
Lotl is jealous @ Somnus

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [06:52:22] With extremely lethargic movements, Somnus begins to various papers upon his desk. With the recent raid, constant warring, and booming slave trade, he'd found himself practically drowning in work.
  3. Scarlet orbs with baggy and dark skin underneath began to scan the recent information collected on the current prisoners, finding that most of it is utterly useless. An exasperated sigh spills from his lips...
  5. Not daring to wonder what may crop up next.
  6. (Somnus Illarian)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [07:02:36] The door to the prison swung open, accompanied by a faint metallic chime.
  11. No, the door had not recently gained a decorative cowbell. Nor a functional one.
  13. The sound came from Lotlhuitl and the elaborate amount of jewellery she was wearing. Almost more jewellery than clothing, at this point -- leaving much of her rich brown flesh on view.
  15. The Nagual entered, her hips distinctly swaying with each step. She let the door close behind her. Green gaze taking in the room first, seemingly deliberate in the choice to slowly turn her intense, green gaze to Somnus last.
  17. "Somnus, I assume."
  19. It appeared that this statement, tone lightly terse, impatient, was what served as a greeting of sorts.
  21. "I am Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati."
  22. (Lotlhuitl)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [07:10:17] Needs more cowbell.
  27. As the door opens, his scarlet gaze averts to the noise that accompanies it briefly. Just as he assumed it to be another guard, he is caught off guard by the bright and colorful 'armor' adorned by this woman. If that weren't enough to catch his attention, she also happened to be as tall as him.
  29. An oddity, especially among the Naguals.
  31. Scarlet eyes meet her emerald, only to nod in response. "Correct." The fact that she even had to ask this question meant that she likely didn't visit often. "Mn-..oh!" Despite having tense features that signify intense aggravation, he loosens up upon hearing her name.
  33. "Xoconan has told me all about you. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
  34. (Somnus Illarian)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [07:16:16] Lotlhuitl seemed slightly taken aback. "He.. he has?" she breathed, all but fluttering her dark eyelashes at the idea. More chiming of metal came from the woman as she shifted forward, moving close to Somnus. Right up to his desk. Her bangle adorned tail flicked back and forth as she seemed to really have to think on Somnus' question
  39. A chill ran down her spine and she leant forward. Hands resting against Somnus' desk as she leaned in, gaze dipping to stare into his red yes. "I.. I had an elaborate speech planned out, but now? Now I'm curious. What... has my love said about me?"
  41. There was still agitation there. But something else. Paranoia? Worry? Intense, soul destroying jealousy?
  43. The Nagual smiled, as if remembering her manners. "Please."
  44. (Lotlhuitl)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [07:16:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (eyes*)
  48. [07:24:48] A scantily clothed woman getting this close to him, admittedly made the man uncomfortable. Was it his relations to Xoconan? Knowing that Hestia's ire would grow should she become witness to this? Or- no, no.
  50. It was because of Mila.
  52. Not all cats are the same, he thinks.
  54. Not daring to avert his gaze from her eyes, despite all the clnging and clanging of her jewelry, he continues to glare at the woman with a forced grin. Just how much information is he willing to share with a stranger?
  56. "That you made him happy, and that's good enough for me."
  58. Anything thing else wouldn't be easily disclosed.
  60. "Mn, but I'm assuming that speech comes with some desire?"
  62. At this point, Somnus finishes stacking his current set of papers, places them on the desk, and gives the Nagual his full attention.
  64. "No need in wasting our time. What do you need?"
  65. (Somnus Illarian)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [07:29:04] Lotlhuitl was either unaware of Somnus' discomfort or she just didn't care. The woman stared at him with a furious intensity. She was worried. Scared. Stressed beyond belief. She was jealous.
  70. "What did he really say." Lotlhuitl demanded, her voice quiet but by no means weak. It was a dangerous sort of quiet. A similar sort of dangerous as the way her ears had pinned back. Or the way that tension now rippled through her muscles.
  72. "Yes, I can see there's no need. I'll make this quick: stop ruining my life."
  74. That said, the woman reached out and attempted to knock the pile of newly stacked paperwork onto the floor.
  76. Petty? Yes.
  78. Satisfying? Even more so.
  79. (Lotlhuitl)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [07:40:09] "...I think you best calm yourself, before you make my life anymore stressful." While he replies calm, the entire atmosphere changes. The air becomes thick and heavy, tainted with the disgusting feeling of occultism. His presence feels more akin to a demons, rather than a human- letting his very aroma serve as the dirge to his humanity.
  84. "You'll have to elaborate, as my contact with you, until this moment, has been non-existant. Xoconan praised your name, mentioned his children, and delved into other aspects of your personal lives that I could have gone without knowing for a thousand years."
  86. He sighs.
  88. "So, I'll ask again.
  90. What the fuck do you want?"
  92. He pays absolutely zero attention to the assaulted paper.
  93. (Somnus Illarian)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [07:53:48] The comment about calming herself certainly didn't go down very well. Lotlhuitl's delicate face had contorted with anger. In truth, she was more bewildered than angry. But angry felt stronger. Better. The nagual's lightly pointed, perfect, pale teeth were gritted and bared at him.
  98. Why Somnus would think she would give a shit about his life, she wasn't sure. But the idea that he would just assume that she would pander to his whims she had no fucking clue. Nobody would treat Dmex or Noa or Xoconan like this. Or Kayeliun.. or.. really, the list went on and on. Why couldn't she get the respect THEY had?
  100. A flicker of electricity built up at her clenched fists. She could feel the occult aura around Somnus building. The mana within her spiked.. something within her corrupted soul thrumming and calling out to channel a little bit of Dmex and 'fix' this unrighteous upstart.
  102. And then.. Somnus spoke of what Xoconan had said.
  104. Lotlhuitl couldn't hide her bewilderment and surprise now. Her confusion? "W-what?"
  106. The Nagual visibly deflated somewhat, her feline green eyes widening. She searched his gaze, as if checking him for lies. And then she blushed. "Oh."
  108. What was going on? Lotlhuitl was struck silent for a good moment, staring at Somnus from beneath dark eyelashes. Blush at her cheeks.
  110. "Don't. Don't swear at me." She hissed, throwing a hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose for a second.. before both of her hands shifted to massage her temples. Her head hurt. Felt woozy.
  112. The woman let herself drop into one of the chairs in front of him, cradling her head in her hands.
  114. "Please. I just.. you don't understand. Everything has gone so wrong since you convinced Xoconan to hunt Xitlalli. So wrong. Xoco doesn't love me any more. Noa hates me. And Xitlalli? She's.."
  116. Lotlhuitl shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself.
  118. "She's.." Lotlhuitl couldn't finish the sentence. "I can't let anything happen to her."
  119. (Lotlhuitl)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [07:56:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (er.. I meant something like but why he had the idea she would pander to his whims she had no fucking clue)
  123. [07:56:22] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (or something))
  124. [08:09:10] Diabolical mana continues to pour from his frame, spilling into everything within his proximity. Just being around he profane aura could make a lesser man nauseous.
  126. The ebony within his sclera begins to swirl, as the tainted beast watches on in amusement. Why she believed her whims to be more valuable than his own, he'd never know, but as this dragged on, he found the ability to care grow in difficulty.
  128. "There would be no need, if you'd quit wasting my time." The sight of electricity made him grimace; far to quickly is he reminded of the battle with Ame.
  130. "...Xitlalli is responsible for injuring a member of this nation. A nation that is supposed to have an allegiance with the tribes." When Somnus breathes, another sick feeling manages to creep in.
  132. Burden, self loathing, regret, negativity...
  134. "Should Noa's words hold truth, then my issues with her should come to an end. But- if you truly value that woman's life, it'll serve you well to make sure that her actions aren't repeated."
  136. Muscles began to spasm, his face began to twitch.
  138. "..if that's all you had to say, then you can excuse yourself."
  141. (Somnus Illarian)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [08:40:44] Lotlhuitl wasn't an energy mage. She couldn't really sense mana beyond an instinctual level. But she could definitely feel the diabolical mana pouring out of Somnus. It spilled into everything within his proximity.. including her.
  146. There was a keen pain in her head, a burning sensation in the runes tattooed on her skin, and her rotting soul seemed to hum with a minor sort of corruption.
  148. Lotlhuitl had two runic tattoos adorning her rich brown skin. One hidden behind her hair at the nape of her neck, the other visible at her hip. If Somnus had seen either, it may have been possible to deduce some similarities between the tattoo Lotl had and the one which Hestia had been given. That being said, the demonic fellow had been doing his best to avoid looking at Lotlhuitl's lovely, near naked form, so.. perhaps he hadn't noticed!
  150. The Nagual looked up at Somnus, dazed, his words only half reaching her. In her mind, Lotlhuitl could clearly picture a hall of mirrors. Somehow, she knew she'd been there before. Somnus' voice echoed into the mirrored chamber. His voice was distorted by the sound of mirrors cracking. Breaking.
  152. Noa had fixed it. Noa was receiving the glory. Again, everything she'd done for Xitlalli was being overlooked!
  154. A vase which had been on Somnus' desk tumbled and fell as a gale sprouted out of nowhere - well, not quite nowhere. Lotlhuitl's will, her mana, was noticeably spiking. Glass shattered, going everywhere.
  156. Lotlhuitl stood. In both hallucination, and in reality.
  158. "No, that isn't all."
  160. It probably, really, should have been for any reasonable, sane person. Xitlalli was safe.
  162. She could see herself. Countless reflections, countless versions of herself. Many of which she.. wasn't fond of. But others? Slightly different, slightly better depending onthe occasion.
  164. "But I'll be going, all the same."
  165. (Lotlhuitl)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. [09:00:22] For a moment, his gaze did fall upon the faint glow on her neck. While he couldn't see the rune itself, the coloration of the rune seemed to be oddly familiar. Jumping to conclusions often got him into vast amounts of trouble, but...
  170. "I see..." Twitching his tail, Somnus wasn't sure if he should be amused, or annoyed. Perhaps, a bit of both.
  172. Just as he began to rise from the chair, he finds it difficult to move, to speak, to breath. It felt like his various burdens quite literally weighed down upon his shoulders...
  174. He felt torn. Should he lash out? She'd shown quite a bit of disrespect, served the harlot that threatened his Hestia, but- seeing that sickly glow forced him to feel some level of guilt?
  176. Why now?
  178. He'd been able to shove the feeling of guilt aside, push it down, and keep it repressed, but..
  180. Muwei's death, Auriel's abandonment, and now this?
  182. This all could have been avoided if he could decide on what he desired most-
  184. " travels."
  186. Sinking into his chair, Somnus begins to search for some form of distraction to hide away from the depression.
  187. (Somnus Illarian)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. [09:01:13] Lotlhuitl says, "May you only recieve everything you deserve, Somnus. "
  191. [09:01:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's grace."
  192. [09:02:04] Lotlhuitl turned and left!
  193. (Lotlhuitl)
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