

Jun 7th, 2018
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  1. Saitoka has joined the chat
  2. QnDebShadow: he says he is ready any time
  3. QnDebShadow: And hello Bro Lord King Sai :D
  4. Saitoka: I'll watch ya and make any comments you missed.
  5. Saitoka: Go for it sis :D
  6. tRight1 has joined the chat
  7. QnDebShadow: Welcome tRight. Once you have loaded, please come stand in front of us. I want to thank you for your interest in Kaz'geroth and your patience to get to this interview
  8. tRight1 has left the chat
  9. tRight1 has joined the chat
  10. Saitoka: Welcome back
  11. QnDebShadow: Welcome tRight. Once you have loaded, please come stand in front of us. I want to thank you for your interest in Kaz'geroth and your patience to get to this interview. This is King Sai I am Lady Malevolent
  12. tRight1: hello, thank you for getting back to me, nice to meet the both of you
  13. QnDebShadow: First, i would like to ask, what drives you to role play?
  14. tRight1: I just love the experience of "living" in a different world than my own. I have always been interested in RP, it gives me a chance to tell a story and have fun while not worrying about normal self /problems
  15. QnDebShadow: Sorry for my lack of manners. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. What was it about Kaz'geroth that got you interested to fill out an Application?
  16. tRight1: No worries, I've been searching for a good role play that revolves around demons. I honestly stumbled upon Kaz'geroth by accident. However, once I read the setting, and how the community works I knew i would really enjoy it.
  17. QnDebShadow: -smiles- I have read your application, but tell us a bit about your character, abilities
  18. Saitoka: We are all very close to one another and quite accepting, though as you can see through this interview we are careful with whom we are allowing in the kingdom. Since we are a closed universe this means we dont have any outside alliances or enemies
  19. tRight1: I completely understand, I also have been looking for something like that so that sounds really awesome.
  20. tRight1: As for my character, His name is Valdis, I probably could use some work on this character as he is new, however I like to think of his as an outcast. He was born in one of the deepest pits of hell, where most of the souls that are damned to hell reside. Because of this he is seen to most as a lesser demon, as his role was simply to watch over the souls. He eventually grew tired of this, and decided to venture out into the mortal world, or Mundane Realm if i remember correctly. He worked several years under different warlord, trying to master his sword play. During this time he grew immensely strong, even for a demon. He uses this strength in his sword play, usually fighting very dirty. However getting as close as he does during fights leaves him exposed when there are multiple or highly skilled swordsmen/ladies. His skill of deception usually helps him in this area. He is able to see into the mind of mortals, and predict there closest loved one, then trick his enemies into believing he is that person. Sometimes he is able to do so without physically changing his appearance. However he is only able to keep up this disquise for a limited amount of time. He is very nervous and usually shy, yet he is pretty good at hiding that.
  21. tRight1: Sorry if that was too long, and if I missed anything, again this is a new character for me.
  22. QnDebShadow: No, thats fine. We all started the same, when character building :)
  23. tRight1: Thats reassuring thank you :)
  24. QnDebShadow: How often are you online? One of the rules is if you are gone for 3 consecutive days, it will affect your trial, if you make it to that point, Unless you let The King or one of the sins know you will be gone that amount of time, or longer, and why
  25. tRight1: Im usually on every night, I work during the day so I am usually not on until 8:30-9pm EST
  26. tRight1: Some days earlier however.
  27. QnDebShadow: We understand rl always comes first, just letting you know if you are gone, let someone know :)
  28. tRight1: Understood, wont have any problems there.
  29. QnDebShadow: If you do make trial, it will be 2-3 weeks, depending on what position you want. I see you would like to be a Vassal, that would be 3 weeks. What made you choose that position?
  30. tRight1: I like the idea of being higher up in the ranks, as my character seeks to prove himself. However I dont like to be in charge. I also look forward to forming a bond with a sin both in character and ooc. I am also fine with guard, then moving to vassal if possible, just to get a feel for the community.
  31. QnDebShadow: Well, lol that answers my next question of what other position you would like if Vassal was taken off the table. Seems everyone likes getting into my head XD
  32. tRight1: Lol XD I do my best haha
  33. QnDebShadow: Is this characterinvolved with any other role plays?
  34. tRight1: No he is not
  35. QnDebShadow: Do you have any enemies we should be aware of?
  36. tRight1: Nope, I am usually pretty friendly in RP unless provoked, however I end those disagreements responsibly and leave both parties satisfied.
  37. QnDebShadow: That's awesome. Helps with this next statement
  38. QnDebShadow: Please keep in mind that we are not as strict as we appear first glance. We joke, we play, but everyone has their boundaries. If something bothers you PLEASE take the matter up with that individual (in private), unless its a group offense you can state it in room. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING (Screenshots only, i say this because copy logs can be altered.). If the behavior continues then present the evidence to the mods and it will be reviewed thoroughly and dealt with. If you do not have sufficient proof but can provide 2 witnesses who can confirm the accusations, the individual(s) will be warned. If you have no proof or no witness that can confirm then none of us can help you.
  39. QnDebShadow: Reason we do not want anyone going straight to King Sai, he already has a lot to deal with and we try to get things solved so he can get his work done.
  40. tRight1: I completely understand, I honestly would try to solve any dissagreement in private first anyway, I dont like drama.
  41. Saitoka: I will try to do my best to resolve the issue if the matter does call for my attention
  42. tRight1: I respect that KIng Sai.
  43. QnDebShadow: He is very good at it as well
  44. QnDebShadow: In this rp, you will see there are some Sins as members, we worked hard to get there, and still work hard to help out our King. Saying that, the Sins deserve a bit of respect, and would like to be Addressed as lord/lady when entering any Kaz'geroth rooms. If you would like, i can provide a list if you do get to trial.
  45. QnDebShadow: I always suggest writing them down for reference, easier to find then on a page somewhere
  46. tRight1: The list sounds great, and I will of course respect those and honestly anyone in RP. Unless obviously their character calls for that.
  47. QnDebShadow: The only time i really ask to called Lady Deb is when i enter the room, after that, just Deb is fine, but there are some that may ask it all the time (not usually) but in rp, all the time
  48. tRight1: understood
  49. QnDebShadow: Do you have any phobias we should know about? Sexuality, racism etc?
  50. QnDebShadow: Things you dont like being around?
  51. tRight1: None that should bother me in RP, however I dont like spiders all that much, really my biggest one... lol
  52. QnDebShadow: -chuckles- Saotoka, his chara is a spider. I dont like spiders either and he has been trying to get me to love the spider
  53. tRight1: Thats funny, anything like that on screen wouldnt bother me lol
  54. QnDebShadow: If you make trial, after one week of trial, you will be added to the group page.
  55. QnDebShadow: Do you have Discord? Rules are made in accordance of each mod present and finalized by the King. These rules can be changed, removed, or added AT ANY TIME. If there have been any changes to the rules, an announcement will be posted on the group page and the discord.
  56. tRight1: I do not currently but there is no problem getting it.
  57. QnDebShadow: if accepted on trial, you will be added once you make an account
  58. tRight1: Understood.
  59. QnDebShadowQnDebShadow : King Sai, is there anything you would like to add?
  60. Saitoka: Its easier to be yourself than to try to make an impression here. Behind these screens we are all still people. In the rp world theres no room to judge, we wont judge you and you will always have someone to watch your back.
  61. QnDebShadow: Oh also, about that solving problems with one, please if you feel at all belittled or bullied, come to one of us, we dont want to see anyone bullied or belittled. It is against one of the rules, Bullying is NOT acceptable
  62. tRight1: I honestly really appreciate that, its nice to hear that from you. I've been a part of some RP in the past that honestly didnt care one bit about things like that. Im really happy to hear that this community is the way it is. It seems very welcoming and I am honestly very excited to be a part of it, if i get the chance.
  63. QnDebShadow: Do you have any questions for us?
  64. tRight1: Only thing is i am wondering about if there is a chat order when in RP
  65. QnDebShadow: once entrance posts are made, that will be the order throughout the rp
  66. QnDebShadow: Bro also has an ooc room for when rp is going on to keep ooc out of the rp
  67. tRight1: Understood, that makes sense. Thank you.
  68. tRight1: And i like the way you guys do that
  69. QnDebShadow: there is also a tab on Discord, if you forget the order, the order will be posted in that tab, but please refrain from making comments in that tab :)
  70. tRight1: Gotcha. I can certainly do that!
  71. QnDebShadow: Thank you so much for your time and patience. If you would be a bit more patient whil i go talk to the King, we will let you know in a moment -smiles-
  72. tRight1: No problem, thank you for the opportunity
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