
Dry Bowser's Drifting Belay

Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. Dry Bowser was winning a race he was taking a part of, being in the lead at the rainy Neo Bowser City as he was proudly riding on his Bone Rattler. Though he found himself always racing on this track, Dry Bowser came to accept it as the reptilian skeleton had made the course a personal favorite of his to go racing on when he wanted to improve his driving skills, and he was so good at maneuvering the course that it was easy for him to swerve around the rough corners that always got some racers on every single race regardless of the speed class.
  3. "First place, always feels good." Dry Bowser said to himself as he snatched the 1st spot as he headed into one of the tunnels leading out of the race track, greeting his fans that cheered him on as he waved to them. "I'm happy to have won this as I am to see you!"
  5. The crowds continued cheering as Dry Bowser eventually left the soaked high tech metropolis, heading down the road as he went through the Super Bell Subway, going through the Golden Bell subway station as he passed by the trains coming in and out as he brushed his red hair.
  7. Dry Bowser: (adjusting his grip on his ATV) Even when I'm not racing... I just love to take in the sights. Nothing beats drifting around and enjoying the wind blowing right back at you. (chuckles with satisfaction)
  9. Dry Bowser eventually went up on one of the gliders, soaring across the tracks as he reached the top, with it covering the course as eventually the skeletal reptile got himself some coconuts from the local Coconut Cafe as he also got himself some fun flowers to decorate himself with, storing them both into his charcoal shell as he took one of the exits that led him out into a highway, with it leaving him to enjoy the bustling night.
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