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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. #SingleInstance force
  2. SetBatchLines, -1
  3. SetWinDelay, -1
  4. ListLines Off
  5. Process, Priority,, high
  6. DetectHiddenWindows, On
  7. initial_load_config := "0"
  9. x1 := Round(A_ScreenWidth / 13.913)
  10. y1 := Round(A_ScreenHeight / 5.8695)
  11. radar_radius := Round(A_ScreenWidth / 15.484)
  12. radar_radius_2 := radar_radius*2
  13. low_fov_px := Round(radar_radius / 24.8)
  15. if ((A_ScreenWidth=1280)and(A_ScreenHeight=1024))or((A_ScreenWidth=1280)and(A_ScreenHeight=960))or((A_ScreenWidth=1152)and(A_ScreenHeight=864))
  16. {
  17. x1 := Round(1920 / 13.913)
  18. y1 := Round(1080 / 5.8695)
  19. radar_radius := Round(1920 / 15.484)
  20. radar_radius_2 := radar_radius*2
  21. low_fov_px := Round(radar_radius / 24.8)
  22. }
  25. FileRead, aimbot_key, ahk_aimbot_key.txt
  27. stringreplace, aimbot_key, aimbot_key, *~$
  29. if (workingDir = "desktop")
  30. {
  31. if (initial_load_config = "0")
  32. {
  33. SetWorkingDir, E:\w1zware CSGO\Config
  34. FileRead, Legit, current_profile.txt
  35. SetWorkingDir, E:\w1zware CSGO\Config\%Legit%
  36. }
  37. else
  38. {
  39. SetWorkingDir, E:\w1zware CSGO\Config
  40. FileAppend, %Legit%,
  41. SetWorkingDir, E:\w1zware CSGO\Config\%Legit%
  42. }
  43. FileRead, aimbot, ahk_aimbot.txt
  44. FileRead, aim_delay, ahk_aimbot_delay.txt
  45. FileRead, aim_fov, ahk_aimbot_fov.txt
  46. FileRead, aim_lock_speed, ahk_aimbot_lock_speed.txt
  47. FileRead, aim_trace_speed, ahk_aimbot_trace_speed.txt
  48. FileRead, aimbot_type, ahk_aimbot_mode.txt
  49. FileRead, aim_smooth, ahk_aimbot_smooth.txt
  50. FileRead, aim_offset, ahk_aimbot_offset.txt
  52. }
  54. FileRead,connection_log, E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs\connection_log.txt
  55. SetSteamID_loc:=InStr(connection_log,"SetSteamID(",,0)
  56. ClosingBracket_loc:=InStr(connection_log,"]",,SetSteamID_loc+17)
  57. SteamID:=SubStr(connection_log,SetSteamID_loc+17,ClosingBracket_loc-(SetSteamID_loc+17))
  58. FileRead,user_config,E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\%SteamID%\730\local\cfg\config.cfg
  59. Sensitivity_loc:=InStr(user_config,"`nsensitivity """)
  60. ClosingQuote_loc:=InStr(user_config,"""",,Sensitivity_loc+14)
  61. sensitivity:=SubStr(user_config,Sensitivity_loc+14,ClosingQuote_loc-(Sensitivity_loc+14))
  62. ZoomSensitivity_loc:=InStr(user_config,"`nzoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse")
  63. ClosingQuote_loc:=InStr(user_config,"""",,ZoomSensitivity_loc+31)
  64. zoom_sensitivity:=SubStr(user_config,ZoomSensitivity_loc+31,ClosingQuote_loc-(ZoomSensitivity_loc+31))
  65. IfInString,user_config,`nbind "]"
  66. {
  67. IfNotInString,user_config,`nbind "]" "zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse %zoom_sensitivity%"
  68. MsgBox Error: Please unbind the key "]" or rebind it to another key in CSGO. The script needs to use this key for some features.
  69. else
  70. {
  71. }
  72. }
  73. else
  74. FileAppend,bind "]" "zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse %zoom_sensitivity%"`n,E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\%SteamID%\730\local\cfg\config.cfg
  75. IfInString,user_config,`nbind "\"
  76. {
  77. IfNotInString,user_config,`nbind "\" "zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 2.25"
  78. MsgBox Error: Please unbind the key "\" or rebind it to another key in CSGO. The script needs to use this key for some features.
  79. else
  80. {
  81. }
  82. }
  83. else
  84. FileAppend,bind "\" "zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 2.25"`n,E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\%SteamID%\730\local\cfg\config.cfg
  87. aimbot:
  88. gui, submit, NoHide
  89. SetKeyDelay -1
  90. SetMouseDelay -1
  91. if (aimbot = "1")
  92. Send {Blind}{\}
  93. aim_lock := 10 / aim_lock_speed
  94. aim_trace := 10 / aim_trace_speed
  95. if (aim_fov>radar_radius)
  96. aim_fov_b := (aim_fov - radar_radius)
  97. if (aim_fov<radar_radius)
  98. aim_fov_b := 0
  99. if (A_ScreenWidth=1920) and (A_ScreenHeight=1080)
  100. x1 := (138 - aim_offset)
  101. else
  102. x1 := (Round(A_ScreenWidth / 13.913) - aim_offset)
  103. if GetKeyState(aimbot_key,"P") and aimbot = "1" and aimbot_type = "SilentAim" and script = "1"
  104. if GetKeyState(aimbot_key,"P") and aimbot = "1" and aimbot_type = "Snap" and script = "1"
  105. {
  106. SetMouseDelay 10
  107. DllCall("Sleep",UInt,15)
  108. Send {Blind}{LButton}
  109. }
  110. while GetKeyState(aimbot_key,"P") and aimbot = "1" and aimbot_type = "Normal" and script = "1" and aim_smooth = "0"
  111. {
  112. Sleep %aim_delay%
  113. }
  114. while GetKeyState(aimbot_key,"P") and aimbot = "1" and aimbot_type = "Normal" and script = "1" and aim_smooth = "1"
  115. {
  116. DllCall("Sleep",UInt,aim_delay)
  117. }
  118. if (aimbot = "1")
  119. Send {Blind}{]}
  120. SetKeyDelay 10
  121. SetMouseDelay 10
  122. ToolTip
  123. return
  125. inputbox:
  126. gui, submit, nohide
  127. inputx := 1
  128. InputBox, inputx, , Type the toggle you want (ex. aimbot on),,,,,,, 90
  129. if ErrorLevel
  130. return
  131. else
  132. {
  133. if inputx = commands
  134. {
  135. MsgBox, Available commands:`n `naimbot [on off]`naimbot_smooth [on off]`nbhop [on off]`ntriggerbot [on off]`nnorecoil [on off]`nspinbot [on off]`nautofire [on off]`nstrafehack [on off]`nzeus [on off]`nlagswitch [on off]`nspinbot_type [360, Random, Down + 360]`ntriggerbot_sensitivity [Number]`naimbot_delay [delay in ms]`naimbot_fov [Number]`naimbot_lock_speed [Number]`naimbot_trace_speed [Number]`nautofire_delay [delay in ms]`nchatspam_delay [delay in ms]`nbuybind [1,2,3] [weapon, weapon,....]`nnorecoil_type [AK-47, M4A4]`nsensitivity [your sensitivity]`n
  136. goto, inputbox
  137. }
  138. if (inputx = "script on") or (inputx = "script 1")
  139. {
  140. GuiControl,, script, 1
  141. MsgBox Script turned ON
  142. goto, inputbox
  143. }
  144. if (inputx = "script off") or (inputx = "script 0")
  145. {
  146. GuiControl,, script, 0
  147. MsgBox Script turned OFF
  148. goto, inputbox
  149. }
  150. if (inputx = "aimbot on") or (inputx = "aimbot 1")
  151. {
  152. GuiControl,, aimbot, 1
  153. MsgBox Aimbot turned ON. Key: LeftAlt
  154. goto, inputbox
  155. }
  156. if (inputx = "aimbot off") or (inputx = "aimbot 0")
  157. {
  158. GuiControl,, aimbot, 0
  159. MsgBox Aimbot turned OFF
  160. goto, inputbox
  161. }
  162. if (inputx = "aimbot_smooth on") or (inputx = "aimbot_smooth 1")
  163. {
  164. GuiControl,, aim_smooth, 1
  165. MsgBox Smooth Aimbot turned ON
  166. goto, inputbox
  167. }
  168. if (inputx = "aimbot_smooth off") or (inputx = "aimbot_smooth 0")
  169. {
  170. GuiControl,, aim_smooth, 0
  171. MsgBox Smooth Aimbot turned OFF
  172. goto, inputbox
  173. }
  174. if inputx = aimbot
  175. {
  176. if aimbot = 1
  177. {
  178. MsgBox Aimbot is currently ON. Key: %aimbot_key%
  179. }
  180. else
  181. {
  182. MsgBox Aimbot is currently OFF
  183. }
  184. goto, inputbox
  185. }
  187. }
  188. ifinstring, inputx, aimbot_type
  189. {
  190. aimbot_type := SubStr(inputx, 13)
  191. if (aimbot_type != "Normal") and (aimbot_type != "Snap") and (aimbot_type != "SilentAim")
  192. {
  193. MsgBox,, Error, Invalid Aimbot type
  194. }
  195. else
  196. {
  197. if aimbot_type = Normal
  198. {
  199. GuiControl,, aimbot_type, |Normal||Snap|SilentAim|
  200. }
  201. if aimbot_type = Snap
  202. {
  203. GuiControl,, aimbot_type, |Normal|Snap||SilentAim|
  204. }
  205. if aimbot_type = SilentAim
  206. {
  207. GuiControl,, aimbot_type, |Normal|Snap|SilentAim||
  208. }
  209. MsgBox Aimbot type set to %aimbot_type%
  210. }
  211. goto, inputbox
  212. }
  213. ifinstring, inputx, sensitivity
  214. {
  215. if inputx = sensitivity
  216. {
  217. MsgBox Current sensitivity: %sensitivity%
  218. goto, inputbox
  219. }
  220. if (workingDir = "Downloads")
  221. {
  222. SetWorkingDir,E:\w1zware CSGO\Config\%current_profile%
  223. }
  224. else
  225. {
  226. SetWorkingDir, E:\w1zware CSGO\Config\%current_profile%
  227. }
  228. sensitivity := SubStr(inputx, 13)
  229. FileDelete, ahk_sensitivity.txt
  230. FileAppend, %sensitivity%, ahk_sensitivity.txt
  231. MsgBox Sensitivity set to %sensitivity%
  232. goto, inputbox
  233. }
  234. ifinstring, inputx, aimbot_fov
  235. {
  236. if inputx = aimbot_fov
  237. {
  238. MsgBox Current Aimbot FOV: %aim_fov%
  239. goto, inputbox
  240. }
  241. aim_fov := SubStr(inputx, 12)
  242. GuiControl,, aim_fov, %aim_fov%
  243. MsgBox Aimbot FOV set to %aim_fov%
  244. goto, inputbox
  245. }
  246. ifinstring, inputx, aimbot_delay
  247. {
  248. if inputx = aimbot_delay
  249. {
  250. MsgBox Current Aimbot delay: %aim_delay%
  251. goto, inputbox
  252. }
  253. aim_delay := SubStr(inputx, 14)
  254. GuiControl,, aim_delay, %aim_delay%
  255. MsgBox Aimbot delay set to %aim_delay%
  256. goto, inputbox
  257. }
  258. ifinstring, inputx, aimbot_lock_speed
  259. {
  260. if inputx = aimbot_lock_speed
  261. {
  262. MsgBox Current Aimbot lock speed: %aim_lock_speed%
  263. goto, inputbox
  264. }
  265. aim_lock_speed := SubStr(inputx, 19)
  266. GuiControl,, aim_lock_speed, %aim_lock_speed%
  267. MsgBox Aimbot lock speed set to %aim_lock_speed%
  268. goto, inputbox
  269. }
  270. ifinstring, inputx, aimbot_trace_speed
  271. {
  272. if inputx = aimbot_trace_speed
  273. {
  274. MsgBox Current Aimbot trace speed: %aim_trace_speed%
  275. goto, inputbox
  276. }
  277. aim_trace_speed := SubStr(inputx, 20)
  278. GuiControl,, aim_trace_speed, %aim_trace_speed%
  279. MsgBox Aimbot trace speed set to %aim_trace_speed%
  280. goto, inputbox
  281. }
  282. else
  283. {
  284. MsgBox,, Error, Unknown command. Type "commands" in the InputBox to show a list of available commands.
  285. goto, inputbox
  286. }
  288. return
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