion and make AL a better place. This last rp of Jagon accidently killing a 10 year old Saiyan sent him over the edge in emotion distress causing him to go past his limits for a couple days unknowingly. As a Healer class Kaio, this innocent death on his hands would cause him to become the best healer all through afterlife. His motivation to support others and never let another person die while in his grasp.
  9. "This.. this is all my fault! Why! WHY! WHY DO THE HEAVENS CURSE ME SO!" He shouted out into the world as the dying boy laid within his arms. "Ji... Jicain what.. what have i done! I didn't mean to do this... why.. you wanted to train and test your power... we went only a few rounds yet you kept getting up... I-... I thought you would be able to handle it... I-... I thought if i raised the diffculty a little you would admit defeat.. yet.. not like this.."
  11. Tears fell like rain from his cheek as the slowly dropped onto the dying boy. He put his hand on the boy's chest, pushing tons of his positive energy into yet it was useless. During Jagon's rant, the boy had silently passed away within his grasp yet so many tears clouded Jagon's vision that it had completely gone unnoticed.
  13. "Please Jicine..its not your time to go yet..wake up.. wake up!" He pushed on one the boys chest, pouring all types of support magic into his body as well as his own positive energy yet the boy showed no signs of waking.
  15. "Wake up! Wake up! I SAID WAKE UP DAMMIT!" He shouted. Unknowingly 3 days and 3 nights had pasted all while Jagon still sat there in the same spot unaware of the time that had flew past. By this time tears of blood had marked up his face as all of his energy reserves and mana had been emptied out. The only thing fualing Jagon was his own vital life essence. By this time he knew that the 10 year old boy had already passed away yet he kept on trying to heal the boy despite it being useless. His dao heart shook endlessly as cracks threated to appear and shatter it yet he still did not give up.
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