
Goku Black profile code

Jun 15th, 2018
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  258. <div id="box">
  259. <h1>Stats</h1>
  260. <font color = "8B0000">Age:</font> ???
  261. <br>
  262. <font color = "8B0000">Gender:</font> Male.
  263. <br>
  264. <font color = "8B0000">Hair:</font> Black.
  265. <br>
  266. <font color = "8B0000">Eyes:</font> Black.
  267. <br>
  268. <font color = "8B0000">Skin color:</font> Light Tan.
  269. <br>
  270. <font color = "8B0000">Race:</font> Saiyan/Shinjin
  271. <br>
  272. <font color = "8B0000">Height:</font> 175 cm/5'9.
  273. <br>
  274. <font color = "8B0000">Weight:</font> 62 kg/137 lbs.
  275. <br>
  276. <font color = "8B0000">Marital Status:</font> Single.
  277. <br>
  278. <font color = "8B0000">Sexual Orientation:</font> Straight.
  279. <br>
  280. <font color = "8B0000">Sexual Preference:</font> Females.
  281. <br>
  282. <font color = "8B0000">Occupation:</font> Destruction.
  283. <br>
  284. <a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank"><font color="C70AFF">Theme</font></a>
  285. </div>
  287. <div id="box2">
  289. <h1> Abilities </h1>
  290. <br>
  292. <font color = "8B0000">Flight:</font> The ability to take flight through the manipulation of ki.
  293. <br>
  294. <br>
  295. <font color = "8B0000">Ki Blast:</font> Black is shown to use ki blasts while terrorizing Future Trunks' timeline.
  296. <br>
  297. <br>
  298. <font color = "8B0000">Continuous Energy Bullets:</font> - Black used this technique against Trunks.
  299. <br>
  300. <br>
  301. <font color = "8B0000">Energy Ball:</font> Black can create a black colored Energy Ball to attack the opponent.
  302. <br>
  303. <br>
  304. <font color = "8B0000">Kamehameha:</font> Goku Black is shown to be able to use a black colored Kamehameha attack. The blast can be powerful enough to be seen from space.
  305. <br>
  306. <br>
  307. <font color = "8B0000">Ki Sense:</font> The ability to sense ki and power levels.
  308. <br>
  309. <br>
  310. <font color = "8B0000">Time Travel:</font> Using his Time Ring, Goku Black is capable of traveling through time.
  311. <br>
  312. <br>
  313. <font color = "8B0000">Instant Transmission:</font> Goku Black is shown holding his fingers to his Forehead while trying to locate Future Trunks.
  314. </div>
  316. <div id="box3">
  317. <h1>personality</h1>
  318. Thanks to the Time Ring, Zamasu did not cease to exist when his past self was killed by Beerus. Zamasu went on to kill Gowasu, inherit his position as Supreme Kai and take his Potara Earrings. Being fascinated with the power that Goku possessed, Zamasu gathered the Super Dragon Balls and wished to Super Shenron that he and Goku would switch bodies. After obtaining Goku's body Zamasu headed to Earth and quickly killed Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten. With the Time Ring in hand and no one standing in his way, Zamasu began a plan known as the Zero Mortals Plan. The ultimate goal being to annihilate all mortals from various different timelines. In order to do so however, Zamasu would have to find realities without a God of Destruction, as Supreme Kais aren't allowed to lay a finger on creation and operate outside their jurisdiction. With that being said, Zamasu began traveling to various parallel realities in search for one that lacked a God of Destruction. Eventually, he found one in Future Trunks' reality where the final Supreme Kai of that universe was killed in a battle to defeat Babidi and Dabura. He also met his counterpart from that timeline, Future Zamasu, immediately allying with him shortly after Zamasu killed Future Gowasu, the two then gathered the Super Dragon Balls and first wished for Future Zamasu to become immortal, and then a year later for the Super Dragon Balls to be destroyed. Zamasu also annihilated all the Supreme Kais of that reality, thereby killing the other Gods of Destruction to leave his path of destruction unchallenged. From there, Zamasu began his plans, traveling to many different planets and destroyed all life on them for "the sake of justice" while proclaiming himself to be "Son Goku". Upon his arrival on Earth, he goes on a rampage, his first attack caused half of man-kind to be wiped out. Since his arrival, Zamasu became known as a terrifying warrior only known as Goku Black. Those who survived formed resistance cells, Mai leading one. They attempted to lead Black into an area rigged with remote detonated explosives, but Black emerged unscathed. In the midst of causing destruction, Black began to sense Trunks's ki, so he then pursued him. After Black caught sight of Trunks, he fired several ki blasts at Trunks while he was attempting to flee but failed and he was hit by a ki blast. While Trunks was on the ground defeated, Black declared it was over for Trunks as he prepared a Black Power Ball to kill him. However, Mai saved Trunks by throwing a flash grenade at Black and then they both quickly escaped. After Black regained his sight, Black stated that Trunks could not run forever.
  320. </div>
  322. <div id="box4">
  324. <h1>out of character</h1>
  326. <br>
  327. <li>If we are in the middle of an rp let me know ahead of time that you have to go instead of just poofing</li>
  328. <br>
  329. <li>One liners to para to multi para, will also mirror posts.</li>
  330. <br>
  331. <li>I have a Skype. If you want it then just ask</li>
  332. <br>
  333. <li>Short-Term or Long-Term, doesn't matter.</li>
  334. <br>
  335. <li>Art isn't mine, will remove on request.</li>
  336. <br>
  337. <li>Typist is a male</li>
  338. <br>
  339. <li> Smut may or may not happen, character is meant for destruction.</li>
  341. </div>
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