
Falm Part 2 Story Summary

Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. General overview of what happened in this update
  3. -Because the final crystal was shattered, the Crystal Continent appears (クリスタルの大地). Sol and Behemoth are going there to open the gate.
  5. -Reagan talks to Rain and Lasswell about the conditions of Sophia's death and also shows them a vision of her.
  7. -Water Veritas is no longer using hypnosis on herself and is instead helping the party. Nichol has apparently forgiven her and doesn't wish to kill her any more because he knows she is basically his grandma (or an even older relative than that, it's not stated exactly what the generation gap between them is)
  9. -Light Veritas is obsessed with revenge and is only going with the party to open the gate so she can get revenge on the Sages and says she will turn on them the moment they try to close the gate. Nichol and her play a coin toss game (yes, really) to determine if she will give up on her revenge. Nichol wins but Light Veritas thinks the coin was double-sided.
  11. -Towards the top of the crystal tower they encounter an entire village that is a vision, and as they continue climbing they realize all the monsters they are fighting are Visions (M. Fina says that Sol is summoning them, because of the large amount of crystals Sol can summon as many visions as s/he wants to)
  13. -Fina is disappearing. This is because she and M. Fina were originally one person; she thinks Fina's existence up until now has been sustained by the crystals, but both of them can't exist. Fina says she's sad but she's also satisfied that she got to travel with everyone and experience so many things. M. Fina says she feels better hearing that, but when M. Fina leaves, Fina breaks down crying and admits that she's really not satisfied and is scared of disappearing.
  15. -M. Fina talks with Light/Water Veritas, saying there's only one way to save the world. Lasswell thinks that M. Fina is acting strangely, and something has changed about her.
  17. -M. Fina eventually splits off from the main party. Sakura mentions that M. Fina has the sacred treasure of Palladia, and if she uses it, something will happen. Light and Water Veritas tell them not to worry about M. Fina.
  19. -The party finds Sol and Behemoth at the top of the tower. Sol summons more visions to deal with them and also sics Behemoth on them. They fight Behemoth but can't kill it, so Water and Light say they're going to take care of Behemoth, so that the others can close the gate. After that, Water and Light use teleportation magic to move Behemoth somewhere else, along with themselves.
  21. -At the tower's zenith the group runs into Sol once more, but this time Sol sets up a barrier and tells them to enjoy watching as s/he bathes the world red in blood. There's no way for anyone but a Sage to destroy the barrier, and Sakura says that Fina is the only one who can remove Sol's barrier. However Fina is obviously not doing well. Before they have time to talk, they see the Gate in the sky.
  23. -Rain attempts to break down the barrier by ramming it but it doesn't work, then he hears M. Fina's voice. Rain begs M. Fina for her help, but M. Fina reveals she's all the way back at the Earth Shrine. M. Fina says that she's going to transform into a crystal. By doing this, the earth won't fall apart any more-- and as long as there is one crystal, the Gate's progress will be hindered, thus giving Rain and co. enough time to close it.
  25. -Sakura speculates that M. Fina is using the power of the sacred treasure to do this. M. Fina says that she's not merely going to be SEALED into a crystal-- M. Fina will BECOME a crystal. And, the other Fina will be saved because M. Fina will no longer exist. M. Fina reminisces about the time when she was in the crystal, and how much she wanted to be with Rain. She says that her wish came true, but now it's the other Fina's turn to have her wish come true.
  27. -In her final moments, M. Fina hopes that Rain never forgets about her, and then she transforms into the new Earth Crystal. Immediately, the earth stops shaking and Fina stabilizes, removing Sol's barrier right away. She promises to fight her hardest, for her other self as well.
  29. -The party confronts Sol at the Gate finally. Sol derides human emotions as foolish and dirty, but Fina argues with Sol, claiming that they are beautiful. Sakura wonders just what Sol was planning to do at the gate, and after the boss battle, they find out. At this point, Sol asks Fina if she still thinks human emotions are beautiful, and if she'll still feel that way after what she sees next. A massive black/purple cloud appears, and at first the party thinks it's a monster, but Fina says it's actually a Vision-- a Vision called forth from the Crystal Continent.
  31. -Sol explains that human history is full of hatred and conflict; with each war waged more and more malice and hatred pooled within the massive crystal, and now s/he is drawing it out and unleashing it as a massive Vision, a coalescence of thousands of years of destructive emotions given form.
  33. -Sol says that the massive black cloud is the very heart, the true essence of people. Sol asks Fina again if she thinks it's beautiful, then tells her to accept the reality before her. Then s/he beseeches it to rain destruction upon both Palladia and Lapis and dye both worlds red with blood.
  35. and... to be continued!
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