

Jan 11th, 2018
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  2. Only as a suggestion, but try to think of this as out-of-the-box type of validation for Anons and at the same time, Q and Anons have been a clear validation for me.
  4. From my end, the connection I have made with Q and all of you Anons is truly a message of validation of all that I have known since 2015.
  6. Questions I’ve been asking myself:
  7. Should I share what I “know/intuit?”
  8. Are there other people like me out there?
  9. If so, what have others intuited?
  10. The information I have intuited and know and ‘how” I know it, can this help the bigger picture going on now, and can this info contribute to the batter in some productive capacity?
  11. Can I be helpful to Q and all the Anons?
  13. Forward:
  15. I have PSI abilities. I have a unique way to “know” things and then I properly discern what I intuit. I’ve had this unique gift since I was old enough to talk as a little kid. I didn’t realize until I was about 10/11 years old that maybe I might be a little different than other kids. I didn’t mention my unique ability to anyone until my early 20’s. I’m a few decades older now and I promise you it’s been years of cultivating and working to understand my gift of discernment. I take this gift seriously. If interested to learn the laws of discernment that I try to follow, see here  https: //
  17. BTW, I took the red pill about 25 years ago
  19. The day Trump announced his candidacy at Trump Tower in 2015, my spidey-senses (Gift of intuition) went into overdrive. I immediately said to myself, “This guy is going to be our next president.” I was sort of stunned to have this idea pop into my head about Trump. I felt positive about Trump becoming
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  21. president and I felt “pushed” into following him from that day forward. Before Trump’s announcement that one day in 2015, I didn’t have the time for politics, ever…because I always thought the entire US political system was a joke. But this time with Trump was very different. I went from never caring, too instantly being totally involved from that very day he announced his candidacy.
  23. I was aware that there was a reason my spidey-senses were telling me about Trump, and I was understanding it was not going to only be about Trump being our president, I had a very strong sense this was bigger in so many other ways.
  25. I had a powerful sense of urgency about Trump being president. Now that Trump is days away from his first year anniversary, I still feel a powerful sense of urgency for everything about President Trump.
  27. Of all the bitter and nasty stuff that was flung at Trump from the day he announced his candidacy run for president, no matter what the news blasted on TV, or in magazines or online, it didn’t matter. Trump was going to be president. It was so “matter-of-fact” spidey-senses message, it was always so very blunt.
  29. It didn’t matter what is said. It didn’t matter what went on each day. Protests didn’t matter. Polls didn’t matter. Nothing mattered good, or bad. Trump would be president.
  31. Remember the bus voice-recording with Billy Bush? It didn’t matter. Trump was going to be president. I laughed when it happened and thought, these people are clueless, they don’t know what they are up against (God).
  33. I think Q’s famous line, “These people are stupid?” That line struck me long ago and when I saw Q use the same line and use it many times, THIS was and is a clear sign for me. I’m on target with my spidey-senses. It’s cool when these things happen so perfectly.
  35. So here I am with the idea of being told through my spidey-sense that Trump was going to be our next president, but what I didn’t know was “why” I was being told this, there was a reason I just didn’t figure out at the time.
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  38. What I was seeing/sensing in Trump was that he NEVER flinched once. All through his campaign and up until this very day, Trump never wavers. He is the calm water when the ocean rages all around him. Trump is a bad-arse president, he truly is a born leader. You know what else? People do not want to admit this, but he is very charismatic, he is extremely likable. He has the gift of empathy, which is vary rare for world leaders, CEO’s and people at that level. It serves him well in knowing how to deal with each person he works with.
  40. I watched closely, I watched everything. Everything about Trump was and still is highly fascinating. I think all of you can see this in Trump as well. You want to know why you Anons are working your tails off for this President? Because he is a born leader, someone you truly believe in and will follow. His messages and in all he says and does rings true. This is important. It the same reason why I follow Trump and believe in this guy.
  42. I saw Trump was very consistent from the first day of his campaign. Trump was on a mission and was so spot-on about so many things, and this happened right from the start of his candidacy. I thought nothing is by chance here. Nothing. No coincidences.
  44. I knew Trump was going to be an immediate threat to the establishment. This worried me, because this intuition/spidey-sense meant more than Trump being president. It meant Trump was going to go up against the establishment. As the campaign progressed, Trump’s run for office was highly unusual, it was like no other campaign in the history of politics in America. Trump was a clear threat to the powers that be (TPTB) on both sides of the political-isle. NOBODY has ever run a campaign like Trump ran his campaign, it was incredible.
  46. My spidey-senses keep poking me nonstop, could this be the guy? Is there anyone honest enough that this country can offer up and put a stop to the evil that has been going on and getting worse each year? Yes, it became evident there was more to Trump than being president.
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  49. I saw Trump’s communication style, hard, brash, to the point, straight forward and almost too honest at times, and this style would be very important to his success from the start as it is today. The evil and corrupt liberal MSM fake news had to be taken down and anyone with lesser confidence than Trump, that was not a powerful and confident leader like Trump…would have folded into a shriveling ball under their desk long ago. I kept getting the words, “Water off a duck’s back” about Trump and fake news.
  51. Trump’s I.Q. is beyond genius level and his memory is exceedingly sharp. Trump is well equipped for when he was running for president, and more capable as president than possibly any in history, except our founding fathers.
  53. Understand clearly: My spidey-senses were NOT about me knowing Trump would become president, because that was a given. The most important spidey-senses have been about the change that was coming and is going to come to America and the world. Trump is THE catalyst that was/is going to help change come, as Q and you Anons are fully aware.
  55. I was getting spidey-senses of the battles that were to take place during this time of change. The battle of good over evil led by Trump, his staff and the US MIL will take place mostly beyond the public’s knowledge, awareness and eyes, which I do believe as of JAN 11, 2018 is happening now. It is imperative that Trump’s efforts in fighting these evil people go on without public knowledge. The sealed indictments are a part of the low-key, quiet and stealth methods being used.
  57. There will be very high-profile people that MUST be publicly taken down, because the general-public must have proof of the change of good winning over evil. The people we know that should and will be put in jail and locked up, some of them will see public justice to appease the populace, and some will see private justice away from the publics ears and eyes. Public justice will involve public trial and jail sentences and will be reported widely in the news for all to see. Private justice, this will be justice for some very lucky bad-actors, as they be stripped of their riches and left to their own devices, and told to never rear their ugly heads again in public. If these bad-actors as they stay quiet in society, they will be allowed to stay out of jail. These people will happily take these deals, but their lives will still be forever ruined and never allowed to regain their footing.
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  61. I see Trump being totally brilliant throughout this battle against evil, and brilliant about how he goes after these powerful evil people. There are so many evil people in all walks of life, doctors, police chiefs, politicians of all kinds at all levels, millionaires and billionaires, lawyers, judges, CPS people, day care operators, etc., and most specifically people in positions of incredible power and authority at the highest levels in the world (Think UN and world leaders, Rothschild, etc.).
  63. Trump can’t take down every single one of these evil people all at once, as it would cause massive chaos of all sorts. Society would break down too easily because people would want revenge. The average citizen would be so offended and disgusted by these evil people, we (you, me, all of us) would literally get off our couches and grab our guns and hunt these sons-of-bitches down and kill these evil people on the spot.
  65. I kid you not…the atrocities of these people are so despicable and evil that we would be so offended and horrified, that these evil people would be yanked right out of their homes and hung in public without a trial. This cannot happen. Again, it would fracture society in very unpleasant ways.
  67. These evil people deserve extreme torture until death, but Trump knows our society cannot and will not be turned into savages overnight. Trump will NOT let evil prevail by allowing more acts of evil. Trump will create a just and Godly America and world and this requires Trump to arrest the evil people of the world PROPERLY. No lynching’s, no mob justice. It is spiritually important to this country and all of us to not offend God by acting otherwise. Trump will go about this battle over evil with proper justice, tempered with mercy where applicable. NOTE: This is not to say that evil people could die, because they will, some will not want to go peacefully. Just know that it is important to Trump to be most careful of creating a just court system that works exactly how it is was always supposed to work, rich or poor, all must face justice. That simple.
  69. Trump’s communication style is THE most effective and powerful in US history. He controls the liberal MSM to their chagrin, and the reverse of this is the MSM can’t ruffle one single feather on Trump’s back. Trump is a master at handling the MSM.
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  72. My spidey-sense made it clear, Trump will change the face of politics as we’ve know it to always be in America…forever. The political BS that we’ve known for probably the last 100 years will be gone forever. This is a BIG component to the things that will benefit the people and we all must talk about this when talking about Trump. It’s a big feather in Trump’s hat and important we share this highly unique traits and components about Trump. Its’ not all about cutting taxes and arresting Hillary and others, it’s more, it’s even bigger than taxes and arrests. Open you mind.
  74. Americans are being “awoken” to the things we all have known for decades about the evils in the world and how we/you Anons are fitting the pieces of this great big puzzle together to make sense to the normies. Tall task!! The great news, is specifically because of all of you Anons, more people are able to help them swallow the red pill and although Trump is key part of this great awakening, you Anons are THE biggest key and catalyst for so many people choosing the red pill. All of you Anons are far more powerful than you have thought yourself to be, give yourselves the proper credit it is well deserved and then keep your head down and keep fighting with Q.
  76. Speaking of all you autistic Anons, I knew Trump needed help once he was in the Oval Office. If Trump was to do the job he is was ordained to do, he was going to need help. I didn’t have a clue how and who was going to help him. I didn’t know it would be people like Q and the Anons, I didn’t nor could not even imagine the concept of someone like Q and people like all of you Anons. When I finally found you guys, the serendipity and connection astounded me. It was the sign and message of validation I was hoping to find. It was and still is so powerful. You guys may not know it, but you were meant to be for this time in history. There is no doubt.
  78. REPEAT: This was a powerful moment for me when I found you guys. Everything connected. It was a clear signal that the next steps were moving forward. Of course, this is also why I feel it’s time to share this with you. It all connects. There are no coincidences.
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  81. I’ll tell you Anons every chance I get, because you need to keep hearing this, you guys are pivotal and an important part of the Trump team in your massive and exhaustive efforts in all you’re doing in helping Q and President Trump.
  83. You need to know this.
  85. I keep seeing Q’s statement, “It’s not a game.” We all must understand and know that this fight against evil is not a game. Q is correct, and I have spidey-sensed long ago how serious all of this was going to be and is now, and will continue to be deadly serious.
  87. Many people are putting their lives on the line for good to prevail over evil and should a good guy’s life be lost, it’s probably going to be true that their names may never be known. Anything that we do Anons is relegated to the same ideals, because you must know that you are making a difference and maybe even make THE difference in the battle of good over evil. As we all battle along with Q and President Trump, our individual names may never be known, but as a group…Anons will be known forever. Your effort is noticed and will be noted in history. You are the people you have been waiting for.
  89. Trump has inspired me, and he has inspired all of you Anons as well as millions of other people. If we didn’t believe in Trump, none of us would be making this kind of effort to help Q.
  91. My spidey-sense tells me clearly that many people are doing many incredible things right now in this fight. There are times in history that people take up arms together to fight, and this is one of those times. It truly is a time we have all been waiting for. Think about that. This stuff hasn’t happened by accident. There are no coincidences.
  93. My dear mother always said, “It takes two to tango.” That means it takes two to fight. If one side is not fighting, there is no fight. Trump is getting fought tooth-and-nail from all sides and every angle. You must ask yourself, “Why?” Rhetorical question because you know the answer (Bad-actors and evil cabal fear Trump, they know what’s coming).
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  96. Can you imagine the challenges that President Trump was taking on as president? It was daunting. I know Trump had to wonder about how he was going to be able to take on the evil in the world all by himself? Will he be able to round up honest men and women to help him save this country? The swamp is very real, as bad-actors are on both sides of the isle and in every position of the US GOV. Trump knew full well Obama left his spies all over the place. Trump Tower was bugged, the White House was bugged. People like Reince Priebus were low-life spies and people on his earlier staff were leaking info every day.
  98. Trump was walking into one heck of a challenge as he stepped into the Oval Office and I was very worried how he was going to be able to maneuver through the layers of evil people that would want this guy dead. Dead and I do mean dead.
  100. Yes, I knew Trump was the man to take on the evil people in this country and throughout the world, but I also knew the massive risks that came with Trump winning the presidency. Trump also knew how grave a danger this country was going to be in if Hillary would have won. I shudder at that thought, because there was a more than a legit chance this country and the entire world would have been lost to evil with Hillary as president. “Evil” is the exact word for Hillary and TPTB. Pure evil.
  102. My spidey-senses gave me a glimpse of a Hillary win and her becoming president. There would have been a “coup” on White House grounds, a real honest to goodness military coup and it would have been tough on all of us. The hairs on my arm stick up when I think about the possibility of a coup happening inside the USA. God was showing me, “This is what could have happened.” We need to be grateful God spared us this wrath. We all must continue to pray each day and thank God for looking out for this country. We should continue to pray for President Trump, this country and all those in harms way and for each other (Q asks us to pray and he couldn’t be more right on praying).
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  105. The things my spidey-senses showed would have been so perilous from a Hillary presidency, but thank-you Jesus we have been given a fighting chance over evil. Q says of these evil people, “They are stupid” and I agree, but also know that as stupid as these evil people are, they are also sinister and extremely evil. When evil people are cornered, they become the most dangerous of all animals on this earth. Keep fighting, because you never know when you might be THE person to make THE difference. We can’t let evil win, there are no do-overs, there are no second chances. These evil people are on the ropes and
  107. they have never been in this perilous a position and they are not prepared. Being stupid is tough to overcome right now for these evil people. They did not think Hillary would lose. They were co cock-sure, that not a single one of these idiots could fathom Hillary losing. THIS is why everyone has been so sloppy in their evil ways since Obama took office. Q keeps saying, “They are stupid.” They are.
  109. Here is why time and effort are important every day. A pressing and constant spidey-sense was and still has been a fear of Trump getting assassinated. This makes me nauseous to think of that possibility. I do want you to know my spidey-senses about Trump getting assassinated has lessoned considerably since Trump surrounded himself with Military men in the White House. It’s taken a over a year, but after weeding out so many spies in the WH, Trump is in much better and safer hands with GEN Kelly and the others. Sadly, there will never be a moment that Trump or his family will be out of harm’s way. If TPTB can’t get to Trump, they will have no reservation of possibly going after Trump’s family. They are evil. They don’t care. Cornered animals do desperate things and they are cornered. It’s nice to know that Q has made a point to let us know Trump is safe and secure and at the very least, they are all very aware of the real threats Trump and his family face. Pray for the safe keeping of Trump, his family and all those that surround him.
  111. President Trump is a darn good guy, a decent man. He is a born leader and tough as nails. A decisive decision maker and mans-man, man amongst men. He is the real deal. My spidey-sense told me before
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  113. Trump announced his run for presidency in 2015, he talked with his family and told them his full details that when he became president, he was going fight against corruption and evil. Trump spoke of the dangers to himself and to his family if he were to take on this task against evil. The ENTIRE Trump family all agreed that any risk to the family was worth their dad’s efforts as president for the country. This “freedom from worry” of his family EMPOWERED President Trump in many ways, more so than anyone knows, as it was game changing moment for Trump. A very pivotal moment.
  115. I’m going to stay out of the massive finer details about US MIL special forces taking on the evil cabal with ongoing ops against the elite, George Soros, Rothschilds and others. But know that not since WWII has the military been given such clear and decisive orders and left alone to do their job without being micro-managed by a president.
  117. The US MIL for the first time was beside itself, because they have finally been given the freedom to do their jobs as they were trained to do, which is properly and effectively putting their training to use with extreme malice. The game od soldier is being played out the way in which the US MIL has always envisioned their operations to perform. It’s been inspiring to all branches of the armed forces and the effects from the top down have been uplifting in unbelievable ways to every service member. Which means…bad news for the bad-actors, they are getting the message that Trump is for real. There are no games being played anymore. No talking. No deals. It’s over.
  119. Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,” which enacted a state-of-emergency on DEC 21st? THIS makes everything taste so good when dishing out justice properly and effectively. Key component.
  121. Also…ask yourself, “Why has the liberal MSM not gone ballistic and totally nuts over Trump’s DEC 21, 2017 Declaration of a State-of-Emergency?” Why are they (MSM) so quiet? Are THEY scared to utter much of anything about this national emergency declared by Trump? Why do these media pedophiles not want to talk about this declaration on the air? Again, Trump is brilliant.
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  124. NOTE for Reference: The day Comey let Hillary off the hook in July, 2016, the words that came to me through my spidey-senses immediately after Comey failed to indict Hillary was, “Her time is coming…just you wait and see.” I also knew that other people besides Hillary (Obama) will have a day of reckoning that will come for them as well. Remember, some things require patience.
  126. Again know, Trump is specifically built for being president at this time in history. No coincidences.
  128. My spidey-senses have been saying that “Good” has suffered while “Evil” has thrived. This is going to change. We humans who are built in the image of God, are much more powerful than we can ever imagine and we are NOT built to allow evil in us, or around us in any manner at any time. We can only take so much “evil” before the “good in us” rises-up and fights back.
  130. Q and all of you are incredible Patriot, Anons, you are amazing people. I think the signs are clear from the much-needed clues, that we are all on the right path and doing exactly what we should be doing in our part to fight evil while helping Q and President Trump. We are a team.
  132. From all the things I know, this is the truth of the matter.
  134. I hope this post can be placed in the batter somewhere permanent in case there are other people like me that might have the same sorts of experiences. Who know how this info might work in God’s plan?
  136. Every day, take the fight to the evil enemy.
  137. Godspeed Anons
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