
Bio I

Nov 25th, 2011
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  1. *The Basic Information*
  2. Name: Sunflower James Lavender
  3. Age: 13
  4. Height: 60 inches
  5. Weight: 96 pounds
  6. DOB: October 13th
  7. Eye Color: Coco Brown
  8. Skin Color: French Vanilla
  9. Hair: Chest Nut Brown
  11. *Going into Detail*
  12. History:
  14. Personality: Sunflower is a perfect gentleman or lady depending on his choice of clothing that day. He will always allow the elderly and young go be seated first and to go first. If he finds a item upon the ground he will go out of his way even to find the original owner. But there are days when Sunflower just feels like being a straight brat. On these days its best just to live him along and give him his space unless one wish’s to feel his shaky bite. Though if one was to look a past the gentleman and sometimes the brat they will find a lost little
  16. Physical Appearance: Sunflower is blessed shoulder length long brown hair, The style of his hair has been length to the one worn by European Princes as all the ends are a even length and maintain such length from all possible angles. Going into detail one will notice a slight curve to his form and a slight sway as he makes his way from point a to point be. There is a possible hint of girlish charm about him as his nails are always clipped and rounded, his face too most of the time is free from any trace of facial hair and his hair is often to seen neatly brushed out and divided down the middle.
  18. Aptitude/ Certification/ Education: Sunflower is skilled in the ways of penning verse and prose. He has published several Novellas on such sites as and is latest project ‘New Spring: A Novella has a current word count of thirteen thousand is still growing. Along with being a budding wordsmith the young man also has a working understanding of varies software programs. On the subject of life skills he had received training from the local chapter of the Red Cross on Baby Sitting and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). He has also currently enrolled in a local middle school. Going past report cards he seems to be strong in the fields of Science and History, Okay in the Fields of History and Reading and English and very weak in Math.
  20. Physical Strengths: Though cursed some might say with a very girlish frame one would unwise to say the boy is weak or frail. Countless hours of practice with wooden swords and countless miles of free running have left there mark upon the boys body. His legs are well tone and his chest two is as hard as a rock.
  22. Mental Strengths: One can say East meets West in the young mans mind you can say. As the young man is a straightest of such, countless hours of playing Suikoden V and Nobunaga’s Ambition: Rise to Power and Iron Triangle along with many of sunny afternoon in reading Sun Tzu’s Art of War all have counted toward the birth of this idea. These skills also in his little mind make him to be feared in the board game of Chess.
  39. *Lose bites of Information*
  41. Pain Tolerance : One a scale from one to ten it would be around a five.
  42. Favorite Food/Drink: New York Strip Steak / Root Beer
  43. Favorite Candy: Any kind of candy that has Peanut butter in it.
  44. Favorite Time of Day: The Witching Hour ( 12:00 PM - 3:00 AM)
  45. Favorite Animal: Unicorn
  46. Favorite Scent: Lavender
  47. Allergens: Strawberries: Sunflower is allergic to strawberries. Even the slightest taste of one will send him the ER of a Hospital. On the note of Allergens and since Sunflowers is quite a common one and is often hard to avoid his doctor has given him a
  48. Hobby: Reading and brushing up on his understand of ghost and other supernatural things. And when there a anime convention in town or the mood is right he does enjoy cross-playing/cross-dressing.
  49. Least Favorite Food/Drink: Roasted Corn/ Grape Soda
  50. Least Favorite Time of Day: Morning
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