
The correct political views

Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. My stance on all issues in politics today:
  3. Guns: Shoot em. But we should have a waiting period and possibly a background check. I don't think that would be terribly out of order. Could help minimize violent crime while not unduly restricting liberty.
  5. Climate change: evidence lies with the "climate change is real" side for sure; but I'm not educated enough on the actual processes at work to say that I definitively understand them, and it doesn't seem as pressing as many issues. Conservatives dismiss it because if you look at a very brief snapshot in the Earths history, the world doesn't seem to be warming and because they're blissfully unaware of their own massive confirmation bias (*walks outside* Oh it's colder today than it was yesterday/colder this year than it was last year on this day! So much for global warming! *Brofists conservative friend.*) Liberals inflate the issue by not looking at the fact that the earth naturally goes through heating and cooling cycles and that human intervention is the cause of a pretty small amount of climate change.
  7. Abortion: Pro choice but the moral implications of terminating a future human should be weighed SOLELY by the individual person possessing the fetus and to some degree the person who helped create the fetus before the process starts to determine whether or not it's the right decision. No moral values guilt tripping, just an "Are you sure this is what you want?"
  9. Affirmative Action: Good intentions, awful implementation. It's practically reverse racism.
  11. Economics: Socialism is the god damn future. We are quickly approaching a sufficiently advanced world to where the overall benefits of equity will vastly outweigh the rich living very marginally better lives and the poor suffering in the dirt. For now, in America, we have about the right mix of socialist policies and government involvement. The best way to balance the budget is to raise taxes and reevaluate existing spending on public goods (read: military). Americans pay very little tax money compared to other developed nations, and many fail to realize the benefits of socializing certain high infrastructure industries.
  13. Ebola: Not a realistic threat to you or your loved ones. It's being massively overplayed by the media to inspire awareness (good) and invoke fear (bad). Especially by FOX news.
  15. Middle East: F*ck this hellhole. Seriously. Such a pain to deal with. The rampant ignorance and militarism is astounding. There are no easy solutions. None. Israel is hailed as being a beacon of hope and reason within the area, but they're nearly as delusional. They just happen to have a religion that plays a little better with ours, and they're a little less reliant on fearmongering (because their ideas are winning, the guerillas are always the ones playing from behind). F*ck this entire stupid area of the world. That's not saying that there aren't great people there, or that they're inferior, just that it's a bitch to deal with. Also, Americans don't realize that the dogma of Islam is (somewhat) objectively less violent than that of Christianity, it's just that more Muslims ACTUALLY practice what they preach and to a higher degree because the areas of the world they're located in tend to be worse educated. Christians are bigger hypocrites, and that's actually a damn good thing, although it'd be better if they'd just shut up altogether.
  17. Animal Rights: Animals have a right to exist and not be unjustly mistreated. We can eat them, we are omnivores. You don't HAVE to eat them, but deal with the fact that some people do. They do not have the same level of rights as humans or citizens, but they deserve some respect as living organisms.
  19. Gay/Trans: Right to marry etc. in all 50 U.S. states without another thought. While we're on the topic, literally kill all the economic advantages of being married immediately. Signing a meaningless legal contract should not guarantee me and one other person benefits over the rest of the populace. Trans people should use whatever restroom they want and be called by either male or female pronouns, whichever they prefer. I'm not calling you xir/xer or some made up BS. Gender is a cultural phenomenon, not something you get to add to as an individual; you get to choose between a limited number of culturally accepted gender options to make life reasonably uncomplicated for the massive majority of people.
  21. Barack Obama: He's somewhat lazy and inactive. That said he's not awful. He's like average I guess. Which isn't great, but isn't bad. You get the idea.
  23. The very existence of states: Screw em. I see very little reason why we can't just be one state. The lines were less blurred earlier in our history but now the only things we should need individual states for are policy decisions and spending that affect only a certain area (IE Texans should pay for Texas state highways, it just makes the most sense.)
  25. Crime and Punishment: The system suffers from a terrible paradigm of how to deal with criminals. There's no focus on rehabilitation. Punishment is not punishment unless it's used to rehabilitate and discourage behavior, psychology 101. If we're not focused on rehabing criminals to become productive or at least morally reasonable members of society then we may as well kill them. As for actually killing them, idk. I for one would want to be put to death if I was in prison for life with no chance of leaving.
  27. Right to die/euthanasia: Everyone has the right to commit suicide, especially when they're in severe pain and have little chance of recuperating; and they shouldn't feel like their eternal souls are in jeopardy when they do so. Sadly, they will because of god. Oh well. Don't get me wrong, suicide is awful when the person is young and just depressed or going through a rough patch. I'm advocating it for people who have lived full lives and are not just going through a rough patch of emotional or physical pain.
  29. Marijuana legalization: Immediately legalize and tax, but not as heavily as alcohol, since science is indicating that it's not as bad for you as alcohol.
  31. MDMA/LSD: Legalize it, tax more heavily than alcohol to discourage use/overuse. Science is indicating that they're not very habit forming.
  33. Heroin/Meth/Cocaine: Screw that, that should probably stay illegal. That said, the war on drugs is fairly ineffectual and so spending a lot of money to enforce it is a waste.
  35. Electoral College: Screw it. One country votes as one unit to minimize large states losing votes to small states that get the same number of senators (A vote for president in California will NEVER mean crap, and not just because California will be red only after hell freezes over; but also because they have fewer representatives per citizen than other states.) Instant runoff elections should also become required, as they encourage votes for "minority" parties that are actually very close to being major parties, but that no one will vote for because everyone thinks they're minority parties.
  37. Environmental protection: To some extent, pro. Not uber-strongly, but some level of it is very important.
  39. Taxation: Rich should be taxed a higher percentage than poor. Is this even a real question? Seriously? 10$ means a lot more to a person with 5$ than a person with 5 million dollars. The overall quality of life for America will increase if we tax the rich more. You can argue that that decreases incentive to work, which is somewhat true for self-interested beings like ourselves, but some increase in tax percentages for the rich is way more than worth it. Also screw tax brackets, those can discourage having a marginally higher income with no benefit to the poor. It should be a god damn smooth curve.
  41. Education: Keep religion out of it, pay teachers more when they're good teachers, don't be afraid to fire the bad ones, have qualified teachers, don't be afraid to spend money on education since it's the future of the country. Is there anything I missed?
  43. Prostitution: Legalize and tax. In general, that's a great philosophy because goods and services are easier and safer to obtain when they don't have to be black market; and the government makes back the money it spends regulating the market and more. Prostitution is not a problem, abusive pimps selling drug addicted toddlers into sex slavery is.
  45. Pedophilia: It's a disease, treat it exactly like a disease that the person has no control over. Don't mistreat people for their inborn desires, even if acting on them would clearly be immoral. Viewing and possession of CP should be legal since the images are already there; creation of it should most definitely not be.
  47. Internet censorship: F*ck no. Nuff said.
  49. Internet service/Net neutrality: Honestly screw the oligopoly that is the internet market. I'm fed up with Comcast being the only option in this area. They get to charge what they please for terrible service. Given the infrastructure required, this industry is prone to monopoly and so socializing it would be best. As for the actual net neutrality (All websites and data treated equally) then definitely yes.
  51. Homeschooling: No. You should have to enroll your child in a public school or a licensed private school. You rednecks that think all your child needs to survive and thrive is a bible and a gun are retards. Even if you are teaching legitimate material (most homeschooling parents are to be fair) chances are you freaking suck at it. It's best left to a professional especially since it's so important.
  53. Military: Immediately reduce DOD spending to 2/3 the current amount and slowly decrease. We spend more than the next several countries combined, oh by the way, most of whom are allies. We should focus on globalizing and unifying the interests of the world, not nuking the sh*t out of people and carpet bombing them with our amazingly superior might.
  55. Minimum wage: Should be higher but as many conservatives know raising it won't fix much, because the prices of goods and services will also rise. Many liberals fail to realize this.
  57. Racial profiling: WTF? No.
  59. Torture: Yikes. I can see it being justified under certain circumstances but holy crap yikes. No opinion.
  61. Social security: One of the better implementations of social welfare. The falling death rate and birth rate is making it struggle, but it'll pull through eventually probably.
  63. Term limits: Screw them. We end up with lame ducks. Ideally we want elections as often as possible so the shitty mistakes can be voted out and no term limits so the consistently good ones can stay indefinitely. The only issue is that holding elections costs money so you'd have to do a cost benefit analysis on how worth it it is to conduct annual or semiannual elections for all offices.
  65. Bicamerality: Screw it again. If we wanna have representatives for each area I guess that's fine but I question the legitimacy of the idea of a state so much that the senate is stupid in my eyes. All issues can be resolved in a single house.
  67. Healthcare: Good idea, bad timing, bad implementation, and unfortunately strong opposition led to it being a mediocre system. Oh well.
  69. Foreign relations: Hugs not nukes <3
  71. Campaign reform: Get all of the advertising and donations out of politics. Candidates can be talked about by pundits on news outlets and make cases for themselves in public. Anyone getting a 20k signature petition goes on the primary ballot, anyone failing to accrue .5% of the vote in the primary is off the ballot for the general instant runoff election.
  73. Are organizations/corporations people?: Nope but the interests of the people in them should be respected.
  75. Stem cells: Hell yeah. One of the most promising sciences of the modern era. If you're trying to stop it then fuck you.
  77. Robots: No they will not take over the world.
  79. 10 commandments in government buildings?: HELL NO. *crowd goes wild*
  81. Unconditional respect for war veterans: They've done a great service to our country, but people fail to realize that that doesn't make them good people. Many of them are awful and worthy of contempt actually.
  83. Better sex-ed in schools: Duh? No abstinence only BS, that won't resolve any issues.
  85. Metric system: Get used to it. Post km/h on all road signs immediately in the same font size and in new car speedometers above mph in the same font size. All new thermometers have to have C to the left of F in the same or bigger font size. All official measurements must be done in meters. Liter/ml/gram amounts have to be listed bigger than ounce/pound amounts on labels. We will slowly change the way people think about measurements until everyone actually understands metric and thinks in it, a remarkably easy system; then remove the training wheels of customary entirely.
  87. Free will (Not exactly politics): You don't have it. Your body perceives it's own consciousness as an illusion but your thoughts are made within your body. Your brain is the same thing as your mind. If you have a soul, it doesn't actually do crap. All of your decisions are made by your brain and peripheral nervous system and are a product of your genetics, upbringing, and current state. Nothing more and nothing less.
  89. Thanks for reading lol.
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