
The situationship

Jan 11th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noaah was seated on the couch in the living room watching tv, his feet kicked up to rest on the coffee table in front of him. He'd been successfully avoiding Tae since Tuesday night when he saw her flirting with the dude in the arcade and had no intention of speaking to her because he's stubborn and was feeling hurt and obviously the solution was to just ignore her forever.-
  2. Covet: Tae had been trying to talk to Noah, but it seemed like everytime that she looked for him he was nowhere to be found. She'd been working for part of that, so she figured it was maybe just that. She'd been in her room working on costume stuffs, but was feeling snackish and knew popcorn would hit the spot. She got up from her desk and made her way out of her room, happening to spot Noah, on the couch. "Hey Noah." She said casually walking past into the kitchen.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He heard her door open and instantly became tense, forcing his head to stay straight forward at the tv. When she greeted him in her normal tone, he set his jaw and ignored her, pretending to not even notice she was in the room.-
  4. Covet: Tae kind of waited for a response then frowned when she didn't get one. "I'm making Popcorn, do you want some?" She said to him thinking maybe he just didn't hear her.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -When she offered him popcorn, it actually made him even more pissed at her that she wasn't treating the situation and his 'obvious' ignoring her and feelings more seriously. He shifted his arms to cross over his chest, essentially pouting at the tv.-
  6. Covet: Tae turned to see him and sighed. Once her popcorn finished popping she got the bag from the microwave and made her way over to the couch opening it. She looked at him, then raised an eyebrow, "Where's the poop, Noah."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Like a scorned child, he turned his head away from her to look in the opposite direction, now not even able to see the tv which was the point of him sitting there in the first place.-
  9. Covet: Tae unamused with his stubborn defiance. She reached into the bag of popcorn and threw some of the popcorn at him "Where's the poop, Noah!" She said louder.
  10. Covet: [I couldn't resist]
  11. Alexithymiaa: (Im so pleased)
  12. Alexithymiaa: -When she threw the popcorn at him, he whirled on her, completely snapping as he brushed his hand very aggressively over his pants, shoving the popcorn off of him and onto the floor. "Go fuck yourself."-
  13. Covet: "Woooow. What the fuck is your problem. Not only did you step in shit, but apparenly you found yourself with a stick up your ass too." Tae said, not the time to be sassy slutty slut pants.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Me? I'm not the one running around flirting with anyone who so much as fucking BREATHES in my direction. Or was I not supposed to notice the blonde you had your ass all over when you were supposed to be hanging out with me?" He shot back, his brows furrowed and his eyes glaring at her.-
  15. Covet: "You mean Colin?" Tae asked furrowing her brow, "Yeah, we were flirting, but it wasn't going anywhere, it was harmless." She said getting defensive. "It literally meant nothing. Besides, it's not like we were even hanging out. You were to focused on being the champ, and I was bored."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I don't give a fuck what his name is. The point was you were there with me and you wandered off to go flirt with someone? Really?" He asked, taken back a little by how forthcoming she was with info. "Oh so because you didn't intend for it to lead anywhere, it's okay to just flirt with anyone you want? If you were fucking bored you should have told me. I thought we were there to hangout and you just left."-
  17. Covet: "We were there together, that didn't mean it was like a date or something, Noah." She said to him, "I went over to shoot some hoops because it was something that I couldn't completely lose at. If I would have asked you to stop your ladder climbing, to come do something else would you have?" Tae crossed her arms, because two can do that. "And it was flirting, it's not like I'm fucking the guy. You can rest assured that you still have the monopoly on my pussy."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Of course I would have. I was only doing it because you weren't playing anything! The point was that we were there to hangout together. If I wanted to just dominate Mortal Kombat by myself I wouldn't have invited you or i would have just played at home." He paused staring at her like she was speaking in tongues. "You're really still on this like I haven't shown you repeatedly this isn't just a bunch of physical bullshit?"-
  19. Covet: "The first thing we went to do was play Mortal Kombat. You didn't even ask me if I wanted to do something else!" She yelled back. "But it still wasn't a date, and therefor wasn't exactly exlcusive. So I'm sorry, I thought otherwise." That's not how you apologize Tae. She pursed her lips. "Then why can't you say it, unless we're in an arguement. Cause to me it just feels like all you want is an exlcusive fucking situation."
  20. Alexithymiaa: -He threw his hands up into the air and pushed up from the couch, pacing to the fireplace and then whirling around. "I have said it! Numerous times I've said it and you always try to make some sort of argument against me like I didn't just say a bunch of shit. Just because the outing itself wasn't a date doesn't mean you just go off and stick your ass on some dude's dick."-
  21. Covet: "No you fucking play all around the fucking mullberry bush and say literally everything but that you want to be something exlcuse, with feelings or whatever." She argued, only proving him right. "HE STUCK HIS DICK ON ME FIRST, and it's not like I could exactly pull away, cause he was just being nice and trying to help me make better shots, so I could get more points and suck less!"
  22. Covet: *exsclusive
  23. Alexithymiaa: -He just stood there gawking at her because he didnt even know if she could hear herself right now. "So anyone who just walks up and puts their dick on you, as long as they're nice about it, it's okay? So if I had said something else, you still would have let him put his dick on your ass because stepping away would just be rude?"-
  24. Covet: "If we were in a relationship or whatever, I wouldn't have been in that position to begin with. I'd have at least a reason to be doing whatever it was we're doing together. Besides, the apparent, freindly obligation, I guess." Tae said, "I wasn't offended by what the guy was doing, and it's my body, so as long as I'm okay with it, yeah... they can." Tae told him.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, really makes me want to be exclusive with you." He shot back sarcastically, shaking his head with such a disgusted look on his face. He stormed over to the balcony door, pulling it open and stepping out into the frigid air, slamming it closed behind him and walking to lean on the railing. He needed to cool off because he was boiling.-
  26. Covet: "It should, cause then you'd be the only one putting their dick on my ass!" She said then frowned as she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them, while wrapping her arms around them, because after that look she didn't exactly feel great about herself.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -He let his head hang as he leaned over the railing, shifting to rest his forearms on the cold metal, staring down into the pool below. Exhaling deeply now that he was a bit calmer, he shook out his arms to loosen up a bit, having moved past angry and now he was just straight up hurt. He turned and let himself back into the house, staring at her on the couch. "Look... just do whatever makes you happy, okay?"-
  28. Covet: "I can't." Tae said softly.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Why?" He asked, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket.-
  30. Covet: "Because, That clearly hurts and upsets you, and I don't exactly intentionally want to do that." Tae said.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Funny time to start giving a shit about how I feel. Don't worry about me, just do you." He said, turning away from her to walk off into the kitchen, pulling the fridge open in search of something he wasnt sure of yet.-
  32. Covet: "I do give a shit... It just seemed like you only gave half a shit... so that's all I gave back. I'm sorry..." She said with a frown. "But it's okay, I get that I'm not really your type or whatever." She said then added, "I mean that in a non-manipulative way...I.. I'm just going to go to bed." Tae said turning away to hide her being upset, because she did it to herself and didn't want him to feel obligated to make her feel better, nor expected him to want to do that right now anyways.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Not my type?" He repeated as she walked away off to her bedroom, furrowing his brows at her back, but letting her go because he felt super shitty right now and wanted to feel shitty alone.-
  34. Covet: Tae closed her door and went about being sad, cause life was hard and she had no girl friends to talk to that weren't also free spirited flirts who danced for money, and she sucked at this whole relationship thing all around.
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