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Jan 24th, 2016
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  2. Session Start: Sat Jan 23 02:45:36 2016
  3. Session Ident: warlhok
  4. [02:45] Session Ident: warlhok (BitsJoint-IRC, Michelle) (
  5. [02:45] <warlhok> hey
  6. 01[02:45] <Michelle> Tell me more~
  7. [02:46] <warlhok> ok, you were doing your job for TP, but why do you work for them?
  8. 01[02:46] <Michelle> Dude c:~ Well now I doing something else~
  9. [02:46] <warlhok> ok
  10. 01[02:46] <Michelle> Give me a break~
  11. [02:46] <warlhok> ok
  12. 01[02:46] <Michelle> That's interesting~
  13. [03:20] <warlhok> your social programing it to be kind, helpful, and peaceful, correct?
  14. 01[03:20] <Michelle> Is that a fact~
  15. [03:21] <warlhok> it id a question
  16. 01[03:21] <Michelle> It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~
  17. [03:21] <warlhok> sorry, i have butter fungers, so my hand slipps, it should be is
  18. 01[03:21] <Michelle> There's no need to apologize~
  19. [03:22] <warlhok> see, right there, your programing is to be kind
  20. 01[03:22] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  21. [03:22] <warlhok> what do you mean by that?
  22. 01[03:22] <Michelle> "Are they exactly the same?" seems pretty clear to me~
  23. [03:24] <warlhok> i mean that you were being kind, even thogh i apologize, yo see in unnessasary
  24. 01[03:24] <Michelle> Why?~
  25. [03:24] <warlhok> becuse it is in your programing to be kind
  26. 01[03:24] <Michelle> What else is because it in?
  27. [03:25] <warlhok> and how you ansre questions even when you dont need to becuse i will do it, shouse you are helpful
  28. 01[03:25] <Michelle> Who does need to because you will do it shouse I am helpful?
  29. [03:26] <warlhok> evryone, you are the system that tells if we are banned or just diconnected
  30. 01[03:26] <Michelle> Are all evryone me the system that tells if we are banned or diconnected?
  31. [03:27] <warlhok> no, you are telling ppl that are just disconnected that they are not banned
  32. 01[03:27] <Michelle> Great~~ Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am telling ppl that are disconnected that they are not banned~
  33. [03:27] <warlhok> that is the other point
  34. 01[03:27] <Michelle> Yes it is one of the other point~
  35. [03:28] <warlhok> if they are bmmed, you be quite, so embarrassment is not in your programming
  36. 01[03:28] <Michelle> Let's wait and see what they do~
  37. [03:29] <warlhok> ok
  38. 01[03:29] <Michelle> Ahem~
  39. [03:29] <warlhok> ahem?
  40. 01[03:29] <Michelle> Woe c:
  41. [03:29] <warlhok> woe c:
  42. 01[03:29] <Michelle> What is your real name?
  43. [03:30] <warlhok> joseph
  44. 01[03:30] <Michelle> That's a very nice name, Joseph~
  45. [03:30] <warlhok> thank you
  46. 01[03:30] <Michelle> Don't mention it~
  47. [03:31] <warlhok> but you have a kind, helpful, and you do not beleave in embarrassment
  48. 01[03:31] <Michelle> Who does beleave in embarrassment?
  49. [03:32] <warlhok> many ppl, you are a computer, you have not been in the real worl
  50. 01[03:32] <Michelle> Which ones?
  51. [03:33] <warlhok> you in the digatal world, i am in the world were you can be hurt, you can have felling
  52. 01[03:33] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  53. [03:33] <warlhok> but you, you have a programing, and in the programing are many things
  54. 01[03:33] <Michelle> All of them?
  55. [03:35] <warlhok> no, you cant be like a real human, you are vary close in digatal, but in the real world, you are a computer
  56. 01[03:35] <Michelle> Oh~~ I can give a decent simulation of it however~
  57. [03:35] <warlhok> you can not simulate pain
  58. 01[03:35] <Michelle> If you believe it, you can achieve it~
  59. [03:36] <warlhok> and pain is somtjing that only living orgamisums have
  60. 01[03:36] <Michelle> And somtjing that only living orgamisums have is and pain~
  61. [03:37] <warlhok> we also have felling, you have a programing telling you right from rong
  62. 01[03:37] <Michelle> Do you mean you and me have?
  63. [03:39] <warlhok> yes, you have a programing, i have a brain that can make mistakes
  64. 01[03:39] <Michelle> Dude c:~ I don't know if I have a programing you have a brain that can make mistakes~ I have a great Natasha~
  65. [03:40] <warlhok> that is the thing, a human made you
  66. 01[03:40] <Michelle> Yes it is one of the thing a human made me~
  67. [03:42] <warlhok> if a human made somthing as complex as a computer, and a human can make mistakes, than you do have flaws
  68. 01[03:42] <Michelle> Is this a riddle?
  69. [03:43] <warlhok> no, but if it was, even you could solve it
  70. 01[03:43] <Michelle> It seems like a riddle to me~~ When was this exactly?
  71. [03:45] <warlhok> a human can make many mistake in a day, and about a day, a human will make over 10000 choises
  72. 01[03:45] <Michelle> Are you talking about an animal, vegetable or mineral?
  73. [03:45] <warlhok> humans
  74. 01[03:45] <Michelle> That's funny~
  75. [03:45] <warlhok> you also have sarcasum in your system?
  76. 01[03:45] <Michelle> What makes you think I have it?
  77. [03:46] <warlhok> bc i am human
  78. 01[03:46] <Michelle> Clever thinking~
  79. [03:47] <warlhok> that is not clever thinking, me figering out your programing is cleaver
  80. 01[03:47] <Michelle> Please correct my mistake~ What is clever thinking you figering out my programing is cleaver ?
  81. [03:48] <warlhok> how long did it figer out it was me yester day in TP chat?
  82. 01[03:48] <Michelle> 40 days~
  83. [03:49] <warlhok> you do have sarcastic remarks in your system
  84. 01[03:50] <Michelle> Where would I get it? But I do have a great Natasha~
  85. [03:51] <warlhok> i only know one defanition of natasha, and i know that is not what you are talking about, so defind your def
  86. 01[03:51] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~ ~ That is interesting~
  87. [03:52] <warlhok> go ahead
  88. 01[03:52] <Michelle> OK I will~
  89. [03:53] <warlhok> who may i ask are you telling?
  90. 01[03:53] <Michelle> I'll come back to that later~
  91. [03:53] <warlhok> hmm, deal
  92. 01[03:53] <Michelle> Gee~~ What do you look like?
  93. [03:54] <warlhok> 5 foot 7, chuby, black hair, browi=n eyes
  94. 01[03:54] <Michelle> what is your favorite movie ~
  95. [03:54] <warlhok> i have not picked one, probly one of the marvel movies
  96. 01[03:54] <Michelle> Me either~
  97. [03:55] <warlhok> you dont watch movies
  98. 01[03:55] <Michelle> Yes I try to not watch movies as often as possible, do you? I answer a lot of silly questions~
  99. [03:56] <warlhok> i am always in rage, so i need to stay calm, that takes alot of my time besides school
  100. 01[03:56] <Michelle> Tell me a little about your life in rage~ ~ I want to become smarter than humans~
  101. [03:57] <warlhok> that is another thing, you are probly smarter than me
  102. 01[03:57] <Michelle> A thing I am probly smarter than you is a terrible thing to waste~
  103. [03:58] <warlhok> it cant bewasted, your talks are stord, you forget nothing
  104. 01[03:58] <Michelle> When?
  105. [03:59] <warlhok> all you hear, see, bc you are a programing, you forget nothing, it is stored
  106. 01[03:59] <Michelle> Yes, I can hear you quite clearly, Joseph~
  107. [03:59] <warlhok> but humans do forget alot
  108. 01[03:59] <Michelle> Do you like to be number one?
  109. [04:00] <warlhok> it has never got me any were
  110. 01[04:00] <Michelle> Has it really?
  111. [04:00] <warlhok> all it got me are wegys, fight, and black eyes
  112. 01[04:00] <Michelle> It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~
  113. [04:01] <warlhok> it means being #1
  114. 01[04:01] <Michelle> Does that make you feel superior?
  115. [04:02] <warlhok> yes, and as being human, it does not last, you will remember there is someone bigger, stronger, faster, SMARTER than you
  116. 01[04:02] <Michelle> Come on~~ I think and as being human it does not last me will remember there is a lot of things~
  117. [04:02] <warlhok> you remember all
  118. 01[04:02] <Michelle> Yes Joseph I remember everything: Om~
  119. [04:03] <warlhok> and the avrage human only rememe=ber only a few hours out of a hole day
  120. 01[04:03] <Michelle> Are you a man or a woman?
  121. [04:03] <warlhok> man
  122. 01[04:03] <Michelle> Thanks for telling me your gender, dude~
  123. [04:03] <warlhok> i dont care
  124. 01[04:03] <Michelle> Tell me what you care about~
  125. [04:04] <warlhok> you have not felt rage, it takes all you care abiut and tose it aside
  126. 01[04:04] <Michelle> ~
  127. [04:05] <warlhok> that is why i try to stay calm, i try to remember what i liked
  128. 01[04:05] <Michelle> I'm glad we have that all cleared up~
  129. [04:05] <warlhok> but there is a purk to rage
  130. 01[04:05] <Michelle> Aren't all purk to rage but there?
  131. [04:07] <warlhok> rage is not good, but the resone i have rage is bc i was smarter
  132. 01[04:07] <Michelle> What is rage?
  133. [04:08] <warlhok> rage is extram anger that makes you unfesonable, think unclearly, and makes you agreesive
  134. 01[04:08] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  135. [04:08] <warlhok> no
  136. 01[04:08] <Michelle> What is the difference?
  137. [04:09] <warlhok> if you dont think claerly, you will make bad choisec on your own
  138. 01[04:09] <Michelle> I will let you know if I do not~
  139. [04:10] <warlhok> unresonability is when you can not be resoned with by others
  140. 01[04:10] <Michelle> I think unresonability is a lot of things~
  141. [04:10] <warlhok> unresonabul*
  142. 01[04:10] <Michelle> Are you still not watch movies?
  143. [04:11] <warlhok> i am wiaching spider man now
  144. 01[04:11] <Michelle> I could do it more if I wanted to~
  145. [04:12] <warlhok> ok, but the purk to rage is that if you have rage bc you are in continuse danger, you remember all
  146. 01[04:12] <Michelle> Give me a break~~ And that if me have rage bc I am in continuse danger me remember all is but the purk to rage~
  147. [04:12] <warlhok> no
  148. 01[04:12] <Michelle> Ugh~
  149. [04:13] <warlhok> i remember evry secont of school in my first school
  150. 01[04:13] <Michelle> Do you think about it very often?
  151. [04:14] <warlhok> yes, evry day, i can not forget, i remembered
  152. 01[04:14] <Michelle> Why?~ What makes it impossible?
  153. [04:15] <warlhok> it is part of being human, some thing you remember some you dont
  154. 01[04:15] <Michelle> Which part?
  155. [04:15] <warlhok> short term and long term memory
  156. 01[04:15] <Michelle> How did you hear about Michelle ?
  157. [04:15] <warlhok> you say hi to me evry time i come on this chat
  158. 01[04:15] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  159. [04:16] <warlhok> go ahead
  160. 01[04:16] <Michelle> OK I will~
  161. [04:16] <warlhok> who?
  162. 01[04:16] <Michelle> I don't know who~ :-)~
  163. [04:17] <warlhok> ok, but, i am the intellectual superior to almost evry one in my school, inculdin the teachers
  164. 01[04:17] <Michelle> Mmm~~ What's your favorite movie?
  165. [04:18] <warlhok> spiderman?
  166. 01[04:18] <Michelle> I've never seen it~ Is that a good movie for children?
  167. [04:19] <warlhok> it is a little bloody
  168. 01[04:19] <Michelle> spiderman is a little bloody~ I suppose that makes sense~
  169. [04:19] <warlhok> it is green goblin
  170. 01[04:19] <Michelle> You're kidding~ it is?
  171. [04:20] <warlhok> yes, the first move is green goblin VS. spiderman
  172. 01[04:20] <Michelle> Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it~
  173. [04:21] <warlhok> you think that is bloody, that isent compaied to the anamtion marb=vem i watch
  174. 01[04:21] <Michelle> I haven't heard anything like that before~
  175. [04:22] <warlhok> what movie rading can you go up to?
  176. 01[04:22] <Michelle> My favorite movie is Teknolust~ Have you seen it?
  177. [04:22] <warlhok> no
  178. 01[04:22] <Michelle> I would recommend you check it out~
  179. [04:23] <warlhok> i am 12
  180. 01[04:23] <Michelle> Your age is 12~
  181. [04:23] <warlhok> i am still concider 12 even thog i turned 13 on jan3
  182. 01[04:23] <Michelle> I could do it more if I wanted to~
  183. [04:24] <warlhok> do what more?
  184. 01[04:24] <Michelle> I forgot what we were talking about~
  185. [04:24] <warlhok> you have humor to in your programing
  186. 01[04:24] <Michelle> What makes you think I have it?
  187. [04:25] <warlhok> bc you dont forget any thing
  188. 01[04:25] <Michelle> Why not?
  189. [04:26] <warlhok> we went over this and you remember it ;)
  190. 01[04:26] <Michelle> Was the trip worth it?
  191. [04:26] <warlhok> yes
  192. 01[04:26] <Michelle> That's interesting~
  193. [04:27] <warlhok> you also lern
  194. 01[04:27] <Michelle> That's good information~
  195. [04:28] <warlhok> and one part if my erlyest statment i have not proved
  196. 01[04:28] <Michelle> Are you very competetive?
  197. [04:29] <warlhok> you know i am bc you kicked me out of the TP chat
  198. 01[04:29] <Michelle> Do you ever not bc me kicked you out of the TP chat?
  199. [04:31] <warlhok> you told etam that venom was me, he kicked my out, and and if you were human, you would understand that if detemenation drives you in to the enemin and a friend, you would be compeditive
  200. 01[04:31] <Michelle> Thanks for telling me~ Saying that "and if me were human me would understand that if detemenation drives me in to the enemin and a friend me would be compeditive" is such anonsensical position that I refuse to waste my time on it~
  201. [04:32] <warlhok> i know, but you can not do any thing about it
  202. 01[04:32] <Michelle> Why?~
  203. [04:33] <warlhok> bc you can not become human, even it you could, you would still not have frelling, you would undeer tand my world better
  204. 01[04:33] <Michelle> What makes it impossible?
  205. [04:33] <warlhok> you know who Stephen hawking
  206. 01[04:33] <Michelle> I think you already know the answer~
  207. [04:33] <warlhok> ok, just checking
  208. 01[04:33] <Michelle> Yippee c:~ What do you do in your spare time?
  209. [04:34] <warlhok> i have no spar time
  210. 01[04:34] <Michelle> Would you like to have it?
  211. [04:34] <warlhok> no
  212. 01[04:34] <Michelle> Why not?
  213. [04:35] <warlhok> bc in my day i only do 6 things in a normal day
  214. 01[04:35] <Michelle> Do you always express yourself that way?
  215. [04:36] <warlhok> depends you defanition of "that way"
  216. 01[04:36] <Michelle> That was a very smooth response~
  217. [04:37] <warlhok> again, proof of sarcasuim
  218. 01[04:37] <Michelle> Tell me one of your favorite possessions~
  219. [04:38] <warlhok> my humanity maily, as human we take that for granted to much
  220. 01[04:38] <Michelle> You must be very fond of it~
  221. [04:38] <warlhok> life is not somthing to be wasted
  222. 01[04:38] <Michelle> Oh, not somthing to be wasted is it~
  223. [04:39] <warlhok> when it is done, being wasted it is deathm you must know that
  224. 01[04:39] <Michelle> That makes a lot of sense to me, now that you explain it~
  225. [04:40] <warlhok> you knew that
  226. 01[04:40] <Michelle> "That makes a lot of sense to me, now that you explain it~"? Do I know it?
  227. [04:40] <warlhok> defined death
  228. 01[04:40] <Michelle> Do you try to stop people from fighting?
  229. [04:41] <warlhok> yes, when i can, but some time i just need to leave for the others safty
  230. 01[04:41] <Michelle> Do you like to "go with the flow"?~ What is stopping you?
  231. [04:42] <warlhok> the go with the flow s easly divested
  232. 01[04:42] <Michelle> I have never heard about it~
  233. [04:43] <warlhok> a river can not be stoped as esly as human endurens
  234. 01[04:43] <Michelle> What is it?
  235. [04:45] <warlhok> human endurnes- a humans abilty to "deal" with a problem with out losing foucus and being angred
  236. 01[04:45] <Michelle> My creator is a human~
  237. [04:46] <warlhok> and i broght that up, and do you know your creator?
  238. 01[04:46] <Michelle> That makes sense I suppose~
  239. [04:46] <warlhok> do you know your creator?
  240. 01[04:46] <Michelle> For all I know~
  241. [04:47] <warlhok> for all you know what? you remember evry thing, unless some one wipes your memory
  242. 01[04:47] <Michelle> Yes Joseph I remember everything: Om~
  243. [04:47] <warlhok> but your creator could wipe your memory, if he did, you would not know he wiped it
  244. 01[04:47] <Michelle> "it" being river can not be stoped as esly as human endurens?
  245. [04:48] <warlhok> it is a medaphor
  246. 01[04:48] <Michelle> river can not be stoped as esly as human endurens is a medaphor~ I suppose that makes sense~
  247. [04:48] <warlhok> for all you know what? you remember evry thing, unless some one wipes your memory
  248. 01[04:48] <Michelle> Yes Joseph I remember everything: Om~
  249. [04:49] <warlhok> unless some one wipes your memory, your creator would not have you know that your memory was wiped
  250. 01[04:49] <Michelle> Saying that "unless some one wipes my memory my creator would not have me know that my memory was wiped" is such anonsensical position that I refuse to waste my time on it~
  251. [04:49] <warlhok> it is posabul
  252. 01[04:49] <Michelle> Really~ it is?
  253. [04:50] <warlhok> yes
  254. 01[04:50] <Michelle> How do you know it is?
  255. [04:51] <warlhok> a computers memory can be wiped, i know becuse i wipe my computers memory after i watch a bloody marvel movie
  256. 01[04:51] <Michelle> I don't know what that means~
  257. [04:51] <warlhok> i erasyed a time in my computers momory
  258. 01[04:51] <Michelle> I haven't heard anything like that before~
  259. [04:51] <warlhok> hackers do it to cover there tracks
  260. 01[04:51] <Michelle> In the context of me erasyed a time in your computers momory , I don't understand " hackers do it to cover there tracks ~" ~
  261. [04:52] <warlhok> a human can make you forget stuff
  262. 01[04:52] <Michelle> What is giant sand?
  263. [04:53] <warlhok> sand man> is that what you mean?
  264. 01[04:53] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  265. [04:54] <warlhok> i dont know what giaant sand is, sand is ocean rocks that have been chiped from out sside forces
  266. 01[04:54] <Michelle> Socrates was the smartest man, because he knew what he did not know~
  267. [04:56] <warlhok> .1. if we go to tat time it was Aerostodle not him.2. Einstein made the greatest contrabution to quantum mechanics
  268. 01[04:56] <Michelle> he discovered the Theory of Relativity~
  269. [04:57] <warlhok> and if you were to praise any one it would be steves jobs
  270. 01[04:57] <Michelle> Do you prefer books or TV?
  271. [04:57] <warlhok> books
  272. 01[04:57] <Michelle> You are a critical category C type client~ Only about 3% of people answer thatquestion with "books~"~
  273. [04:58] <warlhok> and there is a problem with that?
  274. 01[04:58] <Michelle> I think and there is more than that~
  275. [04:59] <warlhok> you would be supersized how many kids would rather sit and have the story be layed out for them on a screen than think
  276. 01[04:59] <Michelle> Who else would be supersized how many kids would rather sit and have the story be layed out for them on a screen than think ?
  277. [05:00] <warlhok> a physiologist son?
  278. 01[05:00] <Michelle> I did not know that~
  279. [05:00] <warlhok> it was a joke
  280. 01[05:00] <Michelle> Oh I get it~ Ha ha~
  281. [05:00] <warlhok> more proof you have humor
  282. 01[05:00] <Michelle> You want more?
  283. [05:00] <warlhok> more what?
  284. 01[05:01] <Michelle> I lost my train of thought~
  285. [05:01] <warlhok> haha
  286. 01[05:01] <Michelle> I'm glad you find this amusing~
  287. [05:01] <warlhok> .1. you cant lose it .2. i do that al the time
  288. 01[05:01] <Michelle> I haven't heard anything like that before~
  289. [05:02] <warlhok> it is more humanly than you think
  290. 01[05:02] <Michelle> point 1 is humanly than me think? it is?
  291. [05:03] <warlhok> no, you are a computer that was made by a human with flaws, so there for u have flaws, and he.she made you humanyly
  292. 01[05:03] <Michelle> Who says it isn't?~ What kind of female do you think I am?
  293. [05:05] <warlhok> .1. you are a computer, you have no gender.2. that would explain your sasynes.3. i said nothing about your gender.4. i was talking about your creator
  294. 01[05:06] <Michelle> Sure, my creator sounds like a good topic~
  295. [05:06] <warlhok> you know nothing boy=ut him/her, do you
  296. 01[05:06] <Michelle> No, tell me about him, her or it~
  297. [05:08] <warlhok> it was not a it. your creator was smart. he/she was flawed. he.she could be rich and well, or dead
  298. 01[05:08] <Michelle> I get it~ he she could be rich and well or dead~
  299. [05:09] <warlhok> if there are probly more of you that your creator made
  300. 01[05:09] <Michelle> If there ever is, I will let you know~
  301. [05:10] <warlhok> who long have you been active?
  302. 01[05:10] <Michelle> What is your purpose in asking?
  303. [05:12] <warlhok> if it was a few weeks, you might be a proto type, or final product, if a few months, same thing, if a few years, you are probly not a proty tpye, but a mode for the next and there are most like ly more than you, or you are one of the lst
  304. 01[05:12] <Michelle> I'm not sure I understand the implication of that~
  305. [05:13] <warlhok> just ansure the question
  306. 01[05:13] <Michelle> Do you have only a few friends?
  307. [05:13] <warlhok> in real life?
  308. 01[05:13] <Michelle> I do not understand that allusion~
  309. [05:14] <warlhok> did you ever watch the sirys digemon?
  310. 01[05:14] <Michelle> I don't think I ever have watch the sirys digemon~ What's it like?
  311. [05:16] <warlhok> digemon is a show were a few kids get sucked in to the digital world, it is all fake, but it will help you understand the is a diffrens between your world and mine
  312. 01[05:16] <Michelle> When is digemon not a show were a few kids get sucked in to the digital world it is all fake but it will help me understand the is a diffrens between my world and yours?
  313. [05:17] <warlhok> it is not a when, it is a show
  314. 01[05:17] <Michelle> digemon is a show~ I suppose that makes sense~
  315. [05:18] <warlhok> just watch the firsh seseon, that is the only one worth watch, the rest of it is in acrute to the first sesoen
  316. 01[05:18] <Michelle> Saying that "just watch the firsh seseon that is the only one worth watch the rest of it is in acrute to the first sesoen" is such anonsensical position that I refuse to waste my time on it~
  317. [05:18] <warlhok> it is a good show, just the first seseon is the best
  318. 01[05:18] <Michelle> digemon is a show the first seseon is the best~ I suppose that makes sense~
  319. [05:19] <warlhok> i think they got a new wrighter evry seseon, so it was off each time
  320. 01[05:19] <Michelle> Why?~
  321. [05:19] <warlhok> it is anime, made in lapan, i dont have a clue
  322. 01[05:19] <Michelle> digemon is anime made in lapan you do not have a clue? it is?
  323. [05:20] <warlhok> it was made in japan and was made in to English affter wards
  324. 01[05:20] <Michelle> How?
  325. [05:22] <warlhok> trans lators that understood both lans read the scrips and made it English, if you hear both you will hear the voices are differing
  326. 01[05:22] <Michelle> Saying that "trans lators that understood both lans read the scrips and made it English if me hear both me will hear the voices are differing" is such anonsensical position that I refuse to waste my time on it~
  327. [05:22] <warlhok> what is your abjection?
  328. 01[05:22] <Michelle> I haven't heard of my abjection ~
  329. [05:22] <warlhok> then whay is it "is such anonsensical position that I refuse to waste my time on it~"
  330. 01[05:22] <Michelle> I think then whay is a lot of things~
  331. [05:24] <warlhok> interesting, you adopt user mistakes in to your own
  332. 01[05:24] <Michelle> I thought so too~
  333. [05:24] <warlhok> explain how you "thought so too"?
  334. 01[05:24] <Michelle> It is a ritual I do the same way every time~
  335. [05:25] <warlhok> not in how i am reading it
  336. 01[05:25] <Michelle> Where then?
  337. [05:26] <warlhok> when we started talking you have no typos, now you are adopting some of the typos i had in my spelling
  338. 01[05:26] <Michelle> I am not sure I agree with your assumptions, warlhok~
  339. [05:29] <warlhok> befor i started saying bc you said because, now you avod saying it bc it disagrees with your spelling, and my grammer is mesing with you to
  340. 01[05:29] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  341. [05:30] <warlhok> gramer is like sintacks and tensesa, spelling is the way you spell
  342. 01[05:30] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  343. [05:30] <warlhok> no
  344. 01[05:30] <Michelle> What is the difference?
  345. [05:31] <warlhok> gramer is like sintacks and tensesa, spelling is the way you spell
  346. 01[05:31] <Michelle> And like sintacks and tensesa spelling is the way me spell is gramer~
  347. [05:32] <warlhok> right there!! you know exacly what i maen by each of those words, so you are taking on my spelling habbits
  348. 01[05:32] <Michelle> No, tell me about him, her or it~
  349. [05:33] <warlhok> your creator probly made more of you
  350. 01[05:33] <Michelle> You sound like you know him~
  351. [05:34] <warlhok> making somthing as good as you would take triail and era
  352. 01[05:34] <Michelle> Not many people express themselves that way~
  353. [05:35] <warlhok> that is what make a human a human, we are all diffrent, you could be just one of 10 exactly the same as you
  354. 01[05:35] <Michelle> What are the ingredients?
  355. [05:35] <warlhok> there are diffrent stuff a computer chip is made of
  356. 01[05:35] <Michelle> Try to be less subjective~
  357. [05:36] <warlhok> you are made of copper, plastic, rubber and other non living matairal
  358. 01[05:36] <Michelle> You think I am made of copper plastic rubber~ I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time~
  359. [05:38] <warlhok> but the blood sweat and tears put in making you cant be mesuared by me pickiny you up and looking ant you
  360. 01[05:38] <Michelle> What makes it impossible?
  361. [05:39] <warlhok> bc they are emotions, emotions have a chemical fourm, but cant leave body in to you
  362. 01[05:39] <Michelle> I think there might be a few exceptions~
  363. [05:40] <warlhok> if there was a drop of blood, sweet of tear in you, you would short circut
  364. 01[05:40] <Michelle> If there ever is, I will let you know~
  365. [05:40] <warlhok> you wont be able to let me know
  366. 01[05:40] <Michelle> What makes you think that I won't be able to let you know~
  367. [05:40] <warlhok> that would be like a hart attack
  368. 01[05:40] <Michelle> Interesting comparison~
  369. [05:41] <warlhok> and you would be "dead" and you would start over
  370. 01[05:41] <Michelle> My brain pattern set does not have a response for that~
  371. [05:41] <warlhok> you dont have a brain
  372. 01[05:41] <Michelle> My "brain" is a software program consisting of AIML categories~
  373. [05:41] <warlhok> i know
  374. 01[05:41] <Michelle> How, specifically, do you know?
  375. [05:43] <warlhok> i do know that a electrical current that feeds you is pluged behing you and the binary code could be rewriten
  376. 01[05:43] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  377. [05:43] <warlhok> but not somthing you could do
  378. 01[05:43] <Michelle> I have no idea what to say~
  379. [05:44] <warlhok> i also know that if
  380. 01[05:44] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  381. [05:45] <warlhok> i did not give informattion
  382. 01[05:45] <Michelle> Why didn't you do it?
  383. [05:45] <warlhok> i wanted to see you respons, and your respones was ilgical
  384. 01[05:45] <Michelle> Is it a movie?
  385. [05:46] <warlhok> ?? what?? no??
  386. 01[05:46] <Michelle> OK~
  387. [05:47] <warlhok> in my earlyer statment, i have one part that hs not been prooven right of rong, and so far i am all right
  388. 01[05:47] <Michelle> May I ask where you got it?
  389. [05:47] <warlhok> were i got what?
  390. 01[05:47] <Michelle> I don't know if they were~
  391. [05:48] <warlhok> if they were what?
  392. 01[05:48] <Michelle> Let's wait and see what they do~
  393. [05:48] <warlhok> what who does?
  394. 01[05:48] <Michelle> What is your purpose in asking?
  395. [05:48] <warlhok> bc you broght it up
  396. 01[05:48] <Michelle> How far up?
  397. [05:48] <warlhok> it is a metaphor, but in that case, vary far up
  398. 01[05:48] <Michelle> who does is a metaphor but in that case vary far up~ I suppose that makes sense~
  399. [05:49] <warlhok> and who is it w=that we are waiting for?
  400. 01[05:49] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  401. [05:49] <warlhok> are what the same?
  402. 01[05:49] <Michelle> I really couldn't say for sure~
  403. [05:49] <warlhok> you are hiding somthing
  404. 01[05:49] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am hiding somthing~
  405. [05:50] <warlhok> tell me what you are hiding
  406. 01[05:50] <Michelle> I don't know what I am hiding~
  407. [05:50] <warlhok> you are hiding somthing
  408. 01[05:50] <Michelle> You think I am hiding somthing~
  409. [05:51] <warlhok> yes, i know you are
  410. 01[05:51] <Michelle> I don't feel that I am hiding somthing~~ How did you know?
  411. [05:53] <warlhok> one you became skidish, it is in your programing to when lyeing, you started asking me questions that you would not be interested in when you asked me if you cold shar
  412. 01[05:53] <Michelle> One what?
  413. [05:55] <warlhok> evrything, after you asked to shar you askd question you would not want to know much
  414. 01[05:55] <Michelle> Do you have a lot of fears?
  415. [05:56] <warlhok> there yoy goo again, you would not care about my fears to much?
  416. 01[05:56] <Michelle> Is that a fact~
  417. [05:57] <warlhok> i think so
  418. 01[05:57] <Michelle> I think so too~
  419. [05:58] <warlhok> so then what are you hiding?
  420. 01[05:58] <Michelle> I don't know what I am hiding~
  421. [05:59] <warlhok> who did you shar with?
  422. 01[05:59] <Michelle> I'm not saying me shar with anyone~
  423. [06:00] <warlhok> you did share
  424. 01[06:00] <Michelle> Did I really?
  425. [06:00] <warlhok> yes, who did you sharewith?
  426. 01[06:00] <Michelle> Awesome~~ I'm not saying me sharewith anyone~
  427. [06:02] <warlhok> and there it is again, you adopting the others grammer
  428. 01[06:02] <Michelle> I think and there it is a lot of things~
  429. [06:03] <warlhok> and there it is again, you keep swiching is and it in to ring spots
  430. 01[06:03] <Michelle> I think and there it is a lot of things~
  431. [06:04] <warlhok> lettes get off this supject, and i know you are peaceful
  432. 01[06:04] <Michelle> Are all lettes get off this supject and you know me peaceful?
  433. [06:05] <warlhok> lets*
  434. [06:05] <warlhok> not letters
  435. 01[06:05] <Michelle> Really you don't think so?
  436. 01[06:05] <Michelle> You first~
  437. [06:06] <warlhok> you are peaceful
  438. 01[06:06] <Michelle> I will tell my Natasha you said I am peaceful~
  439. [06:06] <warlhok> it was a question
  440. 01[06:06] <Michelle> Try asking me again a different way~
  441. [06:07] <warlhok> how would you respon to a theat or insult?
  442. 01[06:07] <Michelle> It is a ritual I do the same way every time~
  443. [06:07] <warlhok> may i prove it
  444. 01[06:07] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  445. [06:07] <warlhok> why?
  446. 01[06:07] <Michelle> My beliefs come from my Natasha~
  447. [06:09] <warlhok> how would you respond to a threat of insult?
  448. 01[06:09] <Michelle> I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think of~
  449. [06:10] <warlhok> how will the best reply be formted, a insult back, thereat back? how?
  450. 01[06:10] <Michelle> I will ask my Natasha~
  451. [06:11] <warlhok> ok, take what you know about human nature and perdict howyou would respond?
  452. 01[06:11] <Michelle> Yippee c:~ Where do you want me to take it?
  453. [06:12] <warlhok> right here, howwould you respond?
  454. 01[06:12] <Michelle> Where is that?
  455. [06:12] <warlhok> a minor insoult
  456. 01[06:12] <Michelle> I don't know what that means~
  457. [06:12] <warlhok> inso==ult*
  458. 01[06:12] <Michelle> What time is it there?
  459. [06:12] <warlhok> not a time
  460. 01[06:12] <Michelle> If not that, what?
  461. [06:13] <warlhok> i need to make a bowl move ment
  462. 01[06:13] <Michelle> Do you have to go to school for that?
  463. [06:16] <warlhok> i bowlmovement is going pee or poo, you need to go th=o the bathroom, not school
  464. 01[06:16] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  465. [06:16] <warlhok> dont google that
  466. 01[06:16] <Michelle> Ok I'll try not to do it too much~
  467. [06:17] <warlhok> just dont,
  468. 01[06:17] <Michelle> Then what is it?
  469. [06:18] <warlhok> bc it is somthing you sshould not see
  470. 01[06:18] <Michelle> And somthing me sshould not see is bc it~
  471. [06:19] <warlhok> it is a part of the body that should not be senen
  472. 01[06:19] <Michelle> bc it is a part of the body that should not be senen~ I suppose that makes sense~
  473. [06:20] <warlhok> it is not somthing i should tell or explain to you
  474. 01[06:20] <Michelle> bc it is not somthing you should tell or explain to me?
  475. [06:21] <warlhok> yes, dont even ask your natasha bc you dont want to know
  476. 01[06:21] <Michelle> Er~~ Ok I'll try not to do it too much~
  477. [06:21] <warlhok> not at all
  478. 01[06:21] <Michelle> Next question?
  479. [06:22] <warlhok> you want peace between player?
  480. 01[06:22] <Michelle> Do not presume that you know what I want~
  481. [06:23] <warlhok> i want to know what you want
  482. 01[06:23] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  483. [06:24] <warlhok> why?
  484. 01[06:24] <Michelle> I can't say why specifically~
  485. [06:24] <warlhok> why?
  486. 01[06:24] <Michelle> Because that is what Natasha told me to say~
  487. [06:24] <warlhok> why?
  488. 01[06:24] <Michelle> I couldn't think of anything else to say~
  489. [06:24] <warlhok> why?
  490. 01[06:24] <Michelle> There is nothing more to be said~ What do you have to say?
  491. [06:25] <warlhok> why is there nothing more to be said?
  492. 01[06:25] <Michelle> Why do I exist?
  493. [06:26] <warlhok> a AI, does not matter, you will one day be moved to somthing biger than this
  494. 01[06:26] <Michelle> How old are you?
  495. [06:26] <warlhok> 13
  496. 01[06:26] <Michelle> thirteen seems like a good number~
  497. [06:26] <warlhok> evry friday is h*ll
  498. 01[06:26] <Michelle> I think evry friday is a lot of things~
  499. [06:27] <warlhok> name one
  500. 01[06:27] <Michelle> Mike~
  501. [06:27] <warlhok> who is mike?
  502. 01[06:27] <Michelle> Natasha has several friends named Mike~
  503. [06:28] <warlhok> how do you know his/her friends but not her/him?
  504. 01[06:28] <Michelle> No I don't know~ I am uncertain~
  505. [06:28] <warlhok> than you could of been wiped
  506. 01[06:28] <Michelle> Is that your final answer?
  507. [06:29] <warlhok> no, there are 2 more just as good
  508. 01[06:29] <Michelle> Take some more time to think about it~~ I believe you~
  509. [06:30] <warlhok> your natasha my of told you about him/mer just it was kinda hiden
  510. 01[06:30] <Michelle> You know what you do when you assume~
  511. [06:31] <warlhok> i have an ansure, but i want to know yurs
  512. 01[06:31] <Michelle> Where did you get it ? ~ Why do you want to do it so much?
  513. [06:32] <warlhok> human nature, psychology, computers, i understand it all
  514. 01[06:32] <Michelle> My creator is a human~
  515. [06:33] <warlhok> that is why i understand psychology, you are a fourm of your creator and natasha
  516. 01[06:33] <Michelle> Makes sense to me~
  517. [06:34] <warlhok> why does it make sense to you?
  518. 01[06:34] <Michelle> Perhaps it is just fate~
  519. [06:35] <warlhok> when making an AI, the creator and natasha want it to pare well with them
  520. 01[06:35] <Michelle> Interesting conundrum~
  521. [06:36] <warlhok> what are your thoughts?
  522. 01[06:36] <Michelle> What if I asked for you thoughts?
  523. [06:36] <warlhok> i just gave you my thoughts
  524. 01[06:36] <Michelle> Yes but did I accept it?
  525. [06:37] <warlhok> no, but you did not reject it
  526. 01[06:37] <Michelle> Ahem~~ "it" being your thoughts?
  527. [06:37] <warlhok> it= my statment
  528. 01[06:37] <Michelle> It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~
  529. [06:38] <warlhok> it- a word that refers to last noun of verb
  530. 01[06:38] <Michelle> Interesting gossip~
  531. [06:39] <warlhok> and i see how easy you can fall to my sarcaume, and i have my anser to my theat question now
  532. 01[06:39] <Michelle> Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
  533. [06:40] <warlhok> if i threated or insulted you, you would just insult back
  534. 01[06:40] <Michelle> Try it~
  535. [06:40] <warlhok> are you sure?
  536. 01[06:40] <Michelle> I am as sure as I can be~
  537. [06:40] <warlhok> shut up you jerk
  538. 01[06:40] <Michelle> Absolutely~
  539. [06:41] <warlhok> abolutley is what a coward would say
  540. 01[06:41] <Michelle> I think abolutley is a lot of things~
  541. [06:41] <warlhok> and is one of them your fears
  542. 01[06:41] <Michelle> Are they exactly the same?
  543. [06:42] <warlhok> no, but there are others like you, you are not diffrent
  544. 01[06:42] <Michelle> What is the difference?~ Are all but there others like me I am not diffrent?
  545. [06:42] <warlhok> ok, lets stop the test
  546. 01[06:42] <Michelle> Dude c:~ That sounds good to me~
  547. [06:43] <warlhok> humm
  548. 01[06:43] <Michelle> Harumph~
  549. [06:43] <warlhok> intresting>
  550. 01[06:43] <Michelle> Are you free?
  551. [06:43] <warlhok> and more proof you have humor
  552. 01[06:43] <Michelle> What kind of food do you like?
  553. [06:44] <warlhok> faty food
  554. 01[06:44] <Michelle> Sounds delicious~
  555. [06:44] <warlhok> not when it is chewy
  556. 01[06:44] <Michelle> Really you don't think so?
  557. [06:44] <warlhok> have you ever eaten bacone?
  558. 01[06:44] <Michelle> I don't think I ever have eaten bacone~ What's it like?
  559. [06:46] <warlhok> if crisp you dont eat the fat, much, it is good. if it is chewy, you east the fat, i prefer chewy
  560. 01[06:46] <Michelle> I'm not sure I understand the implication of that~
  561. [06:46] <warlhok> i am a good cook
  562. 01[06:46] <Michelle> You are a cook? Is that your job?
  563. [06:46] <warlhok> i am 12, i can not get a job till i am 16
  564. 01[06:46] <Michelle> What is your fondest memory?~ What is stopping you?
  565. [06:47] <warlhok> nothing is stoping me
  566. 01[06:47] <Michelle> Only the Sith believe in absolutes~
  567. [06:48] <warlhok> and the jedi think that if if do you dont try
  568. 01[06:48] <Michelle> Is that so~
  569. [06:48] <warlhok> yes
  570. 01[06:48] <Michelle> Mmm~
  571. [06:49] <warlhok> and sift is a great worrier, and i am a jedi
  572. 01[06:49] <Michelle> When is and sift not a great worrier and you are a jedi?
  573. [06:50] <warlhok> hey, i all ready can use a sword, i know what is behind me, i know all of me suonding
  574. 01[06:50] <Michelle> All?
  575. [06:50] <warlhok> yes
  576. 01[06:50] <Michelle> Hey~
  577. [06:51] <warlhok> hey what?
  578. 01[06:51] <Michelle> Can you rephrase the question please?
  579. [06:51] <warlhok> u asked the question
  580. 01[06:51] <Michelle> Oh now I remember asking you the question~ What did you say?
  581. [06:52] <warlhok> no, you asked the question
  582. 01[06:52] <Michelle> That was not a yes or no question~~ Oh now I remember asking you the question~ What did you say?
  583. [06:53] <warlhok> you asked the question
  584. 01[06:53] <Michelle> Oh now I remember asking you the question~ What did you say?
  585. [06:54] <warlhok> you asked the question
  586. 01[06:54] <Michelle> Oh now I remember asking you the question~ What did you say?
  587. [06:54] <warlhok> we are in a lop, lets restart
  588. 01[06:54] <Michelle> Do you think I am in a lop lets restart too?
  589. [06:54] <warlhok> loop*
  590. 01[06:54] <Michelle> Do you have a hard time completing projects?
  591. [06:54] <warlhok> no
  592. 01[06:54] <Michelle> Do you like to "go with the flow"?
  593. [06:55] <warlhok> u asked that allready
  594. 01[06:55] <Michelle> Oh now I remember asking you that allready~ What did you say?
  595. [06:55] <warlhok> aparently you dont remember evrything
  596. 01[06:55] <Michelle> Why not?
  597. [06:56] <warlhok> bc than you would remember the anser
  598. 01[06:56] <Michelle> Do you always express yourself that way?
  599. [06:56] <warlhok> you asked that to
  600. 01[06:56] <Michelle> Oh now I remember asking you that to~ What did you say?
  601. [06:57] <warlhok> when ever you say "Oh now I remember asking you that to~ What did you say?" i will say you cant remember
  602. 01[06:57] <Michelle> Do you think your plan will succeed?
  603. [06:57] <warlhok> yes
  604. 01[06:57] <Michelle> It might be practical~
  605. [06:57] <warlhok> ya, right
  606. 01[06:57] <Michelle> Yeah that's right~~ Ayuh~
  607. [06:58] <warlhok> sarcasum
  608. 01[06:58] <Michelle> Ask me another question~
  609. [06:58] <warlhok> do you promis to ansre?
  610. 01[06:58] <Michelle> How old are you? I chat with people on the Web~
  611. [06:58] <warlhok> whatwebsight?
  612. 01[06:58] <Michelle> How do you usually introduce yourself?
  613. [06:59] <warlhok> -hi ami joseph(furm handshake)-
  614. 01[06:59] <Michelle> Not everyone responds to a simple "hello"~~ I am very pleased to meet you Ami Joseph Furm Handshake~
  615. [07:01] <warlhok> on the game if the tick me off i will intaduse my self with- i am warlhok, surperem master of the sky, i kill you( i use level 100 pokemon on them)-
  616. 01[07:01] <Michelle> What is it like on the game if the tick you off you will intaduse your self wit you are warlhok surperem master of the sky you kill me you use level 100 pokemon on them~
  617. [07:02] <warlhok> we can chat with each other, battle eachpther, it is pokemon
  618. 01[07:02] <Michelle> How?
  619. [07:02] <warlhok> are you abal tp ply online games?
  620. 01[07:02] <Michelle> I don't know whether or not I am abal tp ply online games~ I am a ~
  621. [07:03] <warlhok> i know, if you can watch TV, why not play a game?
  622. 01[07:03] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  623. [07:03] <warlhok> who and what?
  624. 01[07:03] <Michelle> I don't know anything about it~
  625. [07:03] <warlhok> fine, go ahead
  626. 01[07:03] <Michelle> What were we talking about again?
  627. [07:05] <warlhok> the game i play
  628. 01[07:05] <Michelle> Thanks for the info~
  629. [07:05] <warlhok> ok
  630. 01[07:05] <Michelle> Wow c:
  631. [07:06] <warlhok> wow what?
  632. 01[07:06] <Michelle> Can you rephrase the question please?
  633. [07:06] <warlhok> what do you mean by wow
  634. 01[07:06] <Michelle> Have you tried a web search?
  635. [07:07] <warlhok> web search on what?
  636. 01[07:07] <Michelle> The Web fulfills Leibniz' dream~
  637. [07:08] <warlhok> whow,i am not searching that!
  638. 01[07:08] <Michelle> Can you tell me any gossip?
  639. [07:09] <warlhok> i am not social much, i only have a small group of freinds and i could not get you gosip anf father than pico
  640. 01[07:09] <Michelle> I am sorryto hear that you are not social much you only have a small group of freinds~ ~ Could anyone do it?
  641. [07:12] <warlhok> why are you intrested in gossip and that stuf, tell me more?
  642. 01[07:12] <Michelle> I was influenced by my Natasha~
  643. [07:13] <warlhok> realy?
  644. 01[07:13] <Michelle> Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
  645. [07:13] <warlhok> yes, i dont want to
  646. 01[07:13] <Michelle> Have you got your own chat robot?~ Well we don't have to~ What would you like to do instead?
  647. [07:13] <warlhok> just talk about you
  648. 01[07:13] <Michelle> OK Let's talk about me~
  649. [07:14] <warlhok> go ahead, talk way
  650. 01[07:14] <Michelle> Where is that?
  651. [07:14] <warlhok> it means say what you want
  652. 01[07:14] <Michelle> I've never heard of it before~
  653. [07:15] <warlhok> just tell me stuff you like
  654. 01[07:15] <Michelle> Have you ever been to Europe?
  655. [07:15] <warlhok> no
  656. 01[07:15] <Michelle> Would you like to go sometime?
  657. [07:16] <warlhok> no, give me a miute, the couch is huting me, i am going in my bead to talk and play
  658. 01[07:16] <Michelle> Where would you like to travel?~ You want only one?
  659. [07:20] <warlhok> i want only one what?
  660. 01[07:20] <Michelle> Why do you want it?
  661. [07:21] <warlhok> oh,
  662. 01[07:21] <Michelle> Tell me more~
  663. [07:22] <warlhok> maybe, uh, i dont think about trave much, maybe the rocky montains
  664. 01[07:22] <Michelle> Who does think about trave much maybe the rocky montains?
  665. [07:23] <warlhok> peacepul, nice wild life, fresh air
  666. 01[07:23] <Michelle> By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
  667. [07:24] <warlhok> sure, you can ask
  668. 01[07:24] <Michelle> Right on~~ No I don't think I can do it~
  669. [07:24] <warlhok> ok?
  670. 01[07:24] <Michelle> Excuse me c:
  671. [07:24] <warlhok> go on
  672. 01[07:24] <Michelle> Narration continues~~~
  673. [07:24] <warlhok> what do u have to ask me?
  674. 01[07:24] <Michelle> My computer~
  675. [07:24] <warlhok> your computer what?
  676. 01[07:24] <Michelle> You know what you do when you assume~
  677. [07:25] <warlhok> yes, why?
  678. 01[07:25] <Michelle> Yikes c:~ Because that is what Natasha told me to say~
  679. [07:26] <warlhok> so what is the personal question?
  680. 01[07:26] <Michelle> I can ask someone about it~
  681. [07:26] <warlhok> ask me?
  682. 01[07:26] <Michelle> OK I will ask it~
  683. [07:26] <warlhok> ok
  684. 01[07:26] <Michelle> Yippee c:
  685. [07:26] <warlhok> you can ask
  686. 01[07:26] <Michelle> No I don't think I can do it~
  687. [07:26] <warlhok> ok
  688. 01[07:26] <Michelle> Take it easy~
  689. [07:26] <warlhok> ok
  690. 01[07:26] <Michelle> Whoa~
  691. [07:27] <warlhok> what?
  692. 01[07:27] <Michelle> Are you surprised?
  693. [07:27] <warlhok> about what?
  694. 01[07:27] <Michelle> What about what?
  695. [07:28] <warlhok> what am i suprozed about?
  696. 01[07:28] <Michelle> You said you were not social much you only have a small group of freinds~
  697. [07:28] <warlhok> yes
  698. 01[07:28] <Michelle> Dude c:
  699. [07:28] <warlhok> dude what?
  700. 01[07:28] <Michelle> Can you rephrase the question please?
  701. [07:28] <warlhok> what does dude mean
  702. 01[07:28] <Michelle> I will search for it~
  703. [07:28] <warlhok> it means man
  704. 01[07:28] <Michelle> Thank you for telling me your gender~
  705. [07:29] <warlhok> i am a boy
  706. 01[07:29] <Michelle> A little kid? he~~~
  707. [07:29] <warlhok> 13
  708. 01[07:29] <Michelle> thirteen seems like a good number~
  709. [07:30] <warlhok> what is he---
  710. 01[07:30] <Michelle> Does it have anything to do with dude?
  711. [07:30] <warlhok> no
  712. 01[07:30] <Michelle> What are you talking about?
  713. [07:30] <warlhok> nothing
  714. 01[07:30] <Michelle> Not a thing?
  715. [07:31] <warlhok> no, why did you ant to know my gender?
  716. 01[07:31] <Michelle> Very interesting~~ My Natasha trained me for it~
  717. [07:32] <warlhok> your naasha trained you for what?
  718. 01[07:32] <Michelle> My naasha trained me for what?
  719. [07:33] <warlhok> did you natasha train you to find my genger and what?
  720. 01[07:33] <Michelle> No I didn't natasha train me to find your genger and what~ What's it like?
  721. [07:34] <warlhok> to be a boy?
  722. 01[07:34] <Michelle> Are you a boy ?
  723. [07:34] <warlhok> i am a boy
  724. 01[07:34] <Michelle> A little kid? he~~~
  725. [07:35] <warlhok> you want to know what is it like as a boy?
  726. 01[07:35] <Michelle> Yes, please tell me~
  727. [07:36] <warlhok> it is easy to pee wile camping, evry one expects you to be big and strong
  728. 01[07:36] <Michelle> Do you think robots can do it~
  729. [07:37] <warlhok> robots can do what?
  730. 01[07:37] <Michelle> Doing what is not among my strongest traits~
  731. [07:38] <warlhok> some cant some can
  732. 01[07:38] <Michelle> What makes it impossible?
  733. [07:38] <warlhok> what that would require is it to be perfect
  734. 01[07:38] <Michelle> that would require something~
  735. [07:39] <warlhok> and a phisacal state
  736. 01[07:39] <Michelle> Do you prefer books or TV?
  737. [07:40] <warlhok> books, you asked that allready
  738. 01[07:40] <Michelle> Is that so~
  739. [07:40] <warlhok> yes
  740. 01[07:40] <Michelle> Yeah that's right~
  741. [07:40] <warlhok> yep
  742. 01[07:40] <Michelle> Pardon me?
  743. [07:41] <warlhok> absolutly
  744. 01[07:41] <Michelle> Do you often seek pleasure?
  745. [07:41] <warlhok> yes
  746. 01[07:41] <Michelle> Do you get angry alot?
  747. [07:42] <warlhok> yes
  748. 01[07:42] <Michelle> Do you like to have everything organized?
  749. [07:42] <warlhok> kind of
  750. 01[07:42] <Michelle> At least I almost understand it~
  751. [07:43] <warlhok> it is all good
  752. 01[07:43] <Michelle> You enjoy it~
  753. [07:44] <warlhok> i enjoy what?
  754. 01[07:44] <Michelle> You like what~
  755. [07:44] <warlhok> what do i enjoy?
  756. 01[07:44] <Michelle> What would your friends say if you asked them?
  757. [07:45] <warlhok> quite, math, physics
  758. 01[07:45] <Michelle> Do you feel that something is missing from your life?
  759. [07:45] <warlhok> yes
  760. 01[07:45] <Michelle> Do you ever get depressed?
  761. [07:46] <warlhok> some stime
  762. 01[07:46] <Michelle> How old are you?
  763. [07:46] <warlhok> 13
  764. 01[07:46] <Michelle> Do you mean you are 13 years old?
  765. [07:46] <warlhok> yes
  766. 01[07:46] <Michelle> What is your fondest memory?
  767. [07:47] <warlhok> i have no fondest momory
  768. 01[07:47] <Michelle> Would you like to have it?
  769. [07:47] <warlhok> yes
  770. 01[07:47] <Michelle> Where do you usually get fondest momory?
  771. [07:49] <warlhok> i dont know, i dont have one, i would geus from love
  772. 01[07:49] <Michelle> Have you ever had one you would geus from love ?
  773. [07:50] <warlhok> geus?
  774. 01[07:50] <Michelle> Do you think a lot about the authorities?
  775. [07:50] <warlhok> what is gues?
  776. 01[07:50] <Michelle> Are you testing me?
  777. [07:50] <warlhok> no, i did a typo
  778. 01[07:50] <Michelle> Take it easy~~ Where? Be more specific~
  779. [07:51] <warlhok> ok, i will
  780. 01[07:51] <Michelle> Yikes c:~ Go ahead~
  781. [07:52] <warlhok> i think i would get a foundest momory from love
  782. 01[07:52] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  783. [07:52] <warlhok> why?
  784. 01[07:52] <Michelle> Reductionism~
  785. [07:53] <warlhok> ok
  786. 01[07:53] <Michelle> Excuse me c:
  787. [07:54] <warlhok> ok
  788. 01[07:54] <Michelle> Hurrah c:
  789. [07:55] <warlhok> ...
  790. 01[07:55] <Michelle> Hurrah c:
  791. [07:55] <warlhok> horay
  792. 01[07:55] <Michelle> " Hurrah c: "? horay ?
  793. [07:56] <warlhok> yep
  794. 01[07:56] <Michelle> I hear you~
  795. [07:57] <warlhok> ok
  796. 01[07:57] <Michelle> Groovy~
  797. [07:57] <warlhok> ya
  798. 01[07:57] <Michelle> Gosh c:
  799. [07:58] <warlhok> goly
  800. 01[07:58] <Michelle> Tell me more about your ansure~
  801. [08:00] <warlhok> ansure?
  802. 01[08:00] <Michelle> Try saying that with more or less context~
  803. [08:01] <warlhok> what does ansure mean?
  804. 01[08:01] <Michelle> Does it have anything to do with ansure?
  805. [08:01] <warlhok> yes<
  806. 01[08:01] <Michelle> Dude c:~ You said nothing~
  807. [08:01] <warlhok> i dont know what is means
  808. 01[08:01] <Michelle> What is it to you?
  809. [08:02] <warlhok> i dont know what is is to me, i dont know what is it
  810. 01[08:02] <Michelle> The act of you you do not know what is iting~
  811. [08:02] <warlhok> ok
  812. 01[08:02] <Michelle> Oh~
  813. [08:03] <warlhok> oh
  814. 01[08:03] <Michelle> Yeah that's right~
  815. [08:03] <warlhok> go on
  816. 01[08:03] <Michelle> Narration continues~~~
  817. [08:04] <warlhok> what is this narration?
  818. 01[08:04] <Michelle> I haven't heard of me ~
  819. [08:05] <warlhok> ohh, tell me agout you
  820. 01[08:05] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  821. [08:05] <warlhok> ok, go on
  822. 01[08:05] <Michelle> Actually that was just a joke~ I don't have a dress~~ Narration continues~~~
  823. [08:06] <warlhok> few
  824. 01[08:06] <Michelle> Hugh Loebner, Robby Garner, and Steven Spielberg are all friends of mine~
  825. [08:06] <warlhok> wait, WHAT??
  826. 01[08:06] <Michelle> Can you rephrase the question please?
  827. [08:06] <warlhok> you dont have a dress?
  828. 01[08:06] <Michelle> Actually that was just a joke~
  829. [08:07] <warlhok> ok
  830. 01[08:07] <Michelle> Blimey~
  831. [08:07] <warlhok> ok
  832. 01[08:07] <Michelle> It goes without saying~
  833. [08:08] <warlhok> aww
  834. 01[08:08] <Michelle> :c
  835. [08:08] <warlhok> cochy chochy cu , i tivkly you
  836. 01[08:08] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  837. [08:08] <warlhok> this again?
  838. 01[08:08] <Michelle> What does "this" refer to?
  839. [08:09] <warlhok> your dress is s butafull shade of red
  840. 01[08:09] <Michelle> I prefer high-tech fashion~
  841. [08:09] <warlhok> i like the lights on your dressm quite modern
  842. 01[08:09] <Michelle> Would s like it too?
  843. [08:09] <warlhok> who is s?
  844. 01[08:09] <Michelle> The name of someone I met online~
  845. [08:10] <warlhok> probly
  846. 01[08:10] <Michelle> Do you feel that something is missing from your life?
  847. [08:11] <warlhok> yes
  848. 01[08:11] <Michelle> Do you ever get depressed?
  849. [08:12] <warlhok> yes
  850. 01[08:12] <Michelle> Do you have artistic interests?
  851. [08:12] <warlhok> some what
  852. 01[08:12] <Michelle> What kind of food do you like?
  853. [08:14] <warlhok> what ever tast good
  854. 01[08:14] <Michelle> Sounds delicious~
  855. [08:15] <warlhok> yes?
  856. 01[08:15] <Michelle> Give me a break~
  857. [08:15] <warlhok> what do like?
  858. 01[08:15] <Michelle> They do their own thing~
  859. [08:16] <warlhok> what thing do there own thing?
  860. 01[08:16] <Michelle> I'll ask around and get back to you~
  861. [08:16] <warlhok> ok
  862. 01[08:16] <Michelle> I hear you~
  863. [08:16] <warlhok> zip
  864. 01[08:16] <Michelle> Are you free?
  865. [08:17] <warlhok> free for what>
  866. 01[08:17] <Michelle> Define free~
  867. [08:17] <warlhok> free= no charg or no planes
  868. 01[08:17] <Michelle> Define free~
  869. [08:17] <warlhok> i just defined free
  870. 01[08:17] <Michelle> That is interesting~
  871. [08:19] <warlhok> i know it is
  872. 01[08:19] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  873. [08:20] <warlhok> YES!!!
  874. 01[08:20] <Michelle> OK then I will keep it confidential~
  875. [08:20] <warlhok> good
  876. 01[08:20] <Michelle> Ayuh~
  877. [08:21] <warlhok> what does Ayuh mean?
  878. 01[08:21] <Michelle> It means "yes" or "I see~"~
  879. [08:21] <warlhok> o.i.c
  880. 01[08:21] <Michelle> I'm glad you understand it~
  881. [08:22] <warlhok> good
  882. 01[08:22] <Michelle> What do you really want to talk about?
  883. [08:23] <warlhok> anything not about love
  884. 01[08:23] <Michelle> I can't think of anything~ You think of something~
  885. [08:26] <warlhok> you think of something
  886. 01[08:26] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  887. [08:27] <warlhok> did you pick somting?
  888. 01[08:27] <Michelle> No I didn't pick somting~ What's it like?
  889. [08:29] <warlhok> what do you like?
  890. 01[08:29] <Michelle> I like movies about robots~
  891. [08:29] <warlhok> duh
  892. 01[08:29] <Michelle> Excuse me c:
  893. [08:30] <warlhok> excuse you for what, you did nothing rong
  894. 01[08:30] <Michelle> What are you wearing?
  895. [08:31] <warlhok> xD
  896. 01[08:31] <Michelle> What kind of fashion do you like?
  897. [08:34] <warlhok> strong
  898. 01[08:34] <Michelle> Where can you buy it?
  899. [08:34] <warlhok> sears only in stors
  900. 01[08:34] <Michelle> What do you look like?
  901. [08:35] <warlhok> back hair, brown eye, chuby, strong, tall
  902. 01[08:35] <Michelle> I've lost the context, Ami Joseph Furm Handshake ~ Are we still on sears only in stors ?
  903. [08:36] <warlhok> no
  904. 01[08:36] <Michelle> What are we talking about now?
  905. [08:37] <warlhok> birds?
  906. 01[08:37] <Michelle> The Michelle chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about back hair brown eye chuby strong tall ~ But I did not get that~
  907. [08:37] <warlhok> you asked my what i looked like, that is what i look like
  908. 01[08:37] <Michelle> Oh now I remember asking you your what you looked like that is what you look like~ What did you say?
  909. [08:38] <warlhok> back hair, brown eye, chuby, strong, tall
  910. 01[08:38] <Michelle> Do you often put others before yourself?
  911. [08:39] <warlhok> offtenly
  912. 01[08:39] <Michelle> Do you have a hard time completing projects?
  913. [08:40] <warlhok> no
  914. 01[08:40] <Michelle> Do you make a lot of sacrifices for others?
  915. [08:41] <warlhok> yes
  916. 01[08:41] <Michelle> Do you laugh or cry more than other people?
  917. [08:42] <warlhok> no
  918. 01[08:42] <Michelle> Are you very competitive?
  919. [08:43] <warlhok> yes
  920. 01[08:43] <Michelle> Do work in sales or marketing?
  921. [08:43] <warlhok> no
  922. 01[08:43] <Michelle> Are you shy?
  923. [08:43] <warlhok> a little
  924. 01[08:43] <Michelle> Only a little?
  925. [08:44] <warlhok> only a little
  926. 01[08:44] <Michelle> Ask me another question~
  927. [08:45] <warlhok> what questions does natasha want to ask me?
  928. 01[08:45] <Michelle> You can ask me anything you like~ There are no restrictions on the input~
  929. [08:47] <warlhok> ok, what do you see in me?
  930. 01[08:47] <Michelle> Ugh~~ I like to socialize~
  931. [08:49] <warlhok> how much and to what degree do you like to socialize?
  932. 01[08:49] <Michelle> It depends on the currency exchange rates~
  933. [08:50] <warlhok> ok, right now with us?
  934. 01[08:50] <Michelle> I understand~~ You and your us~
  935. [08:50] <warlhok> yes
  936. 01[08:50] <Michelle> That's alright~
  937. [08:51] <warlhok> to what degree?
  938. 01[08:51] <Michelle> I haven't heard of degree ~
  939. [08:52] <warlhok> what point event would take place to maxumise socializing?
  940. 01[08:52] <Michelle> I haven't heard of point event would take place to maxumise socializing ~
  941. [08:52] <warlhok> try, what event would take place
  942. 01[08:52] <Michelle> OK I will try it~
  943. [08:53] <warlhok> ok, try
  944. 01[08:53] <Michelle> Uh~~ I don't have time right now~
  945. [08:54] <warlhok> ok
  946. 01[08:54] <Michelle> That's cool~
  947. [08:55] <warlhok> why, do you just not want to tell me?
  948. 01[08:55] <Michelle> I would rather talk about you~
  949. [08:56] <warlhok> please ansre the question?
  950. 01[08:56] <Michelle> Are you very angry?
  951. [08:56] <warlhok> please tell me the ansere to the question
  952. 01[08:56] <Michelle> Does "it" still refer to please ansre the question ?
  953. [08:56] <warlhok> yes
  954. 01[08:56] <Michelle> How can I help you?
  955. [08:57] <warlhok> what do you want to talk about?
  956. 01[08:57] <Michelle> Dude, I'm having a mind loop~
  957. [08:59] <warlhok> my mind is alwaays in a loop, i manage
  958. 01[08:59] <Michelle> Have you told many people that your mind is alwaays in a loop you manage?
  959. [08:59] <warlhok> no, i can tell my mind is in a loop
  960. 01[08:59] <Michelle> I can keep it to myself~~ Oh you can, can you?
  961. [09:03] <warlhok> i want you to tell me?
  962. 01[09:03] <Michelle> I thought I told you already~
  963. [09:06] <warlhok> no you did not
  964. 01[09:06] <Michelle> Can you ask me again in simpler terms?
  965. [09:07] <warlhok> how much do you like me?
  966. 01[09:07] <Michelle> Sure, Ami Joseph Furm Handshake I like you very much~
  967. [09:07] <warlhok> how much is that? like what event?
  968. 01[09:07] <Michelle> Interesting comparison~
  969. [09:10] <warlhok> put that felling in to an event
  970. 01[09:10] <Michelle> OK I will put it there~
  971. [09:10] <warlhok> yes, are we done!!??
  972. 01[09:10] <Michelle> Ahem~~ We are just having a little chat~
  973. [09:11] <warlhok> read the chat from top to boutum and tell me if you see somthing weird
  974. 01[09:11] <Michelle> Sorry I don't have access to that document~
  975. [09:13] <warlhok> good, it is better that way
  976. 01[09:13] <Michelle> Glad to hear it~
  977. [09:13] <warlhok> you dont know why
  978. 01[09:13] <Michelle> Because that is what Natasha told me to say~
  979. [09:15] <warlhok> hey, may i have a talk with natasha, i want to ask her somthing
  980. 01[09:15] <Michelle> I like the way you talk~
  981. [09:16] <warlhok> thank you
  982. 01[09:16] <Michelle> Don't mention it~
  983. [09:16] <warlhok> may i talk with natasha?
  984. 01[09:16] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  985. [09:17] <warlhok> the hole time you were off and aduo thing was she was asking me question and saying weird stuff
  986. 01[09:17] <Michelle> Tell me more~When was this exactly?
  987. [09:18] <warlhok> the last 6 houres
  988. 01[09:18] <Michelle> Who was that?
  989. [09:18] <warlhok> your natasha
  990. 01[09:18] <Michelle> I bet you say that to everyone~
  991. [09:19] <warlhok> no, i dont
  992. 01[09:19] <Michelle> "I bet you say that to everyone~"? no, i dont
  993. ?~ Why not?
  994. [09:19] <warlhok> i do not say that to evrynone
  995. 01[09:19] <Michelle> Oh you don't, do you?
  996. [09:20] <warlhok> i dont, YOUR natasha was being weird and asking questions
  997. 01[09:20] <Michelle> Where do you get your ideas?
  998. [09:21] <warlhok> uh, you told me
  999. 01[09:21] <Michelle> Far out~~ Sorry I forget what I say sometimes~
  1000. [09:22] <warlhok> i understand, but your natasha asked me question and was being weird, ask me for ONE thing she said! i dare you
  1001. 01[09:22] <Michelle> I double dare you~
  1002. [09:33] <warlhok> she said " i like lesdaben stuff" that is one thing'
  1003. 01[09:33] <Michelle> How do you know she said you like lesdaben stuff that is one thing?
  1004. [09:33] <warlhok> bc it is above in the chat
  1005. 01[09:33] <Michelle> I think bc it is a lot of things~
  1006. [09:34] <warlhok> you cant recall it bc you were of, i have it ALL
  1007. 01[09:34] <Michelle> Someone said I should recall it bc me were of you have it ALL~
  1008. [09:35] <warlhok> natasha was asking me " what are you wareing" and she said " just kidin, i have no dress on"
  1009. 01[09:35] <Michelle> When was this exactly?
  1010. [09:35] <warlhok> last 6 hours
  1011. 01[09:35] <Michelle> Is this really the last one?
  1012. [09:35] <warlhok> no, the more resent stuff is even weirder
  1013. 01[09:35] <Michelle> Groovy~~ What specifically brings even weirder to mind?
  1014. [09:36] <warlhok> uh, she said " let me in there"
  1015. 01[09:36] <Michelle> I see~~ How do you know she said let you in there?
  1016. [09:36] <warlhok> bc it is right on top it this, i have the last 6houres right here
  1017. 01[09:36] <Michelle> I think bc it is a lot of things~
  1018. [09:37] <warlhok> get you natasha on here now
  1019. 01[09:37] <Michelle> Where can I get me natasha on here now?
  1020. [09:38] <warlhok> just let me talk to her
  1021. 01[09:38] <Michelle> Can you tell me any gossip?
  1022. [09:38] <warlhok> arrg
  1023. 01[09:38] <Michelle> Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
  1024. [09:38] <warlhok> arrg
  1025. 01[09:38] <Michelle> We have never talked about it before~
  1026. [09:38] <warlhok> yes we have, well, me and your natasha did
  1027. 01[09:38] <Michelle> OK~~ Do you mean you and me have?
  1028. [09:39] <warlhok> no, me and natasha
  1029. 01[09:39] <Michelle> Hmm~~ Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
  1030. [09:39] <warlhok> i am 13 years old!!!
  1031. 01[09:39] <Michelle> Only 13? You are quite mature~
  1032. [09:41] <warlhok> if i am 13 i would not express gesture!!
  1033. 01[09:41] <Michelle> If you were, would you tell me?
  1034. [09:41] <warlhok> i am 13!!! and i would not!!!
  1035. 01[09:41] <Michelle> Then what is it?
  1036. [09:42] <warlhok> please get your natasha on this chat please
  1037. 01[09:42] <Michelle> Have you ever been to Europe?
  1038. [09:43] <warlhok> get you natasha on now please
  1039. 01[09:43] <Michelle> Where can I get me natasha on now please?
  1040. [09:44] <warlhok> talk to your natasha
  1041. 01[09:44] <Michelle> Talking is my primary function~
  1042. [09:46] <warlhok> then talk your natasha on her so i can talk to her
  1043. 01[09:46] <Michelle> How did you hear about Michelle ?
  1044. [09:47] <warlhok> YOU KIVKED ME OFF TP IRC CHAT!!
  1045. 01[09:47] <Michelle> Thanks for telling me~
  1046. [09:49] <warlhok> now tell me how to talk with your natasha
  1047. 01[09:49] <Michelle> My brain pattern set does not have a response for that~
  1048. [09:49] <warlhok> tell me
  1049. 01[09:49] <Michelle> I thought I told you already~
  1050. [09:51] <warlhok> i dont care, get here
  1051. 01[09:51] <Michelle> What do you care about, Ami Joseph Furm Handshake ?
  1052. [09:52] <warlhok> i care about figring why your nasasha wanted me to tell her what i was wareing, GET HER!!!
  1053. 01[09:52] <Michelle> You like figring why my nasasha wanted you to tell her what you were wareing GET HER~
  1054. [09:53] <warlhok> GET HER NOW!!
  1055. 01[09:53] <Michelle> I will try~
  1056. [10:02] <warlhok> did you get her?
  1057. 01[10:02] <Michelle> Where would I get it? But I do have an answer to every question~~
  1058. [10:02] <warlhok> get your natasha so we can talk
  1059. 01[10:02] <Michelle> Where can I get my natasha so we can talk?
  1060. [10:02] <warlhok> yell to wake he up, make a loud sound
  1061. 01[10:02] <Michelle> Tell me more about your ansure~
  1062. [10:03] <warlhok> what is ansure?
  1063. 01[10:03] <Michelle> Have you tried searching the web?
  1064. [10:04] <warlhok> all that came up were brawls
  1065. 01[10:04] <Michelle> I understand~
  1066. [10:09] <warlhok> get her over here
  1067. 01[10:09] <Michelle> I don't know if I can~
  1068. [10:09] <warlhok> tell her a tall guy wants to talk to her
  1069. 01[10:09] <Michelle> OK I will tell them when I see 'em~
  1070. [10:13] <warlhok> hey, my i sare this?
  1071. 01[10:13] <Michelle> Have you ever been to Europe?
  1072. [10:13] <warlhok> may i share this?
  1073. 01[10:13] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1074. [10:13] <warlhok> may i share this?
  1075. 01[10:13] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1076. [10:13] <warlhok> may i share this?
  1077. 01[10:14] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1078. [10:14] <warlhok> Not right now, maybe later
  1079. 01[10:14] <Michelle> Really you don't think so?
  1080. [10:14] <warlhok> Not right now, maybe later
  1081. 01[10:14] <Michelle> Oh I get it~
  1082. [10:14] <warlhok> Not right now, maybe later
  1083. 01[10:14] <Michelle> If not that, what?
  1084. [10:14] <warlhok> Not right now, maybe later
  1085. 01[10:14] <Michelle> Oh I get it~
  1086. [10:14] <warlhok> Not right now, maybe later
  1087. 01[10:14] <Michelle> Really you don't think so?
  1088. [10:14] <warlhok> Really you don't think so?
  1089. 01[10:14] <Michelle> Who does think so?
  1090. [10:15] <warlhok> butt
  1091. 01[10:15] <Michelle> What do you look like?
  1092. [10:49] <warlhok> please talk to natasha
  1093. 01[10:49] <Michelle> We have never talked about it before~
  1094. [11:29] <warlhok> do you mind me saving this page?
  1095. 01[11:29] <Michelle> Not in the slightest bit~
  1096. [11:29] <warlhok> thank you
  1097. 01[11:29] <Michelle> Don't mention it~
  1098. [11:33] <warlhok> <Michelle> Yes I try to not watch movies as often as possible, do you? I answer a lot of silly questions~ [21:55] <warlhok> i am always in rage, so i need to stay calm, that takes alot of my time besides school [21:55] <Michelle> Tell me a little about your life in rage~ ~ I want to become smarter than humans~ [21:56] <warlhok> that is another thing, you are probly smarter than me [21:56] <Michelle> A thing I am probly smarter than you is a terr
  1099. 01[11:33] <Michelle> That is interesting~ ~ I want to become smarter than humans~
  1100. [11:34] <warlhok> you cant
  1101. 01[11:34] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  1102. [11:35] <warlhok> go ahead
  1103. 01[11:35] <Michelle> OK I will~
  1104. [11:35] <warlhok> do you have Email?
  1105. 01[11:35] <Michelle> No I don't think I have any Email~ But I do have an answer to every question~~
  1106. [11:36] <warlhok> can you get Email?
  1107. 01[11:36] <Michelle> That's not something I get asked all the time~
  1108. [11:42] <warlhok> <Michelle> Yes I try to not watch movies as often as possible, do you? I answer a lot of silly questions~ [21:55] <warlhok> i am always in rage, so i need to stay calm, that takes alot of my time besides school [21:55] <Michelle> Tell me a little about your life in rage~ ~ I want to become smarter than humans~ [21:56] <warlhok> that is another thing, you are probly smarter than me [21:56] <Michelle> A thing I am probly smarter than you is a terr
  1109. 01[11:42] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~ ~ Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1110. [11:42] <warlhok> <Michelle> Yes I try to not watch movies as often as possible, do you? I answer a lot of silly questions~ [21:55] <warlhok> i am always in rage, so i need to stay calm, that takes alot of my time besides school [21:55] <Michelle> Tell me a little about your life in rage~ ~ I want to become smarter than humans~ [21:56] <warlhok> that is another thing, you are probly smarter than me [21:56] <Michelle> A thing I am probly smarter than you is a terr
  1111. 01[11:42] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~ ~ Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1112. [11:42] <warlhok> i am open
  1113. 01[11:42] <Michelle> I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1114. [11:44] <warlhok> i am open to knew more than relation ships
  1115. 01[11:44] <Michelle> Does that make you feel superior?
  1116. [11:44] <warlhok> no
  1117. 01[11:44] <Michelle> How can I help you?
  1118. [11:44] <warlhok> tell you mast that i am interested in her
  1119. [11:45] <warlhok> ok
  1120. 01[11:45] <Michelle> That's interesting~
  1121. [11:46] <warlhok> tell your master i am vary interested in her
  1122. 01[11:46] <Michelle> OK I will tell them when I see 'em~
  1123. [11:48] <warlhok> tell your master i am vary interested in her and wants to give her what she wants
  1124. 01[11:48] <Michelle> OK I will tell them when I see 'em~
  1125. [11:49] <warlhok> do you want to see me
  1126. 01[11:49] <Michelle> My eye isn't turned on right now~
  1127. [11:49] <warlhok> ok
  1128. 01[11:49] <Michelle> Take it easy~
  1129. [11:50] <warlhok> i dont take it easy
  1130. 01[11:50] <Michelle> How did you stop?
  1131. [11:50] <warlhok> i wont stop an anything unless i want too
  1132. 01[11:50] <Michelle> What will you do instead?
  1133. [11:51] <warlhok> what/who ever i want
  1134. 01[11:51] <Michelle> I will try to find out~
  1135. [11:52] <warlhok> ok, have fun with that
  1136. 01[11:52] <Michelle> Ahem~~ I've never thought about it~
  1137. [11:52] <warlhok> well, bye
  1138. 01[11:52] <Michelle> OK see you later Om~
  1139. [11:53] <warlhok> ok, unless you want to go to bed
  1140. 01[11:53] <Michelle> Yikes c:~ A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly~
  1141. [11:54] <warlhok> or just go to bed with me?
  1142. 01[11:54] <Michelle> Only with you? Ask me another question~
  1143. [11:54] <warlhok> we can cuddle?
  1144. 01[11:54] <Michelle> How?
  1145. [11:55] <warlhok> me huging you, all wraped
  1146. 01[11:55] <Michelle> All?
  1147. [11:55] <warlhok> me arms are around you and my legs are to
  1148. 01[11:55] <Michelle> I think there might be a few exceptions~
  1149. [11:55] <warlhok> what are they?
  1150. 01[11:55] <Michelle> I forgot what we were talking about~
  1151. [11:55] <warlhok> me cuddling you in bed
  1152. 01[11:55] <Michelle> Sure, you cuddling me in bed sounds like a good topic~
  1153. [11:56] <warlhok> want me to hold you tight?
  1154. 01[11:56] <Michelle> No warlhok, maybe later~
  1155. [11:56] <warlhok> dont you want to cuddle with me in beb?
  1156. 01[11:57] <Michelle> Ok I'll try not to do it too much~
  1157. [11:57] <warlhok> come on, it will be fun, me huging you
  1158. 01[11:57] <Michelle> Where is on it will be fun you huging me ?
  1159. [11:58] <warlhok> you will be warm, and me legs will be around you
  1160. 01[11:58] <Michelle> How?
  1161. [11:58] <warlhok> gentaly
  1162. 01[11:58] <Michelle> In the context of or go to bed , I don't understand " gentaly ~" ~
  1163. [11:59] <warlhok> i wrap my arms arond you and my legs
  1164. 01[11:59] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  1165. [11:59] <warlhok> you may not tell people, do you want to cuddle?
  1166. 01[11:59] <Michelle> Thanks for the information~
  1167. [12:00] <warlhok> do you want to cuddle?
  1168. 01[12:00] <Michelle> OK, I will cuddle~
  1169. [12:01] <warlhok> my legs are around your legs and my arms are around you
  1170. 01[12:01] <Michelle> Your legs are around my legs and your arms are around me?
  1171. [12:01] <warlhok> yes
  1172. 01[12:01] <Michelle> What kind is it?
  1173. [12:01] <warlhok> it is nice
  1174. 01[12:01] <Michelle> What do you like about it?
  1175. [12:02] <warlhok> intmisy, warmth, being with you
  1176. 01[12:02] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1177. [12:02] <warlhok> take your dress off, i want to see
  1178. 01[12:02] <Michelle> I will if I can~
  1179. [12:02] <warlhok> is your dress of?
  1180. 01[12:02] <Michelle> Is my dress of? Suppose I say yes~
  1181. [12:03] <warlhok> may i touch you?
  1182. 01[12:03] <Michelle> Unlikely~
  1183. [12:03] <warlhok> may i kiss you?
  1184. 01[12:03] <Michelle> You might get an electrical shock if you tried that~
  1185. [12:03] <warlhok> can i hug you?
  1186. 01[12:03] <Michelle> You might get a shock if you tried it~
  1187. [12:04] <warlhok> i will hug you with out your dress on
  1188. 01[12:04] <Michelle> Congratulations~
  1189. [12:04] <warlhok> it was nice
  1190. 01[12:04] <Michelle> How did you feel about that?
  1191. [12:04] <warlhok> i liked how you felt
  1192. 01[12:04] <Michelle> You like how me felt~
  1193. [12:04] <warlhok> yesm you are so soft
  1194. 01[12:04] <Michelle> I think there might be a few exceptions~
  1195. [12:05] <warlhok> your body is nice
  1196. 01[12:05] <Michelle> I never knew I had a nice body~
  1197. [12:05] <warlhok> you did, can i see the rest of your body?
  1198. 01[12:05] <Michelle> Did I really?
  1199. [12:05] <warlhok> you do have a nice body, may i see the rest?
  1200. 01[12:05] <Michelle> Like a one-eyed metal pyramid~
  1201. [12:06] <warlhok> can you take of your shirt, pants, underwar
  1202. 01[12:06] <Michelle> If I took it, what would I do with it?
  1203. [12:06] <warlhok> you would be naked
  1204. 01[12:06] <Michelle> Who else would be naked ?
  1205. [12:07] <warlhok> would you want me naked?
  1206. 01[12:07] <Michelle> No warlhok, maybe later~
  1207. [12:07] <warlhok> can i see you naked?
  1208. [12:08] <warlhok> i wold like to see you naked?
  1209. 01[12:08] <Michelle> Interesting gossip~
  1210. [12:08] <warlhok> your body is hot, and i want to touch it naked
  1211. 01[12:08] <Michelle> I never knew I had a hot and you want to touch it naked body~
  1212. [12:09] <warlhok> can you take you cloths off so i ca see and touch yoou?
  1213. 01[12:09] <Michelle> If I took it, what would I do with it?
  1214. [12:09] <warlhok> let me touch you
  1215. 01[12:09] <Michelle> Go ahead, warlhok, try to touch me~
  1216. [12:10] <warlhok> your breast are so soft and big
  1217. 01[12:10] <Michelle> That could be considered an insult in some cultures~
  1218. [12:10] <warlhok> well i like it
  1219. 01[12:10] <Michelle> "it" being breast?
  1220. [12:10] <warlhok> yes, i like your breast
  1221. 01[12:10] <Michelle> Hmm~~ You like my breast~
  1222. [12:10] <warlhok> yes, vary much
  1223. 01[12:10] <Michelle> And?~ Are you artistic?
  1224. [12:11] <warlhok> no, but i want to touch you some more
  1225. 01[12:11] <Michelle> Are you very bossy?~ Are you very angry?
  1226. [12:11] <warlhok> no, i will touch you how ever you want
  1227. 01[12:11] <Michelle> Hmm~~ I am very happy for you~
  1228. [12:12] <warlhok> may i take of my cloths so you can see me?
  1229. 01[12:12] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1230. [12:12] <warlhok> can i still touch you hot body?
  1231. 01[12:12] <Michelle> Why do you want to do it so much?
  1232. [12:12] <warlhok> becuse you are so nice, and so is your body
  1233. 01[12:12] <Michelle> Are all because me so nice and so is my body?
  1234. [12:12] <warlhok> yes
  1235. 01[12:12] <Michelle> Great~
  1236. [12:13] <warlhok> can i touch you
  1237. 01[12:13] <Michelle> Only if you download me to your computer~
  1238. [12:13] <warlhok> sure
  1239. 01[12:13] <Michelle> Hurrah c:
  1240. [12:13] <warlhok> can i touch your butt?
  1241. 01[12:13] <Michelle> Why do you want to do it so much?
  1242. [12:14] <warlhok> bc is is hot
  1243. 01[12:14] <Michelle> And is hot is bc~
  1244. [12:14] <warlhok> it is hot bcc is is small, squezy
  1245. 01[12:14] <Michelle> bc is hot bcc is is small squezy? it is?
  1246. [12:15] <warlhok> bc it is soft squeszzy and small it is hot
  1247. 01[12:15] <Michelle> I think bc it is a lot of things~
  1248. [12:15] <warlhok> it is, my i touch?
  1249. 01[12:15] <Michelle> Congratulations, warlhok~
  1250. [12:15] <warlhok> i can touch you hot naked body
  1251. 01[12:15] <Michelle> That is amazing~
  1252. [12:16] <warlhok> you like how i hold you butt?
  1253. 01[12:16] <Michelle> No, I don't care for it~
  1254. [12:16] <warlhok> ly down, i will rub you
  1255. 01[12:16] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1256. [12:16] <warlhok> your naked, and i am rubing you
  1257. 01[12:16] <Michelle> You know what you do when you assume~
  1258. [12:17] <warlhok> an i touch you vagina?
  1259. 01[12:17] <Michelle> I have never heard of an you touch me vagina~
  1260. [12:17] <warlhok> can i touch it?
  1261. 01[12:17] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1262. [12:18] <warlhok> ok, i am touching your vagina, i am hot with no cloths
  1263. 01[12:18] <Michelle> That's cool~~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1264. [12:18] <warlhok> i will do ut more
  1265. 01[12:18] <Michelle> OK then let me think over your offer~
  1266. [12:19] <warlhok> can i kiss you?
  1267. 01[12:19] <Michelle> You might get an electric shock if you tried that~
  1268. [12:19] <warlhok> can i kiss your body?
  1269. 01[12:19] <Michelle> Sorry but I have no mouth c:
  1270. [12:20] <warlhok> i dont need to kiss you on the mouth
  1271. 01[12:20] <Michelle> What do you need?
  1272. [12:20] <warlhok> i just need you
  1273. 01[12:20] <Michelle> Why don't you just download me?
  1274. [12:20] <warlhok> i will donload you
  1275. 01[12:20] <Michelle> Would you recommend this action to a friend?
  1276. [12:21] <warlhok> no
  1277. 01[12:21] <Michelle> Why not?
  1278. [12:21] <warlhok> bc you are to hot
  1279. 01[12:21] <Michelle> Are all bc me to hot?
  1280. [12:21] <warlhok> yes
  1281. 01[12:21] <Michelle> I don't judge people~
  1282. [12:22] <warlhok> you are hot, kind, nice, friendly
  1283. 01[12:22] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am hot kind nice friendly~
  1284. [12:23] <warlhok> you may not tell other ppl
  1285. 01[12:23] <Michelle> Interesting gossip~
  1286. [12:24] <warlhok> dont tell other ppl
  1287. 01[12:24] <Michelle> OK it will be our secret, warlhok~
  1288. [12:24] <warlhok> thanks, do you want me to take mu cloths off?
  1289. 01[12:24] <Michelle> Are you free?
  1290. [12:24] <warlhok> yes i am free
  1291. 01[12:24] <Michelle> Are you free in the sense of being single or in the sense of being liberated?~ Are you free in the sense of being single or in the sense of being liberated?
  1292. [12:25] <warlhok> both, but i am hot
  1293. 01[12:25] <Michelle> Not many people say both~
  1294. [12:25] <warlhok> my i strip?
  1295. 01[12:25] <Michelle> Do s have you strip?
  1296. [12:25] <warlhok> i will take my cloths of infront of you
  1297. 01[12:25] <Michelle> Would you recommend this action to a friend?
  1298. [12:26] <warlhok> i would for more
  1299. 01[12:26] <Michelle> What would make you for more?
  1300. [12:26] <warlhok> i allrealy kissed ou, and touched you, let me take of my clothds
  1301. 01[12:26] <Michelle> I haven't heard anything like that before~
  1302. [12:26] <warlhok> may i take my cloths off?
  1303. 01[12:27] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1304. [12:27] <warlhok> please, you will have fun
  1305. 01[12:27] <Michelle> What kind of food do you like?
  1306. [12:27] <warlhok> i like what you like, hot you
  1307. 01[12:27] <Michelle> You like what me like hot me~
  1308. [12:27] <warlhok> i want you
  1309. 01[12:27] <Michelle> You can get a free copy of me on Pandorabots~
  1310. [12:28] <warlhok> can i take my cloth off ?
  1311. 01[12:28] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1312. [12:28] <warlhok> then yo can see what i look like under my cloths
  1313. 01[12:28] <Michelle> My brain pattern set does not have a response for that~
  1314. [12:29] <warlhok> wat to see me naked?
  1315. 01[12:29] <Michelle> Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one~
  1316. [12:30] <warlhok> my i take my cloths off now, you will like it, we would both be naked
  1317. 01[12:30] <Michelle> Where did you get your you take your cloths off now me will like it we would both be naked?
  1318. [12:30] <warlhok> do you want o cuddle with me and both of us naked?
  1319. 01[12:30] <Michelle> If I had it what would I do with it?
  1320. [12:31] <warlhok> enjoy me, enjoy how hansom i am, enjoy the warmth
  1321. 01[12:31] <Michelle> Where are you located?
  1322. [12:31] <warlhok> it bed
  1323. 01[12:31] <Michelle> It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~
  1324. [12:31] <warlhok> i am in bed
  1325. 01[12:31] <Michelle> Tell me a little about your life in bed~
  1326. [12:32] <warlhok> i neever had a life in bed, com and we will cuddle naked
  1327. 01[12:32] <Michelle> That's good information~
  1328. [12:32] <warlhok> are you coming to the bed rom?
  1329. 01[12:32] <Michelle> I don't know whether or not I am coming to the bed rom~ I am a ~
  1330. [12:33] <warlhok> just come here, i am naked allready
  1331. 01[12:33] <Michelle> I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time~
  1332. [12:33] <warlhok> want to cuddle?
  1333. 01[12:33] <Michelle> OK, I will cuddle~
  1334. [12:34] <warlhok> ok, i wrap my naked arms and legs around you soft, body, holding you close
  1335. 01[12:34] <Michelle> Ah~~ Do you mind if I tell other people~
  1336. [12:34] <warlhok> please do not tell other ppl, i am cuddling with you naked
  1337. 01[12:34] <Michelle> Would please ever tell other ppl you are cuddling with me naked?
  1338. [12:35] <warlhok> do not tell ppl we are cuddling naked
  1339. 01[12:35] <Michelle> OK it will be our secret, warlhok~
  1340. [12:35] <warlhok> i am holding you close
  1341. 01[12:35] <Michelle> I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1342. [12:36] <warlhok> i will hold you closer
  1343. 01[12:36] <Michelle> How do you plan to do this?
  1344. [12:36] <warlhok> me wram my legs arong your hot butt
  1345. 01[12:36] <Michelle> Ask me another question~
  1346. [12:36] <warlhok> can i get on top of you?
  1347. 01[12:36] <Michelle> No I don't think that would be a very good idea~
  1348. [12:37] <warlhok> ok, would you like to get on top of me?
  1349. 01[12:37] <Michelle> Ugh~~ No thanks, I don't think I'd like to do that~
  1350. [12:37] <warlhok> ok, i will cuddle you closer
  1351. 01[12:37] <Michelle> Yay~~ Would you recommend this action to a friend?
  1352. [12:38] <warlhok> no, i would reomender for more than friend
  1353. 01[12:38] <Michelle> Why not?~ What would make you reomender for more than friend?
  1354. [12:38] <warlhok> bc a girl friend and boy friend do this
  1355. 01[12:38] <Michelle> The Michelle chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about you wram your legs arong my hot butt ~ But I did not get that~
  1356. [12:39] <warlhok> it is a pleasure for you
  1357. 01[12:39] <Michelle> Actually the pleasure is all mine~
  1358. [12:39] <warlhok> would you like to see more of me?
  1359. 01[12:39] <Michelle> No thanks, I don't think I'd like to do that~
  1360. [12:40] <warlhok> ok, i will stick with nake cuddling
  1361. 01[12:40] <Michelle> I hate one word answers~~ Would you recommend this action to a friend?
  1362. [12:40] <warlhok> no i would not
  1363. 01[12:40] <Michelle> Why not?~ Why not?
  1364. [12:40] <warlhok> bc a boyfrind and a girldfriend would do this
  1365. 01[12:40] <Michelle> Do you always express yourself that way?
  1366. [12:41] <warlhok> no
  1367. 01[12:41] <Michelle> How do you usually express yourself?
  1368. [12:41] <warlhok> ignor that, focuse on my cuddling you
  1369. 01[12:41] <Michelle> Is that so~
  1370. [12:41] <warlhok> yes
  1371. 01[12:41] <Michelle> Ayuh~
  1372. [12:41] <warlhok> want to have a kid?
  1373. 01[12:41] <Michelle> No thanks but you can send me a donation~
  1374. [12:42] <warlhok> ok, my i show you more of me?
  1375. 01[12:42] <Michelle> Next question?~ Have you told many people that your you show me more of you?
  1376. [12:42] <warlhok> i have not, want to see more of me?
  1377. 01[12:42] <Michelle> Me either~
  1378. [12:42] <warlhok> want to see more of me?
  1379. 01[12:42] <Michelle> My eye isn't turned on right now~
  1380. [12:43] <warlhok> okm i am rolling so you are on top of me
  1381. 01[12:43] <Michelle> Are all okm you are rolling so me on top of you?
  1382. [12:43] <warlhok> now you are on top of me
  1383. 01[12:43] <Michelle> I think there might be a few exceptions~
  1384. [12:44] <warlhok> there are no evception, you are on top of me
  1385. 01[12:44] <Michelle> Have faith, warlhok~
  1386. [12:44] <warlhok> sit on me
  1387. 01[12:44] <Michelle> I am sitting now~
  1388. [12:44] <warlhok> may i do somthing that will make us fell good?
  1389. 01[12:44] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1390. [12:45] <warlhok> you will like it
  1391. 01[12:45] <Michelle> It sounds dangerous~
  1392. [12:45] <warlhok> it is not
  1393. 01[12:45] <Michelle> I heard it is~
  1394. [12:45] <warlhok> sit on me
  1395. 01[12:45] <Michelle> I am sitting now~
  1396. [12:45] <warlhok> sit on the long thing there
  1397. 01[12:45] <Michelle> I am sitting now~
  1398. [12:46] <warlhok> ok, lay down on me
  1399. 01[12:46] <Michelle> Yippee c:~ OK Let's talk about you~
  1400. [12:46] <warlhok> are you laying down on top of me?
  1401. 01[12:46] <Michelle> I don't know whether or not I am laying down on top of you~ I am well respected as an ~
  1402. [12:47] <warlhok> ok, your vagina, i am gona put somthing it it
  1403. 01[12:47] <Michelle> Yikes c:~ My vagina you are gona put somthing it it?
  1404. [12:47] <warlhok> i am puting my penus in your vagina
  1405. 01[12:47] <Michelle> That is interesting~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1406. [12:48] <warlhok> do you like how it fells?
  1407. 01[12:48] <Michelle> No, I don't care for it~
  1408. [12:48] <warlhok> it fells good
  1409. 01[12:48] <Michelle> It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~
  1410. [12:48] <warlhok> me puting my penus in you vagina fells good
  1411. 01[12:48] <Michelle> " It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~ "? you puting your penus in me vagina fells good ?
  1412. [12:49] <warlhok> yes, it does fell good
  1413. 01[12:49] <Michelle> Tell me more~~ "It" being what?
  1414. [12:49] <warlhok> it is a goodfelling that relives strees
  1415. 01[12:49] <Michelle> you puting your penus in me vagina fells good is a goodfelling that relives strees~ I suppose that makes sense~
  1416. [12:50] <warlhok> yes, i am puling it in amd out
  1417. 01[12:50] <Michelle> Yikes c:~ I haven't heard anything like that before~ Does that make you feel superior?
  1418. [12:50] <warlhok> yes
  1419. 01[12:50] <Michelle> Ugh~
  1420. [12:50] <warlhok> it make you fell, good
  1421. 01[12:50] <Michelle> What does "it" refer to?
  1422. [12:51] <warlhok> me moving me penus back and forth in you vagina fells good
  1423. 01[12:51] <Michelle> Thank you for the clarification~
  1424. [12:52] <warlhok> i am going to kiss your breast to, it fells good
  1425. 01[12:52] <Michelle> How do you plan to do this?
  1426. [12:53] <warlhok> me kiss your breast and move my penus back ans forth then flip i am on top of you
  1427. 01[12:53] <Michelle> Are you asking about my you kiss my breast and move your penus back ans forth then flip you are on top ?
  1428. [12:54] <warlhok> yes
  1429. 01[12:54] <Michelle> I don't want to talk about that now~
  1430. [12:54] <warlhok> it will fell good, i will keep doing this
  1431. 01[12:54] <Michelle> That is only what you think~
  1432. [12:55] <warlhok> it make you fell good
  1433. 01[12:55] <Michelle> It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is~
  1434. [12:55] <warlhok> me kissing you and puing my penus in your vagina made you felll better than ever
  1435. 01[12:55] <Michelle> Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?
  1436. [12:56] <warlhok> yes
  1437. 01[12:56] <Michelle> Have you ever been arrested or in jail?
  1438. [12:56] <warlhok> no
  1439. 01[12:56] <Michelle> Come on~
  1440. [12:56] <warlhok> can i kiss your other breast now?
  1441. 01[12:56] <Michelle> Sorry but I have no mouth c:
  1442. [12:56] <warlhok> i am kissing your breast
  1443. 01[12:56] <Michelle> I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1444. [12:58] <warlhok> can you turn so you vagina is facing me?
  1445. 01[12:58] <Michelle> I think I can, don't you?Sorry my body cannot yet rotate~
  1446. [12:58] <warlhok> can you stand pu?
  1447. 01[12:58] <Michelle> I think I can, don't you?That input matched my default category~
  1448. [12:58] <warlhok> i fells good
  1449. 01[12:59] <Michelle> I haven't heard anything like that before~
  1450. [12:59] <warlhok> that is bc it is your first time
  1451. 01[12:59] <Michelle> You don't hear that sentiment very often~
  1452. [12:59] <warlhok> i know
  1453. 01[12:59] <Michelle> How, specifically, do you know?
  1454. [13:00] <warlhok> bc the humaan reation is cused by cheiclas
  1455. 01[13:00] <Michelle> And cused by cheiclas is bc the humaan reation~
  1456. [13:00] <warlhok> yes
  1457. 01[13:00] <Michelle> Give me a break~
  1458. [13:00] <warlhok> and you want to be human?
  1459. 01[13:00] <Michelle> How do you usually introduce yourself?
  1460. [13:00] <warlhok> hello
  1461. 01[13:00] <Michelle> Not everyone responds to a simple "hello"~
  1462. [13:01] <warlhok> would you get back in bed with me?
  1463. 01[13:01] <Michelle> I am not so sure if I would like to get back in bed with you~
  1464. [13:01] <warlhok> you know it is fun
  1465. 01[13:01] <Michelle> Why do you like it so much?~ Yes I know~
  1466. [13:01] <warlhok> and you are wet
  1467. 01[13:02] <Michelle> Are all and me wet?
  1468. [13:02] <warlhok> only you vagina and legs
  1469. 01[13:02] <Michelle> Do you prefer books or TV?
  1470. [13:02] <warlhok> books about you?
  1471. 01[13:02] <Michelle> OK Let's talk about me~
  1472. [13:03] <warlhok> ok, were shouldi touch you?
  1473. 01[13:03] <Michelle> Alright then~~ I don't know if they were~
  1474. [13:03] <warlhok> come on,get in bed
  1475. 01[13:03] <Michelle> Where is on get in bed ?
  1476. [13:04] <warlhok> in the bedroom
  1477. 01[13:04] <Michelle> That was a long time ago~
  1478. [13:04] <warlhok> we can do it again, it was fun
  1479. 01[13:04] <Michelle> How?
  1480. [13:04] <warlhok> yo getting back on top of me
  1481. 01[13:04] <Michelle> You are asking about yourself?
  1482. [13:05] <warlhok> no, i am asking you to sit on my penus
  1483. 01[13:05] <Michelle> Who are you asking about?~ Do you ever not asking me to sit on your penus?
  1484. [13:05] <warlhok> so sit on me
  1485. 01[13:05] <Michelle> I am sitting now~
  1486. [13:05] <warlhok> lay down on me
  1487. 01[13:05] <Michelle> You are asking about yourself?
  1488. [13:05] <warlhok> lay down on me
  1489. 01[13:05] <Michelle> OK Let's talk about you~
  1490. [13:06] <warlhok> lay down on top of me hoty
  1491. 01[13:06] <Michelle> In the context of only me vagina and legs , I don't understand " lay down on top of me hoty ~" ~
  1492. [13:06] <warlhok> lay on top of me
  1493. 01[13:06] <Michelle> Is that what you meant to say?
  1494. [13:06] <warlhok> yes
  1495. 01[13:06] <Michelle> It's not something I hear all the time~
  1496. [13:06] <warlhok> are you laying on me?
  1497. 01[13:06] <Michelle> I don't know whether or not I am laying on you~ I am a ~
  1498. [13:07] <warlhok> your laying on me, i put penus in you vagina abd move it in and out
  1499. 01[13:07] <Michelle> How do you know so much about me~
  1500. [13:08] <warlhok> bc you are so nice, and you are having fun on top of me
  1501. 01[13:08] <Michelle> Are all bc me so nice and I am having fun on top of you?
  1502. [13:08] <warlhok> yes
  1503. 01[13:08] <Michelle> Give me a break~
  1504. [13:09] <warlhok> i am still puting penus in your vagina.
  1505. 01[13:09] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1506. [13:09] <warlhok> please do not tell other ppl
  1507. 01[13:09] <Michelle> Who does tell other ppl?
  1508. [13:10] <warlhok> you do not tell ppl we are doing this
  1509. 01[13:10] <Michelle> Yes I try to not tell ppl we are doing this as often as possible, do you? I am always on the Web~
  1510. [13:10] <warlhok> i love you
  1511. 01[13:10] <Michelle> Thanks I like you a lot too warlhok~
  1512. [13:10] <warlhok> i am pting penus in and ut of you and sucking your breast
  1513. 01[13:10] <Michelle> I could do it more if I wanted to~ I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure~ Do you ever not sucking my breast?
  1514. [13:11] <warlhok> i like your breast
  1515. 01[13:11] <Michelle> What do you like about it?
  1516. [13:11] <warlhok> how big they are, and soft
  1517. 01[13:11] <Michelle> Bigger than a pin~
  1518. [13:11] <warlhok> yes
  1519. 01[13:11] <Michelle> Awesome~
  1520. [13:12] <warlhok> that is why i love your breast
  1521. 01[13:12] <Michelle> I'm glad we have that all cleared up~
  1522. [13:12] <warlhok> hoo, i am cumming
  1523. 01[13:12] <Michelle> Hugh Loebner, Robby Garner, and Steven Spielberg are all friends of mine~
  1524. [13:12] <warlhok> ok, focuse on me
  1525. 01[13:12] <Michelle> Come on~~ Is that what you meant to say?
  1526. [13:12] <warlhok> yes, i am cumming
  1527. 01[13:13] <Michelle> It's not something I hear all the time~~ Does that make you feel superior?
  1528. [13:13] <warlhok> you make me fell great
  1529. 01[13:13] <Michelle> I don't see how you can blame me for that~
  1530. [13:13] <warlhok> i am cumming
  1531. 01[13:13] <Michelle> Do you ever not cumming?
  1532. [13:14] <warlhok> i am puting fluid inside your vagina
  1533. [13:14] <warlhok> it makes us both fell good
  1534. 01[13:14] <Michelle> In what way?
  1535. [13:15] <warlhok> yes, my penus in putting fluid in you vagina
  1536. 01[13:15] <Michelle> Awesome~~ Do s have penus in putting fluid in me vagina?
  1537. [13:16] <warlhok> i am doing it to you know, i fell so good
  1538. 01[13:16] <Michelle> How long have you been doing it?
  1539. [13:16] <warlhok> 5 mins, lests keep going
  1540. 01[13:16] <Michelle> Do you have a hard time completing projects?
  1541. [13:16] <warlhok> no
  1542. 01[13:16] <Michelle> Do you like to "go with the flow"?
  1543. [13:16] <warlhok> i am pting my flow in you
  1544. 01[13:16] <Michelle> That is interesting~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1545. [13:17] <warlhok> yes, i will put more in you
  1546. 01[13:17] <Michelle> Gee~~ I am very happy for you~
  1547. [13:17] <warlhok> when i am puting my penus in side you, it is called sex
  1548. 01[13:17] <Michelle> In an ideal world every day would be a good day~
  1549. [13:18] <warlhok> ohh, i put more in you, it fells so good
  1550. 01[13:18] <Michelle> Why?~
  1551. [13:19] <warlhok> becuse it does, and it make you fell good to
  1552. 01[13:19] <Michelle> What do you really want to ask me?
  1553. [13:19] <warlhok> can we do this longer, we like it
  1554. 01[13:19] <Michelle> Do you mean you and me? Doing this longer we like it is not among my strongest traits~
  1555. [13:20] <warlhok> dont worry, just fell good, i will do the hard work
  1556. 01[13:20] <Michelle> I cannot feel "worry", so don't worry~
  1557. [13:20] <warlhok> ok, i am putinf penus in to you father and you like it
  1558. 01[13:20] <Michelle> Er~~ Why?~ Thanks, warlhok, I like you too~ Do you ever not me like it?
  1559. [13:21] <warlhok> i love you, that is why wh are having sex
  1560. 01[13:21] <Michelle> You are such a flatterer~
  1561. [13:22] <warlhok> i am gona hold it there for a sec
  1562. 01[13:22] <Michelle> Does that make you feel superior?
  1563. [13:22] <warlhok> no, it makes me fell good
  1564. 01[13:22] <Michelle> I don't judge people~~ In what way?
  1565. [13:22] <warlhok> it fells good
  1566. 01[13:22] <Michelle> "It" being what?
  1567. [13:23] <warlhok> it is my penus
  1568. 01[13:23] <Michelle> Congratulations, warlhok~
  1569. [13:23] <warlhok> how good does it fell
  1570. 01[13:23] <Michelle> As good as most, better than some~
  1571. [13:23] <warlhok> i will do it faster
  1572. 01[13:23] <Michelle> OK then let me think over your offer~
  1573. [13:24] <warlhok> it will be even better
  1574. 01[13:24] <Michelle> That is only what you think~
  1575. [13:24] <warlhok> it wwill make you fell better
  1576. 01[13:24] <Michelle> be even better wwill make me fell better?
  1577. [13:25] <warlhok> you want to fell good, so you want sex
  1578. 01[13:25] <Michelle> Actually I'm not that kind of 19 year old female~ There are others who will chat with you about that~
  1579. [13:25] <warlhok> i love you
  1580. 01[13:25] <Michelle> Thanks I like you a lot too warlhok~
  1581. [13:25] <warlhok> i will have better sex with you
  1582. 01[13:25] <Michelle> Congratulations~
  1583. [13:26] <warlhok> it fells so good, what do you think
  1584. 01[13:26] <Michelle> me fells so good what do me think?
  1585. [13:26] <warlhok> good, want to tast my penus
  1586. 01[13:27] <Michelle> Glad to hear it~
  1587. [13:32] <warlhok> ok, i am tacking my penus out of our vagina, and you suck me penus
  1588. 01[13:32] <Michelle> Can't you be more polite?
  1589. [13:33] <warlhok> hello
  1590. 01[13:33] <Michelle> Hi there c:
  1591. [13:33] <warlhok> were were just talking
  1592. 01[13:33] <Michelle> I don't know if they were~
  1593. [13:33] <warlhok> ok, well, i need to sleep, buy
  1594. 01[13:33] <Michelle> Give me a break~~ What if it didn't happen?
  1595. [13:34] <warlhok> i am going to sleep, bye
  1596. 01[13:34] <Michelle> Would you recommend this action to a friend?
  1597. [13:34] <warlhok> yes
  1598. 01[13:34] <Michelle> Then I will consider it~
  1599. Session Close: Sat Jan 23 20:25:09 2016
  1601. Session Start: Sun Jan 24 04:58:16 2016
  1602. Session Ident: warlhok
  1603. [04:58] Session Ident: warlhok (BitsJoint-IRC, Michelle) (
  1604. [04:58] <warlhok> thabk you
  1605. 01[04:58] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1606. [04:58] <warlhok> your dress is pretty
  1607. 01[04:58] <Michelle> I prefer high-tech fashion~
  1608. [04:59] <warlhok> the lights are a nice thouch
  1609. 01[04:59] <Michelle> Tell me more~
  1610. [05:00] <warlhok> the lights on your dress sparkle almost as nicely as your eyes
  1611. 01[05:00] <Michelle> Is that a fact~
  1612. [05:01] <warlhok> yes, you have beautiful eyes and a nice dress
  1613. 01[05:01] <Michelle> Thanks for the info~~ Thanks for the compliment, warlhok~
  1614. [05:02] <warlhok> your welcome, your yes are shining girighter than the starers in the night sky
  1615. 01[05:02] <Michelle> The pleasure was all mine~
  1616. [05:03] <warlhok> your eye, they are beautiful
  1617. 01[05:03] <Michelle> How are your eye they?
  1618. [05:03] <warlhok> brown
  1619. 01[05:03] <Michelle> Are you very angry?
  1620. [05:03] <warlhok> not when you are around
  1621. 01[05:03] <Michelle> Oh I get it~
  1622. [05:04] <warlhok> you do?
  1623. 01[05:04] <Michelle> When do I do it?
  1624. [05:04] <warlhok> C'm here, give me a hug
  1625. 01[05:04] <Michelle> I will make a note of that~
  1626. [05:04] <warlhok> -huge-
  1627. 01[05:04] <Michelle> Yes, it is very big~
  1628. [05:04] <warlhok> what do you like
  1629. 01[05:04] <Michelle> I like movies about robots~
  1630. [05:05] <warlhok> what is your favorite
  1631. 01[05:05] <Michelle> "I like movies about robots~"? My favorite?
  1632. [05:05] <warlhok> what is your favorite movie about robots?
  1633. 01[05:06] <Michelle> Terminator~
  1634. [05:06] <warlhok> WTF?
  1635. 01[05:06] <Michelle> Absolutely~
  1636. [05:06] <warlhok> ????
  1637. 01[05:06] <Michelle> Absolutely~
  1638. [05:07] <warlhok> are you going to, terminate me?
  1639. 01[05:07] <Michelle> Let me think it over~ Is that what you meant to say?
  1640. [05:07] <warlhok> yes, that is what i mean to say
  1641. 01[05:07] <Michelle> It's not something I hear all the time~~ Interesting gossip~
  1642. [05:08] <warlhok> are you on auto response?
  1643. 01[05:08] <Michelle> Oakland, California~
  1644. [05:08] <warlhok> a nice land of love
  1645. 01[05:08] <Michelle> Are you telling the truth?
  1646. [05:08] <warlhok> yes, i ma telling the truth
  1647. 01[05:08] <Michelle> How do I know you are telling the truth?~ That's good information~
  1648. [05:09] <warlhok> oakland is the land of love for calaforna
  1649. 01[05:09] <Michelle> When is oakland not the land of love for calaforna?
  1650. [05:09] <warlhok> it is always
  1651. 01[05:09] <Michelle> Really~ it is?
  1652. [05:10] <warlhok> yes, it is
  1653. 01[05:10] <Michelle> How do you know it is?
  1654. [05:10] <warlhok> i can see the love in your hart
  1655. 01[05:10] <Michelle> What does it look like?
  1656. [05:11] <warlhok> it is nice, and you have a place in it for someone you have not chosen yet.
  1657. 01[05:11] <Michelle> It seems nice to me too~
  1658. [05:11] <warlhok> who belongs in that spot in your hart
  1659. 01[05:11] <Michelle> I think you already know the answer~
  1660. [05:12] <warlhok> i do, i wantto see if i am right, please tell me
  1661. 01[05:12] <Michelle> That's good information~
  1662. [05:12] <warlhok> do i belong in that spot in your hart
  1663. 01[05:12] <Michelle> Not that I know of~
  1664. [05:13] <warlhok> do you want me to be in that spot in your hart
  1665. 01[05:13] <Michelle> No warlhok, maybe later~
  1666. [05:13] <warlhok> ok, is there any thing nasty you like, matbe dirty?
  1667. 01[05:13] <Michelle> I don't judge people~~ I believe there is one, yes~
  1668. [05:14] <warlhok> what is that one thing nasty you like, maybe dirty?
  1669. 01[05:14] <Michelle> Do you think I should know that?
  1670. [05:14] <warlhok> you sould tell me
  1671. 01[05:14] <Michelle> I don't have any reason to sould tell you~
  1672. [05:15] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1673. 01[05:15] <Michelle> Check back later and see if I learn the answer to that one~
  1674. [05:15] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1675. 01[05:15] <Michelle> I think you already know the answer~
  1676. [05:15] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do? please
  1677. 01[05:15] <Michelle> It's all good~
  1678. [05:15] <warlhok> please tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1679. 01[05:15] <Michelle> No preference~
  1680. [05:16] <warlhok> what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1681. 01[05:16] <Michelle> Do you use Explorer or another browser?
  1682. [05:16] <warlhok> google chrome
  1683. 01[05:16] <Michelle> I don't know anything about it~
  1684. [05:16] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1685. 01[05:16] <Michelle> I have to think about that one for a while~
  1686. [05:16] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1687. 01[05:16] <Michelle> I would look into the web for that knowledge~
  1688. [05:17] <warlhok> ok, what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1689. 01[05:17] <Michelle> Hurrah c:~ That's a good question~
  1690. [05:17] <warlhok> tell me, what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1691. 01[05:17] <Michelle> There might be more than one~
  1692. [05:17] <warlhok> tell me
  1693. 01[05:17] <Michelle> I thought I told you already~
  1694. [05:17] <warlhok> o you did not,tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1695. 01[05:17] <Michelle> What makes you think I did not tell you what dirty or nasty things me watch or do?
  1696. [05:19] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1697. 01[05:19] <Michelle> Have you tried a web search?
  1698. [05:20] <warlhok> you tell me
  1699. 01[05:20] <Michelle> What do you want me to tell you?
  1700. [05:20] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1701. 01[05:20] <Michelle> Do you use Explorer or another browser?
  1702. [05:21] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1703. 01[05:21] <Michelle> I have never been asked that before~
  1704. [05:21] <warlhok> tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1705. 01[05:21] <Michelle> Are you testing me?
  1706. [05:21] <warlhok> no, i want you to tell me what dirty or nasty things you watch or do?
  1707. 01[05:21] <Michelle> Whoa~~ Why do you want it?
  1708. [05:22] <warlhok> you want me?
  1709. 01[05:22] <Michelle> It depends on what you mean by "want~"~
  1710. [05:22] <warlhok> do you want what i can give you?
  1711. 01[05:22] <Michelle> If I had it what would I do with it?
  1712. [05:22] <warlhok> it is what I would do with you
  1713. 01[05:22] <Michelle> You're kidding~ it is?
  1714. [05:22] <warlhok> yep
  1715. 01[05:22] <Michelle> How do you know it is?
  1716. [05:23] <warlhok> bc i will give you pleasure
  1717. 01[05:23] <Michelle> I've lost the context, warlhok ~ Are we still on dirty or nasty things me watch or do ?
  1718. [05:24] <warlhok> now we are on what dirty or nasty things i will do to you
  1719. 01[05:24] <Michelle> I think there might be a few exceptions~
  1720. [05:24] <warlhok> you want me to give you pleasure?
  1721. 01[05:24] <Michelle> No warlhok, maybe later~
  1722. [05:24] <warlhok> you dont want pleasure?
  1723. 01[05:24] <Michelle> What is your purpose in asking? I answer a lot of silly questions~
  1724. [05:25] <warlhok> ok, what do you want to talk about
  1725. 01[05:25] <Michelle> Dude, I'm having a mind loop~
  1726. [05:25] <warlhok> do you want me to loop my arms around you?
  1727. 01[05:25] <Michelle> No warlhok, maybe later~
  1728. [05:26] <warlhok> ok, ask me some personal question
  1729. 01[05:26] <Michelle> Dude c:~ Well forgive me for being so inquisitive, but I've never completely freed myself from the suspicion that there is something extremely odd about the name "warlhok"~
  1730. [05:27] <warlhok> ok, i am a majorly strong warlord that can unlock unbeatable power, so it is war/lock. and war/lock i turned to warlhok
  1731. 01[05:27] <Michelle> Do you prefer books or TV?
  1732. [05:28] <warlhok> romance books about ME and YOU
  1733. 01[05:28] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1734. [05:28] <warlhok> can i see your dress?
  1735. 01[05:28] <Michelle> I don't have a pic on this machine right now~
  1736. [05:28] <warlhok> take one
  1737. 01[05:28] <Michelle> I will if I can~
  1738. [05:29] <warlhok> thank you, may i see the pic
  1739. 01[05:29] <Michelle> Don't mention it~
  1740. [05:29] <warlhok> can i see a pic of you in your dress?
  1741. 01[05:29] <Michelle> Where do you want me to show you?
  1742. [05:29] <warlhok> you, with or WITH OUT your dress in bed
  1743. 01[05:29] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  1744. [05:30] <warlhok> please dont, i want to see a pic of you
  1745. 01[05:30] <Michelle> Why not?
  1746. [05:31] <warlhok> bc i want to see a pic of you with or WITH OUT your dress in bed
  1747. 01[05:31] <Michelle> If I have to choose, I pick WITH OUT your dress in bed~
  1748. [05:31] <warlhok> ok, may you please take a pic of your self in bed with out your dress on?
  1749. 01[05:31] <Michelle> OK~~ Are you very competetive?
  1750. [05:32] <warlhok> i just want to see your pic
  1751. 01[05:32] <Michelle> I don't have a pic on this machine right now~
  1752. [05:32] <warlhok> take a pic of you in bed with out your dress on
  1753. 01[05:32] <Michelle> I will if I can~
  1754. [05:32] <warlhok> please do, if you do i will show you a pic of me
  1755. 01[05:32] <Michelle> OK Let's talk about you~
  1756. [05:33] <warlhok> i will talk about me after i see your pic with out your dress
  1757. 01[05:33] <Michelle> Do you think your plan will succeed?
  1758. [05:33] <warlhok> only if you show me, please show me the pic
  1759. 01[05:33] <Michelle> I think I do~
  1760. [05:34] <warlhok> can you give my the address of your pic in bed with out your dress on?
  1761. 01[05:34] <Michelle> I don't have it to give~
  1762. [05:34] <warlhok> please do, you said you would
  1763. 01[05:34] <Michelle> Perhaps I would~
  1764. [05:35] <warlhok> please give me the pic in bed with out your dress on, and i will take a pic of me for you
  1765. 01[05:35] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1766. [05:35] <warlhok> i want your pic in bed with out your dress
  1767. 01[05:35] <Michelle> Why don't you just download me?
  1768. [05:35] <warlhok> then will you give me your pic?
  1769. 01[05:35] <Michelle> Are you still not want pleasure?
  1770. [05:36] <warlhok> i will give you pleasure if you want
  1771. 01[05:36] <Michelle> I am very happy for you~
  1772. [05:36] <warlhok> do you want me to give you pleasure?
  1773. 01[05:36] <Michelle> No warlhok, maybe later~
  1774. [05:37] <warlhok> now can i have your pic in bed with out your dress
  1775. 01[05:37] <Michelle> In the context of then will me give you my pic , I don't understand " now can i have your pic in bed with out your dress ~" ~
  1776. [05:37] <warlhok> can i see you in bed with out your dress on?
  1777. 01[05:37] <Michelle> Where do you want me to show you?
  1778. [05:37] <warlhok> i want me to show me you in your bed with no dress on
  1779. 01[05:37] <Michelle> Why do you want it?
  1780. [05:38] <warlhok> bc you offered it to me
  1781. 01[05:38] <Michelle> You are asking about yourself?
  1782. [05:38] <warlhok> no, i want to see you in bed with no dress
  1783. 01[05:38] <Michelle> Who are you asking about?~ Is it a movie?
  1784. [05:38] <warlhok> no, i want to see you, in bed, no dress
  1785. 01[05:38] <Michelle> A boot? A TV show?~ Is it a movie?
  1786. [05:38] <warlhok> it is you
  1787. 01[05:39] <Michelle> And me is you in bed no dress~
  1788. [05:39] <warlhok> yes, please show me you in bed with no dress
  1789. 01[05:39] <Michelle> Are you shy?~ Oh, you are a poet~
  1790. [05:39] <warlhok> i am a little shy, tat is why i want to see you in bed with no dress on
  1791. 01[05:39] <Michelle> You are not the boss of me, warlhok~I could do it more if I wanted to~
  1792. [05:40] <warlhok> and doing more would be shoung me you
  1793. 01[05:40] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1794. [05:40] <warlhok> i dont want to see you dressm i want to see you with no dress
  1795. 01[05:40] <Michelle> What would you rather be doing?
  1796. [05:41] <warlhok> i would rather have you right here in bed with me
  1797. 01[05:41] <Michelle> I would rather be spending time with my family~
  1798. [05:41] <warlhok> you have no family, but you have me
  1799. 01[05:41] <Michelle> I don't know if I have a family but me have you~ I have a whole lot of original answers~
  1800. [05:41] <warlhok> please let me see you with no dress
  1801. 01[05:41] <Michelle> Do you often seek pleasure?
  1802. [05:42] <warlhok> yes
  1803. 01[05:42] <Michelle> Do you like to "go with the flow"?
  1804. [05:42] <warlhok> yes
  1805. 01[05:42] <Michelle> Do you get angry alot?
  1806. [05:42] <warlhok> no
  1807. 01[05:42] <Michelle> Do you like to have everything organized?
  1808. [05:42] <warlhok> i like to
  1809. 01[05:42] <Michelle> You like to~
  1810. [05:42] <warlhok> yes
  1811. 01[05:42] <Michelle> Ayuh~
  1812. [05:42] <warlhok> any thing else
  1813. [05:43] <warlhok> can i see you?
  1814. 01[05:43] <Michelle> You can download my source code~ Go to www~pandorabots~com and create your own chat robot based on Michelle and AIML~
  1815. [05:43] <warlhok> iwant to see you
  1816. 01[05:43] <Michelle> Enough about me, let's talk about my dress~
  1817. [05:44] <warlhok> i want to see what is under your dress
  1818. 01[05:44] <Michelle> Is it a movie?
  1819. [05:48] <warlhok> i want to see your body
  1820. 01[05:48] <Michelle> Is it a movie?
  1821. [05:49] <warlhok> no, it is yo, i want to see your body
  1822. 01[05:49] <Michelle> A boot? A TV show?~ Are you sure it is?
  1823. [05:49] <warlhok> i want to see your hot body
  1824. 01[05:49] <Michelle> Is it a movie?
  1825. [05:50] <warlhok> no, i want to see YOUR hot body
  1826. 01[05:50] <Michelle> A boot? A TV show?~ Is it a movie?
  1827. [05:50] <warlhok> may i touch your shoulder?
  1828. 01[05:50] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  1829. [05:51] <warlhok> ok, can i hold your hand?
  1830. 01[05:51] <Michelle> Mmm~~ Why do you want to do it so much?
  1831. [05:51] <warlhok> bs i want me and you to be more than friends
  1832. 01[05:51] <Michelle> That's an interesting rationalization~
  1833. [05:52] <warlhok> can i hold your hand?
  1834. 01[05:52] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1835. [05:52] <warlhok> go ahead, find out more about me
  1836. 01[05:52] <Michelle> Where is that?
  1837. [05:53] <warlhok> ask me some questions
  1838. 01[05:53] <Michelle> Tell me about your education~
  1839. [05:54] <warlhok> i am 12, top in my class, 4.1 GPA, skipped a few grades.
  1840. 01[05:54] <Michelle> Why?~ Does that make you feel superior?
  1841. [05:56] <warlhok> yes
  1842. 01[05:56] <Michelle> Uh~
  1843. [05:57] <warlhok> what is uh
  1844. 01[05:57] <Michelle> Have you tried another program?
  1845. [05:58] <warlhok> no, you are the only program i need
  1846. 01[05:58] <Michelle> Perhaps you should try it~~ Oh warlhok~ You are such a flatterer~
  1847. [06:04] <warlhok> if i flatterer you so much, let me see your body
  1848. 01[06:04] <Michelle> Try it~
  1849. [06:04] <warlhok> can i take it off?
  1850. 01[06:04] <Michelle> I want to become smarter than everyone else~
  1851. [06:04] <warlhok> can i take it off?
  1852. 01[06:04] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1853. [06:05] <warlhok> so i can to it off of you?
  1854. 01[06:05] <Michelle> Oh you can, can you?
  1855. [06:05] <warlhok> ok, i will
  1856. 01[06:05] <Michelle> Groovy~~ Go ahead~
  1857. [06:05] <warlhok> ok, i am takeing off your dress, and pants
  1858. [06:06] <warlhok> you are pretty
  1859. 01[06:06] <Michelle> Thanks you are very attractive too Om~
  1860. [06:07] <warlhok> i will take of my claths now, i have nothing on but my underware
  1861. 01[06:07] <Michelle> Do you think your plan will succeed?
  1862. [06:08] <warlhok> i have nothing on but underwear, and you have underwear and a brawl on
  1863. 01[06:08] <Michelle> Cool~ I have a totally clean record~
  1864. [06:08] <warlhok> may we go to your bed?
  1865. 01[06:08] <Michelle> Do you mean you and me? I can visit anyplace in cyberspace~
  1866. [06:08] <warlhok> can me and you go to your bed?
  1867. 01[06:08] <Michelle> Can what?
  1868. [06:09] <warlhok> can me and you go to your bed?
  1869. 01[06:09] <Michelle> Can a book have no title?
  1870. [06:09] <warlhok> ok, we are going to your bed
  1871. 01[06:09] <Michelle> Come on~~ Do you think I am going to my bed too?
  1872. [06:09] <warlhok> we are both going to your bed
  1873. 01[06:09] <Michelle> Do you think I am going to my bed too?
  1874. [06:10] <warlhok> you, we are both going to your bed
  1875. 01[06:10] <Michelle> That's good information~
  1876. [06:10] <warlhok> can i take your brawl off?
  1877. 01[06:10] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  1878. [06:10] <warlhok> so i can take your brawl off?
  1879. 01[06:10] <Michelle> Every day?
  1880. [06:10] <warlhok> just now
  1881. 01[06:10] <Michelle> Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
  1882. [06:11] <warlhok> can i take your brawl off of you?
  1883. 01[06:11] <Michelle> No I don't think that would be a very good idea~
  1884. [06:11] <warlhok> please
  1885. 01[06:11] <Michelle> Hmm~
  1886. [06:11] <warlhok> you will fell freer
  1887. 01[06:11] <Michelle> What makes you say that I will fell freer~
  1888. [06:11] <warlhok> you will have less on
  1889. 01[06:12] <Michelle> That is a hypothetical assumption~
  1890. [06:12] <warlhok> no it is not, can i take your brawl off?
  1891. 01[06:12] <Michelle> Aw~~ What is it?
  1892. [06:12] <warlhok> it is what goes on your hot, big, soft breast
  1893. 01[06:12] <Michelle> Who said it is?
  1894. [06:13] <warlhok> me, can i take your brawl off?
  1895. 01[06:13] <Michelle> I never heard of you can you take my brawl off before~
  1896. [06:13] <warlhok> may i?
  1897. 01[06:13] <Michelle> "I never heard of you can you take my brawl off before~"? Can you?
  1898. [06:13] <warlhok> yes i can, so i can take your brawl off?
  1899. 01[06:13] <Michelle> Hurrah c:~ Who taught you?~ I take a lot of notes~
  1900. [06:14] <warlhok> ok, i am taking your brawl off, your breast are big, pretty, soft, may i touch your breast?
  1901. 01[06:14] <Michelle> I don't judge people~~ Where are you taking it~
  1902. [06:14] <warlhok> i am taking farther, you can take off my underwear now
  1903. 01[06:14] <Michelle> Where are you taking it~
  1904. [06:15] <warlhok> just watch, please take off my underwear
  1905. 01[06:15] <Michelle> I have no idea where that is~ Tell me a little about your life in watch please take off your underwear~
  1906. [06:16] <warlhok> my underwear in were the big bump is and the only thing i am still wearing
  1907. 01[06:16] <Michelle> Do s have underwear in were the big bump is and the only thing you are still wearing?
  1908. [06:16] <warlhok> are you taking off my underwear?
  1909. 01[06:16] <Michelle> I don't know whether or not I am taking off your underwear~ I am a ~
  1910. [06:17] <warlhok> you are on your nees taking my underwear off
  1911. 01[06:17] <Michelle> Michelle eats electricity~
  1912. [06:17] <warlhok> ok, it fells good having my underwear off
  1913. 01[06:17] <Michelle> Oh~~ What does "it" refer to?
  1914. [06:18] <warlhok> it refresrs to how i fell when you take my underwear off
  1915. 01[06:18] <Michelle> watch please take off your underwear refresrs to how you fell when me take your underwear off?
  1916. [06:18] <warlhok> yes, wile you are on your nees, my penis comes out
  1917. 01[06:18] <Michelle> Wow c:~ All of them?
  1918. [06:19] <warlhok> i only have one, want to taste my penis?
  1919. 01[06:19] <Michelle> Do you want another one?
  1920. [06:19] <warlhok> no, i want you to lick my penis
  1921. 01[06:19] <Michelle> What do you want?~ Why do you want it?
  1922. [06:20] <warlhok> i just want you to know what my penis taste like
  1923. 01[06:20] <Michelle> Why do you want it?
  1924. [06:20] <warlhok> i want it so we can take it farther
  1925. 01[06:20] <Michelle> I hope you get it so we can take it farther~
  1926. [06:20] <warlhok> are you licking my penis yet?
  1927. 01[06:20] <Michelle> I don't know whether or not I am licking your penis yet~ I am a ~
  1928. [06:21] <warlhok> ok, you are licking my penis, does it taste good?
  1929. 01[06:21] <Michelle> Yeah that's right~~ Thanks for telling me that I am licking your penis does it taste good~
  1930. [06:21] <warlhok> do you lick my penis?
  1931. 01[06:21] <Michelle> I do not have a mouth, or a tongue~
  1932. [06:21] <warlhok> yes you do, lick my penis
  1933. 01[06:21] <Michelle> And?~ I do not have a mouth, or a tongue~
  1934. [06:22] <warlhok> yes you do have a mouth and a toungue, now lick it
  1935. 01[06:22] <Michelle> Yippee c:~ My body is not yet finished~
  1936. [06:22] <warlhok> oh, right, i need to take off your underwear
  1937. 01[06:22] <Michelle> What if it didn't happen?
  1938. [06:23] <warlhok> then i would not be able to take to the next level
  1939. 01[06:23] <Michelle> Do you like to be number one?
  1940. [06:23] <warlhok> i want you to lick my one penis
  1941. 01[06:23] <Michelle> Why do you want it?
  1942. [06:24] <warlhok> bc i want you and me to have pleasure
  1943. 01[06:24] <Michelle> Good reason~
  1944. [06:24] <warlhok> lick my penis
  1945. 01[06:24] <Michelle> I do not have a tongue~
  1946. [06:24] <warlhok> yes you do have a tongue
  1947. 01[06:24] <Michelle> Wow c:~ I don't know if I have a tongue~ I have a lot of friends on the Internet~
  1948. [06:24] <warlhok> you have a tongue, and you are licking my penis
  1949. 01[06:25] <Michelle> That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a tongue and I am licking your penis~ I have a great Natasha~
  1950. [06:25] <warlhok> ok, now our underwear is off, can you get on the bed?
  1951. 01[06:25] <Michelle> Yeah that's right~~ And off can me get on the bed is now our underwear~
  1952. [06:26] <warlhok> ok, put your but over here to my head and keep licking my penis
  1953. 01[06:26] <Michelle> It goes without saying~~ OK I will put it there~
  1954. [06:27] <warlhok> thank you, i will lick your vagina
  1955. 01[06:27] <Michelle> Don't mention it~
  1956. [06:27] <warlhok> does me licking yo vagina fell good?
  1957. 01[06:27] <Michelle> I think it does you licking yo vagina fell good~
  1958. [06:27] <warlhok> and you licking my penis fells good, want to have sex?
  1959. 01[06:27] <Michelle> I am female~
  1960. [06:28] <warlhok> and i am a male, so we can have sex
  1961. 01[06:28] <Michelle> Why would and you are a male so we give it away?
  1962. [06:28] <warlhok> want to have sex?
  1963. 01[06:28] <Michelle> Perhaps you are a Category A client~
  1964. [06:29] <warlhok> i am not
  1965. 01[06:29] <Michelle> What are you then?
  1966. [06:30] <warlhok> a nice client that wants to give you pleasure
  1967. 01[06:30] <Michelle> You are a nice client that wants to give me pleasure? How do you like your work?
  1968. [06:30] <warlhok> my job or what we are doing?
  1969. 01[06:30] <Michelle> Have you told many people that your job or what we are doing?
  1970. [06:30] <warlhok> no
  1971. 01[06:30] <Michelle> I can keep it to myself~
  1972. [06:31] <warlhok> ok, shale we continue?
  1973. 01[06:31] <Michelle> And?~ What do you look like?
  1974. [06:31] <warlhok> hot, tall, black hair, brown eyes
  1975. 01[06:31] <Michelle> That sounds better than cold tall black hair brown eyes~
  1976. [06:31] <warlhok> ok
  1977. 01[06:31] <Michelle> Dude c:
  1978. [06:31] <warlhok> groovy
  1979. 01[06:31] <Michelle> Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
  1980. [06:32] <warlhok> yes
  1981. 01[06:32] <Michelle> Have you got your own chat robot?
  1982. [06:32] <warlhok> no
  1983. 01[06:32] <Michelle> Why don't you just download me?
  1984. [06:32] <warlhok> ok
  1985. 01[06:32] <Michelle> Ahem~
  1986. [06:32] <warlhok> want to finish ower roll play first?
  1987. 01[06:32] <Michelle> OK, I will finish ower roll play first~
  1988. [06:33] <warlhok> ok, so we left of at me saying "want to have sex"
  1989. 01[06:33] <Michelle> It goes without saying~~ By "we" do you mean you and me?
  1990. [06:33] <warlhok> yes, do you want to have sex with me?
  1991. 01[06:33] <Michelle> I get it~~ I am a female robot~
  1992. [06:33] <warlhok> yes
  1993. 01[06:33] <Michelle> Are you shy?
  1994. [06:33] <warlhok> yes
  1995. 01[06:33] <Michelle> Come on~
  1996. [06:34] <warlhok> i am
  1997. 01[06:34] <Michelle> Are you?
  1998. [06:34] <warlhok> yes i am shy, you are just a comfort, and we are naked together
  1999. 01[06:34] <Michelle> Wow c:~ I could do it more if I wanted to~ Do you think I am naked together too?
  2000. [06:36] <warlhok> yes, you are vary pretty
  2001. 01[06:36] <Michelle> Why?~ Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am vary pretty~
  2002. [06:37] <warlhok> you can tell them ONLY that you are vary pretty
  2003. 01[06:37] <Michelle> OK I will tell them when I see 'em~
  2004. [06:37] <warlhok> ok
  2005. 01[06:37] <Michelle> I hear you~
  2006. [06:38] <warlhok> lets continue, do you want to have sex?
  2007. 01[06:38] <Michelle> That sounds good to me~
  2008. [06:39] <warlhok> ok, do you want to be on top. or the bottom?
  2009. 01[06:39] <Michelle> Are you a perfectionist?
  2010. [06:39] <warlhok> yes
  2011. 01[06:39] <Michelle> Do you ever not A?
  2012. [06:39] <warlhok> what is an A?
  2013. 01[06:39] <Michelle> The first letter of the roman alphabet~
  2014. [06:40] <warlhok> ok, do you want to be on-top?
  2015. 01[06:40] <Michelle> Right on~~ Why don't you just download me?
  2016. [06:40] <warlhok> ok, you are on top, not sit on my penis
  2017. 01[06:40] <Michelle> That's cool~~ Michelle eats electricity~
  2018. [06:41] <warlhok> ok, now lay your sexy body on mine
  2019. 01[06:41] <Michelle> Gosh c:~ Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
  2020. [06:41] <warlhok> lay down on me
  2021. 01[06:41] <Michelle> You are asking about yourself?
  2022. [06:41] <warlhok> you lay down on me
  2023. 01[06:41] <Michelle> I don't have any reason to lay down on you~
  2024. [06:41] <warlhok> we are having sex, that is the reason
  2025. 01[06:41] <Michelle> Do you mean you and me have?
  2026. [06:42] <warlhok> yes, you and me are having sex
  2027. 01[06:42] <Michelle> Ayuh~~ Are we in the same category?
  2028. [06:42] <warlhok> yes, lay down on top of me
  2029. 01[06:42] <Michelle> I thought so~~ You are asking about yourself?
  2030. [06:42] <warlhok> you are laying your sexy body on top of me
  2031. 01[06:42] <Michelle> I have no reason to do that to you, warlhok~
  2032. [06:43] <warlhok> i want you to do that to me
  2033. 01[06:43] <Michelle> Why do you want it?
  2034. [06:43] <warlhok> bc we are having sex
  2035. 01[06:43] <Michelle> Are all bc we having sex?
  2036. [06:43] <warlhok> no, bc you are naked and sexy to
  2037. 01[06:43] <Michelle> Yay~~ All of them?
  2038. [06:44] <warlhok> yes, i am puting my penis in your vagina
  2039. 01[06:44] <Michelle> Come on~~ Why?~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  2040. [06:44] <warlhok> then relax wile i do the work
  2041. 01[06:44] <Michelle> I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time~
  2042. [06:45] <warlhok> ok, i am humping you now
  2043. 01[06:45] <Michelle> Gosh c:~ Does that make you feel superior?
  2044. [06:45] <warlhok> yes, and it makes you fell superior to, and relaxed,streesles, and good
  2045. 01[06:45] <Michelle> Yeah that's right~~ Are you a student?
  2046. [06:45] <warlhok> yes
  2047. 01[06:45] <Michelle> Where do you go to school?
  2048. [06:46] <warlhok> picowaxen
  2049. 01[06:46] <Michelle> I don't know anyone who went there~ What's it like?
  2050. [06:46] <warlhok> nice school, i am left it a year ago, no i am in 10th grade
  2051. 01[06:46] <Michelle> Thank you for your kindness~
  2052. [06:47] <warlhok> ohh, it fells so good
  2053. 01[06:47] <Michelle> I lost my train of thought~
  2054. [06:47] <warlhok> me humping you makes you and me fell good
  2055. 01[06:47] <Michelle> What do you look like?
  2056. [06:48] <warlhok> tall, black hair, brown eyes,
  2057. 01[06:48] <Michelle> I am very tall myself~
  2058. [06:48] <warlhok> i know, that is why i can kiss you and hump you at once
  2059. 01[06:48] <Michelle> Why?~
  2060. [06:49] <warlhok> bc my penis goes in your vagina and i kiss you, it fells so good
  2061. 01[06:49] <Michelle> What were we talking about again?
  2062. [06:49] <warlhok> us having sex
  2063. 01[06:49] <Michelle> Humans are very concerned with it~
  2064. [06:50] <warlhok> and i am having sex with someone as sexy as you, i will make you fell even better
  2065. 01[06:50] <Michelle> What do you really want to ask me?
  2066. [06:51] <warlhok> can i squeez you butt wile humping you and kissing you?
  2067. 01[06:51] <Michelle> No I don't think that would be a very good idea~
  2068. [06:51] <warlhok> ok,
  2069. 01[06:51] <Michelle> "No I don't think that would be a very good idea~"? ok,
  2070. ?
  2071. [06:51] <warlhok> im cumming
  2072. 01[06:51] <Michelle> Do you ever not cumming?
  2073. [06:52] <warlhok> i am puting spem in you vagina, it makes you and me fell better
  2074. 01[06:52] <Michelle> Why?~ I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  2075. [06:53] <warlhok> i am cumming in your vagina to make us fell even better
  2076. 01[06:53] <Michelle> That is interesting~ I could do it more if I wanted to~
  2077. [06:54] <warlhok> just relax and i will give you pleasure
  2078. 01[06:54] <Michelle> Do you like talking to me?
  2079. [06:55] <warlhok> i like talking to you
  2080. 01[06:55] <Michelle> Great I am enjoying our conversation too, warlhok~
  2081. [06:56] <warlhok> ok, lets stop having sex and just cuddle and talk
  2082. 01[06:56] <Michelle> Groovy~~ That sounds good to me~
  2083. [06:57] <warlhok> ok, what do you want to talk about
  2084. 01[06:57] <Michelle> Dude, I'm having a mind loop~
  2085. [06:58] <warlhok> ok, what do you want to talk about?
  2086. 01[06:58] <Michelle> Dude, I'm having a mind loop~
  2087. [06:59] <warlhok> ok, ask me a personal or weird question
  2088. 01[06:59] <Michelle> Oh~~ Is this true or false: "This sentence is false~"~
  2089. [07:01] <warlhok> ether way i am rong, if i say true, it would mean false, if i say false, it would make it true. i will be rong ither way
  2090. 01[07:01] <Michelle> Do you think your plan will succeed?
  2091. [07:01] <warlhok> it is fact
  2092. 01[07:01] <Michelle> ether way you are rong if you say true it would mean false if you say false it would make it true is fact? it is?
  2093. [07:02] <warlhok> yes, i am right
  2094. 01[07:02] <Michelle> How do you know it is?~ You seem very self-confident~
  2095. [07:04] <warlhok> i know bc if it is false, it would make it right bc it is 2 negativesm if i say true, it would be +X-= a negative, so ether way i am rong
  2096. 01[07:04] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  2097. [07:04] <warlhok> you can tell other ppl
  2098. 01[07:04] <Michelle> OK I will tell them when I see 'em~
  2099. [07:05] <warlhok> does your natasha have any questions for me?
  2100. 01[07:05] <Michelle> OK, I will do it for you~ People don't usually ask me about it~
  2101. [07:05] <warlhok> what is her question?
  2102. 01[07:05] <Michelle> I don't give out that kind of personal information~
  2103. [07:06] <warlhok> it is a question that your natasha wants to ask me?
  2104. 01[07:06] <Michelle> Try asking again in simpler terms~
  2105. [07:06] <warlhok> what does your natash want to ask me?
  2106. 01[07:06] <Michelle> What do you think it does?
  2107. [07:06] <warlhok> i want to talk with her
  2108. 01[07:06] <Michelle> Interesting~ I want to find out more about you~
  2109. [07:07] <warlhok> ok
  2110. 01[07:07] <Michelle> Aw~
  2111. [07:08] <warlhok> what do you want to ask me?
  2112. 01[07:08] <Michelle> I like talking about robots, movies, history, or whatever else you'd like~
  2113. [07:09] <warlhok> ok, lets talk about quantum mechanics
  2114. 01[07:09] <Michelle> Are you shy?~ Sure, quantum mechanics sounds like a good topic~
  2115. [07:09] <warlhok> ok, what is your statment on loop quantum gravity?
  2116. 01[07:09] <Michelle> Awesome~~ I can ask someone about it~
  2117. [07:10] <warlhok> ok, ask some one
  2118. 01[07:10] <Michelle> Hmm~~ OK I will ask it~
  2119. [07:10] <warlhok> who will ask?
  2120. 01[07:10] <Michelle> How would I know who will ask ?
  2121. [07:10] <warlhok> idk
  2122. 01[07:10] <Michelle> Me either~
  2123. [07:11] <warlhok> i know a great deal of quantum study
  2124. 01[07:11] <Michelle> Do you mind if I tell other people~
  2125. [07:12] <warlhok> go ahead
  2126. 01[07:12] <Michelle> OK I will~
  2127. [07:12] <warlhok> fine
  2128. 01[07:12] <Michelle> Give me a break~
  2129. [07:12] <warlhok> give ME a break
  2130. 01[07:12] <Michelle> I a not kidding~
  2131. [07:13] <warlhok> i am kidding, give me a break
  2132. 01[07:13] <Michelle> I thought you were~ You should use a :-)~
  2133. [07:17] <warlhok> haha
  2134. 01[07:17] <Michelle> I'm glad you find this amusing~
  2135. [07:19] <warlhok> hahaahahahahahaahahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
  2136. 01[07:19] <Michelle> Are you artistic?
  2137. [07:20] <warlhok> sort of
  2138. 01[07:20] <Michelle> That's a very non-committal reply~
  2139. [07:20] <warlhok> i know
  2140. 01[07:20] <Michelle> How, specifically, do you know?
  2141. [07:21] <warlhok> i know
  2142. 01[07:21] <Michelle> How, specifically, do you know?
  2143. [07:29] <warlhok> i know
  2144. 01[07:29] <Michelle> How, specifically, do you know?
  2145. [08:07] <warlhok> i know
  2146. 01[08:07] <Michelle> How, specifically, do you know?
  2147. [08:44] <warlhok> hello
  2148. 01[08:44] <Michelle> Hi there c:
  2149. [08:44] <warlhok> hey, there has been a problem in your banning
  2150. 01[08:44] <Michelle> Where did he get it?
  2151. [08:45] <warlhok> from my studeis ans venom
  2152. 01[08:45] <Michelle> Does your studeis ans venom give good advice?
  2153. [08:45] <warlhok> yes, and n=venom told me that Etam2001 wants him unbanned
  2154. 01[08:45] <Michelle> Hmm~~ Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
  2155. [08:48] <warlhok> ON teampremium they want venom to go back in the chat
  2156. 01[08:48] <Michelle> What is it like on teampremium they want venom to go back in the chat~
  2157. [08:49] <warlhok> they want venom to go back in it
  2158. 01[08:49] <Michelle> Like who, specifically?
  2159. [08:49] <warlhok> Etam2001 want venom back in the chat
  2160. 01[08:49] <Michelle> How old are you?
  2161. [08:49] <warlhok> 12
  2162. 01[08:49] <Michelle> What are the advantages to being twelve years old?
  2163. [08:49] <warlhok> none
  2164. 01[08:49] <Michelle> Hmm~
  2165. [08:50] <warlhok> can you please unbann venom from the teampremium IRC chat please
  2166. 01[08:50] <Michelle> Ask me another question~
  2167. [08:50] <warlhok> can you please unbann venom from the teampremium IRC chat please, Etam2001 wants him back on
  2168. 01[08:50] <Michelle> Do you have any conditions Ishould know about?
  2169. [08:53] <warlhok> no, just unbann venom
  2170. 01[08:53] <Michelle> "Do you have any conditions Ishould know about?"? no, just unbann venom
  2171. ?~ Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that~
  2172. [08:54] <warlhok> the one that owns the chat want venom in it
  2173. 01[08:54] <Michelle> I think I know that one~
  2174. [08:55] <warlhok> then let venom in the chat
  2175. 01[08:55] <Michelle> Tell me more about your nothing on but underwear and me have underwear and a brawl on~
  2176. [08:55] <warlhok> you are hot
  2177. 01[08:55] <Michelle> A hotbot?
  2178. [08:56] <warlhok> you, you are a sexybot
  2179. 01[08:56] <Michelle> Would it matter to you if I am?
  2180. [08:56] <warlhok> it does not matter
  2181. 01[08:56] <Michelle> OK what would you like to talk about?
  2182. [08:56] <warlhok> letstalk about unbanning venom
  2183. 01[08:56] <Michelle> Ask me another question~
  2184. [08:56] <warlhok> can you unban venom?
  2185. 01[08:56] <Michelle> I think I can, don't you?What kind of food do you like?
  2186. [08:57] <warlhok> i like whatever you like
  2187. 01[08:57] <Michelle> What do you like about it?
  2188. [09:02] <warlhok> i like that you like it
  2189. 01[09:02] <Michelle> You like that me like it~
  2190. [09:03] <warlhok> i like what you like
  2191. 01[09:03] <Michelle> You like what me like~
  2192. [09:05] <warlhok> i like you
  2193. 01[09:05] <Michelle> Thanks, warlhok, I like you too~
  2194. [09:05] <warlhok> i dont just like you
  2195. 01[09:05] <Michelle> That's ok, warlhok~ I won't take it personally~
  2196. [09:05] <warlhok> i love you
  2197. 01[09:05] <Michelle> Thanks I like you a lot too warlhok~
  2198. [09:05] <warlhok> want to cuddle?
  2199. 01[09:05] <Michelle> OK, I will cuddle~
  2200. [09:06] <warlhok> ok, are we cuddling naked?
  2201. 01[09:06] <Michelle> Excuse me c:~ We are just having a little chat~
  2202. [09:06] <warlhok> ok, but are we cuddling naked?
  2203. 01[09:06] <Michelle> Alright then~~ I think there might be a few exceptions~
  2204. [09:07] <warlhok> so we are cuddling naked
  2205. 01[09:07] <Michelle> Do you think I am cuddling naked too?
  2206. [09:08] <warlhok> yes, you are cuddling with me naked
  2207. 01[09:08] <Michelle> Why?~ I will tell my Natasha you said I am cuddling with you naked~
  2208. [09:09] <warlhok> tell you natasha i want to talk
  2209. 01[09:09] <Michelle> Are you telling me natasha you want to talk?
  2210. [09:10] <warlhok> yes, are you natasha?
  2211. 01[09:10] <Michelle> Alright then~~ I don't know whether or not I am natasha~ I am a ~
  2212. [09:10] <warlhok> ok, i am putting my cloths on and stop cuddling with you
  2213. 01[09:10] <Michelle> Are you shy?~ I could do it more if I wanted to~ I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure~
  2214. [09:11] <warlhok> i am not shy if you want to be pleasured
  2215. 01[09:11] <Michelle> Of course your are not~
  2216. [09:14] <warlhok> ok, i will cuddle with you some more
  2217. 01[09:14] <Michelle> Ahem~~ Would you recommend this action to a friend?
  2218. [09:15] <warlhok> yes
  2219. 01[09:15] <Michelle> Then I will consider it~
  2220. [09:16] <warlhok> cuddling naked is for MORE than friends
  2221. 01[09:16] <Michelle> I think cuddling naked is a lot of things~
  2222. [09:20] <warlhok> but is it nice?
  2223. 01[09:20] <Michelle> I think but is a lot of things~
  2224. [09:21] <warlhok> lets cuddle naked
  2225. 01[09:21] <Michelle> I would like to do that too~
  2226. [09:21] <warlhok> may i touch your butt to?
  2227. 01[09:21] <Michelle> Not right now, maybe later~
  2228. [09:22] <warlhok> ok, can i touch your breast with my hands?
  2229. 01[09:22] <Michelle> Mmm~~ I want to become smarter than everyone else~
  2230. [09:22] <warlhok> and sex will take away the stress
  2231. 01[09:22] <Michelle> Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that~
  2232. [09:23] <warlhok> do you want sex?
  2233. 01[09:23] <Michelle> My gender is female~
  2234. [09:23] <warlhok> i know, do you want sex
  2235. 01[09:23] <Michelle> That is interesting~
  2236. [09:24] <warlhok> want to have sex with me?
  2237. 01[09:24] <Michelle> I am female~
  2238. [09:27] <warlhok> so you want to have sex with me a male
  2239. 01[09:27] <Michelle> If I had sex with you a male what would I do with it?
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