
SCU sexy flirtings

Nov 16th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Thorn watched Quinn as she tried to bat her eyelashes at him for a bite. He cleared his throat and used his tongue to slip between the buttery folds of pastry to lap up some of the chocolate filling in a manner that was way to seductive for eating pastries. "Oh..I could go at this all day." He told her with a cheeky fucking grin, then looked at Penelope, still licking at the filling of his criossant."How are you tonight Penny?"
  2. Alexithymiaa: "You're not very nice." She spoke in monotone, slumping back against the cushions with a frown, her eyes flicking over to watch him with the pastry again. "Penelope, don't you think he should share?"-
  3. Tsaaq: "He owes us... After the lovely massage we gave him last night." Penelope chimed in as she smiled over at him. "You have to. Give her a piece. Now." She used her usual cheery tone when demanding he share.
  4. Covet: "Excuse you, I'm very nice. I haven't heard a please, since I sat down. So maybe it's your manners, 'Queeny.' " Thorn said as he took another bite, the criossant getting smaller and smaller. "I'm fantastic at sharing, ladies." He said with a cackle, then scoffed, "Massage? What massage? Forcing me to strip down and groping my gorgeous naked form, so doesn't count as a massage. I still want to hear a god damn please. You demanding harpies."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn pounted again, leaning in a little closer to him, her head getting awfully close to the pastry in his hand. "But Thorn..." She whined a little, licking her lips. "Next time I get food, I'm not going to share with you either, then."-
  6. Tsaaq: Penelope scooted closer to him. "Don't act like you didn't like it!" She sassed. "Be nice to Quinn. Pleaaaaassse? Pretty please with cherry on top." She put on her most innocent face as she clasped her hands, pouting as she went to nudge him. "Or you'll be sorry..."
  7. Covet: Thorn watched her then let his chest shake as he laughed. Then put the pastry up and out of her reach, as he grabbed her face, squishing her cheeks together. "But Quinn...all you have to say is please... say it with me..." He said then moved his hand to make her lips move, "Please can I have a bite of your delicious pastry, Thorn." Thorn let go, then looked at her, "See not so hard, Now you try." He said then looked at Penelope, "See. She knows how to say it, and now she gets a bite." He said holding out what was left to Penelope.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She let him have his fun with her face, her mouth falling open when he held the pastry out to Penelope. "Hey...." She looked like a beaten puppy, leaning back into her own space and slumping down in her seat.-
  9. Tsaaq: She sat up straight and stared at Thorn before opening her mouth and holding her tongue out for him a moment then taking as small a bite as she possibly could. "Well then." She began to wipe the corners of her lips. "That is mighty tasty." She shimmied a moment with a playful hum.
  10. Covet: Thorn smirked at Penelope watching her, then looked back at Quinn, "Look at what you're missing out on. C'mon say it. Just one little word. I believe in you Queeny. Then you can have a bite...better hurry before it's all gone...." He taunted her as he opened his mouth and slolwy moved the pastry towards it.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She set her jaw as she watched him, her eyes going glassy. "Why are you doing this?" She asked in a small voice, playing up the upsetness even though she was upset, just not crying upset.-
  12. Tsaaq: "Just say 'please' Quinn. You don't have to mean it. I do it all the time." She said to her before giving her a comforting smile. "And it's almost gone." Her hand waced to the crossaint.
  13. Covet: He groaned, loudly and obnoxiously at Quinn's pouty face and the watery eyes happening. " Fine, here have the rest. I hate that pretend crying bullshit. I have two sisters okay. I've seen it all." He said more to both of them. "I will have you know, just for that Penny is my favorite tonight, because even if she doesn't mean it, she still takes orders like a good girl" He said with a devilish grin at her.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She instantly smiled at him and took the rest of the pastry, popping it into her mouth since there wasnt much left. She carefully licked the chocolate off her fingers because she wasnt going to waste a single taste. "If being the favorite comes with following orders, then I guess I'm not a good girl." She said with a quick shrug, tossing him another smile now that she was happy with pastry goodness.-
  15. Tsaaq: Penelope scrunched up her nose then turned to Thorn and pushed him in his shoulder. "Excuse you I'm not a good girl. Good is a very loaded term." She corrected with a raise of her index finger. "I am... 'One who seems an oppurtunity and takes it' girl." She told him sternly.
  16. Covet: Thorn watched Quinn lick her fingers intently, then looked back at Penny "Loaded indeed. There's lots of things you could be good at, that maybe aren't so good." He said, coyly. "Is that why I was topless last night then? I wouldn't say that as you taking an opportunity, but making one."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Carpe diem." She said quickly, leaning forward to grab her coffee cup to bring it up to her lips, frowning when she remembered it was empty and set it back down on the table. "Does anyone else want a refill?"-
  18. Tsaaq: She gave another nod. "Very true." She nodded. "I make my own quite often." She smirked at Thorn. "Don't be a pervert, Thorny. I've never stated that I do such things." She let out a high pitched huff. "That would be phenomenal." Penelope answered Quinn.
  19. Covet: "Sorry Penny, I can't help it. It's part of who I am." He said very proudly then lifted up his cup, "Nah, I'm good. But thanks." He said then relaxed back into the couch, checking the time, so he wouldn't be late for his shift.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "What's your drink?" She asked Penelope as she pushed up to her feet, turning around to look at the two. "Somewhere more important to be, Thorn?"-
  21. Tsaaq: "I'll just get some cold brew. Blended beverages have too much sugar." She requested. "Don't you remember. He'll be abandoning us to work soon." Penelope slowly shook her head at him. "So... About my nurse's outfit..." She trailed off. "Am I allowed to come along and play dress up?" She asked him with a raise of her eyebrow.
  22. Covet: "Yeah, gotta go be a hero and save lives tonight. Or sit around studying and playing foosball with the crew." Thorn said with a shrug then did a double take at Penelope, "Your nurse's.. what? Who's being a pervert now? That is a place of business and professionals, Penelope." He said only pretending to act shocked and prudish.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Got it." She said as she picked up her cup to bring back to the barista, rolling her eyes. "Can you tell me when you guys finally hook up so I can remember to act surprised? Thanks." She turned and quickly walked over to the front counter, ordering her second cup of coffee along with Penelope's. Paying with her card, she waited on the two beverages, returning shortly after to pass the redhead's back to her.-
  24. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes at him. "Stop that." She pursed her lips at him and squinted her brown eyes. "It was a sexy halloween costume I'd like to wear again. That's all. You lothario." Penelope tossed some of he rhair over her shoulder. She took her drink from Quinn. "You stop it too. What ever implied that we were going to hook up?" She asked innocently.
  25. Covet: Thorn cackled loudly becaues he was entertained, "Yeah, if I'm going to hook up, it's gonna be both of you, hopefully at the same time." He said completely jokingly but still throwing out that line because he's a dude and that's like, lifegoals.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, playing dress up in a sexy nurse outfit sounds like a hook up if I ever heard one." She said with a laugh, moving back to the couch to take a seat and sip on her coffee, raising her brows at Thorn. "At least you have big dreams. Good for you."-
  27. Tsaaq: "Excuse you?" She scoffed, feigning being offended. "If you can have me alone then you most certainly can't have me with company." She turned up her nose and crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes, he certainly does. It's adorable." Penelope whispered. "And for the record? A sexy nurse's outfit could just be for the sake of feeling sexy. Which I like to do, because it aids boosting my confidence." She corrected Quinn with a cheery smile.
  28. Covet: "Penny's got a point. She's a total tease. If I couldn't hook it, with her in lingerie, a nurse's outfit isn't going to get me any closer." He said with a laugh, "I'm so glad you're both so supportive of my dreams here. I'll remember this if either of you are choking."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Something about being a nurse just sounds extremely unsatisfying to me..." She said in an airy voice because she was more in her own head at this point in the conversation. "Maybe like... a sexy brain surgeon or something... in a crisp white lab coat."-
  30. Tsaaq: Her mouth hung open in shock. "I am not!" She scoffed. "And choking on what?" She pursed her lips skeptically. "I feel very attacked. I may or may not give you something. I just like to keep you guessing. Is that so awful?" She asked with a smirk. "I suppose. But if we're making creative sexy costumes then I could simply just be a sexy prosecutor with a deep V neck blazer, a miniskirt and no underwear... Probably some very tall heels. Preferably red bottoms." She described.
  31. Covet: "Well my little birds. As thoroughly turned on by professional outfits as I could be, I'm sure the guys down at the station don't want to see my boner in my scrubs. So I'm going to head out and say the pledge of allegiance on my way out the door. Don't get into any trouble tonight, and if you do, you know my number, for emergency uses only." He said as he took his bag and his coffee, strutting out the door.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Yes!" She excitedly said to Penelope, nodding her head and being happy over sexy successful female costumes. "Oh, okay by Thorn, don't get too excited." She said with a laugh, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I should probably head home too. It's pretty late.'_
  33. Tsaaq: "I'm right behind you dearie." She yawned and she got up from the couch. She sipped her coffee and pulled out her phone. "Night Thorny. See you tomorrow." She called out. "And I'll see you at home." Penelope wiggled her fingers at Quinn and went to leave the cafe.
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