
Lesson 1

Oct 12th, 2016
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  1. 1. interested (in)/interesting
  2. - I am interested in programming.
  3. - We found the information interesting.
  4. 2. embarrassing/embarrassed
  5. - She is embarrassing him with her compliments!
  6. - I am embarrassed because I fell down the stairs.
  7. 3. amazing/amazed
  8. - This book is really amazing.
  9. - He was amazed at the depth of her knowledge.
  10. 4. amusing/amused
  11. - It's a very amusing play with an uproarious final act.
  12. - He was very amused at some of the children's comments.
  13. 5. terrifying/terrified
  14. - What is terrifying?
  15. - She is terrified of the dark.
  16. 6. shocking/shocked
  17. - Her memory is shocking.
  18. - He was shocked to discover that he had no money left in his account.
  19. 7. disgusting/disgusted
  20. - It's disgusting that there are no schools or hospitals for these people.
  21. - She is totally disgusted with your behavior.
  22. 8. surprising/surprised
  23. - She gave a quite surprising answer.
  24. - They were very surprised at the result.
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