
Ponies in the Cupboard - Chapter One

Apr 10th, 2014
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  1. Chapter One – Life Sure Is Full Of Surprises
  4. “Welcome to my apartment!”
  6. “Ah, you just got to love the fresh opportunities this one brings you. Just how are you paying for this, Anon?” Sandra asks, walking in and looking around the very spacious living room, barely even furnished and looking bare.
  8. “It might have to do with finally getting that position I was applying for…”
  10. “No way,” Sandra says with a smile, throwing off her leather jacket onto the island table in the kitchen. “I thought they weren’t looking for people to hire when you went there asking the last… four times!”
  12. “What can I say? I’m good with words.”
  14. Sandra walks over to the only couch in the place and plops down on it with a sigh, resting her feet on the rather large coffee table in front of it. “You definitely need some stuff in here; it feels so empty and dead. Are you going for a Spartan look this time around? It doesn’t seem like you, I’d expect more waifu material on the walls.”
  16. Anon walks around the couch and pushes her feet off the table, only to get kicked by her and with her feet returning to the table.
  18. “Come on; treat my stuff with some respect.” Sandra sticks her tongue out in response. Anon groans out, falling onto the opposite side of the couch. “Once I unpack my awesome collection of figures and posters, it won’t feel so dead in here.”
  20. “Just don’t go drawing and wrecking up the walls, that’s how you got kicked out of your last apartment.”
  22. “How was I supposed to know that the pipes were behind the exact wall I was cutting into into?”
  24. “Why were you cutting into it anyways? Trying to hide a body in them then brick it up? A tad cliché, but why mess with a classic?”
  26. “I wanted to add some flair to my place, so I was trying to sculpt Optimus Prime coming out of the wall, like he was crashing through it.”
  28. “And all that extra putty was to help with that I’m guessing,” she says monotonously, pushing her long hair out of her face.
  30. “I was lucky enough to save most of it for here, stuff’s expensive.”
  32. “What a missed opportunity to sculpt the Kool-Aid Man coming in through the wall.”
  34. “…I wonder if I can get permission for that—”
  36. Sandra clamps her hand over Anon’s lips. “Don’t even think about it, you don’t want to weird out your landlord in the first week of getting this place.” She lets go before looking up at the wall to the only thing on it: a Gurren Lagann flaming skull clock. “At least we have plenty of time still.”
  38. “For what exactly?” Anon asks, right before quickly turning to her. “No, NO! I said I didn’t want anything planned for me!”
  40. “It’s not planned, Anon! I just wanted to take you out and get some food, and… pick up a gift for you, of course…”
  42. Anon rubs the bridge of his nose at this. “So there’s no secret party ready to ambush me at some spot we’re going to, nothing to completely ruin my day by having to be around my family with them constantly bugging me about my life?”
  44. Sandra snorts at that. “Hell no… I’ve learned my lesson from the last few times.”
  46. “Then I’ve got nothing to complain about,” he says, leaning back into his couch with both hands behind his head.
  48. Sandra mimics him, sliding further into the couch. “We’ve still got plenty of time anyways before the food place closes and we can grab some grub, I’ve got some fancy-smanshy place picked out before we head to the store.”
  50. “Oh, thanks for reminding me!” Anon says, jumping off the couch and walking over to the clock. Sandra watches him take the clock off, turning the back dial on it, then placing the clock back on the wall. “I forgot, daylight savings happened last week and I still hadn’t set all my cl—”
  52. He’s met with a couch cushion to the face, knocking him on his ass. “You dumbass!” Sandra screams out, now standing up. “We have to go, now!”
  54. Sandra walks up to him, pulling up on his arm and lifting him to his feet before grabbing her coat and quickly forcing him out the door in a hurry. She pulls him down the multiple stairs and straight out the building door, all the while with Anon trying to tell her to let go.
  56. Anon, now outside, is rushed to a car and pushed inside as the door slams shut. “You forgot to lock your doors, again.”
  58. Sandra doesn’t answer from the driver seat as she throws her jacket in the back and starts the car up, trying to get the engine running. “Stupid pile of shit! RUN YOU UNHOLY PIECE OF GARBAGE! I SWEAR YOU COME FROM THE TUMEROUS CHEEKS OF KIM KARDASHIANS ASS FROM HOW SHITTY YOU’RE RU— there we go!”
  60. “Sandra, calm down,” Anon says, pulling his seatbelt on.
  62. “We barely have any time to get there and I don’t want to lose our stupid reservation!”
  64. “Just… drive carefully, okay?”
  66. “Pshhh, me, not careful? I’m the most at being careful.”
  68. “Yeah… sure…”
  70. Sandra backs up from her parking spot, doing a donut right in the middle of the parking lot, barely missing a few cars in the process before skidding forward towards the street.
  72. “See? I was totally careful enough to not hit those cars!” Anon says nothing, holding onto his seat as Sandra blasts the music in her car. “God I LOVE this song! SHOTA! HITLER! CEREAL KILLA! GO-A T’ YOUR FUNERAL AND I’LL DRINK ALL YOUR LIQUOR!”
  74. “Uuugh…”
  76. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  78. “It was completely your fault.”
  80. “Shut up…”
  82. “If you hadn’t sped down that road, you wouldn’t have gotten that ticket.”
  84. “You should’ve made kissy faces with her and confuse the lady cop with your masculinity so we could get off the hook.”
  86. “That wouldn’t have worked, Sandra.”
  88. “True, you don’t have much masculinity for that to work.”
  90. “Just… we missed out on dinner, so can we just go home? It’s getting pretty dark already.”
  92. “Hey! I picked up a whole bunch of burgers for us to eat when we get back, the least you can do is come into this shop!”
  94. “…I paid for those,” Anon says before looking up at the sign, “Antiques & Stuff”. “Seriously?”
  96. “Yes, seriously!” Sandra says while putting her jacket back on and closing the car door. “I just needed to pick something up from here and we can leave.”
  98. “Is it my gift?” Anon asks, opening the door to the store.
  100. “Yes—NO! Gah! Just, shut up and get in!”
  102. Letting out a sigh, Anon walks into the darkly light building. He starts to cough, waving his hand in the air. “Good god, this place reeks of old people smell and an old library that hasn’t been dusted in centuries!”
  104. “My kind of smell,” Anon hears from a very smooth sounding voice, making him jump back in surprise. Sandra lets out a laugh, patting Anon on the shoulder before stepping forward. “Miss Sandra, I see that you have returned, and with a friend.”
  106. “Of course I did! You didn’t think I’d not come back and pick up my package, did you?”
  108. An old man comes out from around a shelf, lifting an eyebrow at Sandra. He looks like one of those old sophisticated men from the eighteen-hundreds that would explore all over the world, Anon observes, looks barely in his sixties as well.
  110. “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve said something, whereas something else just came up at the last moment,” the old man says with a British accent, staring back at Sandra with a tilt of his head while adjusting the tie on his blue suit. “Or where you forgot your cash…”
  112. Sandra waves his words off. “Well, I’ve got money this time around! So go and get me my package!” The still unnamed old man continues to stare at Sandra without saying anything. Sandra lets out a heavy sigh. “Pleeeeease go get my package, Mr. Tiller.”
  114. “You need to brush up on your manners, Miss Sandra,” Mr. Tiller says before turning around and walking off behind the many shelves.
  116. Sandra motions her right hand in the air, flapping her fingers in the air as if to talk in a mocking gesture of the old man’s words before walking over to a random shelf and looking at some of the items on it.
  118. Anon looks over to a shelf on his left, looking at some of the odd items on display as well. “This vase looks pretty old. Huh, there’s a miniature centaur too. That’s pretty neat. And… is that a dagger with blood still on it? That can’t be real…”
  120. “It might be, a lot of this stuff comes from all over the world,” Sandra says, playing with a very fancy looking pig sculpture with odd markings embedded into it. “Mr. Tiller collects some of the weirdest stuff, has been all his life. He opened this shop to sell or trade to anyone interested, though I’d imagine it being difficult to get some of this stuff.”
  122. “You seem to know him pretty well,” Anon says, now looking at a very impressive collection of handcuffs.
  124. “I found this shop by complete accident many years back in highschool. I’d sometimes skip class to come here, looking at all the neat junk. It was a pretty cool place to hide out in and escape from everything.”
  126. “That explains all those times you’d disappear,” Anon chuckles, now looking at crystal dragons. “Some of our friends would guess where you’d go, bet they’d be surprised to hear it was to come to an antique shop. I personally guessed ballet school.”
  128. Anon feels a thump on his back, hearing a grunt coming from Sandra. “This place is cool, okay? I’m really going to miss it.”
  130. Unsure of how to take that, Anon turns around to Sandra. “Why do you say that?”
  132. “Mr. Tiller, he’s closing up shop and moving back home to someplace in Europe. His family has been bugging him to take more control over his businesses for a while now so…”
  134. Anon hums to that. “The two of you can relate pretty well to that, can’t you?”
  136. Sandra merely humphs to that, placing down an old book she was holding. Hearing the clicking of footsteps, Anon turns to the side and sees the old man coming back with a rather large wrapped package in his hands.
  138. Seeing him struggle, Sandra steps forwards and grabs the wrapped box. Anon goes to help with the package but Sandra hisses at him, forcing Anon to step back with his hands raised.
  140. “Thanks for everything, Mr. Tiller. You can grab my cash from my side pocket here,” she says, turning to her side so he can grab her cash.
  142. Mr. Tiller simply smiles at her. “Think of this as a farewell gift before I leave. It’s the least I can do for you, Miss Sandra. Oh, and this,” he says, grabbing something from a side pocket on him and gently sliding it into Sandra’s pocket. “It’d be mighty difficult to use this properly without that.”
  144. Sandra gives a chuckle. “A gift that’s meant to be a gift? Well, at least I don’t have to pay for it I suppose.”
  146. “There’s an additional “stuff” in there for you, Miss Sandra.”
  148. Sandra immediately perks up hearing that. “Awesome, now it’s a duo gift day!”
  150. Mr. Tiller nods to her before turning around and slowly walking away. “It’s been delightful being in this town and knowing you, Miss Sandra. Take care.”
  152. “…You too, Mr. Tiller.”
  154. Sandra stands there for a few moments, staring off to where Mr. Tiller just went. Clicking her tongue, she turns around and walks toward the door. Anon opens it up for her, making sure not to get in her way as the two get back into the car.
  156. “The two of you seem like good friends,” Anon says, buckling back into the car.
  158. “Yeah… good friends,” Sandra replies, placing the wrapped package in the backseat. Going to her seat, she pauses, staring at something stuck under the windshield wiper. “GOD DAMN THOSE LAW-ABIDING BASTARDS!” she yells out, taking the parking ticket from the wiper and throwing it into the backseat.
  160. “You’re having the worst luck today.”
  162. “It happens to the best of people, Anon!”
  164. “So why’s it happening to you?”
  166. Sandra punches him in the arm for that remark. “Har, har. Let’s hurry back and eat our now cold burgers. The others should be by the apartment by now.”
  168. “…Others? I said I didn’t want a party, Sandra.”
  170. “Not a party, just Jack and Andrew. I invited them over since being just me tonight would be ultra-creepy. I did mention I was going to invite some others tonight at the apartment, remember?”
  172. “Nnnno, I don’t. You must’ve called them back at the gas stop.”
  174. The music immediately starts playing as the car turns on, making Sandra smile wide. “Hell yeah, great stuff here! Dark secrets, demons with a conscience, I'm the Lone Ranger LOOKING FOR POCAHONTAS!” She swerves out of her parking spot, blasting the music louder before speeding off down the empty street, singing along to the song. “Teenage zombies flying the beat, I'm dying to learn what I'm trying to be.”
  176. “Hey, Sandra?”
  178. “Hmm?” She tilts her head to him, turning down her music so she can actually hear Anon.
  180. “What did that guy mean by “stuff”?”
  182. Sandra furrows her brow for a moment before letting out a laugh. “Oh, that? He was always on about selling antiquated stuff from around the world he’d always just call “stuff”. That’s really what much of that was to him, just stuff he’d get on his travels. I mean, it was really expensive stuff that had a lot of history, but to him, it was just something to bring along on the road. I think he just opened that shop to get rid of some of that “stuff”.”
  184. “So he was a hoarder of ancient “stuff”.”
  186. “Exactly!”
  188. Anon merely shakes his head in amusement as Sandra blasts her music back up to full, driving back to the apartment and singing whatever started to play with Anon sitting back and trying to enjoy the ride.
  190. After parking, Anon and Sandra exit the vehicle only to see the two of them approaching the car, both with matching frowns. “You’re late,” the tall, lanky one says.
  192. “The po-po arrested me for being too awesome for their streets, Andrew,” Sandra says, grabbing the package from the back seat and holding onto the bag of burgers.
  194. “You’re just lucky this is the weekend or we’d have left by now,” the much shorter, well built one says.
  196. “Soooorry, Mister I-Have-To-Bulk-On-A-Daily-Basis-To-Keep-My-Brick-House-Form.”
  198. Anon snorts hearing that. “Glad to see you both here Andrew, Jack.”
  200. “Same here,” Andrew says, patting Anon on the back before tightening his hold onto the backpack on his back.
  202. “Couldn’t find the time to show us around your apartment?” Jack says, crossing his arms.
  204. “I just got the place a week ago!”
  206. “Nothing but excuses, not cool dude, not cool.”
  208. Anon lets out a sigh as Sandra bumps into him, pushing him forward. “Let’s go guys; I don’t want to be carrying this for too long!”
  210. “I can carry that for you,” Jack says as the four of them start walking to the apartment building.
  212. “…Why you being so nice to me? Oh, I get it; you want to show off your mad guns, don’t you?”
  214. “Hey, I have to give the babies some productivity!”
  216. “Fine, fine, here,” she says, placing it in his arms. “Just be careful, there’s something that may be fragile in there.”
  218. “May?”
  220. “I’m not exactly sure what’s in there just yet.”
  222. “Whoa, hold up one second,” Anon says as he gets into the lobby of the building, walking over to a wall with locks all over it, “I have to check the mail. I’ve been waiting for something to come in.”
  224. “New manga?” Jack asks.
  226. “New model kit?” Andrew asks.
  228. “Nah, I bet it’s a dakimakura,” Sandra says with a nod, “probably a yaoi character.”
  230. “Very funny,” Anon says, going through his keys for the mailbox.
  232. “Can one of those even fit in the mailbox?” Andrew asks.
  234. “Darn things are so freaking large, I wouldn’t doubt it,” Jack says.
  236. “YES!” Anon exclaims, grabbing out a box. “IT’S HERE!”
  238. “Okay,” Andrew says, now with the four of them walking up the stairs, “what exactly is it?”
  240. “I got really lucky a while back in an online auction and bought some prototype toys that Hasbro was making a good while back but stopped production almost immediately, something about them wanting to work on their board game stuff over toy lines.”
  242. “I remember that,” Andrew says, looking at the box in Anon’s arms, “that’s around the time they gobbled up Twilight Creations.”
  244. “Dang, that must have cost an arm and a leg,” Jack says, watching his steps up the stairs. “Why the hell are we taking the stairs?”
  246. “Elevator is out,” Sandra says, smirking at Jack. “Why? Stairs too much for you?”
  248. “Please, my thighs are too much for the stairs.”
  250. “So what toys are they?” Andrew asks Anon.
  252. “Not sure, but from the size of the box, I can bet they’re likely Transformers, though it might be G.I Joes.”
  254. “You lucky bastard,” Andrew mumbles out, “something like that would be awesome to have.”
  256. “I’d prefer G.I Joes over Transformers myself,” Jack says.
  258. “Please, Transformers are infinitely cooler.”
  260. “Joes before Hoes, dude, and that’s what Transformers are.” Anon would punch him if he didn’t think he’d drop the package to punch back. “You didn’t pawn all your stuff for that did you?” Jack asks.
  262. “No, I didn’t. They were surprisingly cheap and there were barely any bidders for it.”
  264. “It might be due to the decline of Hasbro’s brand,” Andrew says, rubbing his chin. “They should have kept putting out more toys and shows, maybe even a few movies for their stuff.”
  266. “You’d think something like that would go up in price though,” Jack replies back.
  268. “They’re supposed to come out with a Transformers movie in the next week,” Anon says enthusiastically.
  270. “It seems really odd it’s coming out,” Jack says as the four of them walk down the hall to Anon’s apartment. “It’s going to be difficult to compete up against the Pacific Rim franchise; it’s got a significant claim over the market on robot/mecha stuff.”
  272. “I’m glad for that movie, it helped tide me over for Transformers,” Anon says. “I just hope the movie is like the original cartoon series. Hell, I’ll even take the Beast Wars version!”
  274. “I recall hearing that Michael Bay is working on this,” Andrew says. “If anything, expect an explosion every ten minutes.” Andrew rubs his chin in though. “I Think I recall Hasbro wanting to turn some of their board games into game shows as well. Maybe they’re trying to put what they own on any type of screen they can.”
  276. “Just what we need, more of those around,” Sandra says as Anon unlocks the door to his apartment.
  278. Walking in, the four of them deposit their gear on the table in the living room before sitting down on the couch and two chairs.
  280. Sandra digs into the bag before throwing some burgers at everyone and herself. “They’re cold, but it’s food.”
  282. “How considerate of you to think of us,” Jack says, taking a bite of the burger. Anon mumbles something about payment, to which no one takes notice of. “Need some drinks; you have anything in the fridge?” Jack says getting up.
  284. “Yeah, I’ve got a case of cola; grab some for us would you?”
  286. “What, no liquor of any description for tonight?” Jack asks, walking to the fridge.
  288. “Too darn expensive right now, it was either food or booze.”
  290. “Should’ve gotten booze…”
  292. Anon jumps in surprise at a bagged object being thrown at him, coming from Andrew. “Yo’ happy birthday dude! I knew you didn’t have this one so I got you a copy.”
  294. Putting down his half eaten burger, Anon picks up the black bag carefully before opening it up. “Sweet! It’s Superman: Red Son! It’s even the hardback!”
  296. “I saw that at a comic shop a month back and thought it was the perfect thing for you,” Andrew says before catching the thrown soda at him.
  298. “Good catch,” Jack says, coming back with sodas for everyone else. He sits back down before going into Andrews backpack and pulling out a box and tossing it to Anon. “Sorry my gift isn’t as cool as that one but I thought you could try something… new.”
  300. Staring at the completely black box in confusion, Anon slides the sleeve hiding the product, right before dropping it on the ground.
  304. Sandra and Andrew, confused and seeing Jack amused, look down at the exposed box, seeing a fleshlight image on it. The two of them start snickering, staring at Anon in equal amusement.
  306. “Jack’s not wrong, Anon,” Sandra says, holding back her laughter. “Pretend it’s one of your gaming girls and it’ll feel natural! “Oh Lara, I can’t wait to go spelunking in your tight cavern.””
  308. >The three of them chuckle hearing that with Anon’s face turning red. “Okay, now… look inside the box,” Jack says, grabbing another burger.
  312. “Just look in the box, jackass.”
  314. Hesitatingly, Anon leans down and grabs the box, slowly opening up right before glaring at Jack. “You’re an asshole.”
  316. Jack shrugs at that before Anon pulls out a dvd set. “It’s Azumangah Diaoh. It may look girly but it’s not bad, though it is odd.”
  318. “Looks like a typical school girl anime,” Andrew says, taking a sip from his cola.
  320. “It’s from some comic online, supposedly popular. Surprised none of us have heard of it before.”
  322. “Okay, time for my gift!” Sandra says, pulling the table closer and pushing the wrapped package over to Anon. “Now, whatever is inside is mine, don’t forget that!”
  324. Waving her off, Anon pulls the package up to him and slowly starts to take off the wrapping paper. It doesn’t take long before it’s revealed to be a very intricate looking cupboard.
  326. “Dang, that’s some fancy looking stuff right there,” Andrew says with a whistle with Sandra smiling.
  328. “I knew your package was supposed to come in for your toys so I thought having a cupboard for them would be nice. Oh,” Sandra says before grabbing something from her pocket, “here’s the key for it.”
  330. “It’s already unlocked,” Anon tells her after grabbing the key.
  332. Opening the door, Anon sees an old book inside. Grabbing the book, he passes it over to Sandra who lets out a gasp, grabbing the book gently.
  334. “What is it?” Jack asks, already eating his second burger.
  336. “It’s Mr. Tiller’s expedition journal. He’d always tease me with some of his stories being around the world written in this book…”
  338. The three of them stare at Sandra, who gives a soft smile while looking down at the book in her lap. Jack and Andrew turn to Anon in confusion. “Who’s Mr. Tiller?” Andrew asks.
  340. “An old man that ran an antique shop, it’s apparently where she’d always run off to in highschool.”
  342. “No way, really?!” Jack says, sitting up straighter now. “Crap, I guessed a porn shop.”
  344. “Mine was that old abandoned warehouse.”
  346. Sandra lets out a sigh before placing the book on the table with care, and then turning to Anon. “Well?”
  348. “How do you know the toys are going to fit in the cupboard?” Anon asks.
  350. “We won’t until you open the damn box!” Sandra says.
  352. Shaking his head, Anon grabs his package before placing it on his lap. Carefully, he takes off the tape on the box before opening it up.
  354. The smile he had turns to a shocked look of horror as he stares down at the contents of the box. The other three look at Anon in puzzlement.
  356. “Are they broken?” Jack asks, leaning forward, trying to look into the box.
  358. Anon reaches into the box, pulling out one of the toys in the air: it was a very colorful pony. “They aren’t Transformers… It’s… It’s My Little Pony…”
  360. It only takes the three a few seconds before they blow up in laughter at Anon’s toys. Anon continues to look in the box, placing the toy back down and grabbing a piece of paper.
  362. Sandra rips the paper from his hands, wiping away her mirthful tears. “Oh dear LORD this is hilarious! Okay, okay, so the paper is saying these are prototypes to a My Little Pony series they were originally going to make but cancelled for unknown reasons. It was even going to have its own cartoon series and a full on revival based around these designs.”
  364. Having placed the box down and with the others finally calmed down, Andrew reaches in and grabs one of them. “Hmm... These aren’t actually that bad in their designs. They have some unique eyes and… their hair’s made of plastic for some reason, odd choice.”
  366. “That one’s called Pinkie Pie,” Sandra says, looking at the paper. “And the paper says the hair is plastic to get an idea how they’d look in the cartoon, with later models supposed to have brushable hair when they mass produced the toys.”
  368. “Yeah, that would fit more in line with a Hasbro product,” Andrew says.
  370. “These papers say they were also designed by someone called… Lauren Faust?”
  372. “HOLY SHIT, SERIOUSLY?!” Jack says with a mouthful of burger, now diving into the box and grabbing a toy. “She’s practically the reason the Powerpuff Girls and a whole mass of other cartoons are around!”
  374. “Yeah, I remember she did some other cartoons as well,” Andrew says, looking at the box. “These could be pretty valuable, even more so than the Transformers, Anon.”
  376. “…I wanted Bumblebee…” he mutters out dejectedly.
  378. “What exactly does Lauren Faust do now?” Andrew says, grabbing a pony himself. “I only remember her going on to make some odd space-like cartoon with the Powerpuff Girl design and some cartoon series on YouTube.”
  380. “Many years ago, and no one knows how, she somehow got some job in the higher ups in Cartoon Network and now she controls what cartoons wind up in that channel,” Jack says while inspecting an orange colored pony with a Stetson.
  382. “I wonder if that has something to do with these being cancelled,” Sandra says, grabbing a purple unicorn.
  384. Jack starts to grab some of the ponies, placing them into the cupboard before stopping, inspecting some of the toys a little more.
  386. Going back over the toys a few times, he winds up placing only five of the toys in the cupboard, leaving the others in the box.
  388. “You’re going to have to clean those other toys very carefully before placing them in the box, Anon,” Jack says, placing the box by him. “They’re pretty dirty and need some cleaning.”
  390. “Whatever,” Anon replies back, eating a burger. Sandra slaps his head, making him choke. He coughs a few times before turning to Sandra angrily. “And that was for?”
  392. “You didn’t even say anything on the cupboard!”
  394. Noticing his rudeness, he lightly blushes, looking at the cupboard now with five ponies in it. “It’s a really nice cupboard, though I don’t think it deserves My Little Pony toys in it.”
  396. “Too bad, I’m expecting those toys in it now!” Sandra says with a smirk.
  398. Anon lets out a groan before looking at the box full of toys. Seeing the paper, he grabs it and skims it, looking back at the cupboard.
  400. “So we have Pinkie Pie,” Anon says, pointing at the pony, “Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy… and Rainbow Dash. God, that last one looks like it was intentionally made for the “cool and hip” kids…”
  402. “I think it looks awesome!” Sandra says, looking at the toy herself.
  404. “Can we do something else instead of messing with these toys?” Anon asks, looking at the other three.
  406. “Lucky for you, I brought my rule book over for just such an occasion,” Andrew says, grabbing some books and a small box from his backpack.
  408. “I call DM!” Sandra says, trying to grab the books from Andrew.
  410. “Hell no!” Andrew says, pulling the books from Sandra’s grasp.
  412. “You always force us into some deathtrap that always winds up with us dead in the first half hour!” Jack says, clearing the table.
  414. “…So? Just find a way out of the damn things you bunch of pussies!”
  416. Anon merely watches the scene with a smile. While upset with his toys, he’s still quite happy with how everything’s turned up on his birthday with his friends.
  418. …If only these weren’t pony toys, it’d be even better.
  420. After several hours of playing with his friends, they all cleaned up and said their goodbyes, promising to come back sometime next week to hang out some more. Anon, now dead tired, drags his feet towards his bedroom, wanting nothing more than to sleep.
  422. Turning off the light to his room, he lets out a loud yawn, throwing his shoes off, and foregoing stripping before making his way to the bed. He immediately stops, slowly turning his head over to the opened cupboard with the five ponies standing inside, now on the stand beside his bed.
  424. “You stand out like a sore thumb,” Anon mumbles, looking around the room, mostly covered in his still unpacked boxes from the move over a week ago. “I really should unpack tomorrow,” he says, walking over to the cupboard and closing the door.
  426. It creaks right back open, making Anon frown. Closing it once more, it only creaks open once again, to which Anon grumbles at.
  428. “Darn things not even closing right,” he mutters out, inspecting the door. “Just something I need to fix as well,” he says before grabbing the key in his pocket. “But for now, I’ll just lock you up.”
  430. Closing the door for a third time Anon sticks the key in and locks it up. He nods to himself before throwing the key someplace to his right on the computer stand and collapsing into his bed, going right to sleep.
  432. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  435. Anon opens his eyes quickly, noticing something amiss. He could hear noises from somewhere, and they didn’t sound like leaky pipes. It sounds like someone trying to break into his place. Looking at the far wall, he stares at an Attack on Titan clock on it, and sees it’s four in the morning. He quickly throws the pillow off his head, throwing the sheets he was tangled in off of him before jumping out of the bed.
  437. Reaching beside his bed, he grabs his Golden Bat, merchandise from Paranoia Agent, before making his way to his door. Looking into the living room, he sees he left the light on, helping him with his sight. Not noticing anything wrong, he walks slowly to the door, looking out the peephole of his entrance. Not seeing anything, he unlocks the door, rearing back his bat. Opening the door suddenly, he sees nothing outside it. Peeking to his left, then his right, he sees nothing there either.
  439. “Maybe they left,” Anon mutters to himself, closing the door and relocking it. “…Or maybe they’re already inside?” he says, looking towards the bathroom, the only other place in the apartment.
  441. Slowly walking to it, Anon gulps down a dry breathe before slamming the door open and turning on the light. Looking at the small bathroom, he sees nothing wrong.
  443. “…Maybe they ran into my room while my back was turned,” he says, now walking towards his room.
  445. Kicking his door down, he slams the lights on and looks around the place, but it was the same as before, with nothing out of place. After a few moments, Anon lets out a sigh, lowering his bat and placing it down against the wall.
  447. “My mind must be playing tricks on me,” he says, wiping the cold sweat from his brow.
  449. Walking towards the bed, ready to go back to sleep, Anon notices one thing out of place: the cupboard was now open and unlocked. Furrowing his brow, he looks at the cupboard, also noticing that the toys are gone. Anon now starts to feel paranoid at what he might have missed. There was obviously someone else in his apartment, and he somehow missed them. Maybe it was one of the guys screwing with him?
  451. …Or maybe it’s someone after the toys? But why would they want the stupid things? Are they really that valuable? Breathing quietly, not wanting to make too much noise in fear of being heard by his intruder, Anon slowly makes his way back to the bat, only stopping from seeing something absolutely terrifying to him.
  453. It was one of the missing ponies, the white colored one, now standing at his door, staring up at him. This is some Stephen King shit, Anon thinks, staring down at the pony that’s staring back at him.
  455. Neither of them moves, only staring back and forth, with only them blinking at one another. Anon, empty minded at the moment, is currently having a difficult time processing the seemingly animated toy. Maybe it’s a remote controlled toy and someone’s fucking with me? Anon asks himself. But… what if I’m wrong? I could also be dreaming.
  457. “What… in the fuck…”
  459. “IT’S THE GIANT PONY EATING MONSTER!!!” he hears being yelled behind him.
  461. Turning around, Anon sees a pink pony on his bed. The pony lets out a scream from being seen, jumping down into his sheets for cover. Looking back at the other pony, Anon sees it’s now got some odd purplish glow around it along with a rather large shadow on the ground surrounding it.
  463. Slowly looking up, he now sees his Paranoia Agent bat levitating over him in a very threatening manner. Before he could react to it the bat slams down on his head in a piercing clang. He collapses towards the floor on his back from the hit in a loud thump. Letting out a groan, Anon blinks a few times, trying to clear his vision from all the duplicates around the room.
  465. Looking up, he sees a blurred-out blue pony flapping its wings, flying above him. “HIT IT AGAIN, RARITY!”
  467. “Oh dear, oh dear—I’M SORRY!” he hears being yelled out as the bat comes flying back towards his face once more.
  469. “I just wanted Transformers,” is the last thing he says as the bat collides with his face, effectively knocking Anon out.
  472. ~End Chapter One~
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